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Letters from Thomas Downing (T. D.) Kendrick

  • IE IJA J/7/84
  • File
  • 27 July-3 October 1936
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Thomas Downing (T. D.) Kendrick, Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, British Museum, London, England to Fr Frank Browne SJ thanking him for helping with Celtic and Anglo-Saxon carvings and supplying photographs, and enclosing list of Norfolk sites.

Kendrick, Sir, Thomas Downing, 1895-1979, archaeologist and art historian

Letters from R.W. May, 1 Gresham Road, Brixton, S.W., London

  • IE IJA J/7/96
  • File
  • 20 April 1912-1 January 1913
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from R.W. May, 1 Gresham Road, Brixton, S.W., London, (Mrs Lily Odell is his sister) enquiring after fellow passengers, requesting copies and promising to share photographs, and thanks for sending on a copy of The Belvederian, which contains Browne’s article on the Titanic.

May, R. W.

Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ

Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ thanking him for letting him see your menu and the Cabin Plan. Included is a carbon copy of letter from Leslie Reade to R Deegan, 62 Priory Avenue, Stillorgan, County Dublin, regarding one of Fr Browne’s Titanic photographs and copyright fee.

Reade, Leslie

Letter and photographs from C.C Barham, Kodak Magazine Kingsway, London, to Fr Frank Browne SJ

Letter from C.C Barham, Editor of Kodak Magazine Kingsway, London, to Fr Frank Browne SJ, returning the series of photographs of the ‘Angels’ and asking Fr Browne to write a short photographic article on them. Includes photographs of churches in East Anglia (Norfolk and Suffolk) with captions by Fr Frank Browne SJ on reverse, and some photographs of angels (stone) in Ireland.

Barham, C.C., editor

Letters to Fr Henry Gill SJ from Mary Maura Ostyn, O.S.B., Prioress of Ypres

Letters to Fr Henry Gill SJ from Mary Maura Ostyn, O.S.B., Prioress of Ypres, 11 Harwood Avenue, London, England asking Fr Gill to salvage the contents of the Benedictine abbey at Ypres. Contains details of all the convent’s treasures and where they have been hidden. Includes letter from Baron H. Kervyn de Letterrhov[e] concerning the destroyed treasures.

Ostyn, Mary Maura, 1868-1940, Benedictine sister

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr James McCann SJ written during his time as chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr James McCann SJ written during his time as chaplain to the 4th Reserve Battery, R.G.A., Winchester and Sialkot C.F.A. 4th Cavalry Division, Supply Column, B.E.F., France. Also includes items relating to the ill health (The Prince of Wales', Hospital for Officers), renewal of Fr McCann’s contract as chaplain and his demobilisation. (See also CHP1/10/1 which is a letter from Fr McCann to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ 12 June [1917]).

McCann, James, 1875-1951, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Bernard Page SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Bernard Page SJ written during his time as a chaplain with the No. 2 Cavalry Field Ambulance, B.E.F., France. Includes letter of complaint to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ (12 April 1917, 6pp) re Fr Page and Fr Page’s replies (22 – 30 April 1917, 3 items).

Page, Bernard F, 1877-1948, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning Fr Sydes’ death in London on 15 November 1918

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from the Senior Chaplain (R.C.), Australian Imperial Force, [Fr Thomas King] and Frs William Feran and John H Wright, Farm Street, London concerning Fr Sydes’ death in London on 15 November 1918 as a result of bronchitis and thrombosis.

Feran, William D, 1869-1942, Jesuit priest

Correspondence between Thomas V. Nolan SJ, the War Office and T. Stratton, Staff Officer to Principal Chaplain

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ, the War Office and T. Stratton, Staff Officer to Principal Chaplain (R.C.), concerning the demobilisation of various Irish Jesuits and the need for chaplains for transport ships to Australia.

Nolan, Thomas V, 1867-1941, Jesuit priest

Letter from Thomas McCreevy to Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ

Letter from Thomas McCreevy, Garland’s Hotel, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, London, to Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ concerning Fr Finlay’s “attitude to Mr Lennox Robinson in regard to his story ‘The Madonna of Slieve Dun’…I presume that you accept Mr Robinson’s repudiation of the suggestion that his story was a parody of the Scripture History of the Incarnation.” Protests about the attitude of a ‘small section of the press in Ireland’ with regard to ‘Christian standards’, defends Mr. Robinson and states ‘I…regard it as binding, in us Catholics particularly, to see that injustice is not done in our name in this matter…I am prepared to urge Mr. Robinson to get the matter considered by the Holy Office itself if necessary rather than submit to the injustice of being treated as a blaspheming parodist.’

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Gilbert Laithwaite

  • IE IJA J/10/33
  • File
  • 31 December 1979 - 4 November 1981
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Gilbert Laithwaite (an Old Clongownian, 1907-1911) to whom Fr Gwynn frequently sent his publications.

Laithwaite, Sir, John Gilbert, 1894-1986, Irish-British civil servant and diplomat

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from National Portrait Gallery, London, seeking information on any known portraits of Stephen Lucius Gwynn

  • IE IJA J/10/44
  • File
  • 20 May - 10 June 1982
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Sarah Wimbush, Archive Research Assistant, National Portrait Gallery, London, seeking information on any known portraits of Stephen Lucius Gwynn (Fr Gwynn’s father), as part of her work in cataloguing Edwardian portraits, one of which is a portrait by Sir William Rotherstein of Stephen (1915). Includes list of known portraits of Stephen (1p.) and photocopy of the portrait (1p.).

Wimbush, Sarah

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from J.G. Mudd[iman], who is working on “a sort of ‘Contemporary History of Cromwell’

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from J.G. Mudd[iman], Dorset Square, London, who is working on “a sort of ‘Contemporary History of Cromwell.’ ” States that he is ‘very decidedly of (the) opinion that a volume …of Cromwell’s letters would be of very great importance. He has a definite story to tell, tells it at length, knows personally all the persons he mentions and has a knowledge of English so perfect that he hardly ever makes a mistake in the spelling of a name.’

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial and others seeking chaplains

Letters and telegrams to Irish Fr Provincial Fr Laurence J. Kieran SJ (and from 8 September 1941, Fr John MacMahon SJ) from Monsignor J.M. Coghlan (Principal Chaplain (Roman Catholic) and Vicar General, British Army, War Office) and Fr Edward J. Warner SJ (Staff Chaplain to Mgr. Coghlan), seeking chaplains to serve in the forces and thanking Irish Fr Provincial for those he has offered.

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ written during his time as chaplain in the Royal Navy

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ written during his time as chaplain in the Royal Navy based at R.N. Base, Derry, Northern Ireland (refers to trips to the Arctic Circle and Western Australia) and serving on the battleship H.M.S. Anson in the East. Includes;

  • Letter concerning his finances (February 1945, 10pp) and draft of Fr Provincial’s reply (25 February 1945, 2pp);
  • Letter from Sergeant Major D.J. Fitzgerald (R.M. Detachment) of H.M.S. Anson describing Fr Bodkin’s activities in Malta (4 June 1945, 3pp);
  • Letters describing his trip to Hong Kong, his visit with the Mission there (12 August – 25 October 1945, 12 items);
  • News of the various Jesuits in Hong Kong and how they have fared during the occupation;
  • Description of Tokyo (December 1945, 2 items); a ‘rough memory draft’ of his expenditure (1p.)
  • Draft copy of letter from the Provincial to Fr Bodkin concerning his finances (5 January 1946, 2pp) (letter was never sent).

Bodkin, Matthias, 1896-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ from typhus on 21 January 1945. Includes: telegram from the Rector of Crescent College Limerick to the Provincial (John McMahon SJ) informing him that the War Office had ‘wired Mrs. Hayes that Father John died of typhus Jan 21st’ (26 January 1945, 1p.);
– note of acknowledgement to the Provincial from Frank G. Hayes (Fr Hayes’ brother) (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent to the Rector of Belvedere College (James Gubbins SJ) from Old Belvederian (1923-1931) and comrade of Fr Hayes, Captain W.A. Ward following the death of Fr Hayes (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent by Joseph Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) (Senior Catholic Chaplain, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia) to Mgr. John Coghlan (Principal R.C. Chaplain, War Office, London) giving further details of Fr Hayes’ death (28 January 1945, 1p.);
– letter from Mgr. Coghlan to the Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ (29 January 1945; 2pp);
– letters from Rev. A. Clancy (Senior Catholic Chaplain, H.Q. 36th Division, South East Asia) and from Rev. J. Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ (29 January 1945, 2 items, 1p. each);
– copy of letter sent to Mrs. Hayes by her son’s Commanding Officer, Major-General Francis Festing, following his death (23 January 1945, 2pp);
– letter from Agnes Hayes to Irish Fr Provincial (13 February 1945, 1p.);
– letter to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ from George Hickson, the chaplain who was with Fr Hayes before he died (15 February 1945, 3pp);
– copy of letter from Rev. J. Gardner to Fr D. Donnelly SJ (St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra, Bombay) listing the articles of ecclesiastical equipment of the late Fr Hayes, which Fr Gardner is sending to Fr Donnelly (17 March 1945, 1p.);
– copy of an Appreciation of Fr Hayes written by Rev. Terence M. Hogan, C.F. (R.C.)(Fr Hayes’ Senior Chaplain for six months) (19 March 1945, 1p.) and
– label tags ‘O.H.M.S. Deceased Officer’s Kit’ for Fr Hayes’ property (n.d., 3 items).

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael Morrison SJ written while serving as chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Michael Morrison SJ written while serving as a chaplain with 2/5th Bn. Welch Regiment in Sussex; M.E.F. (in a Convalescent Depot, unknown location); No. 13 General Hospital, M.E.F.; 2/8 Lancashire Fusiliers in Derry; 1/4th The South Lancashire Regiment in Castlewellan, County Down; 32 (Br.) Casualty Clearing Station, B.L.A. ; 121 (Br.) General Hospital, B.L.A.; 601 Regiment, Royal Artillery, B.A.O.R. and 113 Light Anti-Aircraft, R.A., B.A.O.R.. Includes letters describing Belsen Concentration Camp (18 April, 31 May 1945, 5pp) and letters concerning an article on Belsen written by Fr Morrison (Fr Morrison was one of the first priests to enter the camp) (17 July - 16 August 1945, 3 items).

Morrison, Michael, 1908-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Cyril Perrott SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Cyril Perrott SJ written while serving as a chaplain with the R.M.P. (Royal Military Police), Broomfield Park, Palmer’s Green, London; in Crofton House, Titchfield, Fareham, Hants.; with an Anti-Aircraft unit in Avendale, Bathford, Bath, Somerset; and in Hockley Sole, Capel le Ferne, Folkestone, Kent; with the 14th Army Group, South East Asia Command in India; 1st (W.A.) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, S.E.A.C. and in a Rangoon hospital. Includes copy of part of letter sent by Fr Perrott to his brother Fr Gerard Perrott SJ concerning a meeting with Frs Charles Day and Edward Sullivan in Calcutta (25 October 1944, 1p.). Fr Perrott was promoted to Senior Chaplain (S. C.F. (R.C.) ) in April 1945.

Perrott, Cyril, 1904-1952, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Daniel Shields SJ written during his time as a chaplain

Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Daniel Shields SJ written during his time as a chaplain with the Royal Artillery in Larkhill, Wiltshire; in the Imperial Hospital, Natal, South Africa; in Oribi Military Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, Natal; with the 8th Sherwood Foresters in Wrotham, Kent; on the hospital ship Atlantis; in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall and in the Army Technical School, Arborfield, Reading, Berks.

Shields, Daniel J, 1898-1986, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial John McMahon SJ from Mgr J.M. Coghlan

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ from Mgr John M. Coghlan (Principal Chaplain (R.C.) concerning the chaplains’ release from the Army; the War Office’s request to retain the services of a number of them and the urgent need for Jesuits to work on the Hong Kong Mission. Includes copy letter to Fr Edward J. Warner SJ (Staff Chaplain to Mgr. Coghlan) from the Irish Fr Provincial in reply to the War Office’s request to retain the services of Fr Conal Murphy SJ. ‘I am sorry to say that I am worse off than ever for men, having received the other day a cable from Fr Joy, the Superior of our Hong Kong Mission, asking me to send out twelve men. As he and his fellow-missioners have been through a very rough time, as you can well imagine, I am anxious to send this help as soon as possible…I regret very much, then, that I cannot spare Fr Murphy, as I know by experience what it means to have vacancies yawning wide around one and none to fill them!’ (1 October 1945, 2pp).
Also includes letters to Irish Fr Provincial concerning Fr Richard Kennedy ‘ex P.O.W. from (the) Far East’ (7 January 1946 – 17 January 1947, 5 items).

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Biographical information and military documents concerning Fr Cyril Perrott SJ

Biographical information, obituaries and memorial card of Fr Cyril Perrott SJ (4 items). Military file 3601/CH(RC) which contains various documents belonging to Fr Cyril Perrott taken from Irish Provincialate (2010). Includes:

  • 6 black and white photographs of unknown people (perhaps niece and brother who lived in Western Australia, and brother who was a Jesuit in Western Australia);
  • details of his successful application for rate of pay increase;
  • release certificate;
  • details of medical prescription;
  • receipt for demand for civilian clothing;
  • document outlining principles and priestly duties;
  • tax requests;
  • request and reply for contingency allowance;
  • documents outlining ration cards and national registration on return to the United Kingdom and instructions to personnel released or invalided during release period to Eire who are granted leave with pay and who are eligible for medical attendance etc, under army regulations (1945/46);
  • claim for award of 1939/45 Star/Burma Star/Defence Medal;
  • obituary (1952);
  • card to be shown by celebret whenever a Chaplain wishes to say Mass;
  • officers’ kit insurance;
  • copy of gospel in funeral Mass and
  • letters from Captain George P. Grossmith.

Perrott, Cyril, 1904-1952, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters from Longmans Group Ltd. concerning the publication of 'Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland'

  • IE IJA J/10/98
  • File
  • 7 October 1953 - 12 May 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Longmans Group Ltd. (formerly Longmans Green & Co. Ltd.) concerning the publication of 'Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland' by Fr Gwynn and Neville Hadcock. Includes copy of the agreement between the publishers and Fr Gwynn for the book signed on the company’s behalf (6 November 1953, 4pp).

Letters from Peter Wait of Methuen & Co. Ltd., concerning their acceptance of a book on the history of the medieval Irish Church

  • IE IJA J/10/100
  • File
  • 12 January 1949 - 13 March 1962
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Peter Wait of Methuen & Co. Ltd., concerning their acceptance of his proposal to write a book on the history of the medieval Irish Church. Includes amended copy plan of chapters of the proposed book, sent to Methuen by Fr Gwynn entitled 'The Reform of the Medieval Irish Church' (n.d., 7pp). There is some disagreement about the type of book it should be. Fr Gwynn expressed his wish to gather his essays from the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' and rewrite them to make a single connected story, however Mr. Wait wants a similar book but ‘on a good deal less detailed scale’ (13 January 1953, 2pp). Includes letters from Françoise Henry, U.C.D., to Fr Gwynn, offering to speak to the publishers on Fr Gwynn’s behalf (5, 23 February 1962, 2 items, 2pp each) and the publisher’s letter to Fr Gwynn following (Prof.) Henry’s conversation with them, “I would like a book, and I don’t insist on a ‘text book.’ I would like something that the educated person without specialised knowledge of the subject can read and which would be useful to students as well.” (19 February 1962, 1p.)

Wait, Peter, publisher

Letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning personal issues and chaplaincy

A file of letters from Fr William Gwynn SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning the Australian Mission. Includes a letter wondering whether he should go to the front. Remarks that he is too old for the trenches. (28 December 1915, 5pp). Includes a letter concerning his problems with drink and his desire to put his problems behind him and continue with his religious life and work assigned to him (30 May 1918, 19pp). Includes a letter concerning his appointment as chaplain for continuous service with Australian troops going to the front. Remarks that he is very pleased with his appointment (15 July 1918, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to his arrival back in Australia and his new position doing parish work at St. Mary's, North Sydney. Remarks 'I have charge of the Men's sodality...meantime I am awaiting demobilisation...' (25 October 1919, 4pp). Includes a letter announcing his arrival in London and remarks how glad he is to be home. Remarks that he wishes to arrange receipt of his war bonus with the authorities before he leaves London for Dublin. (10 January 1920, 2pp).

Gwynn, William, 1865-1950, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters and report to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning missions in Spain

  • IE IJA J/16/10
  • File
  • 7 September [1961] - 30 November 1965
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters and report to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning missions in Spain, comparisons with missions in Britain and Ireland and the possibility of Fr Sheil’s working in South America. Includes:
– letter from Fr Sheil to the Irish Fr Provincial seeking permission to go to Spain to study Spanish missions in order to adapt certain practices for use in Britain (7 September. 1961, 4pp);
– copy of a ‘Report on Missions in Spain’ following a visit by Frs Shiggins and Sheil who attended five missions around the country (n.d., 4pp);
– letter from Fr Sheil to the Irish Fr Provincial in which he discusses certain Spanish customs which could be used on Missions in Britain. Remarks that he will send the Provincial a report ‘on the meetings I now hold with Protestant clergymen after missions in Ireland’ and that he has sent in ‘full reports on our missions in Britain’ ‘almost every year for ten years’. Also mentions a new member of the mission staff, Fr Kevin Laheen SJ – ‘You will be glad to know that Fr Laheen on this his first mission did very well. He preaches well and his musical voice was a help to O'Beirne and I. I need not tell you that O'Beirne preaches very well, and is a wonderful companion on a mission. He sleeps badly’ (Fr Gerry O'Beirne) (23 March 1963, 3pp) and
– letters seeking permission to go to Spain (and Italy) as a supply priest (25 May 19?? – 30 November 1965, 4 items).

Correspondence between Vice-Provincial Brendan Lawler and the English Provincialate relating to Fr Leonard Sheil’s illness

Correspondence between Vice-Provincial Brendan Lawler and the English Provincialate in Mount Street, London, relating to Fr Leonard Sheil’s recall to the Irish Province due to his final illness. Includes:

  • letter from Irish Fr Provincial Brendan Barry SJ to Fr Thomas Dunphy SJ of Mount Street in which he states that Fr Sheil ‘…is beyond medical aid, since he has cancer of the liver. He is not confined to bed and – characteristically – he is all on for doing some work for God before he dies. Nevertheless it is obvious that his days at Farm Street have come to an end. I am therefore putting him in the Catalogus as withdrawn from Farm Street and stationed at the College of Industrial Relations, Sandford Road, Dublin 6. He went there from the nursing home last week and he is to stay there as long as his health allows. Please advise Father Corrigan that it seems best now to regard Father Sheil as no longer applied to the English Province or attached to Farm Street’ (19 Oct. 1967, 1p.) and
    – reply from Fr Dunphy to Fr Lawler – ‘I need hardly say how sorry we are about this, because he has been such a wonderful man. There is no doubt that he has done great work in the parish and has been deeply loved and respected by all who knew him. He was certainly a source of great edification to this community’ (22 Oct. 1967, 1p.).

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Edward Schofield on his publications about England and Basel, with references to ‘the difficult matter of the succession to Irish sees’

  • IE IJA J/10/140
  • File
  • 13 February - 7 March 1967
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Edward Schofield (Department of Manuscripts, British Museum) on his publications about England and Basel, with references to ‘the difficult matter of the succession to Irish sees’ and a proposed trip by Fr Gwynn to London.

Letters to Fr Henry Gill SJ from various scientists and scientific institutions on his research

  • IE IJA J/17/29
  • File
  • 22 May 1909 - 24 May 1944
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Henry Gill SJ from various scientists and scientific institutions on his research. Includes:

  • letter from the Assistant Librarian of the Royal Institution, London giving Fr Henry Gill SJ permission to use one of the Libraries to demonstrate ‘the new glow in Vacuum tubes’ which Fr Henry Gill SJ discovered during the course of his research work in Cambridge (22 May 1909, 1p);
  • letter from Prof. Oliver Lodge, (The University, Edmund Street, Birmingham) thanking Fr Henry Gill SJ for sending him his article on ‘the Ether’ and discussing the theory propounded by Prof. J. J. Thomson, who, in a recent Address ‘allows for the possibility of extra condensation of ether close to matter’ (9 September 1909, 3pp);
  • letter from the Director of the Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale concerning Fr Gill’s paper, ‘Some Speculations on Wegner’s Theory of Continental Drift’ published in Publications du Bureau central séismologique international, série A: Travaux scientifiques, fascicule 15 - 1937 (18 January 1936, 1p.) and letter from J. E. Doyle (Mullaghadun, Dungannon, County Tyrone) discussing his ideas on entropy and concluding ‘I would strongly advise you to consult an authority on physics and biology before publishing anything more on this subject, as erroneous arguments, although they should not be taken as proving anything one way or the other generally throw some discredit on the thesis which they are used to support’ (3pp).

Royal Dublin Society, 1731-

[Copy of] letter from Col. M. O'Grady to Hugh Doyle, father of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

[Copy of] letter from Col. M. O'Grady, Assistant Military Secretary at the War Office in Whitehall, London to Hugh Doyle, father of Fr Willie Doyle SJ. Informs him that Fr Doyle was mentioned in Despatches from General Sir Douglas Haig, which were published in the London Gazette.

O'Grady, M, Colonel in the British Army

Letter from publishers to Fr Joseph O'Malley SJ, concerning his manuscript entitled 'The Complete Theory of Music'

Letter from Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, English and American Publishers, Colonial and Continental Booksellers, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, London to Fr Joseph O'Malley SJ, St Aloysius College, Waikari, Dunedin, New Zealand concerning his manuscript entitled 'The Complete Theory of Music' and the details of its publication.

O'Malley, Joseph, 1832-1910, Jesuit priest

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ (mostly from St Hugh’s Charterhouse, Horsham, Sussex) concerning material of a Carthusian charterhouse in Ireland

  • IE IJA J/10/152
  • File
  • 18 April 1957 - 13 July 1961
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from various priests and academics (mostly Fr Andrew Gray, St Hugh’s Charterhouse, Horsham, Sussex) concerning the discovery in the Public Record Office, of a foundation charter of a Carthusian charterhouse in Ireland at Kinaleghin (Kinalahan, Kinalekin or Kilnaleghin) by John de Cogan in 1267; and the publication of Fr Gray’s resultant article on Kinaleghin. Includes: colour photograph of Fr Gray (13 September 1957);

  • postcard of the Library at St Hugh’s Charterhouse;
  • postcard of an aerial view of St. Hugh’s Charterhouse and a letter to Fr Gwynn from Fr Bruno Sullivan of St Hugh’s, following Fr Gray’s death (5 February 1968, 2pp).

Photographs and postcards by the Imperial War Museum, London, England

Photographs and postcards sent to Prof. Alfred O’Rahilly by the Imperial War Museum, London, England, for use in his book on Fr Willie Doyle SJ. Includes a note ‘Don’t mix these with the others. Return these to me. These are photos which I bought but decided not to use.’ All photographs are dated and described on back. Photos are mostly of the ruins of Ypres, Guillemont, Loos etc. Sizes: 21 1/2cm x 16 1/2cm; 14cm x 9cm and 27 1/2cm x 9cm.

O'Rahilly, Alfred, 1884-1969, former Jesuit scholastic, President of University College Cork, Spiritan priest

Letters from the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Nolan SJ seeking passports for Irish Jesuits to travel to Australia

A file of copy letters from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Nolan SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to the Presiding Officer, Passport Department, Ministry of National Service, Victoria Street, London SW seeking passports for Frs Thomas J Moore, John Nerney and Albert Power to travel to Australia.

Nolan, Thomas V, 1867-1941, Jesuit priest

Letter from Brother William Nash SJ, to [ ] concerning his thoughts on the late Brother John Conway SJ

Letter from Brother William Nash SJ, St Ignatius Presbytery, 27 High Road, London to [ ] concerning his thoughts on the late Brother John Conway SJ. Remarks ‘...the characteristics which stood out were his cheerfulness...and his natural spirit of religion.’. Concludes [he had a]...capacity to bear the unpleasant things of life with a laugh and a joke. He was to me a great Jesuit.’.

Nash, William, Jesuit brother

Copy correspondence between James Campbell and Messrs. Blount, Lynch and Petre concerning the charges on Garrisker and the rate

  • IE IJA J/38/5
  • Item
  • 31 March - 6 April 1886
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Copy correspondence between James Campbell, 10 Inns Quay, Dublin and Messrs. Blount, Lynch and Petre, Fitzalan House, Arundel Street, Strand, London concerning the charges on Garrisker and the rate of six per cent. Remarks that Mr. A. D. Nicolls is anxious for a settlement (31 March 1886).

Blount, Lynch and Petre, solicitors

Letters from Thomas W. Allies to Fr Matthew Russell SJ

  • IE IJA J/27/5
  • File
  • 16 May 1887 - 1 April 1897
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Thomas W. Allies, 82 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, England, Inishbofin, County Galway, Ireland and 3 Lodge Place, St Hohn's Wood, London, England to Fr Matthew Russell SJ.

Allies, Thomas William, 1813-1903, English historical writer

Letter from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to [ ] recommending various sources for Catholic members of the House of Commons for their argument against the supremacy of the Crown

Letter from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to [ ]. Recommends various sources for J[ohn] O’Connell and other Catholic members of the House of Commons for their argument against the supremacy of the Crown. Suggests that they identify themselves, in this matter, ‘with all the Presbyterians of Ireland & Scotland as well as with the other Dissenters in denouncing & repudiating the Royal Supremacy’, and in doing so, gain support. Also refers to the Catholic episcopacy and the Reformation.

John Baptist Byrne entry into the Society of Jesus

  • IE IJA J/80/1
  • File
  • 26 September 1917 - 14 October 1929
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Br John Baptist Byrne SJ entry into the Society of Jesus and difficulties he encountered as a novice, ultimately leading to his decision to become a brother in the English Province. Includes detailed correspondence concerning his difficulties and the various attempts to find a suitable position for him in the Society.

Fr Patrick Coffey SJ

A file relating to Fr Patrick Coffey SJ. Includes biographical information, correspondence, concerning his health during his early years in the Society and correspondence during his time in England working in parishes in Birmingham and London.

Coffey, Patrick, 1909-1983, Jesuit priest

Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file relating to the Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ:

  • "Programme of Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May, 1 June, 2 June and 4 June 1914 (5 copies, 4pp each);
  • "Luncheon Card" for Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - May 31st;
  • invitation Card for dinner at Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May 1914. It included travel arrangements to and from Kingsbridge Station, Dublin (2 copies);
  • programme for "Cricket Match, Band Performance" Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 4 June 1914. Included is the programme of music for the day, performed by HM 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment (4pp);
  • "Centenary Dinner" Menu, 31 May 1914. Includes the programme of music performed by The Band of the Queen's Own Hussars (2pp);
  • accounts sheet showing a list of donors to the "Clongowes Wood College SJ Centenary Fund" (7pp);
  • list which is prepared by students for students "The Clongowes Centenary" on how to prepare for this event (14 February 1914, 1p);
  • Clongowes Wood College "School Song". Music by WH Grattan-Flood, Mus D, KSG. Woods by JEC (2 copies, 2p each);
  • letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan outlining discussion and decisions to the Centenary planning committee, and inviting response. (16 February 1914, 2pp);
  • letter from Michael F O'Dwyer, Government House, Lahore, Pakistan, a past pupil of St Stanislaus College SJ, Tullabeg, sending a donation to the Centenary Fund, and wising the committee well (24 Match 1914, 1p);
  • formal invitation card from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Community of Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ to the Centenary Celebrations 31 May 1914, beginning with Pontifical High Mass;
  • photocopy an article in 'The Freeman's Journal' giving a full account of the Centenary celebrations, including the sermon of Fr Robert Kane SJ, and the other speeches of the day, including an address to and reply from Mr John E Redmond. It also includes a page of photographs from the event (1 June 1914, 3pp);
  • original copy of a follow up article on the Centenary in the "Freeman's Journal" (6 June 2014, 4pp);
  • copy of letter from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ to Mr John Redmond MP, inviting him to form a fundraising Committee for Clongowes Wood College SJ among other past pupils in London and throughout England and Scotland (19 June 2014, 2pp).

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Article containing references to ‘Fr Prout’ by ‘Oliver Yorke’

Article (containing references to ‘Fr. Prout’) by ‘Oliver Yorke’ sent to ‘James Frazer publisher, 215 Regent St.’ London with note on first page ‘Send this to printers. I will be in town Monday evening.’ Includes note by ‘Francis Mahony’ stating ‘I will be in London on Monday in time to finish this – Send it to the printers. I sent a proof yesterday…I leave Paris this evening with Wright.’

Mahony, Francis Sylvester, 1804-1866, former Jesuit priest, priest and humorist

Letters and notes from Derek H. Turner to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

  • IE IJA J/10/198
  • File
  • 3 July 1958 - 30 January 1980
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters and notes from Derek H. Turner (Assistant Keeper, Department of Manuscripts, The British Museum) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ concerning:

  • the Corpus Christi Missal (Corpus Christi College, Oxford);
  • the ‘Irish Gradual, Rawlinson (c.892)’;
  • the Leofric Missal and the Drummond and Roslyn Missals.

Turner, Derek Howard, 1931-1985, museum curator and art historian

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Dr Christopher Hohler

  • IE IJA J/10/199
  • File
  • 7 February 1965 - 11 February 1981
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters (some incomplete) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Dr Christopher Hohler (Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London, and Oslo) on a wide range of topics including:

  • the Corpus (Christi) Missal; Drummond Missal, Winchester Troper and the Trim Breviary;
  • Arrouasian books in England and abroad;
  • Hadcock and Gwynn’s Medieval Religious Houses: Ireland;
  • Victorine liturgical books;
  • the Roslyn Missal;
  • the ‘Pet[rine]’ and ‘Ephe[sine]’ liturgies;
  • the Sarum Missal;
  • Gilbert of Limerick’s ‘Prologue’ and the Synod of Cashel;
  • Roman and ‘Gallican’ rites;
  • his views on Sts. Patrick and Palladius;

Includes offprint of chapter by Dr Hohler entitled ‘Some Service Books of the Later Saxon Church’ from David Parsons (ed.) Tenth Century Studies (1975), pp.60 – 83 (24pp) with notes, pp.217 – 227 (11pp). Also includes notes by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on the Hohler correspondence (3pp & 3 envelopes).

Article entitled ‘A breviary from St Mary’s Abbey, Trim’, Rioght na Midhe, 290-298, by Fr Aubrey Gwynn.

Hohler, Christopher, 1917-1997, medievalist and art historian

'There was an Ancient House' by Benedict Kiely

Book entitled 'There was an Ancient House' by Benedict Kiely, Methusen and Co Ltd, London. A novel where ‘in a country house thirty novices of a religious order are learning a new, strange life, some failing, others succeeding in conforming to the pattern laid down by rule’. Benedict Kiely was a novice at St Mary's, Emo

Kiely, Benedict, 1919-2007, writer, critic, journalist and former Jesuit novice

Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ

  • IE IJA J/148/1
  • File
  • 6 February 1854 - 31 May 1878; 20 September 1983
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ which includes 'A few particulars relative to the Hon. and Rev. John Ffrench SJ', Dolllard, Printinghouse, Dublin (1887), 'Memoirs of Father Ffrench of the Society of Jesus', Manresa Press, Roehampton (1898) and copy of a letter from Fr Ffrench, St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly to Mother Ursula Querk, Ursuline Convent, St Joseph's, Sligo concerning his nephew's accident and his cure due to the intercession of (6 February 1854, 4pp), with note from Sr. M. St. Dominic, Ursuline Convent, St Joseph's, Sligo (20 September 1983).

Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province

A file relating to revisions of the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province. Includes a manuscript entitled 'Some hints for Reading' (nd, 2pp). Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial James F Murphy SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Rector concerning the consumption of spirits. Remarks 'Owing to grave representations made to me from many quarters and regrettable facts that have come to my knowledge...I have decided that for the future of the Province the following points should be observed as obligatory customs of the Province.' (12 March 1901, 4pp). Includes a typed supplement to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province entitled 'Customs of Serving Mass and Benediction(13pp, [1935-]); regulations for the Villa menu (1919, 1p); revision of Custom Book by Fr John J Coyne SJ, St Mary's, Emo, County Laois (12 April 1933);

Wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ

  • IE IJA J/177/1
  • File
  • 1916; 14 - 21 June 1953
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to the wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ from the war cemetery at Amara, to their own cemetery in the college grounds. Information from the Commonwealth War Grave Commission suggests this never happened. Includes birth certificate for Jeremiah Austin Hartigan.

Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ

  • IE IJA J/199/1
  • File
  • 9 May 1928 - 28 October 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ containing admission details, his work within the Society (chaplain in the Second World War, communications and media work in Zambia and Lesotho, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials. Includes biographical information.

Lithograph of George Buchanan

Lithograph of George Buchanan from a picture by Francis Pourbus Senior in the possession of the Royal Society. Engraved by Edward Scriven. Published by Charles Knight, Pall Mall East, London.

Print of John Phillpott Curran

Portrait print of John Philpot Curran, bust directed to right, head turned and looking up to left, in private dress. John Philpot Curran, Master of the Rolls in Ireland, published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London.

Engraving attributed to James Heath, (1757-1834) after an original painting by John Comerford, (ca.1770-1835), in possession of Sir J. Barrington.

Print of Rev. Dr. Marlay, L.L.D

Portrait print of Rev. Dr. Marlay, L.L.D., Bishop of Waterford, bust directed to left, head turned and looking straight, in religious dress. Published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London.

Engraved by James Heath from an original painting by Hamilton in possession of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan.

Print of John Egan Esq. K.C.

Portrait print of John Egan Esq. K.C., Chariman of Kilmainham published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London. Engraving attributed to James Heath after an original drawing by John Comerford in possession of Sir Jonah Barrington.

Fr William E Kelly SJ

Letter from Edward Corish SJ, Canisius College, Pittwater Road, Pymble, NSW, Australia to Fr John Coyne SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin asking for biographical information on Fr William Kelly SJ, and a certificate of approval given by the Ninth International Congress of Orientalists at Inner Temple Hall, London 10 September 1891.

Corish, Edward, 1862-1951, Jesuit priest

Material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ

  • IE IJA J/216/1
  • File
  • 7 July 1924-26 March 1960
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr Donald Lawler SJ

Material relating to Fr Donald Lawler SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ

  • IE IJA J/252/1
  • File
  • 15 June 1931-2 July 1984
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ which includes correspondence describing his work in Australia and Zambia and includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

The estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation

A file relating to the estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation between Raphael Ambrose Biale, Plaintiff and Frs Timothy Kenny, Alfred Murphy and Christina Hodgens, Alice Chamberlain, Anne Healy, Mary Lentaigne, Emily O'Brien, Mary Anne Cleary and Jane Denehey.

Letter from E. R. Blackburne Farrer to Fr Patrick Kenny SJ, Rector, Rathfarnham Castle remarking that he would like to pay a visit

Letter from E. R. Blackburne Farrer, 36 Ross Court, Putney Heath, London to Fr Patrick Kenny SJ, Rector, Rathfarnham Castle remarking that he will be in Dublin and would like to pay a visit to Rathfarnham Castle with his daughter. E. R. Blackburne Farrer was born at Rathfarnham Castle in 1891.


Blackburne Farrer, E. R., b.1891-, soldier

Correspondence between the Air Ministry and Chaplains Branch, concerning the R.A.F.’s request for Catholic chaplains

Correspondence between the Air Ministry and Chaplains Branch,R.A.F. H.Q., Northern Ireland, mainly from Monsignor H. Beauchamp, (Principal Chaplain (R.C.) R.A.F.) and the Irish Fr Provincial (Laurence J. Kieran SJ, then from 8 September 1941, John MacMahon SJ) concerning the R.A.F.’s request for Catholic chaplains; Fr Tony MacSeumais’ acceptance of a post with the R.A.F. in July 1943 and Fr Joseph McSweeney’s acceptance in 1945. Includes;

  • Letter from Mgr. Beauchamp to Fr MacMahon: ‘You are probably aware that I am very short of chaplains in the Royal Air Force. At many Stations there are as many as 300 young airmen who…have no chaplain to prepare them for their great ordeals…You probably know as well as I do the temptations that young Priests in the Services, particularly in the Royal Air Force come up against, hence you will know the special type of man that is wanted’ (12 March 1942, 1p.)
  • Letter from G.J. Corboy, Senior Chaplain (R.C.), R.A.F. H.Q., Northern Ireland to Fr MacMahon: ‘I met Father Sweeney (sic) last week, when I was down, and I am very grateful to you for the offer of his services, as a R.A.F. Chaplain’ (30 April 1945, 1p.).

Beauchamp, Henry, 1883-1948, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney's tour of duty as chaplain to the Royal Air Force after the Second World War

  • IE IJA J/297/3
  • File
  • 5 April 1945 - 2 September 1948
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney's tour of duty as chaplain to the Royal Air Force in the Middle East after Second World War (material on Second World War check chaplain's file). Includes letters regarding going to Belfast in 1945 for medical examination, a letter from Fr Edmund D'Arcy SJ, 114 Mount Street, London to Irish Fr Provincial expressing his concern over Fr McSweeney. Remarks that Fr Blount, senior army chaplain , came to see him and said that he considered Fr McSweeney. to be '...very weary and ought to be brought home'. (28 July 1948, 2pp).

Mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ

  • IE IJA J/329/4
  • File
  • 17 April 1947 - April 1987
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ. Includes passport, passport photographs, photographs, personal record, announcement of deate, memorial card, obituary, newspapers articles, and correspondence between Fr O'Dwyer and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ

  • IE IJA J/411/1
  • File
  • 28 April 1923-1 April 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ, including application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries and memorial card.

Fr William Wallace SJ

  • IE IJA J/434
  • File
  • 26 July 1889-16 July 1962
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file related to Fr William Wallace SJ. Includes biographical notes on Fr Wallace compiled by Frs John MacErlean and Francis Finegan (5 items). Includes letters from Fr Wallace before and after his conversion, addressed to Mrs Conway, Portaferry, County Down and a letter and card of Fr Charles Blount SJ, concerning Fr Wallace (26 July 1889, 6 items). includes typescript copies of four of the letters from Fr Wallace to Mrs Conway (26 July 1886-25 May 1909, 6 items) and correspondence concerning Fr Wallace (1916 January 1950-16 July 162, 2 items).

Wallace, William, 1863-1922, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr John Morris SJ to Fr Nicholas Walsh SJ in relation to the process of canonisation for the two Dominican martyrs

Letter from Fr John Morris SJ in London to Fr Nicholas Walsh SJ. Writes in relation to the process for the canonisation of two Dominican martyrs, about whom Fr Walsh wrote to him, and explains that the Archbishop’s Court [in London] is closed, and the Process has been sent to Rome. States that although they died in England, they do not necessarily have to go through the English Process, and suggests that he avails of the Court of the Archbishop of Dublin.

Morris, John, 1826-1893, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

  • IE IJA J/470/2
  • File
  • 29 October 1814 - 18 April 1821
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ (novice master at Stonyhurst) concerning Society matters to to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. Many of the letters relate to the Irish novices studying in Stonyhurst and English novices studying in Ireland and general Society matters.

  • Includes a letter concerning the appointment of Fr Lavizzario as the agent of the Society in Rome (11 February 1818, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning an official letter received from the Bishop re-affirming that the Society of Jesus had not been restored. Remarks that their property in London is under threat '…Dr Poynter has employed a lawyer to claim our property in London. He has means of succeeding and his success will complete our ruin. We are in fact in a very dangerous crisis.' (23 July 1818, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning three scholastics from the English Province he proposes to send to Ireland for their studies. Describes the three (1 September 1818, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to a refusal to ordain students from Stonyhurst 'who do not renounce their religious state.' Continues 'very probably a requisition to us all to make such renunciation will soon arrive and this will bring the matter to an issue. Our refusal will be followed by censures, suspension…' ( 10 September 1818, 1p).
  • Includes a letter remarking that the Society of Jesus in England has no way of obtaining Holy Orders except by going to Clongowes. Remarks 'The candidates must be adopted there as students of your college in order to be presented by you.' (29 September 1818, 2pp, incomplete).
  • Includes an account of money owed to Stonyhurst College for the upkeep of Irish scholastics studying there (18 February 1819, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to Fr Kenney's voyage to America (15 July 1819, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to lay brothers and the observance of the various customs in the colleges where he (Fr Plowden) studied (19 September 1819, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning Fr General's displeasure at having received no communication from Fr Aylmer. Includes details about Fr Kenney's visit to America and the state of affairs in America (22 November 1819, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning orders from Fr General to Fr Kenney to remain as visitor to America. Remarks that he heard that Fr Kenney had already set sail for Liverpool (30 July 1820, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter remarking on his ill health (30 July 1820, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter written from Rome concerning Society matters and directions from Fr General. Refers to Spain, remarks 'In Spain all seems to be lost for the Society excepting their religious spirit. Their letters and petitions for directions how to act show that they retain the full spirit of their vocation…on the other hand God sends comfort from Vienna, where the Austrian Emperor openly protects the Society and settles it in Gallicia and with generous allowances for subsistence and many privileges and exemptions.' Refers to Fr Kenney's return from America (23 September 1820, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to the sudden introduction of the Catholic Bill. Remarks '…the Catholic Bill fills my head, heart and time…In this crisis we must have an agent here…there must be somebody to speak in our cause. The General must decide this point before Easter, and he go with me to the Pope...' (7 April 1821, 3pp).

Plowden, Charles, 1743-1821, Jesuit priest, teacher and writer

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province. A note states 'Possibly all are in Memorials Ir. Prov.' Some notes in other hand, post-date Grene.

Browne, Thomas
Burke, William
Butler, James

Cunningham, John
Curtis, John

Ferguson, Charles

Gannon, Nicholas

Halpin, Thomas
Haly, Robert
Hayes, James Mark
Hearne, John

Kavanagh, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kernan, Edward

Lentaigne, Joseph
Lynch, Henry
Lynch, John

McDonnell, James

O'Callaghan, Sylvester
O'Connor, John
O'Farrell, Michael
O'Reilly, Edmund

Rorke, Henry
Ryder, Alexander

Seaver, Matthew
Sheehan, Patrick
Stackowski, Francis Xavier

Letters regarding admissions to the Society of Jesus

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from possible candidates and various parish priests seeking information on and interviews to discuss, the possibility of entrance into the Society of Jesus. Also includes applications to join the Society; letters from those who have been accepted and letters concerning financial support from novices’ families.

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and various Jesuits concerning proposals for collections for the Jesuit Mission in Estonia and a school for Russian boys in Shanghai

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and various Jesuits concerning proposals by two English Jesuits, Fr Frederick Wilcock and Fr Ryder, to visit Ireland in order to lecture and collect money for the Jesuit Mission in Estonia and a school for Russian boys in Shanghai. Irish Fr Provincial opposes both proposals.

Results 1 to 100 of 255