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County Dublin File
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“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows
Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows
Annual letters for Gonzaga College SJ, Dublin
Annual letters for Gonzaga College SJ, Dublin
Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
Bills for structural improvements to Killiney Castle and for food
Bills for structural improvements to Killiney Castle and for food
Documents, comprising encyclicals and open letters to all prelates issued by Pope Pius IX
Documents, comprising encyclicals and open letters to all prelates issued by Pope Pius IX
Documents relating to ‘The Archbishop’s Planning Commission for Third Level Colleges under the City of Dublin Vocational Education Authority’
Documents relating to ‘The Archbishop’s Planning Commission for Third Level Colleges under the City of Dublin Vocational Education Authority’
Two articles on ‘The Functions of a Chaplain in a College of Third Level Education’
Two articles on ‘The Functions of a Chaplain in a College of Third Level Education’
Letter from Rev. Henry Young to his sisters, Ursuline Convent, Cork concerning the death of their father
Letter from Rev. Henry Young to his sisters, Ursuline Convent, Cork concerning the death of their father
Booklets for the Sodality of Our Lady
Booklets for the Sodality of Our Lady
Newsletter of the Directors of Youth Service the Sodality of Our Lady
Newsletter of the Directors of Youth Service the Sodality of Our Lady
Original deed appointing new trustees
Original deed appointing new trustees
Account of succession to private property of Rev. Peter Finlay SJ
Account of succession to private property of Rev. Peter Finlay SJ
Letter from William and James Duff, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ
Letter from William and James Duff, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ
Letters from Fr Richard Gallagher SJ to various family members, mainly Frank, Cecilia, Ann and Mary Gallagher
Letters from Fr Richard Gallagher SJ to various family members, mainly Frank, Cecilia, Ann and Mary Gallagher
Biographical information on Br William Glanville SJ
Biographical information on Br William Glanville SJ
Letter from Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ to Fr John Hannon SJ concerning the assertion in 'The Month' that there is no chair of theology in the National University
Letter from Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ to Fr John Hannon SJ concerning the assertion in 'The Month' that there is no chair of theology in the National University
Wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ
Wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ
Material relating to Fr Piaras de Hindeberg SJ
Material relating to Fr Piaras de Hindeberg SJ
Material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ
Material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ
Mission material relating to Fr William Merritt SJ
Mission material relating to Fr William Merritt SJ
Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ
Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ
Admission tickets to Dáil Eireann, ‘Seiseon Puiblidhe’
Admission tickets to Dáil Eireann, ‘Seiseon Puiblidhe’
Mission material relating to Fr Brian MacMahon SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Brian MacMahon SJ
Material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney's tour of duty as chaplain to the Royal Air Force after the Second World War
Material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney's tour of duty as chaplain to the Royal Air Force after the Second World War
Mission material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ
Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents
Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents
Notes and correspondence concerning Fr John MacErlean's family tree
Notes and correspondence concerning Fr John MacErlean's family tree
Spiritual bouquet and poem by Fr Diarmuid Ó Laoghaire SJ in honour of Fr John MacErlean's jubilee
Spiritual bouquet and poem by Fr Diarmuid Ó Laoghaire SJ in honour of Fr John MacErlean's jubilee
Letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ
Letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ
Letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ
Letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ
Letters from Fran Talbot, Malahide, Dublin to Charles Aylmer, Painstown, County Kildare
Letters from Fran Talbot, Malahide, Dublin to Charles Aylmer, Painstown, County Kildare
Letters to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ
Letters to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ
Letters to Fr Robert Haly SJ
Letters to Fr Robert Haly SJ
Letter from Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ , Xavier House, 27 Cheung Chau, Hong Kong to Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin
Letter from Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ , Xavier House, 27 Cheung Chau, Hong Kong to Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin
Copy letters from Fr Richard Devane SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Eamon de Valera concerning the cinema in Ireland
Copy letters from Fr Richard Devane SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Eamon de Valera concerning the cinema in Ireland
Assignment for lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin
Assignment for lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin
Letters from Cardinal Cullen to Fr John Curtis SJ granting permission to Fr Curtis to preach and lead devotions
Letters from Cardinal Cullen to Fr John Curtis SJ granting permission to Fr Curtis to preach and lead devotions
Photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ
Photographs of Fr Thomas Byrne SJ
Letters concerning Fr Thomas Byrne SJ
Letters concerning Fr Thomas Byrne SJ
Material relating to Fr Bernard P Collins SJ entry to the Society of Jesus
Material relating to Fr Bernard P Collins SJ entry to the Society of Jesus
Biographical information on Fr Patrick J Cunningham SJ and details of death
Biographical information on Fr Patrick J Cunningham SJ and details of death
Material relating to the work of Fr Daniel Donnelly SJ
Material relating to the work of Fr Daniel Donnelly SJ
Material relating to Fr Daniel Donnelly SJ taken from the Mission Office
Material relating to Fr Daniel Donnelly SJ taken from the Mission Office
Letters from Fr Patrick Duffy SJ to Sr Mary Agnes, Carmelite Convent, Firhouse, Tallaght, Dublin
Letters from Fr Patrick Duffy SJ to Sr Mary Agnes, Carmelite Convent, Firhouse, Tallaght, Dublin
File of material on Fr Peter Dunne SJ
File of material on Fr Peter Dunne SJ
Notes used for the composition of obituary notices by Fr Charles Farley SJ
Notes used for the composition of obituary notices by Fr Charles Farley SJ
Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ
Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ
Letters written to Fr John Conmee's friend, Fr Matthew Russell SJ
Letters written to Fr John Conmee's friend, Fr Matthew Russell SJ
Leonard Sheil's entrance into the Society of Jesus
Leonard Sheil's entrance into the Society of Jesus
Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England
Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England
Letters from Fr James A. Cullen SJ, Arlon, Belgium to Rev James Tuite SJ, Irish Provincial, Milltown Park, Dublin
Letters from Fr James A. Cullen SJ, Arlon, Belgium to Rev James Tuite SJ, Irish Provincial, Milltown Park, Dublin
Admission of Cyril J Barrett to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Admission of Cyril J Barrett to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Correspondence between Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ and his Irish Provincials
Mission material relating to Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ
Material related to Liam Egan SJ and canary bredding
Material related to Liam Egan SJ and canary bredding
Admission of George Feeney to the Society of Jesus
Admission of George Feeney to the Society of Jesus
Correspondence between Fr Patrick Finneran SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Patrick Finneran SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr John Foley SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr John Foley SJ and his Irish Provincials
Admission of Patrick Grogan to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Admission of Patrick Grogan to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Grogan SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Grogan SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Brian Kelly SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Brian Kelly SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Edward O'Connor SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Edward O'Connor SJ
Admission of Derek Reid to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Admission of Derek Reid to the Society of Jesus and the taking of vows
Mission material relating to Fr Edmund Sullivan SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Edmund Sullivan SJ
Material relating to Fr Thomas O'Meara SJ from the Irish Jesuit Missions Office
Material relating to Fr Thomas O'Meara SJ from the Irish Jesuit Missions Office
Mission office material relating to Colm Ó Riordan
Mission office material relating to Colm Ó Riordan
Robert Thompson's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Robert Thompson's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Kevin Quinn's admission papers to the Society and correspondence
Kevin Quinn's admission papers to the Society and correspondence
Letters addressed to Fr Eugene Browne SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin in his capacity as Procurator of the Province
Letters addressed to Fr Eugene Browne SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin in his capacity as Procurator of the Province
Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ
Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ
File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ
File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ
File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ
Letter to Reverend Alexander Kyan SJ, Milltown Park, County Dublin, from Charles Coyle, Secretary, Catholic Cemeteries Office
Letter to Reverend Alexander Kyan SJ, Milltown Park, County Dublin, from Charles Coyle, Secretary, Catholic Cemeteries Office
Postponement of Fr Arthur Little’s last vows
Postponement of Fr Arthur Little’s last vows
Cutting from the 'Irish Times' of an article entitled 'Red Threat To The Faith'
Cutting from the 'Irish Times' of an article entitled 'Red Threat To The Faith'
Letters from S. P. Redington, solicitors concerning the estate of Fr John Errington SJ
Letters from S. P. Redington, solicitors concerning the estate of Fr John Errington SJ
Retreat and sermon notes attributed to Fr William Flynn SJ
Retreat and sermon notes attributed to Fr William Flynn SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Howatson SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Howatson SJ
Mission material relating to Fr William Lee SJ
Mission material relating to Fr William Lee SJ
Admission of Francis McDonagh to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Admission of Francis McDonagh to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
The purchase of Baymount, Dublin
The purchase of Baymount, Dublin
Purchase of Baymount Castle, Dollymount
Purchase of Baymount Castle, Dollymount
Letters and documents relating to Mr McCafferkey and the Gate Lodge
Letters and documents relating to Mr McCafferkey and the Gate Lodge
Print outs of photographs and copy of advertisement for the Manresa
Print outs of photographs and copy of advertisement for the Manresa
Material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ
Material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ
Material relating to Fr Edward Bourke SJ and life on the missions
Material relating to Fr Edward Bourke SJ and life on the missions
Survey of “Sandford Grove”, Ranelagh, Dublin
Survey of “Sandford Grove”, Ranelagh, Dublin
Proposal for increasing area of Stage and Store, Gonzaga College
Proposal for increasing area of Stage and Store, Gonzaga College
Classroom Extension - Alternative No. 3 (a) and 4, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Classroom Extension - Alternative No. 3 (a) and 4, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Central Heating Installation, Gonzaga College
Central Heating Installation, Gonzaga College
Mar Ivanios, Archbishop of Trivandrum, India with [retreatants] at Rathfarnham Castle during the Eucharistic Congress
Mar Ivanios, Archbishop of Trivandrum, India with [retreatants] at Rathfarnham Castle during the Eucharistic Congress
St Josephs Young Priests Society, D.U.T. Co Branch. Retreat House, Rathfarnham Castle
St Josephs Young Priests Society, D.U.T. Co Branch. Retreat House, Rathfarnham Castle
Retreat group at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin with Fr Patrick Barrett SJ
Retreat group at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin with Fr Patrick Barrett SJ
Individuals praying at grotto at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Individuals praying at grotto at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Letters of condolence following Fr Thomas Finlay’s death to Fr Provincial Laurence C. Kieran SJ
Letters of condolence following Fr Thomas Finlay’s death to Fr Provincial Laurence C. Kieran SJ
Dividend certificates and lodgement receipts relating to the Agricultural Credit Corporation Ltd
Dividend certificates and lodgement receipts relating to the Agricultural Credit Corporation Ltd
Dividend certificates and lodgement receipts relating to Dublin Corporation
Dividend certificates and lodgement receipts relating to Dublin Corporation
Covering letter from Noel M. Purcell to Fr Finlay enclosing a copy of the Declaration of Trust
Covering letter from Noel M. Purcell to Fr Finlay enclosing a copy of the Declaration of Trust
Results 1 to 100 of 1256