The Irish College at Santiago de Compostela 1605-1769
- IE IJA BKS/189
- Eitem
- 2007
Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007.
Heb deitl
The Irish College at Santiago de Compostela 1605-1769
Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007.
Heb deitl
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
The Irish Colleges were established chronologically as follows: Lisbon 1590, Salamanca 1592, Santiago de Compostela 1605, Seville 1608 or 1612, Rome 1628 and Poitiers 1674. Irish Jesuits were involved in the establishment or running of the colleges at Lisbon, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela and Seville. The colleges were established with the aim of educating and training students for the priesthood and acted as service and social centres for Irish religious communities all over Europe. Fr Thomas White SJ (1558-1622) founded Salamanca. For diplomatic reasons the title of Rector was held by a Spanish Jesuit successively at Santiago (1612) and Seville (1619). Fr John Howling SJ (1543-1599) founded Lisbon.
The material comprises of notes on the Irish Colleges at Lisbon, Poitiers, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Rome by Frs Edmund Hogan (1831-1917), John MacErlean (1870-1950) and Fergal McGrath (1895-1988). Includes lists of rectors and students of the Colleges.
Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).
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Transcript of an account of the voyage from Coruna to Ireland
Transcript (perhaps by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ) of an account of the voyage of General Pettre de Cubuani from Coruna to Ireland with supplied of arms and men for the Spanish Army who has set sail for Ireland on an earlier occasion (from the Archives of the Irish College, Salamanca).
Heb deitl
Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
The Irish Jesuit College at Santiago de Compostela was established in 1605. Fr Thomas White SJ (1558-1622) founded Salamanca and went on to become Vice-Rector (for diplomatic reasons the title of Rector was held by a Spanish Jesuit) successively at Santiago (1612) and Seville (1619).
Transcript of a letter from the Royal Council of Spain
Transcript by Fr John MacErlean SJ, of a letter from the Royal Council of Spain concerning the studies, government and aims of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela, 9 March 1613
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List of the Rectors of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
List by Fr John MacErlean SJ of the Rectors of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela, 15 April 1613 - [ ] 1776
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Visitations made to the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
A file of typescripts by Fr John MacErlean SJ of descriptions of visitations made to the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela, 14 June 1618-8 July 1692.
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Note by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Photocopy of brief note by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela, 1625 and 1658.
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Catalogues for Jesuits at the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
Handwritten pages by Fr John MacErlan SJ of the catalogues (Catalogus Brevis) for Jesuits at the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela, 1691-1767
Heb deitl
Photographs of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela
A file of colour photographs of the Irish College in Santiago de Compostela.
Photocopy of a pamphlet on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Photocopy of a pamphlet on 'El Colegio de Irlandeses de Santiago de Compostela' (the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela) by José Couselo Bouzas.
Notes on the Irish College by P. Edm. Hogan S.J.
Notes on the Irish Colleges by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ, which includes reference to Jesuits at Salamanca, Seville, Lisbon, Rome and Santiago de Compostela, 1595-1767.
Heb deitl