Dangos 1256 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
County Dublin Ffeil
Rhagolwg argraffu Hierarchy Gweld:
Br James Owens SJ
Br James Owens SJ
Irish Jesuit annual letters 1604-1674
Irish Jesuit annual letters 1604-1674
Photocopies of photographs of Rathfarnham Castle
Photocopies of photographs of Rathfarnham Castle
Material relating to Fr Michael Morrison SJ
Material relating to Fr Michael Morrison SJ
Articles by Fr Kevin Laheen SJ entitled ‘The Jesuit Connection’ and ‘Sacred Heart Statute’
Articles by Fr Kevin Laheen SJ entitled ‘The Jesuit Connection’ and ‘Sacred Heart Statute’
An Irish century: Studies 1912-2012
An Irish century: Studies 1912-2012
Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ
Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ
Postcards depicting interior and exterior views of Rathfarnham Castle
Postcards depicting interior and exterior views of Rathfarnham Castle
Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius...'
Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius...'
Photographs taken by Fr Kevin Laheen SJ, made by the Office of Public Works of ceiling panel paintings installed by Jesuits
Photographs taken by Fr Kevin Laheen SJ, made by the Office of Public Works of ceiling panel paintings installed by Jesuits
Information on the history of Rathfarnham Castle
Information on the history of Rathfarnham Castle
Information on Rathfarnham Castle, written by Fr Senan Timoney SJ for OPW guides
Information on Rathfarnham Castle, written by Fr Senan Timoney SJ for OPW guides
Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ
Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ
The Clongowes record, 1814 to 1932: with introductory chapters on Irish Jesuit educators, 1564 to 1813
The Clongowes record, 1814 to 1932: with introductory chapters on Irish Jesuit educators, 1564 to 1813
Material relating to Fr Donal O'Sullivan SJ
Material relating to Fr Donal O'Sullivan SJ
Chronology of the history of the Catholic University from 1854 to 1882
Chronology of the history of the Catholic University from 1854 to 1882
A Short History of Gonzaga College, 1950-2000
A Short History of Gonzaga College, 1950-2000
Mission material relating to Fr Daniel Byrne SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Daniel Byrne SJ
Fr Kyran Joseph Fitzgerald SJ
Fr Kyran Joseph Fitzgerald SJ
Br Andrew TJ Bannon SJ
Br Andrew TJ Bannon SJ
Fr Brian Redmond Scallan SJ
Fr Brian Redmond Scallan SJ
Fr Desmond Collins SJ
Fr Desmond Collins SJ
Fr Patrick Power SJ
Fr Patrick Power SJ
Fr Peader MacSeumais SJ
Fr Peader MacSeumais SJ
Robert Thompson's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Robert Thompson's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ
Br Edward TL Keogh SJ
Br Edward TL Keogh SJ
Fr Brian J Cullen SJ
Fr Brian J Cullen SJ
Fr Sean Noonan SJ
Fr Sean Noonan SJ
Material relating to Fr Thomas O'Meara SJ from the Irish Jesuit Missions Office
Material relating to Fr Thomas O'Meara SJ from the Irish Jesuit Missions Office
Kevin Quinn's admission papers to the Society and correspondence
Kevin Quinn's admission papers to the Society and correspondence
Correspondence, death notice, funeral arrangements and obituaries for Fr John Monahan SJ
Correspondence, death notice, funeral arrangements and obituaries for Fr John Monahan SJ
Correspondence relating to Roderick Greaney's life in the Society of Jesus
Correspondence relating to Roderick Greaney's life in the Society of Jesus
Mission material relating to Fr Liam Egan SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Liam Egan SJ
Material containing Michael J Connolly's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Material containing Michael J Connolly's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
'The Day Before Yesterday - Father Browne's Dublin
'The Day Before Yesterday - Father Browne's Dublin
Br Patrick Brady SJ
Br Patrick Brady SJ
Fr Donal Brendan Mulcahy SJ
Fr Donal Brendan Mulcahy SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Edward O'Connor SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Edward O'Connor SJ
Admission of Francis McDonagh to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Admission of Francis McDonagh to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Thomas O'Meara's admission papers and brief correspondence
Thomas O'Meara's admission papers and brief correspondence
Admission of Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Admission of Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Fr Edward Joseph Diffely SJ
Fr Edward Joseph Diffely SJ
Fr Richard Joseph Maguire SJ
Fr Richard Joseph Maguire SJ
Print outs of photographs and copy of advertisement for the Manresa
Print outs of photographs and copy of advertisement for the Manresa
Fr Franz Schrenk SJ
Fr Franz Schrenk SJ
Letter to Irish Fr Provincial from J.F. Green concerning the restoration of Rathfarnham Castle
Letter to Irish Fr Provincial from J.F. Green concerning the restoration of Rathfarnham Castle
Colm Ó Riordan admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Colm Ó Riordan admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Letter from Fr Colm Ó Riordan SJ to Sister Gertrude, St Mary’s Convent, Monze, Zambia
Letter from Fr Colm Ó Riordan SJ to Sister Gertrude, St Mary’s Convent, Monze, Zambia
Mission office material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ
Mission office material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ
Death notice, newspaper articles, correspondence and obituary for Fr Derek Reid SJ
Death notice, newspaper articles, correspondence and obituary for Fr Derek Reid SJ
Copies of photographs used for the life story of Br Pat Guidera SJ
Copies of photographs used for the life story of Br Pat Guidera SJ
Admission, early life in the Society of Jesus and correspondence of Fr William Lee SJ
Admission, early life in the Society of Jesus and correspondence of Fr William Lee SJ
Papers concerning Conor Naughton's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Papers concerning Conor Naughton's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Mission material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ
Fr Gerard Anthony McLaughlin SJ
Fr Gerard Anthony McLaughlin SJ
Br Andrew Williams SJ
Br Andrew Williams SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Denis Carroll SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Denis Carroll SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Derek Reid SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Derek Reid SJ
File relating to Fr Patrick Toner SJ
File relating to Fr Patrick Toner SJ
Francis O'Farrell's admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials
Francis O'Farrell's admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials
Br Patrick Guidera SJ
Br Patrick Guidera SJ
Mission material relating to Fr John Foley SJ
Mission material relating to Fr John Foley SJ
Br Stephen Fitzgerald SJ
Br Stephen Fitzgerald SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Alan Birmingham SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Alan Birmingham SJ
Fr Jack Smyth SJ
Fr Jack Smyth SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Charles Daly SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Charles Daly SJ
Mission material relating to Fr John Moran SJ
Mission material relating to Fr John Moran SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick O'Brien SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick O'Brien SJ
Fr J Kevin O'Donnell SJ
Fr J Kevin O'Donnell SJ
‘Photographer Extraordinary: The Life and Work of Father Browne’
‘Photographer Extraordinary: The Life and Work of Father Browne’
Material relating to the death of Fr Paul Jenkins SJ
Material relating to the death of Fr Paul Jenkins SJ
Fr John Chula SJ
Fr John Chula SJ
Commemorative booklet of music published on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Ignatius Loyola
Commemorative booklet of music published on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Ignatius Loyola
Biographical information on Fr John J Hannon SJ
Biographical information on Fr John J Hannon SJ
Material containing Joseph Conran's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Material containing Joseph Conran's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Correspondence between Fr John Moran SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr John Moran SJ and his Irish Provincials
Mission material relating to Fr Fergus Cronin SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Fergus Cronin SJ
Material relating to admission of Michael Crowe to the novitiate and Jesuit life
Material relating to admission of Michael Crowe to the novitiate and Jesuit life
Mission material relating to Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ
Fr J Anthony MacSeumais SJ
Fr J Anthony MacSeumais SJ
Fr Henry Brendan Lawlor SJ
Fr Henry Brendan Lawlor SJ
Correspondence between Fr Robert Nash SJ and Irish Fr Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Robert Nash SJ and Irish Fr Provincials
Material relating to Fr Seán Ó Catháin SJ
Material relating to Fr Seán Ó Catháin SJ
Material containing Matthew Corbally's admission papers to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Material containing Matthew Corbally's admission papers to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Mission material relating to Br George Feeney SJ
Mission material relating to Br George Feeney SJ
Material containing Gerard Casey's admission papers to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Material containing Gerard Casey's admission papers to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Mission material relating to Fr Timothy Doody SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Timothy Doody SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Finneran SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Finneran SJ
Correspondence between Fr Patrick J O'Brien SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Patrick J O'Brien SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Edward O’Connor SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Edward O’Connor SJ and his Irish Provincials
Fr Francis G Hennelly SJ
Fr Francis G Hennelly SJ
Departure file for Michael McShera
Departure file for Michael McShera
Correspondence between Fr Alan Birmingham SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Alan Birmingham SJ and his Irish Provincials
Mission office material relating to Fr Gerard Casey SJ
Mission office material relating to Fr Gerard Casey SJ
File containing Fr Seán Ó Catháin's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
File containing Fr Seán Ó Catháin's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918'
Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918'
Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents
Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents
Mission material relating to Fr Seamus Doris SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Seamus Doris SJ
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