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Byrne, Thomas, 1904-1978, Jesuit priest County Dublin
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Standing committee of Prefects of Studies to offer advice to Superiors in the matter of the education of pupils attending Jesuit schools

A file relating to the 'Consilium Permanens', a standing committee of Prefects of Studies to offer advice to Superiors in the matter of the education of pupils attending Jesuit schools. Includes agendas and minutes of the 'Consilium Permanens', includes a statement issued by Fr Provincial on how the 'Consilium Permanens' should be conducted, its duties and terms of reference (31 December 1939, 3pp).

Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin with the Irish Fr Provincial

Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin (mainly holograph letters from the Archbishop and copies of Irish Fr Provincial’s replies) on various matters. Includes letters concerning :

  • information for the Commission established to ‘investigate and report upon the existence and title of all collections for pious purposes in the Diocese of Dublin’;
  • the supply of Altar wine to the Society;
  • the appointment of Fr Thomas Counihan SJ to the Commission on Youth Unemployment;
  • his request ‘not to use candles at the end of Retreats and Missions during the present war-circumstances’;
  • the death of various Jesuits including Frs [Thomas Counihan], Michael Kirwan, James Tomkin, Laurence J. Kieran (former Provincial) and Vincent Byrne;
  • circular comprising the decisions of the 1942 October Meeting of the Hierarchy;
  • 1944 Decree concerning the education of Catholics in non-Catholic Schools, Colleges or Universities of the Dublin Diocese (See also ADMN/3/38);
  • the proposed visit of Fr Adelard Dugré SJ, ‘formerly an Assistant of our late Father General and now an Assistant of our Father Vicar General’ to Ireland and his appointment with the Archbishop;
  • the granting of diocesan faculties to various Jesuits and the results of diocesan examinations;
  • the ‘Solemn Votive mass’ to be celebrated in the Pro-Cathedral on 25 June 1945 on the occasion of the Inauguration of the President, Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh (See also ADMN/3/59 and 76);
  • copies of letters concerning the Archbishop’s instructions as to the ‘attitude to be adopted in regard to the strike declared by the Central Executive Committee of the Irish National Teachers’ Organization’ and the restoration of ‘normal conditions’ in the schools following the Teachers’ Strike;
  • the collection by secondary schools of used clothing ‘for the very destitute young people of Europe, especially the Catholics of Hungary’;
  • the answers of the Milltown Theological Faculty to certain questions posed ‘concerning the question of defining as a dogma of the Faith the doctrine that the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed bodily into Heaven’;
  • statistical reports on the Society in Ireland required for the ‘Relatio Status’ of the Archbishop to the Holy See and for the Annuario Pontificio;
  • the appointment of Fr Thomas Counihan SJ to conduct the Thirty Days’ Exercises at Holy Cross College, Clonliffe in October 1947 and September 1948;
  • proposals to purchase Churchtown House, Dundrum for use as a secondary school and the alternative plan to build a school on grounds adjoining Milltown Park (See also 1950s correspondence with Archbishop McQuaid);
  • the institution of the ‘Tribunal for the Ordinary Informative Process in the Cause of the Beatification and Canonisation of the Servant of God, John Sullivan, Priest of your Society’ (24 October 1947, 1p.) (See also ADMN/3/24; 48 and 49);
  • the purchase of Baymount Castle, Dollymount for use as a Retreat House (Manresa House) (See also ADMN/3/6 and 74) and
  • letter of condolence following the fire at Milltown Park in 1949 (11 February 1949, 1p.).

McQuaid, John Charles, 1895-1973, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Correspondence relating to the attendance at Maynooth by Jesuit scholastics

Correspondence, mostly between Irish Fr Provincial, Edward Kissane (President of St Patrick’s College, Maynooth) and Fr James Duff of St Patrick’s College relating to the attendance at Maynooth by Jesuit scholastics and the Irish Hierarchy’s Appeal on behalf of the College to the clergy and laity of Ireland, a fund to which the Province donated £500.

Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin

Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin (mostly holograph letters from the Archbishop and copies of Fr. Provincial’s replies) on various matters. Includes letters concerning:

  • the purchase of additional land from Mr Bewley adjoining Milltown Park, on which to build a secondary school (See also 1940s correspondence with Archbishop McQuaid);
  • the question of the payment of workers for work on parochial and ecclesiastical buildings on Holy Days of Obligation;
  • the Statement issued on behalf of the Hierarchy with regard to ‘the raising of military forces and the waging of war’ (persuading ‘young men not to join the new I.R.A. and kindred groups, or if they have joined, to disassociate themselves from such groups’);
  • the proposed acquisition of new buildings on Eglinton Road (now the Province Curia, No. 87 Eglinton Road) for the Society to ‘relieve a certain congestion we are experiencing at present in our Dublin Houses’;
  • the appointment of Jesuits to various ecclesiastical offices;
  • the Commission considering the question of Licensing Laws;
  • Jesuit Missions to the Irish in Britain (see also ADMN/3/62);
  • the Technical Schools – ‘It is not in any sense an exaggeration to say that the assistance of the Society has made possible the establishment of a firm system of Religious Instruction, for the first time, in the Vocational and Technical Schools’ (letter of Archbishop McQuaid to Fr Provincial, 8 June 1959, 1p.) (see also ADMN/3/61);
  • the formation of a committee to select candidates for beatification among the Irish martyrs (see also ADMN/3/24; 43; 48 and 49);
  • the publication of spiritual books in Irish by the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary attached to Gardiner Street Church (see also ADMN/3/59 and 65);
  • the appointment of Jesuit lecturers in University College Dublin;
  • the proposal to establish a federation of the Sodalities of Our Lady in the Dublin Diocese.
    Also includes covering letter and copy of the minutes of the General Meeting of the Irish Actors’ Equity Association held on 27 April 1958.

McQuaid, John Charles, 1895-1973, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to education, finance and formation

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning:
– the creation of a new entrance to Manresa House in Dollymount and the sale of the old gate lodge to the developer of the site (see also ADMN/3/43);
– various Consultors’ opinions with regard to Fr. General’s Letters on The Social Apostolate;
– the Irish Hierarchy’s opinion of the Health Bill of 1952;
– ‘the dangers there is for Catholics to go to Trinity College’ (see also ADMN/3/38);
– copy of a ‘Report of the Jesuit Schools in the Archdiocese of Dublin on the Programme for Religious Instruction in the Primary Schools’ (see also ADMN/3/57);
– a lectureship in mathematical-physics in U.C.D.;
– the requirements for the post of lecturer in Cosmology in U.C.D.;
– the death of Fr James Magan SJ and
– letter and memorandum to the Provincial concerning Latin study in the Novitiate.
Also includes letters from President Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh (see also ADMN/3/59) concerning his audience with the Pope and sending Christmas greetings and copy of Irish Fr Provincial’s reply.

Circulars from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ relating to Extraordinary Permissions renewed by Fr General

Circulars from Provincial Thomas Byrne relating to Extraordinary Permissions renewed by Fr General granting leave to accept stipends for various purposes; the notice of congregations for the beatification of Fr. Peter Olivaint; fundraising for the Gregorian University; the order for the removal from libraries, and subsequent destruction, of a recent work by Fr. Emile Delaye entitled Qu’est-ce qu’un Catholique (Paris 1950).

Byrne, Thomas, 1904-1978, Jesuit priest

Correspondence between Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin, and Irish Provincials Thomas Byrne and Michael O'Grady

Correspondence between Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin, and Irish Provincials Thomas Byrne and Michael O'Grady. Includes letters relating to the nominations of various Jesuits to be Spiritual Directors in Dublin technical schools; a series of lectures on the subject of marriage delivered by Provincial O'Grady (13 November 1954); Missions given to emigrants in England (31 January 1955); help in the Archbishop's ‘work against Communism’ (9 February 1955); Readers and History Books used in Jesuit schools (1 February 1955).

McQuaid, John Charles, 1895-1973, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Material on the Triduum held in honour of the coming to Dublin of the reliquary containing the right arm of St Francis Xavier

A file relating to the Triduum held in honour of the coming to St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin of the reliquary containing the right arm of St Francis Xavier. Includes numerous black and white photographs depicting Cardinal Gilroy and a number of Jesuit Fathers (all named), well known personalities attending the veneration and the crowds that came to see the relic. Includes newspaper cuttings reporting on the Triduum.

Letters and documents relating to Mr McCafferkey and the Gate Lodge

Letters and documents from James G. O'Connor, Solicitor to Frs Sean McCarron SJ, Manresa, Dollymount, Dublin relating to Mr McCafferkey and the Gate Lodge, Baymount, Dollymount, Dublin. Includes draft agreement of exchange of plots of ground at lands at Baymount, Clontarf between Fr Joseph Erraught SJ & others and McCafferkey and letters from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ to Fr Sean McCarron SJ, Manresa, Dollymount on the subject.

Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin

Photograph of Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin

Left to right: Fr Laurence Kearns SJ (Minister), Father Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ, Br Ned Foley SJ (Cook), Canon McMahon P.P. (St John the Baptist, Clontarf), Fr Joe Erraught SJ, Fr Sean McCarron SJ (Superior) and Fr William Stephenson SJ (Spiritual Father), Manresa House (1949). Fr Joe Erraught SJ was trustee but stationed at Rathfarnham Castle;

Letter from Fr Patrick Kenny SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning issues that arose during the consultation

Letter from Fr Patrick Kenny SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning issues that arose during the consultation, namely to provide a garden for one of the gate lodges, pocket money ('hog') for members of the community and granting permission for female visitors to enter the community chapel.

Kenny, Patrick, 1889-1973, Jesuit priest

Fr William Dargan SJ

  • IE IJA J/117
  • File
  • 18 June 1922 - 27 December 1983
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr William Dargan SJ, including biographical information, black and white photographs, birth certificate and stole with the initials W.D. (William Dargan) and the date of his ordination, 31 July 1935.

Dargan, William, 1904-1983, Jesuit priest

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial, mostly from Fr Leonard Sheil SJ, relating to his Mission work throughout Ireland

  • IE IJA J/16/6
  • File
  • 24 Nov. 1943 - 18 May 1949
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial, mostly from Fr Leonard Sheil SJ, relating to his Mission work throughout Ireland. Includes:

  • letters concerning a Retreat given by Fr Sheil in Killorglin, County Kerry, a lecture in Cashel, County Tipperary and Missions in Cobh, County Cork and Harrington Street, Dublin (24 November 1943 - 7 August 1945, 6 items);
  • letter from Fr Sheil offering to ‘go to any country where…I would be of use in the service of God, Africa, Australia, China or the Continent.’ Also seeks permission to become the Spiritual Director of the International Catholic Girls’ Protection Society (see also J16/5). ‘Their work (they are some thirty years in existence in Dublin) was chiefly the meeting and protecting of girls travelling, especially to England. Now it includes a registry office of which the object is to find work for girls in Ireland and so obviate the necessity of going to England.…They hope to start a small training hostel for domestics. The Archbishop is very favourable.…I have given their radio broadcast for the past five years, bringing in £100 more or less each year. The work of the Spiritual Director would be to attend the monthly meeting of the Committee…and on these occasions to give what assistance he can as a priest.…In favour of it,…it offers a field of work for youth; and…perhaps no class of youth needs help more than the young country girl, perhaps from a convent orphanage, who comes to Dublin to domestic service…’ (21 Feb. 1946, 3pp);
  • letter from Socius Fr John Coyne SJ to the Irish Provincial relating to a report in the 'Irish Press' of a lecture on ‘Friends of Soviet Russia’ given by Fr Sheil to the Ringsend C.Y.M.S. in which Fr Sheil referred to Dáil Éireann members as ‘frightful loafers’. Encloses clipping of report (2 Dec. 1946, 1p.) and letter from Fr Sheil to Fr Coyne explaining the circumstances of the lecture (n.d., 2pp);
  • letter from Fr Sheil reporting on a number of young men who wish to join the Society and his activities on a recent visit to the North of Ireland (2 Apr. 1947, 4pp) and
  • letter to the Irish Provincial Fr Thomas Byrne SJ from Dr Edward Doorly, Bishop of Elphin stating ‘Father Sheil did not give any offence worth mentioning and further…he gave a splendid Retreat to the priests’ (18 May 1949, 1p.).

Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England

  • IE IJA J/16/9
  • File
  • 18 May 1949 - September 1967
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England. Includes:
– incomplete letter from Fr Sheil to the Provincial referring to a Mission he and Fr Robert L. Stevenson SJ are to give in Peterborough, ‘We will run one mission in a hostel, and another in the church at the same time. There are 180 Irish in the hostel; and there are believed to be about 400 in lodgings around the town. We may, or may not, be able to get at them.’ Also describes his recent travels on the Continent (third page of letter is missing) (12 Sep. 19--, 2pp);
– letter from Fr Sheil to the Provincial describing a ‘country mission in Northampton’ where he “was told to take a different village every day, say Mass in some Catholic house, visit every house – Catholic or no, and ‘hold a service’ on the village green in the evening” (2 September 19–, 7pp);
– covering letter and note (January 1953, 2pp) from Fr Sheil to the Provincial enclosing a memorandum entitled ‘Relations between Irish and English Jesuit Missioners’ (n.d., 3pp);
– covering letter from Fr Sheil (13 April 1953, 1p.) to the Provincial, enclosing a letter he received from the Archbishop of Cius and English Apostolic Delegate following Fr Sheil’s report to him of 1952 Mission work. The Archbishop writes ‘I have read with deepest interest the reports sent to me by the Reverend Father L. Sheil, S.J. and I have informed the Holy See of all the splendid work that has been accomplished. For this most necessary apostolate, certainly the Delegate of the Holy Father must send a cordial blessing in the name of His Holiness and he is confident that, with God’s help, more and more will be achieved for those who stand so much in need of the ministry of their own priests’ (9 April 1953, 1p.);
– copy letter from the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne to the English Fr Provincial Desmond Boyle SJ, regarding Fr Boyle’s ‘wishes concerning the activities of the Irish Mission staff in England’. States ‘I have…instructed Father Leonard Sheil to confine his activities in future to Camp Missions during the autumn months, and, once he has fulfilled his programme in London this autumn, to approach no parish priest about a parish Mission nor to accept any parish Mission without a specific request from Father Farrell.…I think he (Fr Sheil) has done good work for the Irish in England, some of which, such as the Confraternity in Birmingham, may be of permanent worth. But whatever good he has achieved is due in no small measure to the co-operation of the English Province and the support he received from the English parish clergy’ (22 Apr. 1953, 1p.);
– Fr Boyle’s reply thanking Fr Byrne for his co-operation and stating ‘I only hope that we of this Province have not seemed too difficult or dog-in-the-manger-ish. The position was getting rather confused and it seemed desirable to regularize it. Your mission Fathers have done wonderful work in England, and I am quite sure that Fr Sheil will be approached either directly or through Fr Farrell for further missions’ (29 Apr. 1953, 1p.);
– letter to Fr Sheil from Dr James Staunton, Bishop of Ferns in which he remarks ‘I was glad to know that you are going to St. Wilfrid’s York, and I hope your Fathers and yourself will be invited to give many missions in the secondary modern schools, and pioneer in this sphere’ (20 Aug. 1958, 2pp);
– letter to the Provincial from Fr Sheil describing the work of two Irish chaplains in London – Fr Cullen in Warwick Street and the chaplain in Bayswater (Sep. 1967, 2pp).
Also includes list drawn up by Fr Sheil of Jesuits who ‘should give a very good priests’ retreat’ (n.d., 2pp).

Fr John C Kelly SJ

Material realting to Fr John C Kelly SJ including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and the curia (on his work in communciations and the media), personal record and application to join the Society.

Kelly, John C, 1917-1982, Jesuit priest

Material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ

  • IE IJA J/216/1
  • File
  • 7 July 1924-26 March 1960
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr Michael Morrison SJ

  • IE IJA J/256/1
  • File
  • 4 August 1925 - 26 September 1985; 2014
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Michael Morrison SJ which includes correspondence relating to his time as a chaplain to the British forces during the Second World War, his work in Australia, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Fr Cyril Peyton SJ

Catalogue entry for Fr Cyril Peyton SJ (1950), letter from Fr Peyton to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ, seeking a return to Ireland from Australia (1952), and memorial card.

Peyton, Cyril, 1911-1955, Jesuit priest

Material relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St Mark

  • IE IJA J/460/4
  • Item
  • 10 November 1944 - 7 April 1953
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St. Mark. This article sparked a controversy as Fr Gannon's views were disagreed with by Cardinal MacRory (and other eminent scripture scholars). Includes a letter from Fr John R MacMahon SJ (Fr Provincial), St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Byrne SJ concerning the controversy. Remarks 'In reply to a letter from Fr Gannon, I wrote to him to say that I could not allow him to pursue the discussion about St. Mark III, 20 - 21 any further…that I would not approve of his seeking an interview with the Cardinal; that he might write to the Cardinal, but that I would have to see a draft of the letter beforehand.' Remarks that he received a reply from Fr Gannon and includes a passage from the letter describing it thus 'He is taking a most extravagant view of the situation.' (15 April 1945, 1p). Includes a copy of a letter from Fr Provincial (Fr MacMahon SJ) concerning a letter Fr Gannon wishes to write to Cardinal MacRory regarding the difference of opinion between the two men. Remarks 'Let me assure you (and I wish I could convince you) that you are taking far too tragic a view of the whole business. If you could put it out of your mind for a month, you would, I am confident, take a more tranquil view of things.' (26 January 1945, 1p). It would appear from the file that Fr Gannon was not able to put the matter out of his mind and that it was only as a result of his death in 1953 that the matter was laid to rest. It would also appear that Fr Gannon's view was gaining some support amongst scripture scholars when he died.

Fr Joseph Carlin SJ

  • IE IJA J/480
  • File
  • 11 December 1915 - 13 July 1988
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of correspondence between Fr Joseph Carlin SJ and his Irish Provincials covering his admission and ordination to the Society of Jesus, his time as a teacher at Belvedere College and his work from 1959-1988 in the Jesuit provinces of California, New Orleans and Missouri, United States of America.

Carlin, Joseph M, 1915-1988, Jesuit priest

Fr Francis G Hennelly SJ

  • IE IJA J/507
  • File
  • 5 July 1930 - 13 February 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing papers relating to Francis Hennelly's admission to the Society of Jesus; his initial studies; family visits; time as a teacher at Clongowes Wood College; periods of residence at Mungret, County Limerick; St Ignatius College, Galway; Tullabeg, County Offaly; Gardiner Street, Dublin; ongoing illness and death.

Hennelly, Francis G, 1913-1989, Jesuit priest

Photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ

Photographs in possession of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ including:

  • individual photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ (4 items);
  • group photograph including Frs Laurence Kearns, Thomas Byrne, Br - , - , - , Sean McCarron, - , at Dollymount, Manresa, Dublin [1948]-[1952);
  • photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ visiting schools in Asia (2 items);
  • group photograph of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ with others, in white cassocks;
  • group photograph of Irish Jesuits in Zambia, including Fr Thomas Byrne SJ in centre, with Bishop James Corboy SJ;
  • group photographs of Irish Jesuits in Hong Kong (although Fr Thomas Byrne SJ, Superior of the Hong Kong Jesuits, 1957-1960, these photographs postdate that time (5 items);

Letters concerning Fr Thomas Byrne SJ

  • IE IJA J/82/3
  • File
  • 28 July 1947-18 September 1978
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters realting to Fr Thomas Byrne SJ. Includes a letter from Fr John L Swain SJ, Borgo S. Spirito, Rome to Irish Fr Provivnial Charles O'Conor SJ concerning an emergencvy operatiopn performed on Fr Byrne in Rome (22 December 1963, 1p); letter from Fr Bernard Lonergan SJ, Regis College, 3425 Bayview Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada to Fr Thomas Byrne SJ, thanking him for suggesting that Fr General be asked to allow Fr Lonergan more free time to write (21 Decmeber 1967, 1p).

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1951

A file of letters written during the year 1951 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia.

  • Includes a report on the Lusaka Mission and Fr Visitor's suggestion that the Irish Fathers take over a part of this mission from the Polish Province (nd, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh, SJ, Chikuni Mission, PO Chisekesi Siding, Northern Rhodesia to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ, concerning the starting up of new mission stations. Refers to the division of the Vicariate and remarks '…the Polish Fathers are inclined to be resentful of us….I know there is a great effort being made to ensure that…we shall not get Lusaka.' (30 January 1951, 2pp).
  • Includes a memorandum concerning the establishment of a Junior Trade School ([February] 1951, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Rev. A Chichester SJ, Vicariate Apostolic of Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, Campion House, Rhodes Avenue, Salisbury, Southrrn Rhodesia to Irish Fr Provincial enquiring if the Irish Province has plans to open a school for European boys in Northern Rhodesia. A note on the letter remarks 'Nothing doing: will ask Xtian Brothers if he wishes.' (6 October 1951, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Adam Kozlowiecki SJ (Apostolic Administrator), Vicariate Apostolic of Lusaka, PO Box 125 to Irish Fr Provincial stating the urgent need for a school for Catholic European boys in Northern Rhodesia. Includes a rough plan of a suitable site (16 November 1951, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from David Mathew, Apostolic Delegate, PO Box 468, Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial referring to the division of the Vicariate between the Irish and Polish Jesuits (24 November 1951, 3pp).

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1952

A file of letters written during the year 1952 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia.

  • Includes a letter from David Matthews, Archbishop of Apamea, Apostolic delegate, Delegatio Apostolica, PO Box 468 Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning the proposed boundaries of the Vicariate of Lusaka to be given to the Irish Province. Includes a free hand map of the area (9 January 1952, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J. Walsh SJ, PO Box 125, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia to Irish Fr Provincial informing him that the building of the residence at the regiment Church has begun. Refers to Mau Mau in Kenya and remarks 'It is likely that in the next few years we shall see similar developments in central Africa. There is a great spirit of unrest and dissatisfaction among the Africans here and there is quite a bit of Communist propaganda going on - especially through the African Congress' (29 November 1952, 1p).

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1953

A file of letters written during the year 1953 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia.

  • Includes a letter from David Mathews, Archbishop of Apamea, Apostolic Delegate, PO Box 468, Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning his meeting with Fr General regarding the nomination of the Vicar Apostolic of Lusaka. Remarks that Fr General is anxious that the new Bishop, when named, would open a preparatory school for European boys in Lusaka (20 February 1953, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J. Walsh SJ, PO Box 125, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia to Irish Fr Provincial informing him that the residence at the Regiment Church has been completed (6 March 1953, 2pp).
  • Includes a statement of the Chikuni Mission statistics for the year ending 30 June 1953 (June 1953, 1p).
  • Includes a copy of a letter from the Educational Secretary-General to the Northern Rhodesia Catholic Missions, PO Box 29, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia to the [Archbishop] concerning the Catholic Teacher Training College proposal (5 September 1953, 3pp).
  • Includes a document relating to a survey on leprosy in Northern Rhodesia made in 1950 (10 December 1953, 11pp).

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1954

A file of letters written during the year 1954 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia.

  • Includes a letter from Fr Robert Thompson SJ, PO Box 125, Lusaka to Irish Fr Provincial Michael O'Grady SJ concerning an invitation from the Dept. of Social Welfare to Frs. Robert Thompson and Patrick J Walshe to participate in Council meetings in preparation for Territorial Social Welfare meetings (21 January 1954, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Adam Kozlowiecki SJ, Apostolic Administrator, Vicariate Apostolic of Lusaka, PO Box 125 to Irish Fr Provincial thanking him for agreeing, in principle, to staff the Teacher Training College with members of the Irish Province (4 April 1954, 2pp).
  • Includes a copy of a letter from [ ] Kabunda Mission, PO Fort Roseberry to the Right Reverend the Ordinaries of Northern Rhodesia concerning the siting of the proposed territorial Catholic Teacher Training College (6 June 1954, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from the Education Secretary-General to the North Rhodesia Catholic Missions, PO Box 593, Lusaka concerning the reorganisation of Teacher Training (18 June 1954, 4pp).
  • Includes a memorandum by Irish Fr Provincial concerning the terms governing the choice of a site for the Teacher Training College (1 October 1954, 5pp).
  • Includes Fr Robert Thompson SJ's impressions of participating in the Social Services Conference, Northern Rhodesia (19 October 1954, 2pp).
  • Includes a memorandum by Fr Walter O'Connor SJ concerning the leprosy settlement near Chikuni (November 1954, 3pp).

Letter from Fr Patrick Connolly SJ to his Irish Fr Provincial, urging him to consider taking over the Jesuit Mission of Northern Rhodesia

Letter from Fr Patrick J Connolly SJ, 35 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin urging him to consider taking over the Jesuit Mission of Northern Rhodesia from the Polish Province. Remarks 'The mission is a going concern: to take it over would cost nothing save in man-power. It has its residences, chapels, schools, landed property (some thousands of acres waiting to be exploited)'.

Connolly, Patrick J, 1875-1951 Jesuit priest and editor

Letters written from Nothern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1948

Letters written from Jesuits in Northern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ.

  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J O'Brien SJ (one of the two Jesuits sent out to Northern Rhodesia by Irish Fr Provincial) remarking 'The situation here is desperate. There is no other word to describe it. It was already critical when the first appeal was made to the Irish Province. And while Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ and myself were waiting for a boat to come here, 3 fathers died. Since then we have lost a fourth…' (7 January 1948, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J O'Brien SJ, PO Box 125, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ thanking him for agreeing to send two more Jesuits to the mission (Fr Maurice Dowling SJ & Fr Daniel Shields SJ, although Fr Joseph Gill SJ subsequently went in Fr Shield's place) (7 April 1948, 2pp).

Letters written from Nothern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1949

Letters written from Jesuits in Northern Rhodesia to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ.

  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ, PO Box 87, Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia referring to the imminent opening of the secondary school in Chikuni. Remarks that without Frs Dowling and Gill they would not have been able to open the school. Remarks that they are still waiting for the rains to come so that the maize crop can be sown (4 January 1949, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ, PO Box 87, Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia describing the difficulties of the mission while it remains under complete control of the Polish Province (30 October 1949, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ, PO Box 87, Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia concerning the possibility of the Irish Province taking over the Lusaka Prefecture. Remarks that he would welcome the development as long as it was entirely independent of the Polish Jesuits (5 December 1949, 4pp).

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1950

A file of letters written during the year 1950 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia. Includes numerous letters relating to the announcement that eight Irish Jesuits are to be sent to the Chikuni Mission and the need for these men to learn the language (Chitonga). Many letters express concern over the lack of preparations being made for their arrival and a reluctance to comply with Fr General's instructions that all eight men are to be housed together for one year to obtain a firm grasp of the language.

  • Includes a letter from the Apostolic Delegation, PO Box 468, Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning the division of the mission between the Irish and Polish Jesuits. Advises Fr Byrne to send a suitable Jesuit to Northern Rhodesia to take on the role of Vicar Apostolic of Lusaka when the division takes place (12 June 1950, 1p).
  • Includes a memorandum by Fr John Collins SJ concerning Bantu courses in London University (nd, 2pp).
  • Includes a photograph published in the Irish Independent of the nine Irish Jesuits (eight priests and one brother) before their departure for Chikuni, Northern Rhodesia (19 July 1950, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Brian MacMahon SJ to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ announcing their safe arrival in Lusaka (7 August 1950, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ describing a trip he and Fr Louis Meagher SJ made in the Zambesi Valley (22 September 1950, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Brian McMahon SJ, Chikuni Mission PO Chisekesi, Northern Rhodesia to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ describing the school system here and the training colleges for African teachers (2 October 1950, 7pp).

Correspondence between the Bishop of Galway, Michael Browne and Irish Fr Provincial concerning the attendance of Jesuit Scholastics at University College, Galway

A file of correspondence between the Bishop of Galway, Michael Browne, D.D., Mount St Mary's, Galway and Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning the attendance of Jesuit Scholastics at University College, Galway. Includes a letter from the Bishop insisting that his permission is sought and remarking that the Jesuit Order is not exempt.

Browne, Michael, 1895-1980, Roman Catholic Bishop of Galway

Letter from Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Gonzaga College, Sandford Road, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning estimates for reconstruction work at St. Joseph's

Letter from Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Gonzaga College SJ, Sandford Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning estimates for reconstruction work at St. Joseph's. Discusses the different options. Refers to the community's need for a Brother to do some cooking. Asks leave to attend to his sister's affairs in the west of Ireland.

O'Conor, Charles D, 1906-1981, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Gonzaga College, Sandford Road, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning trees along the avenue marked to be felled

Letter from Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Gonzaga College, Sandford Road, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning trees along the avenue marked to be felled. Remarks that it would be preferable if the trees could be cut down during the summer while the pupils were on holidays. Remarks that he would normally discuss such a matter directly with Fr Coyne or Fr Rector at Milltown 'But relations upon points of mutual interest between Milltown and ourselves have proved so delicate at times that it has seemed wise to lay the matter before your Reverence...'

O'Conor, Charles D, 1906-1981, Jesuit priest