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Kavanagh, Michael A, 1805-1863, Jesuit priest Tallaght
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Assignment for lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin

Anne Archbold, Elizabeth Archbold, Mary Archbold, Spinsters, City of Dublin of the first part, Sarah Kavanagh, Widow of the second part and Gerald Archbold and Michael Hanrahan of the third part.

Lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin.

Terms & Conditions:
To secure a payment of £1,600.

Signed and sealed.

Lease for David Owen's farm and Chamberlain's freehold, Lordship of Tallaght, County Dublin

Robert Lord Archbishop of Dublin and John Archbold, Paper Merchant, city of Dublin.

David Owen's farm and Chamberlain's freehold, Lordship of Tallaght, County Dublin.

Terms &Conditions:
For a term of 21 years, yearly rent of £15 to be paid in four even instalments on the feast of St John the Baptist, St Michael the Archangel, the Nativity of our Blessed Lord and the Annunciation.

Signed and sealed by John Archbold.