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Photograph of the front façade of Columban Hall, Galway

Photograph of the front façade of Columban Hall, Galway. An individual (J. Cranny, see SC/GALW/5/17) is standing outside. Advertisements for ‘Laugh with Spotlight’ and ‘Dominican Convent Whist Drive’ are visible. Title of photograph is ‘Penny Dinners (Soc. Jesu). Taken by Dowler, Presentation Road, Galway.

Photograph of the mission community, Zambia

Photograph of the mission community, Zambia. Names on rear, given by Fr John Fitzgerald SJ (25/06/2010).
Seated L - R: Colm O'Riordan, Louis Meagher, Sean McCarron, Thomas Byrne, Jim Corboy, Des O'Loghlen, ?, John Fitzgerald.
1st row: L - R. Barney Collins (?), Eddie O'Connor, Tom McGivern, Joe McDonald, Teddy O'Brien (?), Joe Conway, Bob Kelly, Tommie O'Meara, Danny Byrne, Charlie O'Connor and Shaun Curran.
Back row: L - R. Sean O'Connor, ?,?, Des O'Connell, Fred Moriarty, Pat McDuff, Brother Joseph Duda, Jim Carroll, Br. McKinney, ?, Br. Charlie O'Connor, Paul Brassil, Jim Dunne, Paul Cullen, ?, Paddy Sherry.

Photograph of the Rathfarnham Castle community on the occasion of Fr Swain's visit

Photograph of the Rathfarnham Castle community on the occasion of Fr John Swain's visit.

See: IE IJA FM/RATH/273/31, Mounted photograph of Very Rev. Fr. Assistant and Community, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin (See attached names given by Fr Hugh Duffy SJ, 2014).

Paper copy of photograph of the community at Rathfarnham Castle with typed identification of individual members.

Photograph of the Visitor Rev. John J. McMahon SJ at Mungret College

Includes back row, l-r: Eric Guiry, Maurice Leahy, Paddy Kelly, Eric Cantillon, Aidan Ennis, Bro. James Kavanagh, John Purcell, Paddy Meagher, John Paul Leonard.
Middle row, l-r: Bro. George Fallon, John Redmond, Paddy Coffey, Michael O'Meara, Kieran Fitzgerald, Gerry McLaughlin, Paddy Crowe, Bro. Paddy Brady, Brendan Murray.
Front row: Bro. Thomas Murphy, Jack Brennan, Cyril Perrott, Rev. Fr John J. MacMahon, Redmond Roche, Tom Kelly, John Deevy.

Photograph taken at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin of Jesuit tertians

Photograph taken at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin of Jesuit tertians. Includes from:
Top row: l - r; Frs. Tom Scott (Maryland), Vinny Murphy, Jeff Donahue (Buffalo), Ned Lynch (New York), Ciaran Kane, Henry Bischoff (New York), Tom O'Brien.
Middle: l- r; Sebastian Felieu (Aragon, Spain), Colin Warrack, Gerry Cavanagh (Detroit), Sean O'Connor, Tom Feliu ((Aragon, Spain), Gunter Reuter (Germany).
Front: l - r; Tom Martone (New England), Bill Lane, Joe Dargan, Michael Connolly (Tertian Director), Joe Tai, Fergus O'Keefe, Francesco Corsengo (Turin).

Photographic album belonging to Fr John A McAvoy SJ

Photographic album belonging to Fr John A McAvoy SJ, with captions in English and Irish. Includes photographs of

  • Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin 1929;
  • Irish Jesuits on villa (holiday);
  • area around Wicklow;
  • Irish Jesuits contemporary to John A McAvoy;
  • Michael Collins' grave 1922;
  • Clongowes Wood College, 1921;
  • Orangemen in Rathfriland, County Down, 12 July 1920;
  • B Special 'Black and Tans' of Ulster, Rathfriland, 1923;

Photographic album belonging to Fr Joseph O'Connor SJ

  • IE IJA J/324/3
  • File
  • 1926; 1936 - 1941; [1970]
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Photographic album (thirty photographs) belonging to Fr Joseph O'Connor SJ relating to his time as a scholastic in Mungret College c.1926, Rector of Mungret College (1936-1941) and later in Galway (1941-1972). Insert postcard from Irish Jesuit in Rome, Italy (1931).

Photographic album by Fr Stephen Bates SJ

Photographic album by Fr Stephen Bates SJ. The photographs depict Jesuits and outdoor scenes such as on villa at:

  • Ballytrent, Wicklow (1929 and 1930);
  • Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin (1928);
  • Gormanstown (1928);
  • Clydagh, County Galway (1926, 1927);
  • the play 'Pinafore', Mungret College, Limerick (1931);
  • Lough Bray, Wicklow (1928);
  • Aloysus Dando, Donald Roset and John Moran, Jersey (17 March 1929);
  • Milltown (1928);
  • Cliffs of Moher (1933);
  • Ballydavid, Kerry (1935);
  • Kilkee, Clare (1933);
  • Killarney, Kerry (1932 and 1945);
  • Waterville, Kerry (1931 and 1932);
  • Caragh Lake, Kerry (1932);
  • Clongowes Wood College, Kildare (1932);
  • Clane, Kildare;
  • Prosperous, Kildare;
  • Maynooth, Kildare;
  • Mount Brandon, Kerry;
  • Killaloe, Clare (1943 and 1945);
  • Keeper Hill, Tipperary (1944 and 1945);
  • Quin Abbey, Clare (1944);
  • Lough Derg;
  • Sacred Heart Church, Limerick;
  • Long Avenue, Limerick;
  • Manister Abbey, Limerick;
  • Junior Rugby Team, Crescent, Limerick (1944 and 1945);
  • Dromore Lake, Limerick (1945);
  • aeroplanes at Rineanna, Clare (1946);
  • Tramore, Waterford (1946);
  • new College extension at Crescent (January 1946);
  • Crescent rugby City Cup winners (1946) and match at Mardyke, Cork (1947);

Photographic album found in Fr Daniel J Shields room

Photographic album found in Fr Shield's room in 1986. Photographs are pasted onto the book. Includes portraits of individuals (not identified...British Royal Family), clippings from newspaper and books, landscapes, churches, Pilltown and Bessborough House, County Kilkenny.

Photographic album of County Sligo

  • Lough Gill, County Sligo;
  • Drumcliff Cross, Drumcliffe, County Sligo;
  • Lissadell Glen, County Sligo;
  • Sligo Abbey. The cloisters, County Sligo;
  • Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, England;
  • Surprise view, Studley, Yorkshire, England.

Includes insert copy of photograph of 'A Highland clachan, Lough Deign, Ross-shire', 'Iona Cathedral' and photographs of individuals from painted portraits (35 items).

French, Robert, 1841-1917, photographer

Photographic album of St Mary’s, Emo, County Laois by Fr Frank Browne SJ

Photographs are pasted into the album and relate to the following subjects: the interior and exterior of the St Mary's, Emo, gardens, farm, lake, the winter landscape, trees, Jesuit alterations to the house, individuals playing golf and men seated on a wall. Includes group photograph of six Jesuits in the garden, Cormac Gallagher, -,-, Alan Mowbray, Dermot Murray,-. Seven photographs were loose therefore these are stored in mylar sleeves. The photographs have captions by Fr Frank Browne on the reverse. These include:

  • A philosopher of the by road - Study by "F"
  • It did not ring! - For the first time in 70 years this bell did not call the people to Mass last Sunday. When lighting struck the Church of the Sacred Heart, Courtwood, near Ballybrittas, Leix, on Saturday morning it demolished the bell tower. Falling debris seriously damaged the roof of the n. aisle.
  • 3rd Centenary of the "Annals of the Four Masters" ‘Moygara Caste, Co Roscommon [Gurteen, County Sligo]

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Photographic album of the Xavier Mission Guild, China

Photographic album with original and copy inserts of scenes from Hong Kong, Canton and China. The copy photographs (seem to be mass-produced and touristic) have numbers in the bottom left hand corner, with white handwritten captions, for example, 'A chair at Hong Kong', while original photographs are often described on reverse with pencil, 'The Seminarians 1926', and underneath in light pencil. The first number of photographs are missing. The album appears to contain a large number of photographs of Franciscans in China and of Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, Inc. (Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers), and some Jesuits. Includes: the consecration of Bishop Valtorta [with the] Band from the Salesian Industrial School, Macao (1926); Fr Crochet SJ and his Chinese flock; Bishop Wittner OFM and his Chinese priests; seminarians of the regional seminary at Tatungtu, Shansi; Fr Netto; Fr Pradel with lepers at Sheklung; Fr Nugent (Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America), Ningpo, Fr Gleeson, Frs Driscoll, Malone and Murphy (Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America). The Irish element to the album may perhaps why it ended up with the Irish Jesuits.

Photographic album of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong

Photographic album of the (the new) Wah Yan College, Hong Kong. The photographs have typewritten captions. Includes: various buildings, exteriors, interiors and landscape photographs of Wah Yan College, Queen's Road East, Hong Kong: opening day ceremonies of the new college (27 September 1955); Irish Jesuits Frs Richard Harris, Patrick Toner and Edmund Sullivan; Monsignor Lorenzo Bianchi, Bishop of Hong Kong; Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham and Lady Grantham; Professor Gordon Brown.

Photographic album of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong and Fr Gallagher's jubilee dinner

Photographic album of the (the new) Wah Yan College, Hong Kong. The photographs have typewritten captions. Includes: various buildings, exteriors, interiors and landscape photographs of Wah Yan College, Queen's Road East, Hong Kong: opening day ceremonies of the new college (27 September 1955); Irish Jesuits Frs John Carroll, Richard Harris, Matthew Corbally, Richard Gallagher, Donald Lawler, Thomas Ryan, Timothy Doody, James McAsey, Herbert Dargan, Patrick Toner, Edmund Sullivan and Cyril Barrett; Monsignor Lorenzo Bianchi, Bishop of Hong Kong; Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham and Lady Grantham; Professor Gordon Brown.
Includes photographs of Fr Gallagher's jubilee dinner ar Ricci Hall.

Photographic prints and negatives of various groups of boys, from both Junior and Senior schools, Crescent College, Limerick

Photographic prints and negatives of various groups of boys, from both Junior and Senior schools. Some images are accompanied by their negatives; some exist only as negatives. There are more than one copy of many of the existing prints, many of which are mounted on frames. Includes a group of First Communicants (2 mounted prints and a negative); some class groups taken indoors, with a picture of the Colosseum as a backdrop; and some less formal outdoor groups.

Photographs and postcards by the Imperial War Museum, London, England

Photographs and postcards sent to Prof. Alfred O’Rahilly by the Imperial War Museum, London, England, for use in his book on Fr Willie Doyle SJ. Includes a note ‘Don’t mix these with the others. Return these to me. These are photos which I bought but decided not to use.’ All photographs are dated and described on back. Photos are mostly of the ruins of Ypres, Guillemont, Loos etc. Sizes: 21 1/2cm x 16 1/2cm; 14cm x 9cm and 27 1/2cm x 9cm.

O'Rahilly, Alfred, 1884-1969, former Jesuit scholastic, President of University College Cork, Spiritan priest

Photographs belonging to Fr Joseph Conran SJ

File of photographs belonging to Fr Joseph Conran SJ which includes:

  • family photographs Fr Joseph Conran SJ;
  • stamp guild of St John de Britto, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, with Fr Joseph Conran SJ, c.(1955);
  • Children of Mary in garden of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, looking onto Upper Sherrad Street;
  • and his sister (been waked), Sheila Eva Conran, who died in 15 July 1921, 11 years old, Victoria Street, Armagh.

Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ

Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ which documents his life from 1912 until his death, 1972.


  1. Fr Kyran Ward SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 4 photographs
  2. Group at shore front with Fr Kyran Ward SJ in the centre
  3. [ ], Br Michael Crowe SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 2 photographs
  4. Father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 27 June 1920; 2 photographs
  5. Muiris Ó Séaghdha, 5 May 1945;
  6. Villa house for Jesuits at Moville, 1913;
  7. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935];
  8. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935], James Whitaker;
  9. Group of Jesuits on a boat, Cleggan extreme left John Sulllvian, Charles Byrne, John Neary;
  10. Mortimer Glynn, Charles Byrne, A Morris, ,;
  11. Gap of Dunloe, father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 26 August 1929;
  12. Charles Byrne, Cleggan
  13. Roundstone, County Galway;
  14. Clongowes Wood College villa at Glengarriff [1928] - [1931] - Br O'Grady, Frs McGlade, C Barrett, Kieran Ward; M Kelly, James Whitaker, G Finucane, T Kelly; Frank Joy, M McCarthy and Donal Trant McCarthy.
  15. Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and ?;

Photographic album includes:

  • family photographs of himself and his parents (1923);
  • cycling in Wicklow with G. Dunne and J Hurley, 1912;
  • his time at Rathfarnham 1915 - 1916, with names;
  • on villa at various locations;
  • Jesuit contemporaries;
  • Jersey 1916 - 1919;
  • on villa Wicklow, while at Millltown Park, Dublin, 1919;
  • postcards from Jersey; Donegal 1923;
  • election of Pope Pius XI 1922;
  • photographs of Clongowes Wood College (1919 -1923) including hurling, rugby, cricket, swimming, rugby, tennis;
  • Clongowes union day activities, the Copper beech Winter 1920;
  • tertianship at St. Beuno's, Wales 1927 - 1928;
  • Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and Ward; Frs. Dick Butler and Paddy Cashman; later life of Fr Ward in Galway and time in France 1960’s;

Photographs by Mr Frank Browne SJ on his Italian trip

Photographs by Mr Frank Browne SJ on his Italian trip undertaken with his brother Fr William Browne and Robert Browne, bishop of Cloyne at Florence, Pisa, Pompeii and Venice (Doge’s Palace & San Macro). Captions by [Fr Eddie O’ Donnell SJ].

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Photographs depicting various scenes and people sent to Fr John Ryan SJ

A file of photographs depicting various scenes and people.

  • Jesuit at Grianán of Aileach, Donegal, 1932;
  • Fr General Pedro Arrupe SJ with Jesuits (Daniel O'Connell, front left), 30 July 1965;
  • 50 year annivesary of ordiantion, Jas Grieker SJ, 1963;
  • Pope Paul VI with Fr Daniel O'Connell SJ inspeciting computers at Vatican Observatory, August 1965;

Photographs documenting the early years of Fr Michael Garahy's life in the Society of Jesus

Album of photographs documenting the early years of Fr Michael Garahy's life in the Society of Jesus. Covers time spent in Riverview, Sydney, Australia (1898-1906) at Tronchiennes, Belgium (1911) and at Milltown Park, Dublin (1908-1910, 1912-1914). The album, whose front cover and fly leaves have been lost, contains almost 200 photographs. These are arranged in a random fashion and are accompanied by captions. The photographs provide an invaluable visual record of the life of one young Jesuit in the first decades of the 20th century. Each page is numbered, and the photographs are catalogued individually according to the contents of each page of the album.

Photographs of Benada Abbey, Sligo

Photographs of Benada Abbey, Sligo including:

  • ruins of old Benada Abbey;
  • old bridge of Benada;
  • convent Our Lady of Benada;
  • convent chapel at Benada, 1899;
  • parish church of St Attracta;
  • mission cross erected after the Jesuits gave a mission in the parish church of St Attracta, 1867;
  • west wing of Benada;
  • exterior and interior view of convent chapel at Benada.

Photographs of Clongowes Wood College SJ interior and exterior

  1. Album of black and white photographs, mounted on card and bound with a leather cover, including photographs of Clongowes Wood College SJ interior and exterior; Main Entrance and Avenue; East Front from Cricket Ground; East Front from Football ground; West Front; The Chapel; Main Corridor; The Study; The Library; The Refectory; Little Boys' Dormitory; Swimming Bath; Avenue (Looking West); View of the River; Cricket and Tennis Ground.
  2. Black and White 5.5" x 3.5" photograph on a postcard (landscape) entitled "Main School Clongowes Wood" of 1929 building. Photograph by Photocraft Limited, Dublin;
  3. Black and White 6.25" x 8.25" photograph (portrait) of Clongowes Wood College Castle, taken from the Pleasure Grounds;
  4. Black and White 5.5" x 3.5" photograph (landscape). Written on back is CWC Community 1938-1939 with a list of names of those missing in the photograph;
  5. Black and White 7.75" x 5.75" photograph (landscape) of Clongowes Wood College Castle, taken from the Pleasure Grounds (Summer 1963);
  6. Colour 4.75 x 3.25 photograph (landscape) a aerial view of Clongowes Wood College SJ buildings, Written on back is "To Ned, from his successor Jack Brennan SJ, 19 June 1977". This photograph was found in the papers of Fr Redmond Roche SJ;

Photographs of country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England], which include some of Fr Frank Browne SJ and family

  1. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  2. country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  3. individual in woods of country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  4. Fr Frank Browne SJ in field at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  5. individual in woods at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  6. individual walking at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  7. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  8. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  9. individual with horse and cart outside country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  10. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  11. Fr Frank Browne SJ and [ ] at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England] and
  12. Fr Frank Browne SJ and [ ] punting on lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England].

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Photographs of Denis Gwynn, and Sheila Moorhead

Photographs of Fr Aubrey Gwynn’s brother, Denis and sister, Sheila Moorhead, at Malahide, Dublin (1970), at the grave of Mary Louisa Gwynn, Stanmullan, County Meath (1970) and Jacquline's wedding (30 April 1968).

Gwynn, Denis Rolleston, 1893-1971, journalist and historian

Photographs of First World War scenes

File of photographs of First World War scenes (Military convoy, 30 July 1916 and the Menin Road), Rathfarnham Castle and Dalkey. Includes copies of images of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly and Kemmel Hill and Zonnebeke, Belgium and small handwritten sketch maps of Ypres (11 February 1935).

Photographs of Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork

Photographs of Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork including:

1.Peacock topiary at Fort Villas;

  1. Cobh harbour from Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork;
  2. Cobh harbour from Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork;
  3. altar at bishop’s house, Cobh;
  4. [Ellen Browne], Fort Villas, Cobh;
  5. [Ellen Browne], Fort Villas, Cobh;

Photographs of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

Photographs of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ.

  • memoiral card for Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ;
  • Aubrey Gwynn SJ at Louvain, July 1920;
  • two photographs of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ with a bishop/archbishop outisde of cathedral at [Würzburg];
  • Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ with a religious siters outside church;
  • Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ with members of Civil Service Branch of [St Joseph's Young Priests Society], Joe Robinson, Michael J O'Neill and Archie Roberts [1950];

Gwynn, Aubrey, 1892-1983, Jesuit priest and academic

Photographs of Fr Laurence Kearns SJ

Two photographs of Fr Laurence Kearns SJ, outside builiding (possibly Bolton Street Technical College) in Dublin. He taught religion there, 1962-65.

Photographs of Fr Patrick Joy SJ, his friends and members of his family

A file of black and white photographs of Fr Patrick Joy SJ, his friends and [members of his family]. Many of the photographs depict Fr Joy in Hong Kong. Includes:

  • ordination of Jesuits in Hong Kong;
  • blessing children in Malacca during St Francis Xavier centenary celebrations [1949];
  • week-end retreats;
  • Penang Hill (1949);
  • hostel site, Kings Road, Hong Kong (October 1953);
  • Petaling Jaya;
  • Peel Road, Kuala Lumpur (1958);
  • Mrs [Tempairy] and Winnie, Red Lodge, Oakwood Lane, Leeds, England;
  • Irish Jesuit scholastics in two rows. Patrick Joy, front row, extreme right. Aubrey Gwynn, back row, second from left [1912]-[1924].

Photographs of Fr Richard Gallagher SJ on his voyage to Hong Kong and photographs of Hong Kong

Black and white photographs of Fr Richard Gallagher SJ on his voyage to China and photographs of China.

  • 'Shadow of 'Mongolia' on bank of Canal (Suez) about 7.30', 5 October 1927;
  • 'Monsoon in China Sea', 20 October 1927;
  • 'Cecilia, Two [ ] The Coolie is wearing a mackintosh D' [1928] - [1938];
  • Fr Richard Gallagher SJ at his desk [1928] - [1938];
  • Fr Richard Gallagher SJ in Ireland [1945]-[1947];
  • 'Left to right standing - Father H. Morris, Con Lynch, M O'Flanagan, Mosignir Collins, Monsignir Crowley. Seated Fr Michael Sheehy, Fr Tom Lynch';
  • 'At a party given for Fr Dick by two lawyer friends' [1950] - [1962];

Photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ

Photographs in possession of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ including:

  • individual photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ (4 items);
  • group photograph including Frs Laurence Kearns, Thomas Byrne, Br - , - , - , Sean McCarron, - , at Dollymount, Manresa, Dublin [1948]-[1952);
  • photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ visiting schools in Asia (2 items);
  • group photograph of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ with others, in white cassocks;
  • group photograph of Irish Jesuits in Zambia, including Fr Thomas Byrne SJ in centre, with Bishop James Corboy SJ;
  • group photographs of Irish Jesuits in Hong Kong (although Fr Thomas Byrne SJ, Superior of the Hong Kong Jesuits, 1957-1960, these photographs postdate that time (5 items);

Photographs of Fr Timothy Corcoran's family

Photographs of Fr Timothy Corcoran's family, mainly of the carte de visite type

  • Fr Rody Kennedy [1870]-[1900];
  • Fr J Meagher [Meelary] by Millard & Robinson, 39 Sackville Street Lower, Dublin, [1864]-[1887];
  • Unidentified woman by W.B Samuel, Samuel's Studio, 30 Westmoreland Street, Dublin, [1875]-[1888];
  • Mary Dwan, Lisnagonoge, Holycross, Thurles, County Tipperary by J. Pender, 5 & 6, Little George Street, Waterford, 10 August 1866;
  • Alice Mac[Namara] (Alice Dwan), Westgate, Thurles, County Tipperary, c.[1870]-[1887];
  • Unidentified woman by H. Hunter, 61 South Mall and 102 Patrick Street, Cork, c.[1860]-[1869];
  • Winifred Corcoran, aged 17-18 when photo taken on 19 September 1867. She died 1 September 1870 at Honeymount, County Tipperary. By James Simonton, 70 Grafton Street, Dublin;
  • [Honeymount House], County Tipperary c.[1870]-[1900];
  • Mary A [Tempance] by Mrs Slator Photographic Artist, [13 Harbour Row, Queenstown, Cork, c.1871];
  • Unidentified woman [Egan], by G. Elliott, Photographer, Sopwell, Shinrone, [County Offaly], c.[1870]-[1900];
  • Unidentified woman by E. & J. Lauder photographic studio, 22 Westmoreland Street, Dublin, c.[1870]-[1900];
  • Miss C. E. Evans, by Peter Collins, artist and photographer, Kilkee and Clonmel, c.[1870]-[1900];
  • cabinet card of unidentified woman [Corcoran, Dwan or Ryan] by Studio of A. L. Lehnkering, 208 East Main Street, Rochester, New York, [1880-1909].

Photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

File of copies photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ including: newspaper photograph announcing death (1917); mounted photograph of Willie and his brother, when both young; copies of portrait photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ used in publications, Fr Doyle in military uniform and with his parents and in group photograph with other Jesuits. Includes:

  • Postcard from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Rosario Nesbitt, 12 May 1912;
  • Photograph of Milltown Park villa group, 1905, outside Carysfort, Kilcoole, County Wicklow.

Chancellor, photographer, [1862]-1923

Photographs of Gonzaga College students and teachers

  1. Lay teacher, John Murphy, Charles O'Conor, Bill White, Edmund Keane, Bill Lee;

  2. Lay teacher, Edmund Keane, John Murphy, Charles O'Conor, Bill White, - , Bill Lee, Stephen Redmond;

  3. Lay teacher, Bill Lee, - , - , Bill White, Charles O'Conor, Tim Hamilton, Edmund Keane, Joe Veale, -, Stephen Redmond;

  4. Lay teacher, Bill Lee; Joe Veale; Edmund Keane; - ; Charles O'Conor; Louis O'Grady; Bill White; Richard Brenan; Michael Ryan; Stephen Redmond; - ; - ;

Photographs of groups of Jesuit tertians at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Photographs of groups of Jesuit Tertians at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin.

  1. 1961 - 1962;
    1st row:
    Ernest Bolsius, Edgar Ebel, Cecil McGarry, Hugh Kelly (Instructor), Bryan Fennelly, Gerard van Welie, Alfred Stoiber.
    2nd row: Joseph Marques, Helmut Platzgummer, John Dooley, Liam Browne, Jesus Martinez, James Healy.
    3rd row: Paul Museur, George Szaszkiewicx, Patrick Lavery, James Smyth, Francis Claes, Patrick Reynolds.
    4th row: Donald Moore, Kieran Barry-Ryan, Edward Heavy, Bernard O'Neill.

  2. 1957 - 1958;
    Eric Cantillon, Denis O'Connell, Paul Leonard, Aloysius Sobreroca, Patrick O'Rourke, Robert Hardowirjono, Stephen Roes, Brendan Woods, Matthew Brosnan, Eutimius Martino, William Egan, Patrick Benson, Adulphus Fernandez Diaz-Nava, Angelus Anton Gomez
    John Redmond, Acatius Gutierrez, Cyril D Barrett, Hugh Kelly, Anthony Farren, John F O'Connor, Robert Lynch.

Results 8101 to 8200 of 9569