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Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Mission by Fr Fidelis Grivel SJ

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Mission by Fr Fidelis Grivel SJ in 18[17]. Includes:

  • ‘Monita P. Grivel Visitatoris’ (18[17], 18pp);
  • letters from Fr Grivel to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ (whom Fr Grivel appoints as Superior of the Mission), with note on letter of 1[4] March 1820, ‘Chief letters of F. Grivel as Visitor’ (in Italian) (12 October 1817 - 28 March 1820, 9 items);
  • letters from Fr Grivel to Fr Aylmer, with note on top letter ‘Less important letters Fr. F. Grivel, Visitor’ (in Italian) (9 October 1817 - 19 June 1820, 8 items);
  • translated letters to Fr Grivel from various Jesuit Fathers, including Frs Charles Aylmer, Peter Kenney, Bartholomew Esmonde, Patrick Moran, James Butler, and Charles Fraser, originally in the Archives of the French Province. (In Italian) (4 August 1817 - 20 March 1820, 25 items). Includes copy of prospectus in English on Tullabeg – ‘Tullybeg ’‘Elementary School’ ‘Revd. Robert St Leger, Principal’ (August 1818, 2pp).

Biographical information on Br William Glanville SJ

  • IE IJA J/165/1
  • File
  • 2 August 1944 - 6 March 1984
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Biographical information on Br William Glanville SJ and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials. Includes a photograph of Br William Glanville SJ and Fr Sean Noonan SJ, September 1957, and mortuary card.

Letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

  • IE IJA J/470/1
  • File
  • 5 April 1811 - 23 July 1838
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. A brief précis to the letters is included in the file, and list of Irish Jesuits (1831).

Material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ

  • IE IJA J/277/1
  • File
  • 1 June 1930 - 2 February 1946
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record, photograph (1938) and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr Gregory Ffrench SJ

  • IE IJA J/147/1
  • File
  • 5 February 1936 - 19 August 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Gregory Ffrench SJ which includes correspondence concerning his work for the Society throughout his life. Includes notes by Msgr Alfred O'Rahilly on the life of Fr Willie Doyle SJ sent to Fr Ffrench SJ (18 August 1964, 2pp). Includes a letter from Fr Ffrench SJ, Jesuit Retreat Centre, Tullamore, County Offaly to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the closure of Emo. Remarks 'But this dinner for Ours on the 11th? Apart from considerations of poverty, I cannot see that the closing of Emo is any occasion for festivity. After all, Emo is being closed because God does not see fit to bless the Province as at present being run with sufficient vocations to justify keeping it open.' (27 August 1969, 3pp). Includes correspondence concerning his work for the Crusaders of the Blessed Sacrament (1974-1982).

Letters from Fr Tom Counihan SJ to Irish Fr Provincials

  • IE IJA J/461/1
  • File
  • 8 January 1933 - 25 August 1979
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Fr Tom Counihan SJ to Irish Fr Provincials concerning various topics including:

  • community life;
  • retreats conducted by Fr Counihan;
  • work with the SMA's and CB's;
  • work with the Youth Commission.

Material relating to Fr Dermot J Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/262/1
  • File
  • 9 June 1934 - 10 December 1979
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Dermot J Murphy SJ which includes correspondence concerning his work in Zambia and his health. Includes black and white passport size photographs, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Triennial Documents, 1868

Documents concerning:

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Lists of admissions to the Novitiate, First and Final Vows, etc. (Elenchi Triennales Admissorum in noviciatum, Admissorum ad Vota Prima et Ultima);
  • Catalogus Rerum.

Also, see ADMN/9/2. Documents relating to the 1862 Provincial Congregation.

Material collected by Fr John Grene SJ on the life of Mr James Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/47/1
  • File
  • 14 September - 2 December 1869
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of material collected by Fr John Grene SJ on the life of Mr James Murphy SJ, a scholastic who drowned whilst on villa (holiday) at Poulaphuca, County Wicklow. The contributors provide information of his life as a student at Clongowes Wood College and later as a novice in the Society.

Grene, John, 1807-1887, Jesuit priest

Letters from Jesuits volunteering to serve as chaplains

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Laurence J. Kieran SJ from various Jesuits volunteering to become military chaplains following the outbreak of the Second World War. Includes letters from: Frs Michael J. Morrison SJ (See CHP2/29), Arthur Little SJ, Fr Edward J. Coyne SJ, Joseph Garland SJ, Thomas Shuley SJ, Richard Kennedy SJ (See CHP2/23), Leonard Sheil SJ, James McCann SJ and Michael Pelly SJ (See CHP2/33).

Memorial cards and prayer cards belonging to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ

  • IE IJA J/453/10
  • File
  • 2 November 1914 - 22 August 1944
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of memorial cards and prayer cards belonging to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ.

  • Clause O'Conor Mallins, 1914;
  • Rev, John Healy D.D., 1918;
  • Daniel Joseph McGrath, 1928;
  • Matthias McDonnell Bodkin, 1933;
  • Christina Cribbin, 1940;
  • Francis Noel O'Brien, 1944;
  • Mother Teresa Magdalen of the Holy Face (Mary Rose Bodkin), 1955;
  • Mother M. Joseph O.P., 1957;
  • Patrick Corcoran, 1970;
  • Thomas Bodkin, 1961;

Letters from S. P. Redington, solicitors concerning the estate of Fr John Errington SJ

  • IE IJA J/38/10
  • File
  • 30 December 1886 - 23 February 1893
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from S. P. Redington, solicitors concerning the estate of Fr John Errington SJ. Refers to the will of George A. Nicolls (Fr Errington was named, amongst others, as one of the beneficiaries of this will and ultimately came to inherit the estates in Kildare and Westmeath. George A. Nicolls died without issue and his estate passed to his brother Archibald Dowdell Nicolls. The latter also died without issue and the estate was inherited by Fr John Errington SJ).

Redington, Samuel, solicitor

Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ missionary work in Malta

  • IE IJA J/471/10
  • File
  • 1842 - 22 April 1850
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ missionary work in Malta. Includes documents relating to religious instruction of Catholics, descriptions of clerical controversy, disputes with Protestants, conversions of Protestants to Catholicism, preaching, Catholic education, addresses presented to the Governor of Malta, Fr Esmonde's Journal describing his time in Malta, correspondence. Letters are addressed to Fr Esmonde at San Calcedonia, outside Valletta. This house belonged to the Sicilian Province and Malta had a close connection with the Sicilian Province. Note: at least 50% of the documents are written in Italian.

Letter from Charles Russell, Maynooth College, County Kildare to his sister, Anne Russell

Letter from Charles Russell, Maynooth College, County Kildare to his sister Anne Russell. Remarks that there was an eclipse of the sun 'I observed it very accurately. When I saw it first a very small segment was obscured but in a short time more than one third was covered. I never had a perfect idea of an eclipse until today. Describes what it is like to be studying in Maynooth. Remarks that he has a bad place in the study hall as the people around him talk. Refers to his room 'I am beginning already to feel the cold at night. I suppose it is because my curtains are so bad if they may be called curtains which are all full of holes and as thin as wafer.' Includes a xerox copy of the letter.

Letters from Fr Francis Browne SJ to the Irish Provincial on various matters

  • IE IJA J/7/10
  • File
  • 24 July 1942-14 July 1947
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Fr Francis Browne SJ, many written from St Mary’s, Emo, Portarlington, County Laois, to the Irish Provincial on various matters (mostly seeking permission to travel to different locations for the purposes of giving retreats, lectures, visiting friends and family), including his health and his photographic work. Includes letters:
– referring to his securing photos of ‘the ruins on Inniscaltra in Lough Derg…(and)…Castletown at Celbridge’ (29 June 1944, 2pp);
– referring to his eldest sister, Mother Josephine in the Ursuline Convent, Blackrock, County Dublin (17 and 20 September 1944, 2 items);
– concerning his travelling expenses (28 October and 2 November 1944, 2 items);
– his making ‘a set of photographs in Curraghmore House … because I am collecting a set of Georgian Houses & Curraghmore was on the list given me by the Georgian Society’ (9 April 1945, 3pp);
– regarding his ‘camera work’. ‘As you know, I am supplying a series of pictures of “Historic Mansions” each month to ‘Irish Tatler & Sketch’. The first of the series were photos of Shelton Abbey for which the present Lord Wicklow gave his very willing approval…he proposes utilising c as a kind of Hotel or “Country Club” He asked me whether it would be possible for me to go there again to take further photos before the necessary alterations are made’ (8 April 1947, 3pp);
– stating ‘…the editor of ‘Tatler & Sketch’ is pressing me for a further series of “Historic Mansions” to be published in the Autumn. Apparently he found that the first series – Jan. to May – was very popular. Would you permit me to do some journeys for this purpose & to debit them to a “Villa” account: not, as usual, to my Camera account?’ (23 June 1947, 3pp) and
– stating ‘I enclose a list of places I wish to photograph for my next series of “Historic Mansions” – which is due to begin in October. The last set – January – May, brought me £25, & the next will be even more profitable, because the Editor told me that he is so satisfied with the results, that he will print more pictures of each house in the next series’ (14 July 1947, 2pp).

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Triennial Documents, 1933 - 1936

Documents for:

  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Catalogue of those apt for governing (Catalogus Aptorum ad Gubernandum);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum) et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours(Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);
  • Examples of Deeds (Exemplar Contractus Perpetui);
  • Supplement to First and Second Catalogue (Supplementum Triennale ad Catalogum Personarum Primum & Secundum).

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Rome to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Clongowes Wood, Naas

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Rome, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Clongowes Wood, Naas, Kildare concerning domestic issues in Rome. Refers to a group of Polish fathers who are destined for Clongowes but remarks that he does not know when they will commence their journey. Refers to the General Congregation and the naming of the new Fr. General. Remarks 'You have no idea of all the imbroglios which I have witnessed here; men are men everywhere. I have so little that could edify you on the subject that I judge it more prudent not to enter upon it.' Asks to be remembered to members of the community in Clongowes Wood.

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr John Grene SJ, St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly to l’Abbé McDonald, Louvain

Letter from Fr John Grene SJ, St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly to l’Abbé McDonald, [Fr John MacDonald SJ], Louvain. From Announces the arrival of Fr Charles Brooke SJ from England, and appointments made so far in the Province. Refers specifically to Belvedere and Clongowes. Announces the names of those who have gone to Tronchiennes that year. Reports on his own activities and on Tullabeg. Also refers to the Repeal campaign. Doubts that the plans for a residence in Galway will come to fruition. Refers to the foundation of a College for Foreign Missions in Dublin, and announces the death of Fr Kearney. Asks if his correspondent might be disposed to go to Colombia to educate and carry out missionary work, as the population of Bogotà wish European Jesuits to do. Also refers to the political situation in Ireland.

Memoranda detailing the terms of agreement between Irish Fr Provincial and the Rector of Clongowes Wood College on the financial liability of Clongowes Wood College SJ

Memoranda detailing the terms of agreement between Irish Fr Provincial Timothy Kenny SJ and the Fr John Conmee SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College on the financial liability of Clongowes Wood College SJ to the Irish Province. Refers to the additional financial liability accruing from St Stanislaus College SJ, Tullabeg, following it's amalgamation with Clongowes, and the Province taking ownership of St Stanislaus College following it's closure as a College (Tullabeg became a noviceship) and amalgamation with Clongowes Wood College.

Kenny, Timothy J, 1843-1917, Jesuit priest

Material relating to the Clongowes Wood College Union

A file relating to the Clongowes Union 1897-1947 :

  1. "Programme of Music" for the Clongowes Union Inaugural Dinner, (The Shelbourne Hotel, 16 November 1897, 4pp);
  2. Alphabetical List of attendees at the Clongowes Union Inaugural Dinner, (The Shelbourne Hotel, 16 November 1897, 10pp);
    3 . A list of Officers of the Clongowes Union appointed to carry on the work of the Union until the General Meeting of 5 June 1898 (1p);
    4 . A "Draft Rules of The Clongowes Union" for consideration at the General Meeting in Clongowes on 5 June 1898 (4pp);
  3. Menu card and Programme of Music for the Clongowes Union (4 June 1905);
  4. Menu card and Programme of Music for the Clongowes Union (no date);
  5. A page taken from the 1908, 'The Clongownian' (pp 73 & 74), with a photograph of Union Day in front of the Castle, and the first part of a report on The Clongowes Union Annual Meeting (2pp);
  6. The Clongowes Union "Rules and List of Members 1913" Printed by Browne & Nolan Limited, Printers, Nassau Street Dublin (22pp);
  7. Photocopy of a newspaper photographs in the Irish Independent entitled "Clongowes Union" (7 June 1926, 1p & 3 photographs);
  8. Photocopy of a newspaper article entitled "Union Day at Clongowes" (26 June 1926, 1p);
  9. Booklet of The Clongowes Union Rules 1934 (7pp) published by Brindleys Limited, Printers, Eustace Street, Dublin (8pp);
  10. Booklet "The Clongowes Union 1897-1947. A Review of the Union's History and Annual Report" published by Brindleys Limited, Printers, Eustace Street, Dublin (Golden Jubilee Year, 2 copies, 22pp);
  11. Two wide angle photographs pasted on a single card depicting the gathering of The Clongowes Union (top) and those gathered for Union Day (bottom). Cardinal Logue is seated in the centre of the top photograph and John Redmond in the centre of bottom photograph. The photographs were produced by Keogh Brothers, Photographers, Dorset Street, Dublin for the centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College, 1914. For names see: SC/CLON/168 - Commemorative booklet of the Sesquicentenary of Clongowes Wood College SJ.

Clongowes Wood College Union, 1897-

Claim signed on behalf of the Catholic Headmaster's Association, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland urging an increase in the grants to secondary schools

Claim signed on behalf of the Catholic Headmaster's Association by Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Chairman (Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ) and P Canon Marshall, Honorary Secretary (St Brendan's Seminary, Killarney) addressed to the Right Hon H E Duke KC, MP, Chief Secretary To the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The claim urges an increase in the grants to secondary schools (2pp).

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Letter from Mr Stewart Fitzpatrick, Intermediate Education Board for Ireland, to Fr James Daly SJ concerning the teacher's salaries grant.

Letter from Mr Stewart Fitzpatrick, Intermediate Education Board for Ireland, 1 Hume Street, Dublin to Fr James Daly SJ, Prefect of Studies at Clongowes Wood College SJ, concerning the calculation of the teacher's salaries grant. There is a personal note in the first paragraph, and he also remarks, confidentially, near the end "You will thus see that your college tops its rivals of the CSSp." (2pp).

Fitzpatrick, Steward

Letter from Florence E Quirke, Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland, to Irish Fr Provincial, concerning the dismissal of a teacher from Clongowes Wood College SJ

Letter from Florence E Quirke, General Secretary, Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland, 33 South Frederick Street, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning the dismissal of Mr R O'Connor from his teaching position in Clongowes Wood College SJ, and stating that "it will be unnecessary for Mr R O'Connor to proceed with the appeal against his dismissal..." (1p). Attached to this letter is a formal document entitles "Procedure in Dismissal of Lay Secondary Teacher and Appeal from Such Dismissal" (1p).

Quirke, Florence E

Sample letter and form signed by the Fr Vincent Byrne SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to parents/guardians concerning the re-opening of the College.

Sample letter and form signed by the Fr Vincent Byrne SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to parents/guardians concerning the re-opening of the College (1p). The letter gives clear indication about travel arrangements from Kingsbridge Station Dublin, and Cork, Belfast and Galway Stations, and cautions that any boy who does not return may have his name struck from the roll. Attached also is a pro forma form to be signed by parents/guardians, indicating that their son has not suffered from, or been exposed to any contagious or infectious disease (1p).

Byrne, Vincent, 1848-1943, Jesuit priest

Sample letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to parents/guardians inviting the return of pupils to the College following a scarlatina outbreak.

Sample letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ parents/guardians inviting the return of pupils to the College on April 18th, following a scarlatina outbreak. Remarks that the school has been totally disinfected. The letter gives clear indication about travel arrangements from Kingsbridge Station Dublin, and Cork.

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

File of letters addressed to Fr Thomas Wheeler SJ

  • IE IJA J/440/11
  • File
  • 1 December 1907 - 18 October 1911
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of letters addressed to Fr Thomas Wheeler SJ. Mainly relates to financial matters as Fr Wheeler was Province Procurator at the time. Includes letters from:

  • W.J. Gannon, Stillorgan, who wishes to become a lay brother with a congregation in Hatfield, England (1 December 1907);
  • Fr Timothy Kenny SJ, St Patrick’s, East Melbourne thanking Fr Wheeler for ‘getting the faculties to bless Beads’ (29 July 1908);
  • Fr. William Delany SJ, University College, St. Stephen’s Green requesting that a separate passbook and chequebooks be established solely for ‘the Kennedy account’, and that no money be drawn unless for the purposes expressed by Mr Kennedy. (8 September 1909);
  • Fr Richard O’ Reilly S.J. , St. Stanislaus College, Tullamore detailing the offer of Mr. Joe Corcoran of £500 for the 46 acres of land belonging to the Jesuits adjacent to Tullabeg (3 November 1910) and the legalities involved in the sale of land, trustees and the future of Tullabeg (13 November 1910)

Status Temporalis for the Irish Province

Status Temporalis (Province Account).for: St Ignatius’ College, Galway; St Stanislaus’ College, Tullabeg; Clongowes College, Naas; Belvedere College, Dublin; Crescent College (College of the Sacred Heart), Limerick; Mungret College, Limerick; Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin; University Hall; 35 Lower Leeson Street; St Francis Xavier’s, Gardiner Street.

Sample letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to parents/guardians about travel arrangements for the Easter vacation

Sample letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to parents/guardians about travel arrangements for the Easter vacation. The letter gives clear indication about travel arrangements from Kingsbridge Station Dublin, Cork, Belfast and Galway. The letter also requests information on any contagious or infectious sicknesses in the places where the student has stayed during the vacation. It also reminds parents/guardians of the regulations about visiting the students.

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Sample letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to parents/guardians parents/guardians concerning the increase in school fees

Sample letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to parents/guardians parents/guardians concerning the increase in school fees due to the war. He indicates a high application for the coming year, and encourages parents to reserve places for younger brothers, or to give good notice of intention to withdraw a student.

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Extracts from 'The Clongownian', concerning the building of the new "boys" chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Extracts (cut outs) from 'The Clongownian' of [1915], concerning the building of the new "Boys" Chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ (8pp). Of interest, on the front cover is a note from October 1813 about the sale of Castle Brown to the Jesuits, written in a London newspaper, and quoting "The Dublin Journal". On the front cover is an article indicating those who have contributed as benefactors to the building of the Chapel, and particularly highlighting Fr Daniel E O'Brien SJ - Superior at the Norwood Parish in Adelaide, Australia - and Fr George Redington Roche SJ - Senior Prefect at Clongowes - who before taking Final Vows in the Society of Jesus, contributed inherited money for the Chapel. Fr O'Brien died in Adelaide in 1915.

Fr James Aloysius Daly SJ

A file relating to Fr James Daly SJ, including biography, genealogical material, letter from Peter Byrne, University College, Dublin (13 November 1897) to Fr Daly SJ, profits from Clongowes Wood College farm 1915-1916, grants paid to Clongowes Wood College and correspondence from the Irish Fr Provincials.

Daly, James Aloysius, 1847-1930, Jesuit priest

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ from the House Consultors concerning the building of the new chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ from the House Consultors, at the request of Fr Vincent Byrne SJ, Rector, concerning the building of the new chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ.

The authors are:
Fr James Daly SJ (10 November 1904, 1p) - approving the project;
Fr William MacCormack SJ (11 November 1904, 2pp) - approving the project;
Fr Joseph Wrafter SJ (13 November 1904, 4pp) - approving the project;
Fr William MacCormack SJ (30 March 1905, 2pp) - approving the contract;
Fr James Daly SJ (30 March 1905, 3pp) - disapproving the contract;
Included in this file is a rough drawing of the proposed site for the new Chapel.

Letters to and from Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ concerning a new building at Clongowes Wood College SJ - the "1929" building

A file of letters, and one article, to and from Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ, concerning a new building at Clongowes Wood College SJ - the "1929" building

  • article from 'The Clongownian', entitled "Structural Changes in Clongowes 1814-1932" (8pp);
  • copy of undated commentary notes on the 'New Buildings, Clongowes Wood College' from Fr John Fahy SJ (2 copies, 1p each);
  • letter from Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ, St Ignatius, Leeson Street Dublin, in response to a request from Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ for his views on the new building at Clongowes (14 May 1927, 2pp);
  • letter from Fr George R Roche, Mungret College SJ, Limerick, in response to a request from Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ for his views on the new building at Clongowes (17 May 1927, 2pp);
  • letter from Fr Thomas V Nolan, St Francis Xavier, Gardiner Street, Dublin, in response to a request from Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ for his views on the new building at Clongowes (17 May 1927, 3pp);
  • letter from Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ to Fr General Wlodimir Ledóchowski SJ's English Assistant Fr John Coyne SJ indicating the desire to build a new building at Clongowes (in Latin, 23 May 1927, 3pp);
  • response to Fr Fahy's letter to Rome, in Latin (8 June, 1927, 1p);
  • further response to Fr Fahy's letter to Rome, in Latin (19 June 1927, 1p);
  • response to 19 June 1927 letter from Rome by Fr Fahy outlining the process of decision making. in Latin (18 November 1927, 2pp);
  • response to 18 November 1927 letter of Fr Fahy from Rome, in Latin (9 December 1927, 1p);
  • formal letter from Fr Fahy that Clongowes be allowed to borrow monies for the purpose of the new "1929" building, in Latin (19 April 1929, 1p);
  • letter from Mr Joseph Wrafter, Stonecutters Union of Ireland, Trades Hall, Capel Street, Dublin, to Fr Fahy, raising concerns about new materials that may be used in the new building at Clongowes - stone from abroad and a new substance called "cement". He is urging Fr Fahy to use only Irish stone on the buildings (14 May 1929, 1p).

Fahy, John, 1874-1958, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file of letters from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ. These letters include Fr Tomkin informing or requesting assistance from Fr Nolan in the ordinary business and administration of the College and Community. They include health issues relating to members of the community, in particular Fr James Daly SJ, as well as an outbreak of scarlatina and how they are managing. He also raises some financial matters, including the sponsorship of Mr Edward Boyd-Barrett's "Clongowes Social Club", a request for assistance in collecting unpaid fees, and a desire to support some local people in difficulty. Included also are various issues which arose in relation to staff in the house, garden and on the farm. Included are some references to the past, in particular those who were engaged in or died in the First World War, about whom there was a great deal of compassion, and yet a desire to be sensitive to the political realities of the day in Ireland. There was also some discussion about the setting up of some kind of cadet corps in the school, and there were widely divergent views on this topic in the community.

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Charles Mulcahy SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Letters from Fr Charles Mulcahy SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ. These letters include Fr Mulcahy informing or requesting assistance from Fr Nolan in the ordinary business and administration of the College and Community. They include health issues relating to members of the community, teachers and staff, as well as performance in examinations. There is also a letter discussing the expulsion of a pupil, Redmond O'Regan. In addition there is a personal letter regarding Mr Edward Coyne SJ, who was experiencing some difficulties at Rathfarnham Castle (Fr Mulcahy knew him well, having been his Novice Master).

Mulcahy, Charles, 1874-1954, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file of letters from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ:

  • letter from Fr McGrath to Fr Kieran in response to make some economies in the community and College (16 October 1939, 2pp);
  • letter from Fr McGrath to Fr Kieran raising a concern about externs who come to the early Mass at Clongowes, especially on Sundays. The matter had been raise by Fr Kehoe in Clane (11 March 1940, 3pp);
  • letter from Fr Kieran to Fr McGrath replying to his letter of 11 March 1940, raising the question of externs at the early Mass in Clongowes.

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

Fr William Dargan SJ

  • IE IJA J/117
  • File
  • 18 June 1922 - 27 December 1983
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr William Dargan SJ, including biographical information, black and white photographs, birth certificate and stole with the initials W.D. (William Dargan) and the date of his ordination, 31 July 1935.

Dargan, William, 1904-1983, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr William Dargan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ concerning financial matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file of letters from Fr William Dargan SJ, to Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ concerning financial matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ. Fr Dargan is Prefect of Studies at Clongowes, and also a Provincial Consultor.

  • letter from Fr Dargan to Fr MacMahon suggesting that they take up an offer of an "investment" but that this should be placed at a different bank which might offer greater interest (15 November 1941, 1p);
  • letter from Fr Dargan to Fr MacMahon indicating further developments on Fr Dargan's letter of 15 November (2 December 1941);
  • letter from Fr Dargan to Fr MacMahon indicating that there is a change in requirements coming in relation to the University qualifications for teachers, and the implications this might have for Jesuit scholastics (23 October 1942, 2pp).

Dargan, William, 1904-1983, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Redmond Roche SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning staffing and educational matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file of letters from Fr Redmond Roche SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning staffing and educational matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ:

  • letter from Fr Roche to Fr Byrne concerning staffing levels, and the possibility that there will not be enough to manage the community, College and farm. he suggests raising wages, though he is not convinced this will change things. )10 September 1947, 2pp)
  • A letter from Fr Roche to Fr Byrne raising suggestions from the Prefect of Studies, Fr Hilary Lawton SJ, about restructuring classes. (7 August 1948, 2pp)

Roche, Redmond Francis, 1904-1983, Jesuit priest

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ written during his time as chaplain in the Royal Navy

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ written during his time as chaplain in the Royal Navy based at R.N. Base, Derry, Northern Ireland (refers to trips to the Arctic Circle and Western Australia) and serving on the battleship H.M.S. Anson in the East. Includes;

  • Letter concerning his finances (February 1945, 10pp) and draft of Fr Provincial’s reply (25 February 1945, 2pp);
  • Letter from Sergeant Major D.J. Fitzgerald (R.M. Detachment) of H.M.S. Anson describing Fr Bodkin’s activities in Malta (4 June 1945, 3pp);
  • Letters describing his trip to Hong Kong, his visit with the Mission there (12 August – 25 October 1945, 12 items);
  • News of the various Jesuits in Hong Kong and how they have fared during the occupation;
  • Description of Tokyo (December 1945, 2 items); a ‘rough memory draft’ of his expenditure (1p.)
  • Draft copy of letter from the Provincial to Fr Bodkin concerning his finances (5 January 1946, 2pp) (letter was never sent).

Bodkin, Matthias, 1896-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letter from Fr Hilary Lawton SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning changes in the course of studies of Clongowes

Letter from Fr Hilary Lawton SJ, Clongowes Wood College, Naas, County Kildare to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning changes in the course of studies of Clongowes he is planning. Seeks permission to travel to England, Holland and Belgium to see other methods of education at work.

Lawton, Hilary, 1912-1984, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Gerald Corr SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning articles for 'The Clongowanian' and his own posting as a Chaplain

Letters from Fr Gerald Corr SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning articles for the 'Clongowanian' and his own posting as a Chaplain. Fr Corr was editor of the "Clongownian"

  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan informing him that Mr John J Horgan has agreed to write an article on Clongownians in Politics for the centenary edition of 'The Clongownian'. he cites The O'Gorman, Thomas F Meagher, John Redmond, Thomas Kettle (21 January 1914, 2pp);
  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan indicating "Service List" - those who served in WWI (5 November 1915, 1p);
  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan noting additions to the "Service List" (10 November 1915);
  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan indicating that he had been appointed as Chaplain at BEF in France (23 February 1917, 2pp).

Corr, Gerald F, 1875-1941, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Note on Sir J. Coxe Hippisley and the Catholic question

‘Note on Sir J. Coxe Hippisley’. Recounts Sir Hippisley’s involvement in the Catholic question, and the ‘appendixes to his speech on the issue, which was rejected by the Jesuits at Stonyhurst’. Refers to some of his views, including his contention in relation to the transfer of Jesuit funds from England to Ireland.

Booklet of "War List" for Clongowes Wood College SJ

Booklet of list of War List, which is an updated version of the booklet of list of Clongownians in Military and Naval Service. This version is updated to January 1917. There is a loose insert from the editor of 'The Clongownian', indicating that there will be an "Album" published with the Clongownians who have taken part in the (sic) War. This volume is published by E Ponsonby Limited, 116 Grafton Street, Dublin.

Includes a copy, taken from the Jesuit Library, Milltown Park, Dublin before transfer to DCU, 2019.

Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file relating to the Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ:

  • "Programme of Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May, 1 June, 2 June and 4 June 1914 (5 copies, 4pp each);
  • "Luncheon Card" for Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - May 31st;
  • invitation Card for dinner at Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May 1914. It included travel arrangements to and from Kingsbridge Station, Dublin (2 copies);
  • programme for "Cricket Match, Band Performance" Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 4 June 1914. Included is the programme of music for the day, performed by HM 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment (4pp);
  • "Centenary Dinner" Menu, 31 May 1914. Includes the programme of music performed by The Band of the Queen's Own Hussars (2pp);
  • accounts sheet showing a list of donors to the "Clongowes Wood College SJ Centenary Fund" (7pp);
  • list which is prepared by students for students "The Clongowes Centenary" on how to prepare for this event (14 February 1914, 1p);
  • Clongowes Wood College "School Song". Music by WH Grattan-Flood, Mus D, KSG. Woods by JEC (2 copies, 2p each);
  • letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan outlining discussion and decisions to the Centenary planning committee, and inviting response. (16 February 1914, 2pp);
  • letter from Michael F O'Dwyer, Government House, Lahore, Pakistan, a past pupil of St Stanislaus College SJ, Tullabeg, sending a donation to the Centenary Fund, and wising the committee well (24 Match 1914, 1p);
  • formal invitation card from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Community of Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ to the Centenary Celebrations 31 May 1914, beginning with Pontifical High Mass;
  • photocopy an article in 'The Freeman's Journal' giving a full account of the Centenary celebrations, including the sermon of Fr Robert Kane SJ, and the other speeches of the day, including an address to and reply from Mr John E Redmond. It also includes a page of photographs from the event (1 June 1914, 3pp);
  • original copy of a follow up article on the Centenary in the "Freeman's Journal" (6 June 2014, 4pp);
  • copy of letter from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ to Mr John Redmond MP, inviting him to form a fundraising Committee for Clongowes Wood College SJ among other past pupils in London and throughout England and Scotland (19 June 2014, 2pp).

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Second Annual Report of the "Clongowes Boys Club"

Second annual report of the "Clongowes Boys Club" 1943. Includes a list of officers, statement of accounts and a list of donors. Attached is a sample subscription form. Published by Brindleys Limited, Printers, Eustace Street, Dublin.

Clongowes Boys Club, 1942-2009

Second Annual Report and Agenda for the Third AGM of the 'Clongowes Social Service Club'

Second Annual Report of the "Clongowes Social Service Club" 1915 (4 November 1915, 4pp) (Includes a list of officers) and agenda for the the third AGM of the 'Clongowes Social Service Club' (7 September 1916, 4pp). It includes of statement of accounts and a list of donors. Both published by Brindleys Limited, Printers, Eustace Street, Dublin

Clongowes Social Services Club, 1914-

Memorials of the Irish Province

Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898 – Centenary year, Part II 1814 – 1914
(For circulation among Ours Only)
Contains Obituaries
Handwritten index biographical notices in the Memorials of the Irish Province and general index. Compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

  1. Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898
    ‘A Short History of the Irish Province Part I, From its foundation under St. Ignatius down to the year 1626’;
    ‘Memoir of Father Peter Kenney, S.J.’;
    ‘Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in Clongowes up to 1826’;
    University College Results;
    Catalogus Hib A.. 1752 in Missione Hibernica’.

  2. Vol. 1, No.II June 1899
    ‘Biographical Sketch of the Rev. T. Betagh’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in: Clongowes, from 1826 to 1869 Tullabeg, previous to the year 1874;
    Notes on the lives of early Irish Jesuits written in 1877 by Fr John Curtis SJ;
    ‘Voyage to Palermo and Back’ by Fr Charles Aylmer SJ;
    ‘Fr Edmund J O’Reilly’ by Fr Matthew Russell SJ;
    ‘An Old MSS Catalogue of Clongowes, 1820-1821’;
    Chronological list of Jesuits connected with the Irish Mission from 1550-1779;

  3. Vol. 1, No.III June 1900
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: the Residence, Gardiner Street from 1845 to 1895. Belvedere College from 1855 to 1892;
    ‘Some manuscript catalogues of Clongowes, 1823, 1824, 1825 - 1834, 1837 and 1839’;

  4. Vol. 1, No.IV June 1901
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland, Part II’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Vale Novitiorum’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: University College, Dublin, from 1889-1893.

  5. Vol. 1, No. V June 1902
    ‘Short History of the Australian Mission’;
    ‘Some Irish Worthies S.J.’ by Edmund Hogan SJ;
    Memoirs of Fathers who Died at Milltown Park, from 1865 to 1887;
    ‘Further Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘Two letters, 1813, 1814’ written by Fr Charles Aylmer.

  6. Vol. 1, No. VI January 1903
    ‘Memoirs of Fr Alfred Murphy SJ’;
    ‘Some Early Irish Jesuits’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘A Short History of Irish Province Pt.1’(Fr Grene).

  7. Vol. 1, No. VII June 1903
    ‘A Short History of Some Early Irish Jesuits (continued)’ by Rev. J. McDonnell SJ;
    ‘A contribution towards a History of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, from its Revival soon after the year 1800. Part II’ by Fr John Grene SJ.
    ‘Some Letters in Jesuit Archives in Ireland’;
    Memoir of Father P.E. Duffy, S.J. Part I.

  8. Short Memoirs of the Early Irish Jesuits down to the year 1840
    by Fr Joseph McDonnell SJ, 1903

  9. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part I
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Rathfarnham Castle and some of its Former Owners’;
    ‘First Dublin residence, George's Hill, 1812’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, 1829-1914’;
    Necrologia: 1900 to December 1913.

  10. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part II
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Milltown Park and and some of its Owners’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, Milltown Park, 1858-1914’;
    ‘Irish Province, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’;
    ‘Gardiner Street, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’.

Status Temporalis for the Irish Province

Status Temporalis (Province Account) for: St Ignatius’ College, Galway; St Stanislaus’ College, Tullabeg; Clongowes College, Naas; Belvedere College, Dublin; Crescent College (College of the Sacred Heart), Limerick; Mungret College, Limerick; Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin; University Hall; 35 Lower Leeson Street; St Francis Xavier’s, Gardiner Street.

Diary of Fr William A Sutton SJ

  • IE IJA J/18/13
  • Item
  • 18 December 1901 - 17 December 1902; 31 August 1909; 1 October 1912 - 20 November 1912
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Diary includes entry dated 31 August 1909 which reads, ‘Since coming here to Mungret six years ago I’ve been struggling on much on the old lines ever seeking peace one way or another…It came upon me quite by surprise to be sent here from M(ill)town Park. I had been told I sh(oul)d be there 10 years (of course not for certain). Any way I made best of it. It was compensation to get away from relatives who had given me awful bother, poor creatures. I came here as Vice Rector & had lots of teaching. I had to study much & got on well enough. I expected to be appointed Rector, but after 2 years ceased to be Superior & felt it someways though I would have chosen it too.…In the matter of Latin it seems to me as if I had never known much about it before & still I am far from being a Latin scholar. This is absolutely true. Last year I had 2nd Arts Pass Greek & learnt a good deal about it too & glad of additional insight.…First year I had 1st Arts English Pass & Honors besides Pass [ ] of B.A. [And] 2nd Arts. Eyes got affected. Two months not allowed to read. Enjoyed the time. This year I had only Lat(in) B.A. & 2nd Arts & so like last year.…For all my reading, writing, thinking, results not much. I have not turned out at all what I expected. Much better so. I have given up thinking I ever shall.…I am now in my 63rd year, old enough to have sense. It is something to know that one has not much sense & never shall. Men are but children of larger growth.…one w(oul)d think I ought to have made more mark. Since I came here six years ago I have never been asked to preach anywhere, not even at the Crescent. I am glad now. I am determined for the future to be absolutely truthful with regard to mental state, & give up all sham.…I have a great deal of the buffoon in me. This vacation I was three weeks away at C.W.C.,…(Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare)…in Dublin & in [...]. All that time I was going about & meeting many. I joked & told stories & made people laugh &…in my own esteem shone & I am sure several thought I was always goodhumoured… the truth is very different.…As I have given up all desire of distinguishing myself, of attracting notice etc. I will try to make diary a companion.…The way to please God is to be as useful & helpful as one can. I must try. Reading & writing may be best for me.’

Diary is resumed after a three year break, on 1st October 1912, in an entry beginning ‘Tullabeg. here since Aug. 24th 1911.’

Assignment, not executed, for property at Tullabeg, County Offaly, the Bog of Newtown and the bog of Newbridge

Rev. John Curtis SJ., Rev. Michael Kavanagh SJ, Rev. John Ffrench SJ and Rev. Robert Haly SJ, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin of the first part and Charles Kernan, Lower Dominick Street, Dublin of the second part and Rev. Joseph Lentaigne SJ, Clongowes Wood, County Kildare, Rev. John Curtis SJ, Rev. Michael Kavanagh SJ and Rev. Robert Haly SJ of the third part.

Tullabeg, Parish of Rahan, Barony of Ballycowan, County Offaly containing 62 acres and 10 perches and 8 acres of the Bog of Newtown and 8 acres of the bog of Newbridge adjoining the lands of Tullabeg.

Terms &Conditions:
Yearly rent of £15.10.4 to be paid in two equal payments on 1 May and 1 November.

Photographs of groups of students and Jesuits at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Photographs of groups of students and Jesuits at Clongowes Wood College:

  1. A double-sided mount with two photographs:
    a) 8" x 5.5" large group black and white photograph in three rows on playing fields, with a large tent in the background, very faded c.[1880];
    b) 9" x 7.5" large group black and white photograph in 4 rows outside the front of the castle. Some names are written in, including Fr Edward Kelly SJ and Fr James Colgan SJ c.[(1890];
  2. A double-sided mount with two photographs:
    a) 9" x 6" group black and white photograph in three rows on playing fields, with Mr Richard Campbell SJ (c1883);
    b) 8" x 6" group black and white photograph in 4 rows outside the front of the castle. Some names are written in, including Mr Richard Campbell SJ (c1881);
  3. Black and white 5" x 3" photograph of D McEllin playing Fardy Farrell in Lady Gregory's "Hyacinth Halvey" - Lower Line Play 1923;
  4. Black and white 5" x 3" photograph with E More-Cavaher and K Kilbride in Lady Gregory's "Hyacinth Halvey" - Lower Line Play 1923;
  5. Black and white 5" x 3" photograph C O'Conor, B McMahon, A Vaughan and E Mulhearn in Charles Hawtrey's "The Private Secretary", 1923 (later Fr Charles O'Conor SJ and Fr Brian MacMahon SJ);
  6. Black and white group 6" x 4" photograph of Clongowes Wood College SJ rugby team in four rows - includes Fr M O'Meara SJ c.[1926];
  7. Black and white group 4" x 3" photograph of Clongowes Wood College SJ cricket team in three rows, [1915]-[1930];
  8. Black and White 6.5" x 4.25" photograph of the Clongowes Wood College Choir, in 5 rows in front of castle including Fr Vincent Dennehy SJ and Mr Oliver O'Brien SJ, and student Fr John Moylan SJ (1950-1951);
  9. Black and white 7" x 5" photograph of the Clongowes Wood College SJ Pilgrimage to Rome in the Holy year 1950 in 7 rows - including Fr Jim Casey SJ, Fr Vincent Dennehy SJ, Fr Redmond Roche SJ and Fr Eddie O'Connor SJ (1950);
  10. Black and white 9" x 7" photograph of the Clongowes Wood College SJ Pilgrimage to Rome in the Holy year 1950 in 6 rows - including Fr Jim Casey SJ, Fr Vincent Dennehy SJ, Fr Redmond Roche SJ and Fr Eddie O'Connor SJ (1950);
  11. Black and white 9" x 7" mounted photograph on card of the Clongowes Wood College SJ Pilgrimage to Rome in the Holy year 1950 in 6 rows - including Fr Jim Casey SJ, Fr Vincent Dennehy SJ, Fr Redmond Roche SJ and Fr Eddie O'Connor SJ (1950).

Photographs of Clongowes Wood College SJ interior and exterior

  1. Album of black and white photographs, mounted on card and bound with a leather cover, including photographs of Clongowes Wood College SJ interior and exterior; Main Entrance and Avenue; East Front from Cricket Ground; East Front from Football ground; West Front; The Chapel; Main Corridor; The Study; The Library; The Refectory; Little Boys' Dormitory; Swimming Bath; Avenue (Looking West); View of the River; Cricket and Tennis Ground.
  2. Black and White 5.5" x 3.5" photograph on a postcard (landscape) entitled "Main School Clongowes Wood" of 1929 building. Photograph by Photocraft Limited, Dublin;
  3. Black and White 6.25" x 8.25" photograph (portrait) of Clongowes Wood College Castle, taken from the Pleasure Grounds;
  4. Black and White 5.5" x 3.5" photograph (landscape). Written on back is CWC Community 1938-1939 with a list of names of those missing in the photograph;
  5. Black and White 7.75" x 5.75" photograph (landscape) of Clongowes Wood College Castle, taken from the Pleasure Grounds (Summer 1963);
  6. Colour 4.75 x 3.25 photograph (landscape) a aerial view of Clongowes Wood College SJ buildings, Written on back is "To Ned, from his successor Jack Brennan SJ, 19 June 1977". This photograph was found in the papers of Fr Redmond Roche SJ;

Material relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'

A file relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'. In February 1884, Dr Bruton, a Dublin merchant transferred, to the Apostolic School, Mungret, a debt of £869.2.6 owed to him by Clongowes. According to Bruton's document of transfer, Clongowes was to pay the debt within a reasonable time, and, pending the payment of the principal sum was to pay, in addition, 3% yearly interest to the Apostolic School. Clongowes refused to pay the principal sum or the interest Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rector, Fr James Corboy SJ, Mungret College remarking that he has instructed Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector of Clongowes to pay £332.15.4 to Mungret. Remarks that Fr General decided that Clongowes should pay half the interest due on the debt and '…put an end finally to all disputes about the debt.' (25 June 1917, 2pp).

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