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Enquiry from Miss Zena M. Carns to concerning Fr Matthew Gahan SJ

A file relating to an enquiry from Miss Zena M. Carns, Stonyhurst Preparatory School, Hodder Place, Stonyhurst, Lancashire to Irish Fr Provincial Brendan Barry SJ concerning the re-establishment of the Catholic Church in the Isle of Man and Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Includes a letter from Fr Francis Finegan SJ to Fr Barry answering the query and including copies of letters relating to Fr Gahan and the Isle of Man (24 July 1829 - 10 December 1838, 46pp).

Carns, Zena M, teacher

Letter from Bishop Briggs to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 27 February 1837

From Bishop Briggs in York to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Thanks him for informing him that the new chapel at Douglas had been used for Mass. Refers to Fr Aylmer’s presence on the island, and undertakes to relieve him as soon as possible. Asks Fr Bracken to forward him a statement in relation to property due to the Society.

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from Bishop Briggs to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 28 April 1837

From Bishop Briggs in York to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Refers to the latter’s two previous letters, of 14 April and 12 March. Reports that Fr Aylmer and Dr Youens have corresponded on the subject of the property and debts of the Mission. Also reports that he has been attempting to secure someone to relieve Fr Aylmer on the island.

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Fr Charles Farley SJ

Letter from Fr William Doyle SJ, writing from Stonyhurst College, to Fr Charles Farley SJ. Reports on his search in the archives of the English Province for documents relating to the Irish Province. Undertakes to copy some early nineteenth century letters for Fr Farley.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters from Mr Willie Doyle SJ, 1897-1906

  • IE IJA J/2/81
  • File
  • 6 April 1897 - Easter 1906
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Holograph letters and typewritten letters by Mr Willie Doyle SJ while: at Clongowes Wood College to his mother and father, and sister Lena (6 April 1897 - 1898); undertaking philosophy at Enghien, Belgium to his mother and father (2 October 1898 - 3 June 1899); at St. Mary’s Hall, Stonyhurst College, England to his mother and father (14 October 1900 - 31 March 1901); at Clongowes Wood College to his mother and father, and sister Mai (18 December 1901 - 5 August 1903); undertaking theology at Milltown Park (23 December 1904 - Easter 1906).

Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, 1907-1915

  • IE IJA J/2/82
  • File
  • 28 July 1907 - 6 November 1915
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of holograph letters and typewritten letters by Fr Willie Doyle SJ concerning his ordination at Milltown Park (28 July 1907); tertianship at L’ Ancienne Abbaye, Tronchiennes, Belgium to his mother and father, his sister Mai and brother Charles (October 1907 - 21 July 1908); attending a mission in Great Yarmouth (20 April 1908); work as a minister at Belvedere College to his sister Mai (April - July 1909); at the Convent of St John of God, Wexford to his sister Mai (2 August 1910); at Enghien, Belgium to his father (2 - 14 October 1912); while giving missions in Clare, Cork, Limerick and Dublin and working at Rathfarnham Castle, to his father and sister Mai (20 March 1914 - 6 November 1915).

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”

  • IE IJA J/2/99
  • File
  • [1949-1970]; 11 July 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series” published by the Irish Messenger Office. Includes a note from Diarmuid [ ], Fitzpatrick’s Book Shop, 12 Cathedral Street, Upper O’ Connell Street, Dublin to Fr Fergal [McGrath] SJ in which he refers to a reprint of an insert letter by T. Cain, 22 Limetree Crescent, Cockermouth, Cumberland which corrects Fr Doyle’s date of death.

Irish Messenger Office, 1888-

Letters from Thomas Downing (T. D.) Kendrick

  • IE IJA J/7/84
  • File
  • 27 July-3 October 1936
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Thomas Downing (T. D.) Kendrick, Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, British Museum, London, England to Fr Frank Browne SJ thanking him for helping with Celtic and Anglo-Saxon carvings and supplying photographs, and enclosing list of Norfolk sites.

Kendrick, Sir, Thomas Downing, 1895-1979, archaeologist and art historian

Letters from J. McArthur, for General Secretary, Central Council for the Care of Churches (Church of England)

Letters from J. McArthur, for General Secretary, Central Council for the Care of Churches (Church of England) to Fr Frank Browne SJ thanking him on behalf of Dr Eeles on the photographs of Westhall, of the stained glass windows of Martham, the angels in the roof at Blythburgh and the view of Pakefield font. Includes typed list from the Central Council for the Care of Churches of churches in Suffolk and Norfolk, England, 3pp.

McArthur, J.

Letters from Major G.T. Noel

  • IE IJA J/7/94
  • File
  • 18 April-4 December 1912
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Major G.T. Noel, Hotel Julia, Pontaven, Finisterre, France and Temple Guiting House, Winchcombe, R.S.O., Gloucester, England. Describes his holiday in France after news of the Titanic disaster, request for copy of photograph of Bob and thanks for sending on a copy of The Belvederian, which contains Browne’s article on the Titanic.

Holograph letters to Frank Browne SJ from those who disembarked with Mr Browne SJ at Queenstown (Cobh), Cork and relatives of those who perished on the Titanic to Mr Frank Browne SJ. With Kodak envelope with note by Fr Browne, ‘Letters recd ap. 1912 concerning Titanic’.

Noel, G.T., Major

Letters from R.W. May, 1 Gresham Road, Brixton, S.W., London

  • IE IJA J/7/96
  • File
  • 20 April 1912-1 January 1913
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from R.W. May, 1 Gresham Road, Brixton, S.W., London, (Mrs Lily Odell is his sister) enquiring after fellow passengers, requesting copies and promising to share photographs, and thanks for sending on a copy of The Belvederian, which contains Browne’s article on the Titanic.

May, R. W.

Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ

Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ thanking him for letting him see your menu and the Cabin Plan. Included is a carbon copy of letter from Leslie Reade to R Deegan, 62 Priory Avenue, Stillorgan, County Dublin, regarding one of Fr Browne’s Titanic photographs and copyright fee.

Reade, Leslie

Letter from Mrs Lily Odell, Stile House, Lyme Regis, Dorset, England on-board the Titanic

Letter from Mrs Lily Odell, Stile House, Lyme Regis, Dorset, England (fellow passenger of Mr Frank Browne SJ on-board the Titanic, who disembarked at Queenstown), addressed 'To the Canon of Queenstown Cathedral), enquiring after a fellow passenger, complimenting Mr Browne’s photographs in the Daily Sketch and describing her holidays in Ireland.

Odell, Lily

Fr Frank Browne SJ with Fr Joseph Scannell, Arras, France

Fr Frank Browne SJ with Fr Joseph Scannell, Arras, France (1917-8) which includes soldiers in France, destruction in Arras, France and Bishop Keating giving Benediction at Corpus Christ, Warley Barracks, England (1919) , postcards and envelopes. Eight large negatives of Frs Joe Scannell, McShane and Fr Frank Browne SJ, Arras (1918) and bomb damage. Photograph of Fr Frank Browne SJ and Monsignor Joseph Scannell taken post-First World War.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Photographs of country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England], which include some of Fr Frank Browne SJ and family

  1. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  2. country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  3. individual in woods of country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  4. Fr Frank Browne SJ in field at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  5. individual in woods at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  6. individual walking at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  7. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  8. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  9. individual with horse and cart outside country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  10. lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England];
  11. Fr Frank Browne SJ and [ ] at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England] and
  12. Fr Frank Browne SJ and [ ] punting on lake at country house at [Lewes, Sussex, England].

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Nine photographic albums belonging to Fr Frank Browne SJ containing positives (his own)

Nine photographic albums belonging to Fr Frank Browne SJ containing positives (his own). Fr Browne has captioned some of the albums:

  1. Crosses of Ireland: 94 photographs.
  2. English churches: 197 photographs.
  3. “People I have seen in many lands”: Scotland, Australia, Africa, Egypt, Tipperary, Ireland, Australia, Ceylon, South Africa. 95 photographs, captioned.
  4. Rock of Cashel, Moyne Abbey, Murrisk Abbey, Buttevant Abbey, Kells, Urlaur, Ardmore. 95 photographs, captioned.
  5. Ardfert Cathedral, Athassel Priory, Ballysadare, Boyle Abbey, Cashel, Claregalway Friary, Crevalea Friary, Kilconell Friary. 1925-29, 96 photographs, captioned.
  6. Religious sites in Clare: Clare Abbey, Ennis, Killaloe, Killone, Quin St Flannan and St Molua. 15-16 August 1930, 96 photographs, captioned.
  7. Prehistoric antiquities around Ireland (ringforts, standing stones, ogham stones, dolmens, Grianán Ailigh). 96 photographs.
  8. Cistercian Abbeys of Ireland: Volume 1. Mellifont, Boyle, Jerpoint, Holy Cross, Dunbrody, Graiguenamanagh, Tracton, Hore. 1929-1930, 179 photographs, captioned.
  9. Cistercian Abbeys of Ireland: Volume 2. Bective, Assaroe, Inniscourey, Tintern, Knockmoy, Kilcooley, Mount St Joseph Roscrea. 1930-1931, 132 photographs, captioned.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Letter and photographs from C.C Barham, Kodak Magazine Kingsway, London, to Fr Frank Browne SJ

Letter from C.C Barham, Editor of Kodak Magazine Kingsway, London, to Fr Frank Browne SJ, returning the series of photographs of the ‘Angels’ and asking Fr Browne to write a short photographic article on them. Includes photographs of churches in East Anglia (Norfolk and Suffolk) with captions by Fr Frank Browne SJ on reverse, and some photographs of angels (stone) in Ireland.

Barham, C.C., editor

The Elements of Euclid Explain’d

‘The Elements of Euclid Explain’d, in a new, but most easie method.’3rd Edition by Fr Claude Millet de Chales SJ, published in Oxford, 1700. Printed by L.L. for M. Gillyflower at the Spread-Eagle in Westminister–Hall and W. Freeman at the Bible over against the Middle-Temple-Gate, in Fleet-Street, 1700.

With inscriptions, ‘1703 Dec 23 Mr Phil[bishop] E[x] lib Jno (John) Ellis’, stamp of ‘N Riordan’ and ‘Edwin Barton from his father’
Presented to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ by Frances Riordan, 23 St Clements Rd, Harrogate, England (March 1953).

Dechales, Claude François Milliet, 1621-1678, Jesuit priest and mathematician

Letter from Bishop Penswick to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ on a potential visit to the Isle of Man

Letter from Bishop Penswick, Liverpool to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man concerning a visit he had intended to make to the island. Remarks that because the habeas corpus act has not been sanctioned by the legislators he is going to postpone his visit. Remarks 'I have often thought of you and even expected to be in a situation to relieve your wants; whenever my hopes are realised I will not overlook you.'

Penswick, Thomas, 1772-1836, Roman Catholic Bishop

Letters from Willie Doyle, 1886-1896

  • IE IJA J/2/80
  • File
  • 30 May 1886 - 23 August 1896
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Holograph letters and one typewritten letter by Willie Doyle: as a schoolboy in Ratcliffe College, Leicestershire, England to his brother Bob and mother (30 May 1886 - 9 April 1887); as a Jesuit novice at St Stanislaus, Tullabeg, County Offaly to his mother and father, and sisters Mai and Lena (8 August 1891 - 9 July 1892); as a scholastic at Milltown Park, Dublin to his father and brother Bob (31 May - Christmas 1893) and to Brother Cahill on finishing his noviceship (8 June 1893) and at Clongowes Wood College, County Kildare to his mother and father, and brothers Bob and Charles (3 September 1894 - 23 August 1896).

Letters and postcards to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr John Elliott SJ

Letters and postcards to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr John Elliott SJ, written during his time serving as a military chaplain in Catterick Camp, Yorkshire and at the Officer's Hospital, Burley on the Hill, Oakham, Rutland, England.

Postcard of Burley on the Hill, Oakham, Rutlandshire - ‘This is a gorgeous place inside + outside. It is the finest house I have ever seen. Charles and I stayed here when it belonged to the Duke of Buckingham’, (28 October 1918) where Fr Elliott convalesced from a bout of double pneumonia (‘I am only 8st 7lbs with my clothes on’).

Elliott, John J, 1857-1942, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Documents relating to Fr Joseph Flinn’s during his time serving as a chaplain

Documents relating to Fr Joseph Flinn’s time as a chaplain attached to VI Corps Rest Station North, 10th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, the Munster Fusiliers, the 60th and 88th Brigade, R.G.A., B.E.F., France. Includes: certificate appointing Fr Flinn Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Land Forces (Temporary) (22 March 1917, 1p.);
– letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Flinn written from the Front (31 January 1917 – 10 October 1918, 21 items).

Flinn, Daniel Joseph, 1877-1943, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to Fr Henry Gill SJ from Mary Maura Ostyn, O.S.B., Prioress of Ypres

Letters to Fr Henry Gill SJ from Mary Maura Ostyn, O.S.B., Prioress of Ypres, 11 Harwood Avenue, London, England asking Fr Gill to salvage the contents of the Benedictine abbey at Ypres. Contains details of all the convent’s treasures and where they have been hidden. Includes letter from Baron H. Kervyn de Letterrhov[e] concerning the destroyed treasures.

Ostyn, Mary Maura, 1868-1940, Benedictine sister

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr James McCann SJ written during his time as chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr James McCann SJ written during his time as chaplain to the 4th Reserve Battery, R.G.A., Winchester and Sialkot C.F.A. 4th Cavalry Division, Supply Column, B.E.F., France. Also includes items relating to the ill health (The Prince of Wales', Hospital for Officers), renewal of Fr McCann’s contract as chaplain and his demobilisation. (See also CHP1/10/1 which is a letter from Fr McCann to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ 12 June [1917]).

McCann, James, 1875-1951, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and postcards from Fr Patrick Morris SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial written while serving as chaplain

Letters and postcards from Fr Patrick Morris SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ written while serving as chaplain to 2/8 Battalion, L.F., Sobraon Barracks, Colchester and also in France, before being sent back to England in November 1917 with ‘clinical dysentery.’

Morris, Patrick J, 1882-1966, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and postcards from Fr Hugh Mulhall SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial written during his time as a chaplain

Letters and postcards from Fr Hugh Mulhall SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ written during his time as a chaplain to the 3/1st East Lancashire Division, Codford, Wiltshire and 5th East Lancashire Regiment, Witley Camp, Surrey and in Park Hall Camp, Oswestry.

Mulhall, Hugh, 1871-1948, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Bernard Page SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Bernard Page SJ written during his time as a chaplain with the No. 2 Cavalry Field Ambulance, B.E.F., France. Includes letter of complaint to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ (12 April 1917, 6pp) re Fr Page and Fr Page’s replies (22 – 30 April 1917, 3 items).

Page, Bernard F, 1877-1948, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning Fr Sydes’ death in London on 15 November 1918

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from the Senior Chaplain (R.C.), Australian Imperial Force, [Fr Thomas King] and Frs William Feran and John H Wright, Farm Street, London concerning Fr Sydes’ death in London on 15 November 1918 as a result of bronchitis and thrombosis.

Feran, William D, 1869-1942, Jesuit priest

Correspondence between Thomas V. Nolan SJ, the War Office and T. Stratton, Staff Officer to Principal Chaplain

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ, the War Office and T. Stratton, Staff Officer to Principal Chaplain (R.C.), concerning the demobilisation of various Irish Jesuits and the need for chaplains for transport ships to Australia.

Nolan, Thomas V, 1867-1941, Jesuit priest

Letter from Thomas McCreevy to Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ

Letter from Thomas McCreevy, Garland’s Hotel, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, London, to Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ concerning Fr Finlay’s “attitude to Mr Lennox Robinson in regard to his story ‘The Madonna of Slieve Dun’…I presume that you accept Mr Robinson’s repudiation of the suggestion that his story was a parody of the Scripture History of the Incarnation.” Protests about the attitude of a ‘small section of the press in Ireland’ with regard to ‘Christian standards’, defends Mr. Robinson and states ‘I…regard it as binding, in us Catholics particularly, to see that injustice is not done in our name in this matter…I am prepared to urge Mr. Robinson to get the matter considered by the Holy Office itself if necessary rather than submit to the injustice of being treated as a blaspheming parodist.’

Declaration by Fr Charles S. Galton SJ

Declaration by Charles S. Galton SJ that he ‘received Aubrey Osborn Gwynn into the Church on the 14th of Dec. 1902’ (21 May 1918, 1p.) and copy of Certificate of Reconciliation, ‘According to the Register of Baptisms kept at S. H. Church Wimbledon Aubrey Osborn Gwynn…was reconciled at the said Church, by Charles S. Galton on the 14th day of December 1902’ (18 May 1902, 1p.)

Galton, Charles S., 1860-1936, Jesuit priest

Letters from Rose Gayner to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

  • IE IJA J/10/23
  • File
  • 10 December 1981 - 8 February 1982
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Rose (Gayner, nee Gwynn) (Fr Gwynn’s cousin) following the illness and death of Fr Gwynn’s sister, Sheila Moorehead, in December 1981. Includes references to a portrait of their ‘Aunt May’ and a family story about Walter Osborne (Fr Gwynn’s godfather): ‘He was apparently rather dominated by a powerful mother but there was an understanding that he would marry Aunt Lucy. However before the understanding could become an engagement he caught a bad cold, and died of pneumonia’ (8 February 1982, 4pp).

Letters from Prof. Ross Hoffman of Fordham University, New York

  • IE IJA J/10/27
  • File
  • 1 May 1949-3 January 1980
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Prof. Ross Hoffman of Fordham University, New York, to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ and Denis Gwynn on personal matters, mainly his work, health and family and discussions on various American Presidents, the Pope and the Church. Includes:
– letter describing his work on arriving at the Manuscript Room in Sheffield Central Library to unpack and sort ‘three boxes (each about 2' by 2' by 8”) of unsorted (Edmund) Burke papers…they are largely the originals of the published letters, but there is also a rich collection of unpublished letters of Earl Fitzwilliam to Burke in the 1790’s and a few other fairly important letters that never have been printed…I am, it seems the first person to examine them since their delivery here…you can imagine how exciting is the experience of turning up, for example, original letters from George III to Rockingham…It is but one of scores, probably hundreds, of museum pieces that are usually kept under lock, key, and glass…collectors would pay fabulous things for these things…There is no one else in the room and I am in a constant state of exaltation, surely this is an experience that comes once in a life-time to one historian in a thousand.’ Also refers to the bomb damage in Sheffield, following the War (1 May 1949, 2pp);
– letter describing his work transcribing the Burke letters – ‘The whole body of documents runs to about 230 letters between 1759 and 1776…they throw a great deal of new light on Anglo-Irish relations, or rather upon Mr. Burke’s idea of those relations’ and his ‘projected book on Burke and the New York Agency, which really is becoming a large work on Burke and the Origins of the American Revolution’ (30 June 1950, 1p.);
– letter to Denis Gwynn concerning a book on Burke and Barry correspondence and his book on Edmund Burke and Charles O’Hara (28 March 1952, 2pp);
– letters on the publication of his books on Edmund Burke and Charles O’Hara and Burke, New York Agent (1956);
– lengthy commentaries on: the American (both internal and external policy, including the Korean and Vietnam Wars and race relations) and British political situations; the awarding of an honorary degree from the National University on him; his book on Lord Charles Rockingham, The Marquis (1973) and
– references to a portrait of Edmund Burke by James Barry in the National Gallery (24 March – September 1973, 4 items).
Also includes letters written by James White, Director of the National Gallery to Fr Gwynn, concerning the portrait which was presented to Trinity College Dublin and ‘is in the Andrew’s Room in the Provost’s House’ (23 August, 4 September 1973, 2 items);
Includes letter to Fr Gwynn from Prof. Hoffman’s daughter, Mary Ellen Flinn, following her father’s death on 16 December 1979. Encloses a memorial card (3 January 1980, 2pp).

Hoffman, Ross John Swartz, 1902-79, American historian, author and educator

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Neville Hadcock

  • IE IJA J/10/28
  • File
  • 10 February 1973 - 29 November 1979
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Neville Hadcock. Discusses his academic work on French dioceses and maps of monastic Britain; his family, his health and that of his wife Jeanne; their book Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland, high crosses, the Tridentine Mass and the introduction of the New Liturgy.

Hadcock, Neville, -1980, historian

Letters from Prof. Geoffrey Hand to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

  • IE IJA J/10/31
  • File
  • 1 April 1975-11 March 1981
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Prof. Geoffrey Hand to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ. Includes news of his appointment to the Fiesole Institute, Florence; his work, colleagues in U.C.D. (where he Lectured in Legal and Constitutional History); family and health.

Hand, Geoffrey Joseph Philip, 1931-2016, Professor and former Chairman of Irish Manuscripts Commission

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Gilbert Laithwaite

  • IE IJA J/10/33
  • File
  • 31 December 1979 - 4 November 1981
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Gilbert Laithwaite (an Old Clongownian, 1907-1911) to whom Fr Gwynn frequently sent his publications.

Laithwaite, Sir, John Gilbert, 1894-1986, Irish-British civil servant and diplomat

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from National Portrait Gallery, London, seeking information on any known portraits of Stephen Lucius Gwynn

  • IE IJA J/10/44
  • File
  • 20 May - 10 June 1982
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Sarah Wimbush, Archive Research Assistant, National Portrait Gallery, London, seeking information on any known portraits of Stephen Lucius Gwynn (Fr Gwynn’s father), as part of her work in cataloguing Edwardian portraits, one of which is a portrait by Sir William Rotherstein of Stephen (1915). Includes list of known portraits of Stephen (1p.) and photocopy of the portrait (1p.).

Wimbush, Sarah

Letters from Fr Browne to the Irish Fr Provincial written from Germany and from Warley Barracks, Essex

  • IE IJA J/7/6
  • File
  • 28 December 1918-6 September 1919
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Fr Francis Browne SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ, written from Germany (28 December 1918-9 February 1919, 4 items), Bishop's House, Queenstown (Cobh), Cork (27 February 1919) and from Warley Barracks, Essex (10 March 1919-6 September 1919, 8 items) including one describing his daily routine as Chaplain to the Irish Guards (6 May 1919, 6pp).

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

'Poems' by Henry Patmore

'Poems' by Henry Patmore (Coventry Patmore’s son) (Oxford: Henry Daniel). With note by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (7 June 1947) ‘Although this contains no Hopkins autograph, it undoubtedly was his copy, sent to him by Patmore. C.f. The Further Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins.’ Includes compliments slip ‘Hastings: Easter, 1884 With Coventry Patmore’s compliments.’ With stamp of University College, St. Stephen’s Green and St. Ignatius’ College, S.J. Dublin.

Non-annotated book owned by Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ.

Patmore, Henry, 1860-1883, poet

Letters from Fr Aubrey Gwynn’s first cousins, written in response to Fr Gwynn’s request for genealogical information

  • IE IJA J/10/79
  • File
  • July 1974 - April 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Fr Aubrey Gwynn’s first cousins, Arthur Montague Gwynn, New South Wales, Australia and Edward Harold Gwynn, Gloucester, England, written in response to Fr Gwynn’s request for genealogical information as part of his research on the history of the Gwynn family (24 July 1974 – 17 April 1975, 3 items).

Bound volume entitled ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon

Bound volume entitled ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon containing: 'Lyrical Poems', Copy no. 12 of 105 printed (Oxford: H. Daniel) (1887, 62pp); 'The Story of Eudocia & Her Brothers', Copy no. 10 of 50 printed (Oxford: Henry Daniel) (1888, 35pp); 'Odes and Eclogues', Copy no. 9 of 100 copies printed (Oxford: Henry Daniel) (1884, 37pp).

Non-annotated book owned by Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ.

Dixon, Richard Watson, 1833-1900, English poet

'Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins'

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate (ed.) (London: Oxford University Press). With stamp of St. Ignatius’ 35 Lower Leeson Street.

Bridges, Robert, 1844-1930, poet laureate

Letters from publishers to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on a proposal to reprint Fr Gwynn’s 1920 book 'Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian'

  • IE IJA J/10/92
  • File
  • 17 May 1956 - 3 November 1969
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from publishers the Clarendon Press, Oxford, to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on a proposal by publishers W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd. to reprint Fr Gwynn’s 1920 book 'Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian'. Includes letters to Fr Gwynn from Heffers (30 June 1956 – 15 July 1960, 3 items), royalty statements from Clarendon Press (1969, 1971, 2 items) and copy of 'Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian'.

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from publishers the Clarendon Press, Oxford, concerning reissuing of 'Roman Education'

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from publishers the Clarendon Press, Oxford, concerning Russell & Russell’s reissuing of 'Roman Education'. ‘As he says in his letter of 29 January 1964 a loophole in the Unites States copyright law enables books published here (UK) before 1957 to be reprinted there (US) without authorisation – though not to be exported into countries where this loophole doesn’t exist. Naturally he didn’t say that practically all American publishers regard it as unethical to take advantage of this loophole, for various reasons, and especially because it is liable to create the situation in which we now find ourselves.’

Letters from publishers, the Clarendon Press, Oxford to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ concerning his latest book which needs complete revision

  • IE IJA J/10/102
  • File
  • 2 September 1970 - 24 September 1974
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from publishers, the Clarendon Press, Oxford to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ concerning his latest book which their Delegates say needs complete revision – ‘the book is not strictly a unified history but a series of disconnected and overlapping studies, which have been published separately already except for chapters XIII and XIV. They have much interest for specialists in the subjects concerned, though not for the general reader or for undergraduates.’

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from J.G. Mudd[iman], who is working on “a sort of ‘Contemporary History of Cromwell’

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from J.G. Mudd[iman], Dorset Square, London, who is working on “a sort of ‘Contemporary History of Cromwell.’ ” States that he is ‘very decidedly of (the) opinion that a volume …of Cromwell’s letters would be of very great importance. He has a definite story to tell, tells it at length, knows personally all the persons he mentions and has a knowledge of English so perfect that he hardly ever makes a mistake in the spelling of a name.’

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial and others seeking chaplains

Letters and telegrams to Irish Fr Provincial Fr Laurence J. Kieran SJ (and from 8 September 1941, Fr John MacMahon SJ) from Monsignor J.M. Coghlan (Principal Chaplain (Roman Catholic) and Vicar General, British Army, War Office) and Fr Edward J. Warner SJ (Staff Chaplain to Mgr. Coghlan), seeking chaplains to serve in the forces and thanking Irish Fr Provincial for those he has offered.

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence J. Kieran SJ from Fr Richard L. Guilly SJ regarding proposed trip to Dublin and the chaplains under his care

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence J. Kieran SJ from Fr Richard L. Guilly SJ (Senior Catholic Chaplain, British Troops, Northern Ireland) concerning his proposed visit to Dublin, news of the Jesuit chaplains under his care and arrangements for chaplains regarding banking in England (encloses a list of the ‘ordinary emoluments due to chaplains’ (17 May 1941, 3pp and 1p.).

Guilly, Richard Lester, 1905-1996, Jesuit priest, bishop and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ written during his time as chaplain in the Royal Navy

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ written during his time as chaplain in the Royal Navy based at R.N. Base, Derry, Northern Ireland (refers to trips to the Arctic Circle and Western Australia) and serving on the battleship H.M.S. Anson in the East. Includes;

  • Letter concerning his finances (February 1945, 10pp) and draft of Fr Provincial’s reply (25 February 1945, 2pp);
  • Letter from Sergeant Major D.J. Fitzgerald (R.M. Detachment) of H.M.S. Anson describing Fr Bodkin’s activities in Malta (4 June 1945, 3pp);
  • Letters describing his trip to Hong Kong, his visit with the Mission there (12 August – 25 October 1945, 12 items);
  • News of the various Jesuits in Hong Kong and how they have fared during the occupation;
  • Description of Tokyo (December 1945, 2 items); a ‘rough memory draft’ of his expenditure (1p.)
  • Draft copy of letter from the Provincial to Fr Bodkin concerning his finances (5 January 1946, 2pp) (letter was never sent).

Bodkin, Matthias, 1896-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Alan Birmingham SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial John MacMahon SJ from Fr Alan Birmingham SJ written during his time as a chaplain attached to the 2nd Battalion, The Loyal Regiment in Sussex and Northern Ireland; 32 Casualty Clearing Station in England and France; 4 Army Group Royal Artillery, B.L.A. in France and Germany; 150th Infantry Brigade in Southern India and the Indian Artillery Centre, Kamaredi. Includes description of his role in the D-Day landings on 6 June 1944 (16 November 1944, 4pp) and his last letter written on his way home (29 September 1946, 2pp).

Birmingham, Alan, 1911-1991, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leo Donnelly SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leo Donnelly SJ written while serving as chaplain in Great Yarmouth and Stalham, Norfolk with the 11th York and Lancasters; in 35th Casualty Clearing Station; 73rd General Hospital, Hatfield; with 5th Kings Regiment in Scotland; 10th Beach Group in France; 9 [Lines of Communications] Unit in France and 2nd Battalion of the Irish Guards.

Donnelly, Leo, 1903-1999, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Burden SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Burden SJ written while serving as chaplain in Catterick Camp, Yorkshire and with the 6th King’s Own Scottish Borders in Northumberland; in Nottingham (where he was promoted to Senior Chaplain (S.C.F. (R.C.) ); in India, South Africa and Iraq with Paiforce (Persian and Iraq Forces); 114th Rest/Transit Camp; 162nd Transit Camp in Damascus and Palestine. Some letters in the form of airgraphs. Includes his last letter written on 28 March 1946 concerning his release from the Army in May.

Burden, John, 1907-1974, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Maurice Dowling SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Maurice Dowling SJ written during his time serving as a chaplain in the 11th General Hospital in Peebles; Military Hospital, Drymen, Scotland; with the Shetland Defence Forces in Lerwick; in North Africa with the 58th [Heavy Anti-Aircraft] Regiment, Royal Artillery, B.N.A.F.; 3 L.C.U.; with the 167th Field Ambulance, C.M.F. and 2nd A.G.R.A., C.M.F.; with the 4th Battalion, Oxford and Bucks. in Norfolk and 2nd Army and 21st Army Group in Germany. Includes his first letter written to the Provincial from the 11th General Hospital (1 January 1942, 2pp), Fr Dowling’s memorial card (with photograph), and airgraphs from North Africa.

Dowling, Maurice J, 1896-1965, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Gerard Guinane SJ

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Gerard Guinane SJ written while serving as chaplain with the 2nd Battalion, Royal Ulster Fusiliers in various locations throughout England, in Hawick, Scotland and in Catterick Camp, Yorkshire.

Guinane, Gerard, 1900-1971, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Hayes SJ written while serving as chaplain

Letters and airgraphs to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Hayes SJ written while serving as chaplain attached to 393 Battery, 99th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire; with 144 Regiment, R.A.C. in Rufford Abbey, Ollerton, Notts., Aldburn Camp, Herts., Minstead and Malwood, Lyndhurst, Hants., Risborough Barracks, Folkestone, Kent; with the 6th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Rye, Sussex and 36th Indian Division in India and Northern Burma. Fr Hayes was made Senior Chaplain (S.C.F. (R.C.) in his division in January 1944. His last communication is a New Years note for 1945 (28 November 1944, 1p.).

Hayes, John, 1909-1945, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ from typhus on 21 January 1945. Includes: telegram from the Rector of Crescent College Limerick to the Provincial (John McMahon SJ) informing him that the War Office had ‘wired Mrs. Hayes that Father John died of typhus Jan 21st’ (26 January 1945, 1p.);
– note of acknowledgement to the Provincial from Frank G. Hayes (Fr Hayes’ brother) (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent to the Rector of Belvedere College (James Gubbins SJ) from Old Belvederian (1923-1931) and comrade of Fr Hayes, Captain W.A. Ward following the death of Fr Hayes (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent by Joseph Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) (Senior Catholic Chaplain, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia) to Mgr. John Coghlan (Principal R.C. Chaplain, War Office, London) giving further details of Fr Hayes’ death (28 January 1945, 1p.);
– letter from Mgr. Coghlan to the Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ (29 January 1945; 2pp);
– letters from Rev. A. Clancy (Senior Catholic Chaplain, H.Q. 36th Division, South East Asia) and from Rev. J. Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ (29 January 1945, 2 items, 1p. each);
– copy of letter sent to Mrs. Hayes by her son’s Commanding Officer, Major-General Francis Festing, following his death (23 January 1945, 2pp);
– letter from Agnes Hayes to Irish Fr Provincial (13 February 1945, 1p.);
– letter to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ from George Hickson, the chaplain who was with Fr Hayes before he died (15 February 1945, 3pp);
– copy of letter from Rev. J. Gardner to Fr D. Donnelly SJ (St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra, Bombay) listing the articles of ecclesiastical equipment of the late Fr Hayes, which Fr Gardner is sending to Fr Donnelly (17 March 1945, 1p.);
– copy of an Appreciation of Fr Hayes written by Rev. Terence M. Hogan, C.F. (R.C.)(Fr Hayes’ Senior Chaplain for six months) (19 March 1945, 1p.) and
– label tags ‘O.H.M.S. Deceased Officer’s Kit’ for Fr Hayes’ property (n.d., 3 items).

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Sydney Lennon SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Sydney Lennon SJ written while serving as a chaplain attached to 4th King’s Own Scottish Borders at Ford, Midlothian and Alloa, Clackmannonshir in Anti-Aircraft Unit; in various locations around Scotland; in Nottingham and on the hospital ship Dorsetshire. Includes his first letter written to Irish Fr Provincial from Scotland (5 September 1941, 4pp).

Lennon, Sydney C, 1906-1979, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael Morrison SJ written while serving as chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Michael Morrison SJ written while serving as a chaplain with 2/5th Bn. Welch Regiment in Sussex; M.E.F. (in a Convalescent Depot, unknown location); No. 13 General Hospital, M.E.F.; 2/8 Lancashire Fusiliers in Derry; 1/4th The South Lancashire Regiment in Castlewellan, County Down; 32 (Br.) Casualty Clearing Station, B.L.A. ; 121 (Br.) General Hospital, B.L.A.; 601 Regiment, Royal Artillery, B.A.O.R. and 113 Light Anti-Aircraft, R.A., B.A.O.R.. Includes letters describing Belsen Concentration Camp (18 April, 31 May 1945, 5pp) and letters concerning an article on Belsen written by Fr Morrison (Fr Morrison was one of the first priests to enter the camp) (17 July - 16 August 1945, 3 items).

Morrison, Michael, 1908-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ written while serving as a chaplain in the R.A.F. at R.A.F. College, Cosford, Wolverhampton and at R.A.F. Station, Colerne, Chippenham, Wiltshire. Includes his first letter to the Irish Fr Provincial written from Cosford (June 1945, 1p.).

McSweeney, Joseph, 1909-1982, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Conal Murphy SJ written while serving as chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Conal Murphy SJ, written while serving as a chaplain with the 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers in Christchurch and Aldershot, Hants., Langholm, Dumfriesshire and The Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire; 587 Field Company, [Royal Engineers], Estate Camp, Inverkip, Scotland and in North Africa; 78th Division, British North Africa Force in Tunisia and 78th Division, Central Mediterranean Force (C.M.F.) in Sicily and Italy; 67 Garrison, B.N.A.F. in Tunisia and No. 1 Casualty Clearing Station, Italy, C.M.F., and Austria. Includes his first letter to the Irish Fr Provincial written from Salisbury (4 September 1941, 2pp); letter from Ursula Murphy [Fr Murphy’s sister] to Fr Coyne stating she had received word that Fr Murphy had gone overseas (1 December 1941, 1p.); letter to Fr Michael O’Meara (See CHP2/32) (13 October 1943, 1p.) and letter to Fr Provincial from Fr Murphy written on ‘a memorable day, the end of the war in Italy’ (2 May 1945, 2pp). Includes leaflets for the Service of Remembrance and Dedication at St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin in which Fr Conal Murphy SJ contributed to (1976; 1978), and photograph of Fr Conal Murphy SJ in military chaplains uniform, with military ribbon rack underneath.

Murphy, Conal K, 1902-1979, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Conor Naughton SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Conor Naughton SJ written during his time as a chaplain with the 10th Rifle Brigade in Saffron Walden, Essex; in Hadleigh Militia Camp, Chapel Lane, Hadleigh (an Anti-Aircraft unit); in Stoke Military Hospital, North Bovey, Devon; based in St Michael’s House, Stanhope Lines, Aldershot, Hants.; Richmond Arms Hotel, Goodwood, Sussex; 47th General Hospital, Mhow, Central India; with 2nd Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment in India; in No. 3 Indian British General Hospital, Poona, India; Combined Military Hospital, Wāltair R.S. and with 14th Battalion, [Durham Light Infantry] in Drake West Camp, Dorset. Fr Naughton took his final vows in Manresa House (England) on 4 February 1942. Includes letter to Irish Fr Provincial from T. Naughton (Fr Naughton’s [father]) (27 July 1942, 1p.) and numerous references to Fr John Hayes SJ (See CHP2/18).

Naughton, Conor Ignatius, 1907-1992, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael Pelly SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael Pelly SJ written while serving as a chaplain with 11th York and Lancaster Regiment (218th Infantry Brigade); in Otley, West Yorkshire; The Military Hospital, York; with the British North Africa Force in North Africa; 1st Battalion, The Buffs, C.M.F. in Italy; in 93rd British General Hospital, C.M.F. and in the School of Infantry, Warminster, Wiltshire. Includes Fr Pelly’s first letter to the Provincial written from Bridlington (23 April 1942, 1p.) and letters describing the monastery of Cassino following the battle of Monte Cassino (30 May 1944, 2pp), being in Rome on the day it was taken by the Allies and his ‘semi-private audience with the Pope’ (30 June, 29 July 1944, 2 items).

Pelly, Michael C, 1907-1990, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Cyril Perrott SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Cyril Perrott SJ written while serving as a chaplain with the R.M.P. (Royal Military Police), Broomfield Park, Palmer’s Green, London; in Crofton House, Titchfield, Fareham, Hants.; with an Anti-Aircraft unit in Avendale, Bathford, Bath, Somerset; and in Hockley Sole, Capel le Ferne, Folkestone, Kent; with the 14th Army Group, South East Asia Command in India; 1st (W.A.) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, S.E.A.C. and in a Rangoon hospital. Includes copy of part of letter sent by Fr Perrott to his brother Fr Gerard Perrott SJ concerning a meeting with Frs Charles Day and Edward Sullivan in Calcutta (25 October 1944, 1p.). Fr Perrott was promoted to Senior Chaplain (S. C.F. (R.C.) ) in April 1945.

Perrott, Cyril, 1904-1952, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Daniel Shields SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Daniel Shields SJ written during his time as a chaplain with the Royal Artillery in Larkhill, Wiltshire; in the Imperial Hospital, Natal, South Africa; in Oribi Military Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, Natal; with the 8th Sherwood Foresters in Wrotham, Kent; on the hospital ship Atlantis; in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall and in the Army Technical School, Arborfield, Reading, Berks.

Shields, Daniel J, 1898-1986, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial John McMahon SJ from Mgr J.M. Coghlan

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ from Mgr John M. Coghlan (Principal Chaplain (R.C.) concerning the chaplains’ release from the Army; the War Office’s request to retain the services of a number of them and the urgent need for Jesuits to work on the Hong Kong Mission. Includes copy letter to Fr Edward J. Warner SJ (Staff Chaplain to Mgr. Coghlan) from the Irish Fr Provincial in reply to the War Office’s request to retain the services of Fr Conal Murphy SJ. ‘I am sorry to say that I am worse off than ever for men, having received the other day a cable from Fr Joy, the Superior of our Hong Kong Mission, asking me to send out twelve men. As he and his fellow-missioners have been through a very rough time, as you can well imagine, I am anxious to send this help as soon as possible…I regret very much, then, that I cannot spare Fr Murphy, as I know by experience what it means to have vacancies yawning wide around one and none to fill them!’ (1 October 1945, 2pp).
Also includes letters to Irish Fr Provincial concerning Fr Richard Kennedy ‘ex P.O.W. from (the) Far East’ (7 January 1946 – 17 January 1947, 5 items).

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Biographical information and military documents concerning Fr Cyril Perrott SJ

Biographical information, obituaries and memorial card of Fr Cyril Perrott SJ (4 items). Military file 3601/CH(RC) which contains various documents belonging to Fr Cyril Perrott taken from Irish Provincialate (2010). Includes:

  • 6 black and white photographs of unknown people (perhaps niece and brother who lived in Western Australia, and brother who was a Jesuit in Western Australia);
  • details of his successful application for rate of pay increase;
  • release certificate;
  • details of medical prescription;
  • receipt for demand for civilian clothing;
  • document outlining principles and priestly duties;
  • tax requests;
  • request and reply for contingency allowance;
  • documents outlining ration cards and national registration on return to the United Kingdom and instructions to personnel released or invalided during release period to Eire who are granted leave with pay and who are eligible for medical attendance etc, under army regulations (1945/46);
  • claim for award of 1939/45 Star/Burma Star/Defence Medal;
  • obituary (1952);
  • card to be shown by celebret whenever a Chaplain wishes to say Mass;
  • officers’ kit insurance;
  • copy of gospel in funeral Mass and
  • letters from Captain George P. Grossmith.

Perrott, Cyril, 1904-1952, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters from Neville Hadcock asking Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ to participate in the proposed volume, 'Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland'

  • IE IJA J/10/97
  • File
  • 24 September - 4 October 1953
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Neville Hadcock asking Fr Gwynn to participate in the proposed volume, 'Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland'… ‘that is, if I do the sort of donkey work and prepare lists, by counties in the first place, with ref(erence)s of all recorded monasteries marking those in doubt, as I complete a county I could pass it on to you to weed.’ (24 September 1953, 4pp).

Hadcock, Neville, -1980, historian

Letters from Longmans Group Ltd. concerning the publication of 'Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland'

  • IE IJA J/10/98
  • File
  • 7 October 1953 - 12 May 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Longmans Group Ltd. (formerly Longmans Green & Co. Ltd.) concerning the publication of 'Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland' by Fr Gwynn and Neville Hadcock. Includes copy of the agreement between the publishers and Fr Gwynn for the book signed on the company’s behalf (6 November 1953, 4pp).

Letters from Peter Wait of Methuen & Co. Ltd., concerning their acceptance of a book on the history of the medieval Irish Church

  • IE IJA J/10/100
  • File
  • 12 January 1949 - 13 March 1962
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Peter Wait of Methuen & Co. Ltd., concerning their acceptance of his proposal to write a book on the history of the medieval Irish Church. Includes amended copy plan of chapters of the proposed book, sent to Methuen by Fr Gwynn entitled 'The Reform of the Medieval Irish Church' (n.d., 7pp). There is some disagreement about the type of book it should be. Fr Gwynn expressed his wish to gather his essays from the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' and rewrite them to make a single connected story, however Mr. Wait wants a similar book but ‘on a good deal less detailed scale’ (13 January 1953, 2pp). Includes letters from Françoise Henry, U.C.D., to Fr Gwynn, offering to speak to the publishers on Fr Gwynn’s behalf (5, 23 February 1962, 2 items, 2pp each) and the publisher’s letter to Fr Gwynn following (Prof.) Henry’s conversation with them, “I would like a book, and I don’t insist on a ‘text book.’ I would like something that the educated person without specialised knowledge of the subject can read and which would be useful to students as well.” (19 February 1962, 1p.)

Wait, Peter, publisher

Letters from Fr Peter Dwyer SJ to Irish Fr Provincial

A file of letters from Fr Peter Dwyer SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes letters written during his voyage to Australia aboard the RMS "Osterley" ([ ] - 31 August 1915, 4 items).

Dwyer, Peter, 1879-1945, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning personal issues and chaplaincy

A file of letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning the Australian Mission. Includes a letter wondering whether he should go to the front. Remarks that he is too old for the trenches. (28 December 1915, 5pp). Includes a letter concerning his problems with drink and his desire to put his problems behind him and continue with his religious life and work assigned to him (30 May 1918, 19pp). Includes a letter concerning his appointment as chaplain for continuous service with Australian troops going to the front. Remarks that he is very pleased with his appointment (15 July 1918, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to his arrival back in Australia and his new position doing parish work at St. Mary's, North Sydney. Remarks 'I have charge of the Men's sodality...meantime I am awaiting demobilisation...' (25 October 1919, 4pp). Includes a letter announcing his arrival in London and remarks how glad he is to be home. Remarks that he wishes to arrange receipt of his war bonus with the authorities before he leaves London for Dublin. (10 January 1920, 2pp).

Gwynn, William, 1865-1950, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England

  • IE IJA J/16/9
  • File
  • 18 May 1949 - September 1967
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England. Includes:
– incomplete letter from Fr Sheil to the Provincial referring to a Mission he and Fr Robert L. Stevenson SJ are to give in Peterborough, ‘We will run one mission in a hostel, and another in the church at the same time. There are 180 Irish in the hostel; and there are believed to be about 400 in lodgings around the town. We may, or may not, be able to get at them.’ Also describes his recent travels on the Continent (third page of letter is missing) (12 Sep. 19--, 2pp);
– letter from Fr Sheil to the Provincial describing a ‘country mission in Northampton’ where he “was told to take a different village every day, say Mass in some Catholic house, visit every house – Catholic or no, and ‘hold a service’ on the village green in the evening” (2 September 19–, 7pp);
– covering letter and note (January 1953, 2pp) from Fr Sheil to the Provincial enclosing a memorandum entitled ‘Relations between Irish and English Jesuit Missioners’ (n.d., 3pp);
– covering letter from Fr Sheil (13 April 1953, 1p.) to the Provincial, enclosing a letter he received from the Archbishop of Cius and English Apostolic Delegate following Fr Sheil’s report to him of 1952 Mission work. The Archbishop writes ‘I have read with deepest interest the reports sent to me by the Reverend Father L. Sheil, S.J. and I have informed the Holy See of all the splendid work that has been accomplished. For this most necessary apostolate, certainly the Delegate of the Holy Father must send a cordial blessing in the name of His Holiness and he is confident that, with God’s help, more and more will be achieved for those who stand so much in need of the ministry of their own priests’ (9 April 1953, 1p.);
– copy letter from the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne to the English Fr Provincial Desmond Boyle SJ, regarding Fr Boyle’s ‘wishes concerning the activities of the Irish Mission staff in England’. States ‘I have…instructed Father Leonard Sheil to confine his activities in future to Camp Missions during the autumn months, and, once he has fulfilled his programme in London this autumn, to approach no parish priest about a parish Mission nor to accept any parish Mission without a specific request from Father Farrell.…I think he (Fr Sheil) has done good work for the Irish in England, some of which, such as the Confraternity in Birmingham, may be of permanent worth. But whatever good he has achieved is due in no small measure to the co-operation of the English Province and the support he received from the English parish clergy’ (22 Apr. 1953, 1p.);
– Fr Boyle’s reply thanking Fr Byrne for his co-operation and stating ‘I only hope that we of this Province have not seemed too difficult or dog-in-the-manger-ish. The position was getting rather confused and it seemed desirable to regularize it. Your mission Fathers have done wonderful work in England, and I am quite sure that Fr Sheil will be approached either directly or through Fr Farrell for further missions’ (29 Apr. 1953, 1p.);
– letter to Fr Sheil from Dr James Staunton, Bishop of Ferns in which he remarks ‘I was glad to know that you are going to St. Wilfrid’s York, and I hope your Fathers and yourself will be invited to give many missions in the secondary modern schools, and pioneer in this sphere’ (20 Aug. 1958, 2pp);
– letter to the Provincial from Fr Sheil describing the work of two Irish chaplains in London – Fr Cullen in Warwick Street and the chaplain in Bayswater (Sep. 1967, 2pp).
Also includes list drawn up by Fr Sheil of Jesuits who ‘should give a very good priests’ retreat’ (n.d., 2pp).

Results 1 to 100 of 549