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MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist Rome
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Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe

  • Fonds
  • 1590-2009

The Irish Colleges were established chronologically as follows: Lisbon 1590, Salamanca 1592, Santiago de Compostela 1605, Seville 1608 or 1612, Rome 1628 and Poitiers 1674. Irish Jesuits were involved in the establishment or running of the colleges at Lisbon, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela and Seville. The colleges were established with the aim of educating and training students for the priesthood and acted as service and social centres for Irish religious communities all over Europe. Fr Thomas White SJ (1558-1622) founded Salamanca. For diplomatic reasons the title of Rector was held by a Spanish Jesuit successively at Santiago (1612) and Seville (1619). Fr John Howling SJ (1543-1599) founded Lisbon.

The material comprises of notes on the Irish Colleges at Lisbon, Poitiers, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Rome by Frs Edmund Hogan (1831-1917), John MacErlean (1870-1950) and Fergal McGrath (1895-1988). Includes lists of rectors and students of the Colleges.

Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).

Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus, 1542-1773

Transcripts in Italian made by Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning the Suppression of the Society of Jesus

Transcripts in Italian made by Fr John MacErlean SJ from various sources, concerning the Suppression and preservation of the Society of Jesus. Includes:
– extract of a published document dating from 1773 ‘Frederic II to his agent in Rome, giving reasons why he wishes to preserve the Jesuits in his states’ and
– ‘Lettera del Cardinale Cristoforo Migazzi Arcivescovo di Vienna alla Santità di N.S. Papa Clemente XIV’ (3pp).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Rectors of the Irish College in Rome

A file relating to the Rectors of the Irish College in Rome by Fr John MacErlan SJ, 1 January 1628 - 6 December 1769. Includes biographical details.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Copies of Irish ‘Informationes’ transcribed from the ‘Codex Novitiorum’ and ‘Informationes Novitiorum’

Copies of Irish ‘Informationes’ transcribed from the ‘Codex Novitiorum’ and ‘Informationes Novitiorum’ kept at Galloro, Roman Province. Sent with covering letter (12 February 1933, 1p) by Fr Denis Nerney SJ to Fr John MacErlean SJ. Includes ‘Informationes Novitiorum Hib. S.J. in Tirocino Romano, 1826 - 1841’ (in Italian, 6pp) and extracts from the Codex Novitiorum, 1565 – 1586 (in Latin, 7pp).

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters including:
– Fr MacErlean’s censure on a Society Appeal for Funds;
– the progress of his historical research, news from Rome and news about the Society in Australia;
– the establishment of the Society in Ireland including a ‘list of whatever documents exist to my knowledge regarding the establishment of the Society in Ireland…What exactly the establishment of the Society in Ireland means I do not know. It may be a question for a canonist to solve. The canonical succession of the New Society to the Old is disputed, and Rome has never decided the point’;
– the proposed purchase of a volume consisting of ‘the indexes of the first eleven volumes of the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum down to the 3rd volume of April’ and the binding which is ‘much older than the contents…the binding of a Missal that was presented to Father (Nicholas) Leynach in 1613 - 14 by Francis Bray, at a time when Fr Leynach was trying to establish a chapel or oratory of the Society in Clonmel’;
– the Irish College in Rome;
– lists of books the Province could present to ‘the library to be established for the use of the Coll(egium) Scriptorum and a ‘list of those members of our Province who might now or hereafter be fit to cooperate with the Collegium Scriptorum in the production of works’ and a
– ‘Brief Sketch of the Work of the Irish Jesuits from the foundation to the Suppression of the Society 1540 – 1773’ (11pp).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Rome

Handwritten entries by Fr John MacErlan SJ of the catalogues (Catalogus Brevis) for Jesuits at the Irish College in Rome, 1635-1773, and a notebook on letters of interest in Rome, Italy, and whether to photograph or copy.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome

Marefoschi, Mario Compagnoni, and Clement. 1772. Relazione della visita apostolica del Collegio Ibernese. Roma: Nella stamperia di Marco Pagliarini.

Publication concerning Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome presented to Pope Clement XIV. Includes a Papal document of 20 September 1773 placing the college in new hands (the Society had been suppressed the month before). Includes two short MSS bound into the text. The book is annotated in pencil by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ, with inserts by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

Marefoschi, Mario, 1714-1780, Roman Catholic Cardinal