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Fr James B Stephenson SJ

  • IE IJA J/410
  • File
  • 11 July 1925-December 1979
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to Fr James B Stephenson SJ, including application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries and memorial card.

Stephenson, James B, 1906-1979, Jesuit priest

Fr Henry Brendan Lawlor SJ

  • IE IJA J/514
  • File
  • 29 May 1934 - 6 December 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing Henry Lawlor's admission papers; correspondence relating parish work in England and ‘The Eucharistic Crusade’; newspaper cuttings relating to stance on television censorship.

Lawlor, Henry Brendan, 1911-1989, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr James Brennan SJ, Superior, Rathfarnham Castle to Irish Fr Provincial concerning life at Rathfarnham Castle

A file of letters from Fr James Brennan SJ, (Superior), Rathfarnham Castle, Rathfarnham, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning the move of the community to Rathfarnham, the running of the house, bills and finances and the care of the Juniors. Includes:

  • a letter concerning the various work being carried out in preparation for the community occupying the Castle. Remarks 'This is the first letter written by a Jesuit from the above address.' (6 August 1913, 4pp);
  • a letter referring to the ceiling paintings in the refectory. Remarks 'I think it would be wise not to put up the pictures in the refectory until we get the complete set.' (18 April 1914, 3pp);
  • a letter referring to a consultation at which it was remarked that the Juniors are not as well fed as they should be. Remarks that the lunch needs to be improved. (20 September 1914, 4pp);
  • a letter referring to workmen needed to clean out the pond and work on the farm. Refers to injuries sustained by Fr John Gwynn as a military chaplain. Asks Irish Fr Provincial to ask the newly appointed Fr General to bless the Irish Juniorate (14 February 1915, 4pp);
  • a letter referring to the success of the Juniors in the University exams. (30 June 1915, 2pp);
  • a letter referring to the scholarships won by the Juniors (amounting to £1,000). Remarks 'it would argue want of taste to suggest any limit to Provincial generosity in this matter, but we have fallen on evil days, when retrenchment is in the air and I venture to suggest that if your Reverence returned me the very smallest of the four cheques it would furnish means for an "outing" - fresh air and food - in harmony with the lean years through which we are passing.' (6 November 1915, 2pp);
  • a letter concerning the possibility of Fr Brennan being assigned another task. Remarks '...not only should I feel not hurt but I would regard such a change as a very great relief.' (29 July 1916, 1p);
  • a number of letters concerning a trip by the Juniors to Jersey and the concern he feels for them travelling during the war. (7 August 1916 - 26 August 1916, 3 items).

Brennan, James, 1854-1941, Jesuit priest

Memorials of the Irish Province

Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898 – Centenary year, Part II 1814 – 1914
(For circulation among Ours Only)
Contains Obituaries
Handwritten index biographical notices in the Memorials of the Irish Province and general index. Compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

  1. Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898
    ‘A Short History of the Irish Province Part I, From its foundation under St. Ignatius down to the year 1626’;
    ‘Memoir of Father Peter Kenney, S.J.’;
    ‘Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in Clongowes up to 1826’;
    University College Results;
    Catalogus Hib A.. 1752 in Missione Hibernica’.

  2. Vol. 1, No.II June 1899
    ‘Biographical Sketch of the Rev. T. Betagh’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in: Clongowes, from 1826 to 1869 Tullabeg, previous to the year 1874;
    Notes on the lives of early Irish Jesuits written in 1877 by Fr John Curtis SJ;
    ‘Voyage to Palermo and Back’ by Fr Charles Aylmer SJ;
    ‘Fr Edmund J O’Reilly’ by Fr Matthew Russell SJ;
    ‘An Old MSS Catalogue of Clongowes, 1820-1821’;
    Chronological list of Jesuits connected with the Irish Mission from 1550-1779;

  3. Vol. 1, No.III June 1900
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: the Residence, Gardiner Street from 1845 to 1895. Belvedere College from 1855 to 1892;
    ‘Some manuscript catalogues of Clongowes, 1823, 1824, 1825 - 1834, 1837 and 1839’;

  4. Vol. 1, No.IV June 1901
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland, Part II’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Vale Novitiorum’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: University College, Dublin, from 1889-1893.

  5. Vol. 1, No. V June 1902
    ‘Short History of the Australian Mission’;
    ‘Some Irish Worthies S.J.’ by Edmund Hogan SJ;
    Memoirs of Fathers who Died at Milltown Park, from 1865 to 1887;
    ‘Further Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘Two letters, 1813, 1814’ written by Fr Charles Aylmer.

  6. Vol. 1, No. VI January 1903
    ‘Memoirs of Fr Alfred Murphy SJ’;
    ‘Some Early Irish Jesuits’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘A Short History of Irish Province Pt.1’(Fr Grene).

  7. Vol. 1, No. VII June 1903
    ‘A Short History of Some Early Irish Jesuits (continued)’ by Rev. J. McDonnell SJ;
    ‘A contribution towards a History of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, from its Revival soon after the year 1800. Part II’ by Fr John Grene SJ.
    ‘Some Letters in Jesuit Archives in Ireland’;
    Memoir of Father P.E. Duffy, S.J. Part I.

  8. Short Memoirs of the Early Irish Jesuits down to the year 1840
    by Fr Joseph McDonnell SJ, 1903

  9. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part I
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Rathfarnham Castle and some of its Former Owners’;
    ‘First Dublin residence, George's Hill, 1812’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, 1829-1914’;
    Necrologia: 1900 to December 1913.

  10. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part II
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Milltown Park and and some of its Owners’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, Milltown Park, 1858-1914’;
    ‘Irish Province, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’;
    ‘Gardiner Street, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’.

Booklet of "War List" for Clongowes Wood College SJ

Booklet of list of War List, which is an updated version of the booklet of list of Clongownians in Military and Naval Service. This version is updated to January 1917. There is a loose insert from the editor of 'The Clongownian', indicating that there will be an "Album" published with the Clongownians who have taken part in the (sic) War. This volume is published by E Ponsonby Limited, 116 Grafton Street, Dublin.

Includes a copy, taken from the Jesuit Library, Milltown Park, Dublin before transfer to DCU, 2019.

Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial on the question of the ‘Dublin College’

Letter from Fr George Porter SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ. Refers to Dr Goethals, a bishop in Calcutta, who runs a newspaper there. Discusses the question of the ‘Dublin College’ and Fr Delany's involvement in the matter. Refers to the negative attitude of Cardinal McCabe to the latter, and to his (Delany's) extravagant tendencies in relation to the College. Believes that ‘the very best professors should be engaged (even Protestants, in cases where no Catholic professor was prominent)’. Suggests that the studies at Milltown be put ‘on a more satisfactory footing’, through the use of the various Jesuits that Fr Tuite has in Dublin, including Fr Finlay, who Fr Porter sent back to Ireland ‘after his grand act’. Asks if he has heard anything about the terna from Australia.

Porter, George, 1825-1889, Jesuit priest

Fr Charles C Scantlebury SJ

File relating to Fr Charles C Scantlebury SJ, including application to join the Society, certificates, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, passport, photographs, obituary, pass to travel around Dublin during 1916 and memorial card. Includes wooden cross - Pray for the Scantlebury family.

Scantlebury, Charles C, 1894-1972, Jesuit priest

Photograph of Fr John Bannon SJ

Mounted photograph of Fr John Bannon SJ by W. G. Moore, 11 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin.

Moore, W. G., photographer

Album of portraits of members of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus

While various studios, both in Ireland and elsewhere, were responsible for the images, the most frequent photographer was A. Lesage, ‘Photographer to the Catholic Hierarchy’, 40 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. As well as studio portraits, the album contains a number of deathbed scenes and mass cards (PC/4/ 8, 10, 12). Two more informal photographs from Sydney were adhered to the albums front flyleaf and back cover (PC/4/1, PC/4/52).
This collection derives from an album of portraits of members of the Society of Jesus in the period 1853-1910.

Br Edward Maher SJ

  • IE IJA J/235
  • File
  • 22 September 1971 - 11 May 1981
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Br Edward Maher SJ.

Maher, Edward, 1901-1982, Jesuit brother

University College, Dublin roll book

University College, Dublin roll book detailing student's names and results obtained in examinations, starting Hilary term 1883.

Insert, p.36, printed list of students, who registered since 12 November 1884, at University College, annonated with fees; Insert pasted newspaper clipping with list of students and results from conferring of degrees by the Royal University of Ireland (1885).

University College Dublin, 1854-

Register of graduates of University College, Dublin

Register of graduates of University College, Dublin, listing name, subject, year of graduation and whether B.A. or M.A.

Student no.1, 1884
McWeeney, Edmund

After, 1899, register of names and addresses (unknown connection), starting with F (A-E appears to have been removed), with reference to Kilrush Branch, Down and Connor, Cork, Clonbury

University College Dublin, 1854-

Fr Gerard Anthony McLaughlin SJ

  • IE IJA J/517
  • File
  • 19 July 1926 - 25 November 1992
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing material relation to Gerard A McLaughlin's admission to the Society, his teaching positions at Crescent College, Limerick and Belvedere College, Dublin, and notice of his death.

McLaughlin, Gerard Anthony, 1908-1992, Jesuit priest

Fr Richard Joseph Maguire SJ

  • IE IJA J/528
  • File
  • 8 August 1935 - 21 January 1993
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing Richard Maguire's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials relating to retreat and mission work and his time as chaplain at the Royal Hospital of the Incurables, Donnybrook, Dublin.

Maguire, Richard Joseph, 1906-1993, Jesuit priest

Fr Patrick Kenny SJ

Material relating to Fr Patrick Kenny SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, personal record and medal from the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Clongowes Wood College SJ.

Kenny, Patrick, 1889-1973, Jesuit priest

Correspondence from Archbishop Adam Kozlowiecki (1955-1972)

File of correspondence between Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Dublin, Ireland and Monsignor Adam Kozlowiecki SJ (at various times Vicar Apostolic of Lusaka, Archbishop of Lusaka and Cardinal) Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia / Zambia. Includes letters from Fr Paddy Walsh SJ; signed postcard and photograph by Archbishop Kozlowiecki; correspondence on fundraising issues and finance.

Kozłowiecki, Adam, 1911-2007, Archbishop of Lusaka

Letters from Irish Jesuits in Zambia to the Mission Office, Ireland

File of correspondence from Irish Jesuits mainly in Chikuni and Choma, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) to Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Milltown Park (later Upper Sherrard Street), Dublin concerning the Chikuni Mission (administration, building plans, school life, finance, requests for supplies and general life there). Includes letters from Frs Dan Byrne, Arthur Clarke, Bernard Collins, Tom Cooney, Joseph Mary Gill, William Lee, Joe McCarthy, Tom McGivern, Louis Meagher, Des O'Loghlen, Charles O'Connor and Brian Sharkey.

  • letter from Fr Joseph Mary Gill SJ indicating the work he has to do as a teacher as well as been Mission Procurator '...the farm is a big worry. There is something wrong with the cattle and five have just died and a number of the others are sick' (12 October 1950);
  • statement by Fr Brian Sharkey SJ entitled 'Some highlights in missionary life for me' which outlines his time at the Chikuni Mission [1951];
  • letter from Fr Tom Cooney SJ in which he describes the plant needed from Bord na Mona, 'the 60 K.V.A. would be rather large for Chikuni' (16 September 1953); - Chikuni Mission statistics for the year ending 31st December 1953; - letter from Fr Thomas McGivern SJ which includes plan of a map of the buildings at Chikuni (1 January 1954);
  • letter in which Fr Louis Meagher SJ is frustrated with the lack of skills of those been sent out to the mission, 'Could it not be possible to arrange that the brother in Tullabeg be detailed off to give lesson to the scholastics once their names are made known for the missions' (29 September 1956);
  • letter from Fr Des O'Loghlen SJ, Choma, Northern Rhodesia informing of the death of Fr Danny Byrne SJ (6 May 1964);
  • Zambian independence celebrations and the visit of Frank Aiken (October 1964);
  • account of the death of Fr Arthur Cox (11 June 1965).

Correspondence with Fr Thomas Hurley SJ from and about ex-pupils, both lay and clerical from the Crescent

Correspondence with Fr Thomas Hurley SJ from and about ex-pupils, both lay and clerical. Letters from ex-pupils, their families and
acquaintances. Subjects include career histories, memories of teachers, classmates and schooldays, deaths of contemporaries etc. Many mention the SHC magazine/annual, in which Fr Hurley is involved, and some promise to send photographs of themselves to appear in the publication. Includes letters from sisters Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington and Katharine (aka Kathleen) Cruise O'Brien in relation to their father David Sheehy MP, who was educated at the Crescent (8 & 15 May 1933, 22 June 1933; 3 items).

Letters to Br James Priest SJ from past pupils of the Crescent

A letter each from Francis Ryan and Robert Ievers. The former expresses his delight on learning of the formation of 'the College Union'. Refers to several classmates - their professions and locations. (24 March 1960; 2 pages). Ievers reminisces about his schooldays, and reports on the status and activities of several classmates. Looks forward to seeing Br Priest the following August. (20 April 1960; 3 pages).

Jesuit past pupils: news from and about ex-students of the Crescent

Letters to Fr Stephen Bates SJ from and about Jesuit ex-students of the Crescent. Includes correspondence between Fr Bates and Fr James Finucane SJ, in which the latter attempts to identify subjects in various photos, and also gives information on the activities and careers of several ex-pupils. Also includes letters from Fr Peter Halpin SJ, which contain memories of his days as a pupil at the Crescent. Other correspondents also attempt to identify subjects in photos, write about their memories of their own schooldays, and give brief biographies of other ex-pupils, both lay and clerical.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Benson SJ

File of mission material relating to Fr Patrick Benson SJ. Includes passports; vaccination card; photographs; personal record; announcement of death; key, copy of birth and death certificates; university certificates; correspondence between Fr Benson and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Results 1 to 100 of 2642