Showing 229 results

Milltown Park, Dublin, 1858- Dublin City
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Notices to be read in the Refectory of the Irish Jesuit Province
Notices to be read in the Refectory of the Irish Jesuit Province
Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province
Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province
'Reply to Dr Gregg’s Sermon'
'Reply to Dr Gregg’s Sermon'
'The Irish Constitution' by Fr Edward Cahill SJ
'The Irish Constitution' by Fr Edward Cahill SJ
Community account book entitled 'cash a/c from Fr Grene's book'
Community account book entitled 'cash a/c from Fr Grene's book'
Stock held in the Waterford and Limerick Railway Company and the Wexford Railway Company by the Irish Province
Stock held in the Waterford and Limerick Railway Company and the Wexford Railway Company by the Irish Province
Account book of the Irish Jesuit Province
Account book of the Irish Jesuit Province
Villa journal for Irish Jesuit scholastics
Villa journal for Irish Jesuit scholastics
Letter from Fr Matthew Russell SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial regarding the first volume of 'The Irish Monthly'
Letter from Fr Matthew Russell SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial regarding the first volume of 'The Irish Monthly'
Correspondence relating to education issues relating to Jesuit colleges
Correspondence relating to education issues relating to Jesuit colleges
Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ
Letters concerning the attendance of Religious Superiors at Diocesan Synods
Letters concerning the attendance of Religious Superiors at Diocesan Synods
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
The establishment of an Mungret College Apostolic School
The establishment of an Mungret College Apostolic School
Correspondence concerning the foundation of the Central Catholic Library and the degree of Jesuit co-operation with the venture
Correspondence concerning the foundation of the Central Catholic Library and the degree of Jesuit co-operation with the venture
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'
Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Legion of Mary
Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Legion of Mary
Correspondence, mainly between Irish Fr Provincial and the Director of 2R, relating to the broadcast of Christmas Mass
Correspondence, mainly between Irish Fr Provincial and the Director of 2R, relating to the broadcast of Christmas Mass
Retrenchment in expenses
Retrenchment in expenses
Letters on the declining circulation of 'An Timire'
Letters on the declining circulation of 'An Timire'
Material on the promotion of 'Catholic Action’
Material on the promotion of 'Catholic Action’
Letters, mostly to the Irish Fr Provincial, concerning the future of 'The Standard' publication
Letters, mostly to the Irish Fr Provincial, concerning the future of 'The Standard' publication
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial on proposals to establish an amateur Irish Jesuit news agency to supply information to Radio Vaticana
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial on proposals to establish an amateur Irish Jesuit news agency to supply information to Radio Vaticana
Charitable Work of Province
Charitable Work of Province
Correspondence on retreats (and missions) to priests, nuns and the laity
Correspondence on retreats (and missions) to priests, nuns and the laity
Proposal to found a Jesuit Weekly Paper
Proposal to found a Jesuit Weekly Paper
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and Jesuits on formation, finance, libraries, holidays and Trinity College Dublin
Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and Jesuits on formation, finance, libraries, holidays and Trinity College Dublin
Lists of spiritual books suitable for distribution by Directors at Diocesan Retreats
Lists of spiritual books suitable for distribution by Directors at Diocesan Retreats
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin with the Irish Fr Provincial
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin with the Irish Fr Provincial
Copy of circular letter sent by the Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses inquiring as to ‘the practice in…(each)…House as regards the serving of whiskey and wine on coffee evenings
Copy of circular letter sent by the Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses inquiring as to ‘the practice in…(each)…House as regards the serving of whiskey and wine on coffee evenings
Documents relating to the preparation of the new Catechism for use in schools
Documents relating to the preparation of the new Catechism for use in schools
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial concerning the proposed translation of the French Catholic Encyclopaedia
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial concerning the proposed translation of the French Catholic Encyclopaedia
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to education, finance and formation
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to education, finance and formation
Notes on the Theology course in Milltown Park, Dublin
Notes on the Theology course in Milltown Park, Dublin
Disputation theses from Milltown Park, Dublin
Disputation theses from Milltown Park, Dublin
Document containing 'Observations of Fr General on Order of Studies' and 'Responses Regarding Each Stage of Studies'
Document containing 'Observations of Fr General on Order of Studies' and 'Responses Regarding Each Stage of Studies'
Part of document, drawn up by Fr Lentaigne SJ, summarising sums of money invested in property
Part of document, drawn up by Fr Lentaigne SJ, summarising sums of money invested in property
Letters concerning the Dromore property belonging to the Society of Jesus
Letters concerning the Dromore property belonging to the Society of Jesus
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on the question of the ‘Dublin College’
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on the question of the ‘Dublin College’
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on appointments to Milltown Park, Dublin and for Jesuits on tertianship
Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on appointments to Milltown Park, Dublin and for Jesuits on tertianship
Triennial Documents, 1868
Triennial Documents, 1868
Triennial Documents, 1933 - 1936
Triennial Documents, 1933 - 1936
Triennial Documents, 1877
Triennial Documents, 1877
Triennial Documents, 1886
Triennial Documents, 1886
Triennial Documents, 1899 - 1902
Triennial Documents, 1899 - 1902
Triennial Documents, 1920 - 1923
Triennial Documents, 1920 - 1923
Triennial Documents, 1923 - 1926
Triennial Documents, 1923 - 1926
Triennial Documents, 1927 - 1930
Triennial Documents, 1927 - 1930
Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933
Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933
Correspondence of bequests made to Father Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions
Correspondence of bequests made to Father Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis book for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis book for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
Memorials of the Irish Province
Memorials of the Irish Province
Letter from Maxwell and Weldon to Fr Alosius Sturzo SJ concerning structural work being carried out at Killiney Castle
Letter from Maxwell and Weldon to Fr Alosius Sturzo SJ concerning structural work being carried out at Killiney Castle
Letter from Fr John Grene SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Mr Higgin, the purchaser of Killiney Castle from the Society of Jesus
Letter from Fr John Grene SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Mr Higgin, the purchaser of Killiney Castle from the Society of Jesus
Milltown Park, Dublin
Milltown Park, Dublin
Establishment of a summer school of Irish for Jesuits
Establishment of a summer school of Irish for Jesuits
Conveyance - William George Bailey and Frs Thomas V. Nolan, John Fahy, Dominick Kelly and James Bury
Conveyance - William George Bailey and Frs Thomas V. Nolan, John Fahy, Dominick Kelly and James Bury
Minute book of the Layman's Retreat Association, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Minute book of the Layman's Retreat Association, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photograph of a Harry Clarke stain glass window, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photograph of a Harry Clarke stain glass window, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Fr William Doyle SJ, Chaplain - by Keogh Brothers Ltd
Fr William Doyle SJ, Chaplain - by Keogh Brothers Ltd
Material on retreats and the retreat house at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Material on retreats and the retreat house at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Handwritten monthly accounts of costs of food and supplies for retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Handwritten monthly accounts of costs of food and supplies for retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Retreat register containing the names and addresses of those attending retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Retreat register containing the names and addresses of those attending retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Guestbook for those on retreat at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Guestbook for those on retreat at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photograph of individuals praying at Our Lady’s Grotto, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photograph of individuals praying at Our Lady’s Grotto, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photograph of individuals in front of Our Lady’s Grotto, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photograph of individuals in front of Our Lady’s Grotto, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photographs of those on retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photographs of those on retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Wages paid to staff at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin and the amount paid
Wages paid to staff at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin and the amount paid
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Saint Basil 'Writings'
Saint Basil 'Writings'
Adversus omnes haereses
Adversus omnes haereses
Chronicorum opus, in tres partes diuisum
Chronicorum opus, in tres partes diuisum
Ars metrica: id est, ars condendorum eleganter versuum
Ars metrica: id est, ars condendorum eleganter versuum
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers
Pauline commentaries
Pauline commentaries
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus
Moralitates Bibliorum Petri Berthorii
Moralitates Bibliorum Petri Berthorii
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
Tragoediæ sacræ
Tragoediæ sacræ
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Tractatus adventualis, seu expectatio incarnati verbi divini, complectens conciones
Tractatus adventualis, seu expectatio incarnati verbi divini, complectens conciones
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
Results 1 to 100 of 229