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Mungret Apostolic School, 1880-1969
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Mungret College, Limerick

The papers provide an insight into the daily workings of the Mungret College, as well as the Jesuit community who resided there. The bulk of material relates to correspondence, deeds, leases, minutes, account books, custom books, photographs, diaries and journals. Includes reference to:

  • the establishment of Mungret College in 1882 (including references to the Mungret Model Farm and school), purchase of the site and deeds;
  • correspondence between Lord Emly, Tervoe, (1812-1894), Limerick and Fr William Ronan SJ (1825-1907) concerning Mungret;
  • Fr William Ronan SJ (1825-1907) - biographical information, letters to Irish Fr Provincial on establishment of Mungret (1880-1882), fund-raising Tour (1882-1893), letters written by Fr Ronan SJ (1882-1896);
  • lists, registers, catalogues and results of students to the Apostolic and Lay school;
  • accounts for Mungret College (1882-1928);

Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ has researched the history of Mungret College and his research notes are included in the papers.

Mungret College, Limerick, 1882-1974

Articles on the history of the Jesuit mission to Australia, includes articles on Ireland

Series of articles bound into book format concerning the history of the Jesuit mission to Australia:

  • 'The Woodstock Letters'. Vol. XXXVII. No. 3 'The Society of Jesus in Australia' pp303-318; Vol. XXXVIII. No. 1 pp1-9; Vol. XXXVIII. No. 2 pp161-176; Vol. XXXVIII. ? pp341-349; Vol. XXXIX. No. 2 pp145-160; Vol. XXXIX. No. 3 pp304-318; Vol. XL. No. 1 pp1-16; Vol. XL. No. 2 pp145-160; Vol. XL. No. 3 pp274-288; Vol. XLI. No. 1 pp1-6;

  • catalogue of the Adelaide residence of the Australian Mission (1862; 1869-1870; 1874; 1877; 1880; 1886; 1889) and the Australian Mission (1887; 1893; 1902; 1912);

  • contemporary newspaper clippings of Jesuit houses in Australia;

  • copy of 'Edmund Campion’s History of Ireland' by the Rev. John Hungerford Pollen SJ with an inscription to Fr John Conmee SJ by J. H. Pollen SJ reprinted from ‘The Month’, December, 1905, and February, 1906.

  • articles by Fr Matthew Devitt SJ on 'Summerhill, County Meath and its neighbourhood', published in Kildare Archaeological Society;

  • 'Irish University Education: A plea for Fair Play' by Fr William Delany SJ (1904);

  • 'Brief memoir of Fr Patrick Duffy SJ' (1904);

  • 'The Annual Report of the Apostolic School of Ireland' (Society of Jesus) 1884-1885, 1886, 1895;

  • extracts from the diary of Mungret College (1884-1885);

  • copy letters from Rev. F. Ronan to the Fathers and Students of Mungret College during the journey through the United States (September 1884- Christmas 1885).

Copy of 'Mungret Record 1882-1958'

Catalogue of Lay and Apostolic Students, Mungret College. Some annotation of list to indicate who became priests. (Catalogue same as SC/MUNG/68, 72).

Deevy, John A, 1887-1969, Jesuit priest

Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College

A file relating to the Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College. Includes documents relating to the Harriett McDonnell Burse (11 August 1918 - 11 April 1933, 21 items). Includes a deed for establishing Free Burses (18 December 1883, 3pp), prospectus and typed notes by Fr John Guiney SJ (Province Treasurer).

Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial outlining of the reasons that the Fr General accepted Mungret

Letter from Fr George Porter SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ. Gives an outline of the reasons that the Fr General accepted ‘Montgret’ in Limerick, viz. he wishes to put the Apostolic School in Limerick ‘on a firm foundation’, and to provide a seminary for the Bishop's students. Assures Fr Tuite that the Fr General is aware of the current financial difficulties experienced by the Irish Province. Refers to the Zambesi mission, which will be headed by Fr Ronan, and suggests that the lay brother staff of Montgret be recruited from among the candidates for the mission. Adds that the Fr General is also very eager that the Irish province’s plans for a Dublin College come to fruition.

Porter, George, 1825-1889, Jesuit priest

Copy of Abstract of the customs of Mungret College

Abstract of the customs of Mungret College, drawn up with the authorisation of his Paternity the Rev. J. Beckx. Notes the Order of Time' for each day, the food eaten at each meal, lists first, second and third class feasts and their dates, describes the clothes worn (with prices) by priests and brothers etc., Spirituals, Scholar's Refectory,

Letter from Fr George Porter SJ to Irish Fr Provincial in reference to issue at Mungret, and the Jesuit mission in Australia

Letter from Fr George Porter SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ. Thanks his correspondent for ‘the paper & for the good news’. Sends the congratulations of the Fr General, who was particularly pleased by the part played by Fr Delany. Hopes that ‘the business of the college may be brought to an equally favourable termination’. Refers to the case of a member of the Limerick community, whose removal is left to the discretion of Fr Weld's correspondent. Adds that the Fr General is anxious that the man in question should be removed as his behaviour could cause scandal. Also refers to the ‘Montgret lease’, and states that if this Limerick diocesan seminary succeeds it ‘well may lead the way to very important work for the Society in Ireland’. Discusses the importance of helping the development of the Australian province, and refers to the sending of Frs Thomas Keating and Joseph Brennan there.
Note: The name of the man in Limerick, who may be removed from there is blacked out in this letter. The letter is accompanied by an envelope marked: ‘F. Rabbitte; 1. Letter enclosed for archives. 2. I am keeping the other (two) letters; [ ]’.

Porter, George, 1825-1889, Jesuit priest

Copy of 'Mungret Record 1882-1963'

Catalogue of Lay and Apostolic Students, Mungret College. Annonatation in red pen indicates what happened to certain individuals '. (Catalogue same as SC/MUNG/68).

Deevy, John A, 1887-1969, Jesuit priest

Index cards of former students of Mungret who became Jesuits

Index cards, arranged alphabetically, of former students of Mungret who later became Jesuits. Various information on cards which include names, date of entry and departure from Mungret, place of philosophy, date of ordination and mission. (Dates relate to late nineteenth and early twentieth century, for example, 91 - 95 is 1891 - 1895; 26-6-07 is 26/06/1907)

Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College

A file relating to the Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College but given to All Hallows. Includes note explaining the provenance of the correspondence (25 September 1977) and documents such as; Lord Emly Burse (January 1883, 2 items); Boyce Burse (23 June 1905 - 10 October 1910, 5 items); Michael Leahy bequest (20 October 1909 - 31 May 1912, 4 items); Madeline Josephine M. Sampson Burse (St. Marie Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, 3 May - 6 June 1913, 2 items); Canon Doyle Burse (24 October - 28 November 1922, 5 items); letter from Fr O'Donnell SJ to Fr Edward Cahill SJ relating to ‘De Jure Burses’ (12 September [ ], 4pp).

Annual report of the Apostolic School of Ireland

Annual report of the Apostolic School of Ireland, 1884 - 1885. Contains a sketch of the organisation of the Apostolic school, various extracts from the school diary and letters from the Rev. W. Ronan SJ to the fathers and students of Mungret College.

René, Jean-Baptist, 1841-1916, Jesuit priest

Letter from Sr. [ ] Sutton to Fr William Ronan SJ approving of his plans [to open an Apostolic School]

Letter from Sr. [ ] Sutton, Ursuline Convent, Avranches, France to Fr William Ronan SJ approving of his plans [to open an Apostolic School]. Remarks '…you can act as you say we both trust and rely on you and the Provincial for safeguarding our interests during our interests during our lives after which all will be yours.'

Material relating to the Educational Endowment (Ireland) Commission and Mungret College

A file relating to the Educational Endowment (Ireland) Commission. Includes an abstract of the minutes of the Commission, minutes of evidence and appendices, memorandum of the Commissioners protest by the Assistant Commissioner. Includes a copy of a deed dated 13 March 1895 between the Trustees of the Limerick Endowment for Technical Education and Frs William Ronan SJ, Thomas Finlay SJ, Vincent Byrne SJ, Patrick Keating SJ and Henry Lynch SJ relating to the lands of Drumdarraig in the Barony of Pubblebrien, County Limerick (71 acres) sold by the Trustees to Frs Ronan SJ et .al.

Mungret College Endowment

Published address to the Educational Endowments Commissioners by Rev. Thomas Head SJ, Rector of Mungret on the Mungret College Endowment.

Head, Thomas, 1842-1916, Jesuit priest

Programmes invitations, tickets and reviews relating to theatricals staged by pupils of the Mungret College and Apostolic School

Programmes invitations, tickets and reviews relating to theatricals, including comedies, tragedies, operettas, librettos and pantomimes, staged by pupils of the Mungret College and Apostolic School. Includes reference to New Years Holiday, Shrovetide, Shrove Tuesday, St Patrick’s Day, Feast of St Francis Xavier and Christmas Holidays.

Journal of the Mungret Apostolic School

Journal of the Mungret Apostolic School containing newspaper cuttings, lists of addresses of past pupils, addresses of Apostolic Schools, exam results of pupils, photographs of Apostolic students, new arrivals etc.

Memorandum concerning the Apostolic School and the possibility of establishing a University College

Memorandum concerning the Apostolic School, Mungret, County Limerick and the possibility of establishing a University College to enable the Apostolic Students to obtain a University Degree (Following the Irish Universities Act, the Royal University was dissolved and it became necessary for students to attend one of the constituent or affiliated colleges, Dublin, Cork and Galway of the new National University to obtain a degree). The memorandum suggests appealing for funds from America.

Material relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'

A file relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'. In February 1884, Dr Bruton, a Dublin merchant transferred, to the Apostolic School, Mungret, a debt of £869.2.6 owed to him by Clongowes. According to Bruton's document of transfer, Clongowes was to pay the debt within a reasonable time, and, pending the payment of the principal sum was to pay, in addition, 3% yearly interest to the Apostolic School. Clongowes refused to pay the principal sum or the interest Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rector, Fr James Corboy SJ, Mungret College remarking that he has instructed Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector of Clongowes to pay £332.15.4 to Mungret. Remarks that Fr General decided that Clongowes should pay half the interest due on the debt and '…put an end finally to all disputes about the debt.' (25 June 1917, 2pp).

Catalogue for Mungret Apostolic College

Catalogue for Mungret Apostolic College which lists the alumni who have become bishops, priests, theologians, philosophers and members of religious order not yet ordained and obituaries. Includes reference to Jesuits.

Will of Nicholas John O'Neill

Copy will of Nicholas John O'Neill, 4 Belleview Terrace, Limerick in which he bequeathed £2,700 to the Apostolic School at Mungret, County Limerick, the money to be used to educate Irish boys who would not be able to afford the expense of their maintenance and education for the priesthood.

Copy of the 'American Mercury'

Copy of the 'American Mercury', vol. xvi, no. 61. Includes an article by Edward Boyd Barrett entitled 'The Catholic Church Faces America' in which he discusses Mungret Apostolic School.

Boyd Barrett, Edward J, 1883-1966, former Jesuit priest

Photographs of students at Mungret College, Limerick

Photographs of students at Mungret College,Limerick (at least one photograph is of Apostolic students). Found in the papers of Fr Vincent Byrne SJ. Includes Jesuits Michael O'Reilly, Sean Hughes, Aidan Ennis, J T Kelly, Brian MacMahon, Liam McKenna

Triennial Documents, 1927 - 1930

Documents for Ireland and Hong Kong.

  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum)
  • Lists of admissions to the Novitiate, (Elenchi Triennales Admissorum in First and Final Vows, etc.noviciatum, Admissorum ad Vota Prima et Ultima)

Letters from Irish Fr Provincial to the Rector of the Lay School and Superior of the Apostolic School, Mungret College urging them to establish a harmonious working relationship

Letters from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Edward Dillon SJ (Rector of the Lay School, Mungret College) and Fr Jeremiah Kelly SJ (Superior of the Apostolic School, Mungret College) urging them to establish a harmonious working relationship between the two schools.

Kieran, Laurence J, 1881-1945, Jesuit priest

Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933

Documents for:

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus)
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus)
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae)
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum)
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum)
  • Lists of admissions to the Novitiate, (Elenchi Triennales Admissorum in First and Final Vows, etc noviciatum, Admissorum ad Vota Prima et Ultima)
  • Catalogue of journals , periodicals (Catalogus ephemeridum et and school annuals.libellorum periodicorum)
  • Supplement to First and Second Catalogue (Supplementum Triennale ad Catalogum Personarum Primum & Secundum)

'The Soul of a Priest. My Conversion to the Pauline Succession' by Leo Lehmann

Book by L. H. Lehmann, S.T.L. entitled 'The Soul of a Priest. My Conversion to the Pauline Succession'. Includes a chapter entitled 'My
Duel with the Jesuits in which he discusses the Mungret Case and his involvement in the case (pp74 - 89), and on his days at Mungret College (pp24 - 33).

Lehmann, Leo Herbert, 1895-1950, former Roman Catholic priest

Triennial Documents, 1933 - 1936

Documents for:

  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Catalogue of those apt for governing (Catalogus Aptorum ad Gubernandum);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum) et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours(Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);
  • Examples of Deeds (Exemplar Contractus Perpetui);
  • Supplement to First and Second Catalogue (Supplementum Triennale ad Catalogum Personarum Primum & Secundum).
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