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Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Transcript of an account of the voyage from Coruna to Ireland
Transcript of an account of the voyage from Coruna to Ireland
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo Abrahamo, et Iosue figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus tertius
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo Abrahamo, et Iosue figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus tertius
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Practica de la theologia mystica
Practica de la theologia mystica
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum
Gritos del Purgatorio, y medios para acallarlos
Gritos del Purgatorio, y medios para acallarlos
Volume of the history of the Irish College in Seville
Volume of the history of the Irish College in Seville
Document issued on behalf of Pope Leo XII regarding permission to eat meat in Lent
Document issued on behalf of Pope Leo XII regarding permission to eat meat in Lent
Document listing Leo XII’s bulls and indulgences to subjects of Spanish King
Document listing Leo XII’s bulls and indulgences to subjects of Spanish King
Letters to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ
Letters to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
Account sheets of the Spanish Province in account with the Irish Province
Account sheets of the Spanish Province in account with the Irish Province
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ
Will of John Murphy, Rathangan
Will of John Murphy, Rathangan
Note written by [ ] on the 24th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Note written by [ ] on the 24th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Timothy Kenny SJ, where reports on his and others’ journey to, and arrival at, Loyola
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Timothy Kenny SJ, where reports on his and others’ journey to, and arrival at, Loyola
Document concerning the question of the use of text books in Theological studies
Document concerning the question of the use of text books in Theological studies
Letters relating to Fr Denis Murphy's work on behalf of the cause of the Irish Martyrs
Letters relating to Fr Denis Murphy's work on behalf of the cause of the Irish Martyrs
Notes on the Irish College by P. Edm. Hogan S.J.
Notes on the Irish College by P. Edm. Hogan S.J.
Notes by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College in Salamanca
Notes by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College in Salamanca
Note by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Note by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Letter from Fr Ramon Lloberola SJ to Irish Fr Provincial William Delany SJ
Letter from Fr Ramon Lloberola SJ to Irish Fr Provincial William Delany SJ
Letter from Jeremiah M. Murphy SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his experiences on board the ship
Letter from Jeremiah M. Murphy SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his experiences on board the ship
Letter from Mr Edward Troncoso SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letter from Mr Edward Troncoso SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letter from Máire Ní Bhriain to Fr Edward Cahill SJ concerning the resignation of her post in Madrid after the signing of the Treaty
Letter from Máire Ní Bhriain to Fr Edward Cahill SJ concerning the resignation of her post in Madrid after the signing of the Treaty
Transcript of a letter from the Royal Council of Spain
Transcript of a letter from the Royal Council of Spain
Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Seville
Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Seville
Consultation about the Irish College in Seville and its affairs
Consultation about the Irish College in Seville and its affairs
Photocopy of a pamphlet on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Photocopy of a pamphlet on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
List of the Rectors of the Irish College in Seville and Rome
List of the Rectors of the Irish College in Seville and Rome
Visitations made to the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
Visitations made to the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Salamanca
Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Salamanca
List of deceased Rectors of the Irish College in Salamanca
List of deceased Rectors of the Irish College in Salamanca
Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
Transcripts by Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning the Irish College in Seville
Transcripts by Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning the Irish College in Seville
List of Rectors of the Irish College in Salamanca
List of Rectors of the Irish College in Salamanca
List of alumni in the Irish College, in Salamanca who entered the Society
List of alumni in the Irish College, in Salamanca who entered the Society
List of admissions to the Society from 1556 onwards
List of admissions to the Society from 1556 onwards
List of the Rectors of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
List of the Rectors of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
Notes compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ on Rome
Notes compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ on Rome
Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters
Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters
Extracts relating to [Irish] novices, from ‘Liber Ingressum et Votorum’ of the Provinces of Castille and Toledo, arranged chronologically 1592-1765
Extracts relating to [Irish] novices, from ‘Liber Ingressum et Votorum’ of the Provinces of Castille and Toledo, arranged chronologically 1592-1765
‘Obituary Letters’ of individual Jesuits [who died in Spain], transcribed by Fr John MacErlean SJ, arranged chronologically 1705-1790
‘Obituary Letters’ of individual Jesuits [who died in Spain], transcribed by Fr John MacErlean SJ, arranged chronologically 1705-1790
Notes complied by Fr John MacErlean SJ on the Irish College in Salamanca
Notes complied by Fr John MacErlean SJ on the Irish College in Salamanca
Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ
Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ
Letter from M. J. Aloysius Murphy, Castilleza de las Cueta, Sevilla, Spain to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Letter from M. J. Aloysius Murphy, Castilleza de las Cueta, Sevilla, Spain to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Irish College, Seville
Irish College, Seville
‘Famous Seats of Learning in Spain’
‘Famous Seats of Learning in Spain’
Draft typescript of an unpublished book by Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning his travels in Spain
Draft typescript of an unpublished book by Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning his travels in Spain
Letters and report to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning missions in Spain
Letters and report to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning missions in Spain
Photographic slides of sites of Jesuit interest in Barcelona, Rome, Manresa and Spain
Photographic slides of sites of Jesuit interest in Barcelona, Rome, Manresa and Spain
Some Jesuit Contributions to Irish Education: with special reference to 16th & 19th centuries Vol.I
Some Jesuit Contributions to Irish Education: with special reference to 16th & 19th centuries Vol.I
Some Jesuit Contributions to Irish Education: with special reference to 16th & 19th centuries Vol.II
Some Jesuit Contributions to Irish Education: with special reference to 16th & 19th centuries Vol.II
Material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ
Material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ
Letter from Mr Timothy Moloney (Centro Irlandes, Lerida, Spain) concerning his thesis
Letter from Mr Timothy Moloney (Centro Irlandes, Lerida, Spain) concerning his thesis
‘The Irish student diaspora and the early years of the Irish college at Salamanca’
‘The Irish student diaspora and the early years of the Irish college at Salamanca’
Copy transcripts relating to documents on Fr John Stritch SJ and Irish mission
Copy transcripts relating to documents on Fr John Stritch SJ and Irish mission
Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas
Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas
Summaries of archives of the College of St Patrick, Salamanca
Summaries of archives of the College of St Patrick, Salamanca
Information concerning the foundation of the Irish College in Salamanca
Information concerning the foundation of the Irish College in Salamanca
Irish College, Salamanca
Irish College, Salamanca
Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ about an article in Archivium Hibernicum
Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ about an article in Archivium Hibernicum
Text of a talk given by Manuel Revuelta SJ in the house in the Valladolid Province
Text of a talk given by Manuel Revuelta SJ in the house in the Valladolid Province
Reforma y contra-reforma en irlanda
Reforma y contra-reforma en irlanda
Diccionario Historico de la Compania de Jesus: Biografico-Tematico
Diccionario Historico de la Compania de Jesus: Biografico-Tematico
Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Photographs of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
Photographs of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
The Irish College at Santiago de Compostela 1605-1769
The Irish College at Santiago de Compostela 1605-1769
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe