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Milltown Park, Dublin, 1858- Milltown Park
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'A Diary or Jottings' by Fr James F. Murphy SJ
'A Diary or Jottings' by Fr James F. Murphy SJ
A Dominica prima Aduentus, & deinceps per totam quadragesimam, in singulas ferias vsque ad Pascha. Pars Hyemalis
A Dominica prima Aduentus, & deinceps per totam quadragesimam, in singulas ferias vsque ad Pascha. Pars Hyemalis
Account book of the Irish Jesuit Province
Account book of the Irish Jesuit Province
Account by Bartholomew Esmonde SJ of his voyage from Liverpool to Palermo
Account by Bartholomew Esmonde SJ of his voyage from Liverpool to Palermo
Account by Fr John Nerney SJ of the fire at Milltown Park, Dublin
Account by Fr John Nerney SJ of the fire at Milltown Park, Dublin
Account by Fr William Ronan SJ of funds collected for Mungret College
Account by Fr William Ronan SJ of funds collected for Mungret College
Admission of Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Admission of Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Admission of Seán Turner to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Admission of Seán Turner to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Admission, early life in the Society of Jesus and correspondence of Fr William Lee SJ
Admission, early life in the Society of Jesus and correspondence of Fr William Lee SJ
Adversus omnes haereses
Adversus omnes haereses
Announcement of the death of Fr Stephen Farrell SJ and obituary
Announcement of the death of Fr Stephen Farrell SJ and obituary
Application from Francis Shaw for sub-diacanate
Application from Francis Shaw for sub-diacanate
Aristotelis Stagiritae perpateticorum principis organum
Aristotelis Stagiritae perpateticorum principis organum
Ars metrica: id est, ars condendorum eleganter versuum
Ars metrica: id est, ars condendorum eleganter versuum
Article entitled 'The Christian and Work' by Fr Michael Connolly SJ
Article entitled 'The Christian and Work' by Fr Michael Connolly SJ
Biographical information on Fr John J Hannon SJ
Biographical information on Fr John J Hannon SJ
Birthday cards for Fr Aubrey Gwynn’s 90th birthday
Birthday cards for Fr Aubrey Gwynn’s 90th birthday
Black and white group photograph at the ordination of Fr Richard Gallagher SJ
Black and white group photograph at the ordination of Fr Richard Gallagher SJ
Booklet by Fr Edward Cahill SJ entitled 'The Monastery of Mungret'
Booklet by Fr Edward Cahill SJ entitled 'The Monastery of Mungret'
Br James Owens SJ
Br James Owens SJ
Br Patrick Brady SJ
Br Patrick Brady SJ
Br Vincent A Robinson SJ
Br Vincent A Robinson SJ
Charitable Work of Province
Charitable Work of Province
Chronicorum opus, in tres partes diuisum
Chronicorum opus, in tres partes diuisum
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo Abrahamo, et Iosue figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus tertius
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo Abrahamo, et Iosue figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus tertius
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Community account book entitled 'cash a/c from Fr Grene's book'
Community account book entitled 'cash a/c from Fr Grene's book'
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers
Conveyance - William George Bailey and Frs Thomas V. Nolan, John Fahy, Dominick Kelly and James Bury
Conveyance - William George Bailey and Frs Thomas V. Nolan, John Fahy, Dominick Kelly and James Bury
Copy letters from Fr Richard Devane SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Eamon de Valera concerning the cinema in Ireland
Copy letters from Fr Richard Devane SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Eamon de Valera concerning the cinema in Ireland
Copy of circular letter sent by the Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses inquiring as to ‘the practice in…(each)…House as regards the serving of whiskey and wine on coffee evenings
Copy of circular letter sent by the Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses inquiring as to ‘the practice in…(each)…House as regards the serving of whiskey and wine on coffee evenings
Correspondence between Fr Seán Turner SJ and Irish Fr Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Seán Turner SJ and Irish Fr Provincials
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and Jesuits on formation, finance, libraries, holidays and Trinity College Dublin
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and Jesuits on formation, finance, libraries, holidays and Trinity College Dublin
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'
Correspondence concerning the foundation of the Central Catholic Library and the degree of Jesuit co-operation with the venture
Correspondence concerning the foundation of the Central Catholic Library and the degree of Jesuit co-operation with the venture
Correspondence of bequests made to Father Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions
Correspondence of bequests made to Father Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions
Correspondence on retreats (and missions) to priests, nuns and the laity
Correspondence on retreats (and missions) to priests, nuns and the laity
Correspondence relating to education issues relating to Jesuit colleges
Correspondence relating to education issues relating to Jesuit colleges
Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin with the Irish Fr Provincial
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin with the Irish Fr Provincial
Correspondence, mainly between Irish Fr Provincial and the Director of 2R, relating to the broadcast of Christmas Mass
Correspondence, mainly between Irish Fr Provincial and the Director of 2R, relating to the broadcast of Christmas Mass
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
D. Aurelii Augustini Hiponensis Episcopi Enarrationes
D. Aurelii Augustini Hiponensis Episcopi Enarrationes
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis libri duo
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis libri duo
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Diary of Fr William A Sutton SJ
Diary of Fr William A Sutton SJ
Disputation theses from Milltown Park, Dublin
Disputation theses from Milltown Park, Dublin
Document containing 'Observations of Fr General on Order of Studies' and 'Responses Regarding Each Stage of Studies'
Document containing 'Observations of Fr General on Order of Studies' and 'Responses Regarding Each Stage of Studies'
Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
Documents relating to the preparation of the new Catechism for use in schools
Documents relating to the preparation of the new Catechism for use in schools
Establishment of a summer school of Irish for Jesuits
Establishment of a summer school of Irish for Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr John Carroll SJ taken from the Mission Office
File of material relating to Fr John Carroll SJ taken from the Mission Office
File relating to Br Patrick Sherry SJ
File relating to Br Patrick Sherry SJ
File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
File relating to Fr Thomas F Ryan SJ
File relating to Fr Thomas F Ryan SJ
File relating to Fr William Troddyn SJ
File relating to Fr William Troddyn SJ
Financial affairs of Fr Henry J Rorke SJ
Financial affairs of Fr Henry J Rorke SJ
Fr Conal K Murphy SJ
Fr Conal K Murphy SJ
Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family
Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family
Fr Gerard Guinane SJ
Fr Gerard Guinane SJ
Fr Gerard Patrick Perrott SJ
Fr Gerard Patrick Perrott SJ
Fr Gerard Paul Nolan SJ
Fr Gerard Paul Nolan SJ
Fr John C Kelly SJ
Fr John C Kelly SJ
Fr Joseph Carlin SJ
Fr Joseph Carlin SJ
Fr Joseph Kelly SJ
Fr Joseph Kelly SJ
Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Fr Matthew Saurin SJ
Fr Matthew Saurin SJ
Fr William Doyle SJ, Chaplain - by Keogh Brothers Ltd
Fr William Doyle SJ, Chaplain - by Keogh Brothers Ltd
Fr William Richard Prendergast SJ
Fr William Richard Prendergast SJ
Fr William Saul SJ
Fr William Saul SJ
Gritos del Purgatorio, y medios para acallarlos
Gritos del Purgatorio, y medios para acallarlos
Group photographs and negatives belonging to Fr Pádraic Ó Brólcháin SJ
Group photographs and negatives belonging to Fr Pádraic Ó Brólcháin SJ
Guestbook for those on retreat at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Guestbook for those on retreat at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Handwritten monthly accounts of costs of food and supplies for retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Handwritten monthly accounts of costs of food and supplies for retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Invitation by the Bishop of Melbourne to the Irish Province to set up a mission in his diocese
Invitation by the Bishop of Melbourne to the Irish Province to set up a mission in his diocese
John Baptist Byrne entry into the Society of Jesus
John Baptist Byrne entry into the Society of Jesus
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte
Legal notice from a newspaper concerning the death of Fr Arthur Cox
Legal notice from a newspaper concerning the death of Fr Arthur Cox
Letter and poem from Sr D Francis to Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning his diamond jubilee
Letter and poem from Sr D Francis to Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning his diamond jubilee
Letter concerning the two fathers setting out from Ireland to establish the Australian Mission
Letter concerning the two fathers setting out from Ireland to establish the Australian Mission
Letter from Arthur Cox, Milltown Park, Dublin applying to enter the Society of Jesus
Letter from Arthur Cox, Milltown Park, Dublin applying to enter the Society of Jesus
Letter from Fr Charles Cuffe SJ to Irish Fr Provincial recommending John Creaven as a suitable candidate for the Society
Letter from Fr Charles Cuffe SJ to Irish Fr Provincial recommending John Creaven as a suitable candidate for the Society
Letter from Fr Charles Farley SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Fr Thomas Wheeler SJ concerning financial details compiled by Br Denis Fennell SJ
Letter from Fr Charles Farley SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Fr Thomas Wheeler SJ concerning financial details compiled by Br Denis Fennell SJ
Letter from Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Gonzaga College, Sandford Road, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning trees along the avenue marked to be felled
Letter from Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Gonzaga College, Sandford Road, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning trees along the avenue marked to be felled
Letter from Fr Cyril Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ concerning a visit made by Fr Cahill to Cork where he delivered a series of lectures
Letter from Fr Cyril Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ concerning a visit made by Fr Cahill to Cork where he delivered a series of lectures
Letter from Fr Denis Murphy SJ to Fr Ryan concerning religious called to give evidence on behalf of the cause of the Irish Martyrs
Letter from Fr Denis Murphy SJ to Fr Ryan concerning religious called to give evidence on behalf of the cause of the Irish Martyrs
Letter from Fr E O'Donnell, Redemptorist, Limerick, to Fr Stephen Farrell SJ, Milltown Park
Letter from Fr E O'Donnell, Redemptorist, Limerick, to Fr Stephen Farrell SJ, Milltown Park
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on appointments to Milltown Park, Dublin and for Jesuits on tertianship
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on appointments to Milltown Park, Dublin and for Jesuits on tertianship
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on the question of the ‘Dublin College’
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on the question of the ‘Dublin College’
Letter from Fr Henry Fegan SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Fergal McGrath sympathising over the death of his father
Letter from Fr Henry Fegan SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Fergal McGrath sympathising over the death of his father
Letter from Fr Henry Fegan SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Rt. Hon. James McMahon thanking him for his Christmas wishes
Letter from Fr Henry Fegan SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Rt. Hon. James McMahon thanking him for his Christmas wishes
Results 1 to 100 of 227