Rhagolwg argraffu Cau

Dangos 101 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest
Rhagolwg argraffu Hierarchy Gweld:

Correspondence relating to education issues relating to Jesuit colleges

A file of correspondence relating to general education issues in Ireland and more specific education issues relating to Jesuit colleges. Includes correspondence relating to the establishment of a colleges/schools commission including draft terms of reference (14 December 1930 - 18 January 1931, 5 items).

Material on the promotion of 'Catholic Action’

Documents relating to a report prepared by the Irish Fr Provincial for Fr General on the activities of the Irish Province for ‘the promotion of Catholic Action’. Includes covering letter and questionnaire sent out by the Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses and individuals with detailed replies from: St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street; Milltown Park, Dublin; Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin; St Stanislaus’ College, Tullamore; St Mary’s, Emo Court; University Hall, Hatch Street; Belvedere College; Clongowes Wood College; St Ignatius’ College, Galway; Sacred Heart College, Limerick; the editors of the following periodicals: 'Madonna', 'The Messenger of the Sacred Heart', 'An Timire' (The Gaelic Messenger), and 'Studies'. Also includes handwritten draft report entitled ‘The Society of Jesus in Ireland and Catholic Action’ (Summer 1936) and final printed Latin version 'De Actione Catholica in Hibernia'.

Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas

Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas.

apud Franciscum de Cea Tesa, Salmanticae, 1611

Includes insert note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, referencing Fr Timothy Corcoran's mention oF the 1st edition of 'Ianua linguarum' in his 'Studies in the History of Classical Teaching', p.14.

Heb deitl

Journal of the Rector of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

Journal of the Rector of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. Contains handwritten entries including information on: the comings and goings of various members of the community and of visitors; Retreats, Masses and special ceremonies are recorded; deaths of members of the Society and of relatives of members of the community, their health and well-being, maintenance work and renovations carried out on the buildings; customs regarding the daily lives of community members, e.g. the quality of food and dining arrangements.

Correspondence between Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and jewellers regarding monstrance

Correspondence between Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and Mr. G. P. Broderick, Director, John Smyth & Sons Ltd, Ecclesiastical Art Manufacturer, 1-5, Wicklow Lane, Wicklow Street regarding the removal of the 33 stones from one monstrance, cleaning and transfer to the O'Mara monstrance. Includes insurance quote by Coyle & Co. Brokers, Insurance Brokers of diamond monstrance (valuation of stones £3,500 and mounting £500) and valuation of T Kelly, Jeweller & Silversmith, 8 Westmoreland Street, Dublin for diamond monstrance £3,540 (3 December 1942) and silver gilt monstrance £1,980 and old monstrance £2,240 (2 March 1943).

Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ

Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, (former Irish Province Archivist) referring to a letter he received from Miss Mary Purcell, 32 Gardiner Place, Dublin 1 (whose letter is also contained in this file). Fr McGrath traces the use of Killiney Castle by the Society of Jesus (nd, 1p). Includes a letter from Mary Purcell to Fr McGrath concerning the sale of Killiney Castle to the St John of God Brothers, France. Another property is also referred to by Miss Purcell who discovered this reference in a minute of a council meeting of the Brothers of St John of God but it is unclear if this other property also belonged to the Society of Jesus. The St John of God Brothers did not continue negotiations with the Society (18 August 1977, 2pp).

Heb deitl

Material on the golden jubilee of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

A file relating to the golden jubilee of Rathfarnham Castle - 50 years as a Jesuit house. Includes lists of first Jesuits at Rathfarnham Castle, invited guests, letters from those who attended the celebrations including Éamon de Valera, President of Ireland and John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin. Includes a letter from Archbishop John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop's House, Dublin 9 to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ remarking that he will not be able to attend the lunch after mass 'You will not miss my speech, I assure you, and the Province does not need to be told what I think.' (6 September 1963, 1p).

Material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle

File containing material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle. Includes correspondence concerning the widening of the road running through the property, as envisaged by Dublin Corporation as part of its general town plan, and initial correspondence relating to the development and planning permission for the land itself. Contains letters by Donal Ó Buachalla, auctioneer, Thomas Bacon of J.G. O'Connor and Company Solicitors, E.J. Bourke, Dublin City Engineer, Frs Fergal McGrath and Patrick Doyle, Rectors, Rathfarnham Castle, and Irish Fr Provincial Cecil McGarry SJ.

Photograph of group of Jesuit brothers at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Photograph taken at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin which includes:
Back row: Edmund Keogh, Gabriel McKinney, Liam O'Hara, William Glanville, Roderick Greaney, Tony McShera.
Third row: Tony Baggot, ?, Joe Osborne, Stephen Fitzgerald, Jim Fitzgerald.
Second row: Albert Kelly, Paddy Brady, Joe Clery, James Priest, Frankie Roe.
Front row: Andy Bannon, Br John Adams, Irish Fr Provincial Charlie O'Conor SJ, Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Superior, Pat McNamara.


Group photographs of Jesuits at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Group photographs of Jesuits (named) at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin.

  • 'PP 3i Anni Rathfarnham 1941-2';
    Back row, l-r: Patrick Harper, John O'Shaugnessy, Thomas O'Callaghan, Brian McMahon, Michael O'Mahony, Gerard McLaughlin, James Kelly, Peter McSeamais. Middle row: Liam McElligott, Michael O'Meara, Terence Sheridan, Scozzeri, - Van Bogrt, Fergus Cronin, Denis Gilmore, Brendan Brennan and Peter Buschman. Front row: George Carroll, Aidan Ennis, Charles O'Conor, Henry Keane, Gerard Golden, Gerard Perrott and John Williams. Names given in 1970, of those who have died on reverse.

  • 'Autumn 1914', Juniors at Rathfarnham;
    Back row, l-r: John Farrell, Aubrey Gwynn, Thomas Moore, Denis Hayes and Colin McKillop. Middle row: Robert McCarthy, Michael Kelly, Paul O'Dea, Charles Scantlebury, Noel Burke-Gaffney, Donal McCarthy. Front row: Eddie Bourke, Charles Molony, John Ryan, Jeremiah Higgins and Kieran Ward.

  • [1958]-[1964];
    Jesuit brothers including, l-r Andre Bannon, - John Adams, Edward Keogh and Fitzgerald at Rathfarnham Castle.

  • [1958]-[1964];
    Back row, l: Anthony Baggot, Ned Keogh, John O'Connor, Gabriel McKinney, Liam O'Hara, Joseph Osborne, William Glanville, Roderick Greaney, Anthony McShera, James Fitzgerald. Middle row: Albert Kelly, Patrick Brady, Joseph Cleary, James Priest, Frank Roe. Seated: Andrew Bannon, John Adams, Charles O'Conor, Fergal McGrath, Patrick McNamara.

Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe

  • Fonds
  • 1590-2009

The Irish Colleges were established chronologically as follows: Lisbon 1590, Salamanca 1592, Santiago de Compostela 1605, Seville 1608 or 1612, Rome 1628 and Poitiers 1674. Irish Jesuits were involved in the establishment or running of the colleges at Lisbon, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela and Seville. The colleges were established with the aim of educating and training students for the priesthood and acted as service and social centres for Irish religious communities all over Europe. Fr Thomas White SJ (1558-1622) founded Salamanca. For diplomatic reasons the title of Rector was held by a Spanish Jesuit successively at Santiago (1612) and Seville (1619). Fr John Howling SJ (1543-1599) founded Lisbon.

The material comprises of notes on the Irish Colleges at Lisbon, Poitiers, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Rome by Frs Edmund Hogan (1831-1917), John MacErlean (1870-1950) and Fergal McGrath (1895-1988). Includes lists of rectors and students of the Colleges.

Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).

Heb deitl

Notes by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on ‘Manuscript of Poems on St. Thecla by Gerard Manley Hopkins’

Notes by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Province Archivist from 1975 to 1986) on ‘Manuscript of Poems on St. Thecla by Gerard Manley Hopkins.’ ‘This manuscript is written on the inner pages of a double foolscap sheet, the Latin poem on the left hand, the English on the right hand page…Both poems are in G.M. Hopkins’s handwriting, but not [signed] or dated.’ (Notes form the body of a letter sent to Dr Peter Beal (Index of English [Literary Manuscripts Series], University of Leeds) in September 1975). Includes notes on the appearance of the manuscript and lists the corrections made on the manuscript. Both poems appear in 'The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins', 4th edition, 1967.

Heb deitl

Holograph manuscript of Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla'

Holograph manuscript of Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla'. Two versions – English ‘St. Thecla’ (34 lines, 1p.) and Latin ‘In Theclam Virginem’ (16 lines). On top left and right corners respectively, A.M.D.G. and L.D.S written (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam and Laus Deo Sempe).

Heb deitl

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist 1975 to 1986) from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (Jesuit Community, Georgetown University, Washington), concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ, found in St Ignatius’ House of Writers, 35 Lower Leeson Street. ‘I confess I am appalled at the idea that these books have been carelessly assimilated into the house library. In 1947, I spent hours examining every book in the Leeson Street house Library. The result was that I segregated some fifteen or twenty books that had definitely belonged to or been used by Hopkins. All of these I turned over to Father Aubrey Gwynn, then librarian. I made clear to him what the books were, their value as having been associated with Hopkins, and suggested that they be kept as a separate collection. I do not have a detailed listing of the books…I have only two definite titles that I recall…There are also several books by Richard Watson Dixon that belonged to Hopkins…You ought to also have the autograph manuscript of Hopkins’s poem ‘St. Thecla’, as well as manuscripts of one or two of his letters.’

Books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
Annotated books, 1876 - 1884
IE IJA J/11/18 - 'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.'
IE IJA J/11/19 - 'Corpus Poetarum Latinorum'
IE IJA J/11/20 - 'The Acharnians of Aristophanes'
IE IJA J/11/21 - 'Aeschylus – Choephoroi'

Non-annotated books, 1884 - 1918
IE IJA J/11/22 - ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon
IE IJA J/11/23 - 'Poems' by Henry Patmore
IE IJA J/11/24 - 'Prometheus. The Firegiver' by Robert Bridges
IE IJA J/11/25 - 'Eros and Psyche. A Poem in Twelve Measures' by Robert Bridges

Heb deitl

Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books

Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books. Includes:
– memorandum recording an inquiry into ‘the annotated books of Hopkins’ from a Dr. James Cotter, New York, in summer 1976, ‘I wrote to him (Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ) June 21st 1977…I received no acknowledgement. He was on a visit to…Inishannon, Co. Cork’ (n.d., 1p.);
– ‘1st Memorandum re Hopkins’ Books. Sept. 8th…1976’ noting how Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ spent a summer examining all the books in the library in 1947; how Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, on becoming Province Archivist in 1975 ‘received a few enquiries about these books. Nobody in the community knew anything about them’, how he wrote to Fr Bischoff about the matter. ‘In August 1976, I found ten of these books in the lower shelf of the press immediately outside my room. I have identified them and list is herewith. There was a typed note…(by)… Fr Gwynn in the press (See J11/17) stating that the books belonged to or were used by Hopkins. I made a card index of all the books…I have marked H those certainly connected with Hopkins.’ (8 September 1976, 1p.);
– ‘2nd Memo’: ‘At present certainly identified with Hopkins 5, probably 2’ and lists them (8 September 1976, 1p.)

Heb deitl

Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books

Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books, following a recent inquiry about them from Dr James Cotter, New York. ‘I gave you the news that I had found five (probably seven) of the books used or annotated by G.M Hopkins, which you so painstakingly located in 1947. You had mentioned that you had found fifteen to twenty such books. I sent you a list of all the books which I had found in the same cupboard, and asked you to let me know whether you could establish a link between any of them and Hopkins. If my letter went astray, I shall be glad to make another copy of the list.’

Heb deitl

Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on Fr Joseph Darlington SJ for Hopkins material

Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ: “In the File ‘Darlington’ there is what appears to be an unpublished MS entitled 'The Life of Gerard Manley Hopkins in Ireland and Policy of Father Delany, S.J. – President of University College, Stephen’s Green, 1884 – 1908'. It contains very little about Hopkins, though this is of some interest.”

Heb deitl

Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature'

Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature' (Vol. 68, No. 4) of an article by Dr Norman White (English Department, U.C.D.) entitled ‘G.M Hopkins’s Contribution to the English Dialect Dictionary’ pp.325 – 335. With dedication to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist from 1975 to 1986) from the author.

Heb deitl

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s St Thecla

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Province Archivist, 1975 to 1986) from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ (Clongowes Wood College), concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla' which Fr Burke-Savage discovered ‘while cleaning out Fr [Patrick] Connolly’s room (in St Ignatius, House of Writers, 35 Lower Leeson Street) when he was in (St.) Vincent’s having his leg set about 1948…I got leave from Engl(ish) Provincial to keep it on permanent loan.’

Heb deitl

Fr William Dargan SJ

  • IE IJA J/117
  • Ffeil
  • 18 June 1922 - 27 December 1983
  • Rhan o Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr William Dargan SJ, including biographical information, black and white photographs, birth certificate and stole with the initials W.D. (William Dargan) and the date of his ordination, 31 July 1935.

Heb deitl

'A Diary or Jottings' by Fr James F. Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/15/1
  • Eitem
  • 25 December 1889 - 1 November 1892
  • Rhan o Irish Jesuits

'A Diary or Jottings, from day to day of events, especially 1 Nov. 1892 regarding the Society and, in particular, this (Irish) Province, which may prove interesting &, perhaps, even useful when The Writer shall be many years dead and gone.’ Found enclosed is a typed note (n.d., 2pp) by an unknown Jesuit (possibly Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Irish Province Archivist 1975-1986) giving brief biographical details of Fr Murphy. Also comments on the contents of the diary, ‘Some interesting things recorded are: the initial history of all the houses of the province: the story of the setting up of Milltown as a Coll. Max.: the dispute with the Bishop of Meath (Dr Nulty) over faculties for fathers at Tullabeg: the biographies of various S.J.s (and, e.g., reference to W. Coyne, later father of Fr Eddie Coyne and to Charles Kennedy a benefactor of the province): the account of the great storm of 1890/1 and of the influenza epidemic which swept over Europe from Russia. Minutiae of the day-to-day life, customs, studies and so on, and the final account of the Provincial Congregation (June 1892) after Fr General’s (Anderledy) death are also of interest and some historical value.’ Enclosures includes extracts from diary kept in Tullabeg, 1856 (9pp).

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”

  • IE IJA J/2/99
  • Ffeil
  • [1949-1970]; 11 July 1977
  • Rhan o Irish Jesuits

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series” published by the Irish Messenger Office. Includes a note from Diarmuid [ ], Fitzpatrick’s Book Shop, 12 Cathedral Street, Upper O’ Connell Street, Dublin to Fr Fergal [McGrath] SJ in which he refers to a reprint of an insert letter by T. Cain, 22 Limetree Crescent, Cockermouth, Cumberland which corrects Fr Doyle’s date of death.

Heb deitl

Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ

Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ which documents his life from 1912 until his death, 1972.


  1. Fr Kyran Ward SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 4 photographs
  2. Group at shore front with Fr Kyran Ward SJ in the centre
  3. [ ], Br Michael Crowe SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 2 photographs
  4. Father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 27 June 1920; 2 photographs
  5. Muiris Ó Séaghdha, 5 May 1945;
  6. Villa house for Jesuits at Moville, 1913;
  7. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935];
  8. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935], James Whitaker;
  9. Group of Jesuits on a boat, Cleggan extreme left John Sulllvian, Charles Byrne, John Neary;
  10. Mortimer Glynn, Charles Byrne, A Morris, ,;
  11. Gap of Dunloe, father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 26 August 1929;
  12. Charles Byrne, Cleggan
  13. Roundstone, County Galway;
  14. Clongowes Wood College villa at Glengarriff [1928] - [1931] - Br O'Grady, Frs McGlade, C Barrett, Kieran Ward; M Kelly, James Whitaker, G Finucane, T Kelly; Frank Joy, M McCarthy and Donal Trant McCarthy.
  15. Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and ?;

Photographic album includes:

  • family photographs of himself and his parents (1923);
  • cycling in Wicklow with G. Dunne and J Hurley, 1912;
  • his time at Rathfarnham 1915 - 1916, with names;
  • on villa at various locations;
  • Jesuit contemporaries;
  • Jersey 1916 - 1919;
  • on villa Wicklow, while at Millltown Park, Dublin, 1919;
  • postcards from Jersey; Donegal 1923;
  • election of Pope Pius XI 1922;
  • photographs of Clongowes Wood College (1919 -1923) including hurling, rugby, cricket, swimming, rugby, tennis;
  • Clongowes union day activities, the Copper beech Winter 1920;
  • tertianship at St. Beuno's, Wales 1927 - 1928;
  • Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and Ward; Frs. Dick Butler and Paddy Cashman; later life of Fr Ward in Galway and time in France 1960’s;

Obituary of Fr Daniel Joseph O'Connell SJ

Obituary of Fr Daniel Joseph O'Connell SJ by the Vatican Observatory (4pp)and copy of a letter from Fr John P Leonard SJ, Rome, Italy to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, 35 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin describing Fr O'Connell'a death (15 October 1982, 1p).

Fr Nicholas James Tomkin SJ

A file relating to Fr Nicholas Tomkin SJ. Includes a letter from Barbara J Marek, 2150 Garnee Drive, Eagan, Minnesota, USA to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ seeking information on Frs. Nicolas and Joseph Tomkin.

Heb deitl

Fr James Tomkin SJ

A file relating to Fr Nicholas Tomkin SJ. Includes a letter from Barbara J Marek, 2150 Garnee Drive, Eagan, Minnesota, USA to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ seeking information on Frs Nicolas and Joseph Tomkin.

Heb deitl

Memorial cards and prayer cards belonging to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ

  • IE IJA J/453/10
  • Ffeil
  • 2 November 1914 - 22 August 1944
  • Rhan o Irish Jesuits

A file of memorial cards and prayer cards belonging to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ.

  • Clause O'Conor Mallins, 1914;
  • Rev, John Healy D.D., 1918;
  • Daniel Joseph McGrath, 1928;
  • Matthias McDonnell Bodkin, 1933;
  • Christina Cribbin, 1940;
  • Francis Noel O'Brien, 1944;
  • Mother Teresa Magdalen of the Holy Face (Mary Rose Bodkin), 1955;
  • Mother M. Joseph O.P., 1957;
  • Patrick Corcoran, 1970;
  • Thomas Bodkin, 1961;

Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents

  • IE IJA J/453/4
  • Ffeil
  • 12 April 1906; 31 July 1927; 7 June 1988
  • Rhan o Irish Jesuits

Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents (McAllister) on the occasion of his first holy communion (12 April 1906, 1p), and a poem written by his mother, Lady McGrath (Eleanor Mary McAlister), on the occasion of her son's ordination.

Poem by Seán Turner SJ

Two copies of a poem by Mr Seán Turner SJ entitled 'To Fr Hayes and Fr McGrath' and 'To one Taking his last Vows in Religion on the Feast of Our Lady's Purification' Too oft the spirits are the fonder, Most like a flight of steel-winged swallows glancing Like light, chasing the motes o' the air, advancing, Pausing, swooping, here, there, hither, yonder.

Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ

Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ including:

  • Biographical skecth from 'The Irish Magazine, and Monthly Aslyum for neglected biography (March 1811);
  • 'The Life of Revered Pious Predictions of the late Very Rev. Dr Betagh..' compiled by Mr Francis Daniel, printed and sold by C.M. Warren, 8 Tight Street, 1832;

Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family

A file relating to Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family. Includes an offprint of an article by William Hogan entitled 'Rev. Edmund Hogan, S.J. An Eminent Great Island Scholar' published in the Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society (vol. LXX, 1965).

Series of lectures for the students of Clongowes Wood College, arranged by Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ

Documents relating to a series of lectures for the students of Clongowes Wood College, arranged by Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ. Includes notification and programme of lectures to ‘encourage a wider range of thought and culture’ (1934-1935, 2pp);
– letters to Fr Bodkin from various academics and professionals arranging the lectures, including letters:
– from Patrick Semple, Professor of Latin, National University of Ireland (lecture on ‘The Roman Emperors’) (6 September-10 November 1934, 6 items);
– from John F Larchet, Professor of Music, National University of Ireland (lecture on ‘The Appreciation of Music’) (14 September 1934-22 February 1936, 4 items);
– from Canon P Boylan, Professor of Oriental Languages, Maynooth (lecture on Egyptology) (2 October, 4 December 1934, 3 items);
– from Michael Tierney, Professor of Greek, National University of Ireland (lecture on ‘The Historic Sights of Greece’) (7 September 1934 – 29 October 1935, 5 items);
– from Thomas Bodkin (Fr. Bodkin’s brother), D. Litt. (lecture on ‘The National Gallery’) (5 February 1935, 1p.);
– from John Joseph Robinson, F.R.I.A.I. (lecture on ‘Renaissance Architecture’) (8 September 1934-25 April 1935, 4 items);
– from Professor Joseph Doyle, Botany Department, University College Dublin (11 November-15 December 1936, 2 items);
– from Professor J.C. Sperrin-Johnson, Botany Department, University College Cork (12-22 November 1935, 2 items) and
– from Maurice Leahy (to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ), founder and editor of 'The Ireland – American Review' (14 January-25 February 1938, 6 items).

Heb deitl

Biographical information on Fr Michael Browne SJ

'Catalogus personarum primus' filled in by Fr Michael Browne SJ (1932), photocopy of obituary in newspaper (1933) and brief biography by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on Fr Browne c.[1985].

Material related to Fr Albert Power SJ

A file relating to Fr Albert Power SJ. Includes a group photograph taken at Corpus Christi College, Melbourne on the occasion of his golden jubilee (1931, 1 item). Includes photographs of himself, members of his family and the family grave in Glasnevin cemetery. Includes letters written to his cousins Daisy and Vonnie, John Comford and Georgie Power. Includes various personal items.

Heb deitl

Letters from Fr Austin Kelly SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ

A file of letters from Fr Austin Kelly SJ (Vice-Provincial of the Vice-Province 1 October 1947-1 November 1950) to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ. Includes a letter asking Fr Provincial to send out experienced Missioners., remarks 'We need subjects so much and we are not known in spite of the years we have been in the Commonwealth (6 February 1948, 1p). Includes a letter referring to a promise made to the Archbishop of Adelaide to staff the new University College in 1950. Remarks 'I see that Fr Fergal McGrath SJ is in USA on loan. Could Your Reverence possibly lend us Father McGrath for a few years to give the Adelaide University College a start - and a good one too?' (7 February 1949, 1p). Includes a letter thanking Fr Provincial for his congratulations following Australia's elevation to the status of Province. Remarks 'Please God all our fond hopes may be realised so that we shall have the vocations and support to keep going all our commitments.' (7 November 1950, 1p).

Heb deitl

Letter from Margaret Russell, Newry to Rev. Charles O'Hare concerning news of her family.

Letter from Margaret Russell, Newry to [Rev. Charles O'Hare] concerning news of her family. Refers also to vestments. Refers to her son Charles (later Lord Russell of Killowen) who won a prize for his essay and that he is to read the essay aloud in the Assembly Rooms, Newry. Remarks '...I think it was scarcely kind or judicious to ask so young a lad to come before the public as a lecturer, it is too trying an ordeal and may expose him to the charge of presumption which thank God he does not deserve...' Includes a note on the letter by Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist).

Heb deitl

Letter from Jane Mitchel to John O'Hagan

Letter from Jane Mitchel, Mill Cottage, Omeath, County Louth to John O'Hagan. Includes a note commenting on the letter by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist).

Heb deitl

Letter from Henry Bagshawe to Dr Charles Russell

Letter from Henry Bagshawe to Dr Charles Russell concerning an [article] he has written. Remarks that even though the extracts are too long he does not wish to cut them out. Includes a biographical note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist).

Heb deitl

Letter from Richard Doyle to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note

Letter from Richard Doyle, 17 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, England to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note and informing Dr Russell that he will make inquiries to an acquaintance on his behalf. Includes a note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist) on Richard Doyle and surmises that he is Dickie Doyle, an artist for Punch.

Heb deitl

Letters from Richard Lyons, Arundel Castle, Arundel to Dr Charles Russell concerning information Dr Russell requires from the library in Paris

A file of letters from Richard Lyons [second Baron and first Earl Lyons], Arundel Castle, Arundel to Dr Charles Russell concerning information Dr Russell requires from the library in Paris. Includes biographical details on Richard Lyons written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist).

Heb deitl

Letters from Goldwin Smith to Dr Charles Russell

A file of letters from Goldwin Smith to Dr Charles Russell. Includes a letter remembering a pleasant day spent at Maynooth and telling Dr Russell about a book of '...photographic views of the old Oxford which you know so well...' which he will send him. Includes biographical details on Goldwin Smith by Fr Fergal McGrath, S.J. (former Irish Province Archivist).

Heb deitl

Notes on Dominic Kirwan SJ

Biographical notes on Fr Dominic Kirwan SJ compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ. Includes extract from 'Les Monasteres d’Ursulines sous l’Ancien Régime, 1612 – 1788' by M.M. de Chantal Gueudré, O.S.M. (Paris, 1960) with reference to Fr Kirwan (Quiravan) (2pp).

Heb deitl

Manuscript by Dr Richard Robert Madden comprising a history of the Society of Jesus

Unpublished manuscript by Dr Richard Robert Madden comprising a history of the Society of Jesus from its foundation to the early nineteenth century. Attached is a printed title page dated 1874, ‘The Jesuits: In Relation to Religion, Civil Government and Society at Large, In the Several Countries From Which They Have Been Expelled’. Manuscript is divided into two ‘volumes’ (each with an attached printed title page). Volume 1 comprises 17 chapters (c.1,163pp) and Volume 2 contains 21 chapters (c.1,100pp). Also includes three sets of appendices – Volume 1 Appendix with 6 Sections (c500pp); Volume 2 Appendix with 4 Sections (c400pp) and Appendix with 14 Sections (c400pp). Also includes an explanatory note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist until 1986) (2pp, 20 April 1977). (R.R. Madden lived at 3 Vernon Terrace, Booterstown, County Dublin; the manuscript also contains envelopes dating to 1874 addressed to Madden at the Loans Office, Dublin Castle) (Part of the last page of chapter 17, volume 1 is missing)

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Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus

Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus. Includes typescript by Fr Francis Finegan SJ entitled ‘Why did David Wolf Leave the Society?’ an appendix to his privately published pamphlet on the earliest period of the Society in Ireland (n.d., 7pp);

  • nineteenth century transcript of a Latin document ‘formerly’ in the archives of the Society at Gesu, supposedly the evidence of Fr William Good SJ, accusing Fr Woulfe of a ‘moral delinquency’ (n.d., 15pp) and
  • transcript of the same made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist to 1986), with explanatory note attached (n.d., 30pp).

Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ

Lists of writers (arranged alphabetically) of the Restored Society and their publications (1832-1925, 38pp, ). Compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ of Gardiner Street, (Custodian of the Irish Province Archives, 1924-1930). Typed list of Irish Jesuit authors and title, 20th century (1900-1939, 6pp).

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Photocopy of a letter from Fr Joseph Dunn SJ, Preston, England to Fr Gaetana Angiolini SJ, Gesu, Italy

Photocopy of a letter from Fr Joseph Dunn SJ, Preston, England to Fr Gaetana Angiolini SJ, Gesu, Italy concerning the Restoration of the Society, and with references to Irish Jesuits in Palermo. In Italian; original document in the Bibliotheca Corsini, Rome (15 July 1815, 3pp) and translation of same made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist until 1986) (5pp).

Pamphlet entitled ‘Certaine observations upon the former Narration’ ‘written anno 1600 by Fr.Persons as it seemeth’

Paper-bound copy of an [unpublished?] pamphlet entitled ‘Certaine observations upon the former Narration’ ‘written anno 1600 by Fr.Persons as it seemeth’. Beg. ‘Though it be not hard for each man to reflect (and) make observations unto himselfe of what may best be noted by the precedent storie & relation: yet to helpe some mens memory & to stirre up some what more their understandinge & discourse about the premises, I have not thought amisse to represent in part by this postescript, what occurreth unto me in this contemplacion.’

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Handwritten schedule of the manuscripts in Irish compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ

Handwritten schedule of the manuscripts in Irish compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist, 1975 – 1986). Includes explanatory note by Fr McGrath concerning his compilation of the schedule (1p. 1985). Fr. McGrath lists one manuscript (number ‘3’) which an tAthair Ó Fiannachta did not. This manuscript is missing.

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Letters from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file of letters from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ:

  • letter from Fr McGrath to Fr Kieran in response to make some economies in the community and College (16 October 1939, 2pp);
  • letter from Fr McGrath to Fr Kieran raising a concern about externs who come to the early Mass at Clongowes, especially on Sundays. The matter had been raise by Fr Kehoe in Clane (11 March 1940, 3pp);
  • letter from Fr Kieran to Fr McGrath replying to his letter of 11 March 1940, raising the question of externs at the early Mass in Clongowes.

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Copies of correspondence from Irish Fr Provincial to Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ on finance and studies

Copies of correspondence from Irish Fr Provincial to Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ on finance and studies. Includes:

  • Copy letter from Irish Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ to the Fr George Roche SJ, Rector Clongowes Wood College SJ, regarding Fr General Wlodimir Ledóchowski SJ's response to financial questions regarding Clongowes, 5 November 1932 (2pp);
  • Copy letter from Irish Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ to the Rector, Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ, regarding customs at recreation at Clongowes Wood College SJ, 28 August 1934 (2pp);
  • Memorandum from Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ, "Memorandum on the Studies. Clongowes Wood College 1935", with particular reference to the Conspectus, grading of classes and a particular note on Religious Knowledge, 13 June 1935 (1p);
  • Copy of personal letter from Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ to the Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ, concerning current academic and living practices of the community and students at Clongowes, and the impact this may be having on the Province as a whole, 23 June 1940, (4pp) - accompanying this letter is a document on finances for communication to the House Consultors, "Memorandum On the Financial Condition of Clongowes", June 1940 (3pp).

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Letters between Irish Fr Provincials and Clongowes Wood College SJ regarding communications with Department of Defence

A file of letters between Irish Frs Provincial Laurence Kieran and John R MacMahon and Clongowes Wood College SJ regarding communications with the Department of Defence. The mater being considered was one where the Deptartment of Defence sought to use Clongowes as a place for storage of equipment, and in the event of an emergency, that a part of it might be used as a hospital. The advice was that Clongowes should not invite the Department of defence in, but they might have no choice. Initial letters are between Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ and Irish Fr Provincial L Kieran SJ as well as with Commandant PJ Delaney of the Department of Defence. Fr McGrath also sought the advice of his House Consultors, Fr William Dargan SJ, Henry King SJ and Cyril Power SJ. Subsequent letters were exchanged between Fr William Dargan SJ - who had been deputed to negotiate with the Ministers of Defence, Mr Oscar Traynor and Mr Francis Aiken, along with Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ.

In the event of an "emergency", the Provincial had wanted that Jesuit community members from Milltown Park and Rathfarnham Castle might be accommodated at Clongowes, along with the local community, and remaining staff and students. This was eventually accepted by the Department of Defence, as only a small portion of the buildings would be required to function as a hospital.

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The Elements of Euclid Explain’d

‘The Elements of Euclid Explain’d, in a new, but most easie method.’3rd Edition by Fr Claude Millet de Chales SJ, published in Oxford, 1700. Printed by L.L. for M. Gillyflower at the Spread-Eagle in Westminister–Hall and W. Freeman at the Bible over against the Middle-Temple-Gate, in Fleet-Street, 1700.

With inscriptions, ‘1703 Dec 23 Mr Phil[bishop] E[x] lib Jno (John) Ellis’, stamp of ‘N Riordan’ and ‘Edwin Barton from his father’
Presented to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ by Frances Riordan, 23 St Clements Rd, Harrogate, England (March 1953).

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