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Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest
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Letter from the Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial asking him to help him in finding a promoter for the cause of the canonisation of the Irish Martyrs

Letter from Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ. Asks the latter to help him in finding a promoter for the cause of the canonisation of the Irish Martyrs. Refers to Cardinal Moran's efforts in relation to the canonisation of Oliver Plunkett.

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Letter from the Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial requesting permission to have Jesuit priests on the reconstituted list of censors of books

Letter from Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ. Asks the latter for permission to have Jesuit priests on the reconstituted list of censors of books. Mentions Fr Edward Kelly and Fr Hogan.

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Correspondence relating to the shipment of a painting of ‘The First/Irish/Jesuit College Dublin’

Correspondence between the Vice-Provincial, Mr Andrew MacErlean (brother of Fr John MacErlean SJ) and J.F. MacCarthy (New York Art Dealer) relating to the shipment of a painting by Mr MacCarthy to the Provincial. The painting is by Sir Thomas Thorpe/Sharpe of London and is thought to be entitled ‘The First College of Dublin’, although there is some confusion over the correct title. The painting thought in Dublin to be of poor quality and incorrect title.

Documenta de S. Patricio, hibernorum

Documenta de S. Patricio, hibernorum apostolo ex libro armachano. Pars seconda, Liber angueli, Confessio S. Patricii, Glossae, Index et glossarium hibernicum.

Polleunis, Ceutericket Lefebure, Bruxellis, 1884
Polleunis et Ceuterick, Bruxellis, 1889

Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest

Memorials of the Irish Province

Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898 – Centenary year, Part II 1814 – 1914
(For circulation among Ours Only)
Contains Obituaries
Handwritten index biographical notices in the Memorials of the Irish Province and general index. Compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

  1. Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898
    ‘A Short History of the Irish Province Part I, From its foundation under St. Ignatius down to the year 1626’;
    ‘Memoir of Father Peter Kenney, S.J.’;
    ‘Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in Clongowes up to 1826’;
    University College Results;
    Catalogus Hib A.. 1752 in Missione Hibernica’.

  2. Vol. 1, No.II June 1899
    ‘Biographical Sketch of the Rev. T. Betagh’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in: Clongowes, from 1826 to 1869 Tullabeg, previous to the year 1874;
    Notes on the lives of early Irish Jesuits written in 1877 by Fr John Curtis SJ;
    ‘Voyage to Palermo and Back’ by Fr Charles Aylmer SJ;
    ‘Fr Edmund J O’Reilly’ by Fr Matthew Russell SJ;
    ‘An Old MSS Catalogue of Clongowes, 1820-1821’;
    Chronological list of Jesuits connected with the Irish Mission from 1550-1779;

  3. Vol. 1, No.III June 1900
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: the Residence, Gardiner Street from 1845 to 1895. Belvedere College from 1855 to 1892;
    ‘Some manuscript catalogues of Clongowes, 1823, 1824, 1825 - 1834, 1837 and 1839’;

  4. Vol. 1, No.IV June 1901
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland, Part II’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Vale Novitiorum’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: University College, Dublin, from 1889-1893.

  5. Vol. 1, No. V June 1902
    ‘Short History of the Australian Mission’;
    ‘Some Irish Worthies S.J.’ by Edmund Hogan SJ;
    Memoirs of Fathers who Died at Milltown Park, from 1865 to 1887;
    ‘Further Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘Two letters, 1813, 1814’ written by Fr Charles Aylmer.

  6. Vol. 1, No. VI January 1903
    ‘Memoirs of Fr Alfred Murphy SJ’;
    ‘Some Early Irish Jesuits’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘A Short History of Irish Province Pt.1’(Fr Grene).

  7. Vol. 1, No. VII June 1903
    ‘A Short History of Some Early Irish Jesuits (continued)’ by Rev. J. McDonnell SJ;
    ‘A contribution towards a History of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, from its Revival soon after the year 1800. Part II’ by Fr John Grene SJ.
    ‘Some Letters in Jesuit Archives in Ireland’;
    Memoir of Father P.E. Duffy, S.J. Part I.

  8. Short Memoirs of the Early Irish Jesuits down to the year 1840
    by Fr Joseph McDonnell SJ, 1903

  9. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part I
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Rathfarnham Castle and some of its Former Owners’;
    ‘First Dublin residence, George's Hill, 1812’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, 1829-1914’;
    Necrologia: 1900 to December 1913.

  10. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part II
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Milltown Park and and some of its Owners’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, Milltown Park, 1858-1914’;
    ‘Irish Province, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’;
    ‘Gardiner Street, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’.

Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe

  • Fonds
  • 1590-2009

The Irish Colleges were established chronologically as follows: Lisbon 1590, Salamanca 1592, Santiago de Compostela 1605, Seville 1608 or 1612, Rome 1628 and Poitiers 1674. Irish Jesuits were involved in the establishment or running of the colleges at Lisbon, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela and Seville. The colleges were established with the aim of educating and training students for the priesthood and acted as service and social centres for Irish religious communities all over Europe. Fr Thomas White SJ (1558-1622) founded Salamanca. For diplomatic reasons the title of Rector was held by a Spanish Jesuit successively at Santiago (1612) and Seville (1619). Fr John Howling SJ (1543-1599) founded Lisbon.

The material comprises of notes on the Irish Colleges at Lisbon, Poitiers, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Rome by Frs Edmund Hogan (1831-1917), John MacErlean (1870-1950) and Fergal McGrath (1895-1988). Includes lists of rectors and students of the Colleges.

Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).

Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus, 1542-1773

Rectors of the Irish College in Rome

A file relating to the Rectors of the Irish College in Rome by Fr John MacErlan SJ, 1 January 1628 - 6 December 1769. Includes biographical details.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome

Marefoschi, Mario Compagnoni, and Clement. 1772. Relazione della visita apostolica del Collegio Ibernese. Roma: Nella stamperia di Marco Pagliarini.

Publication concerning Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome presented to Pope Clement XIV. Includes a Papal document of 20 September 1773 placing the college in new hands (the Society had been suppressed the month before). Includes two short MSS bound into the text. The book is annotated in pencil by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ, with inserts by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

Marefoschi, Mario, 1714-1780, Roman Catholic Cardinal

Short obituaries of various members of the Society of Jesus by Fr David Gallery SJ

Short obituaries of various members of the Society of Jesus by Fr David Gallery SJ. A covering note by Fr James Rabbitte SJ reads ‘These were prepared for publ(ication). The writer of them Fr Gallery. My opinion is that they are not suitable i.e. as a whole JPR’. Obituaries are provided in the following order:

Name Year of Death
Brady, Fr Philip 1917
Maher, Fr Thomas 1917
Mahon, Br Thomas 1917
Kenny, Fr Timothy 1917
Doyle, Fr William 1917
Hogan, Fr Edmund 1917
Verdon, Fr John 1918
Fottrell, Fr James 1918
Daly, Fr Hubert 1918

Review of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ books

Review of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ books Latin-Irish Patrician Documents from the Book of Armagh and the Codex Bruxellensis. The review is written in French.

Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family

A file relating to Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family. Includes an offprint of an article by William Hogan entitled 'Rev. Edmund Hogan, S.J. An Eminent Great Island Scholar' published in the Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society (vol. LXX, 1965).

Extract from a Liturgical Calendar

  • IE IJA J/472/4
  • Item
  • February - March [1869]
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Extract from a Liturgical Calendar for 21 February [ ]. A note by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ in the margin states that his father, William Hogan died on 21 February 1869.

Pamphlet entitled 'Freedom of Education under the French Republic'

Pamphlet entitled 'Freedom of Education under the French Republic. The Principles of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity Applied to the School' by Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ. Reprinted from the Month and Catholic Review, with note on cover ‘Kept by E. Hogan, SJ’

Finlay, Thomas A, 1848-1940, Jesuit priest and economist

Books of Old Irish Mission

Notebook containing list of ‘Books of Old Irish Mission’ at Milltown Park, Dublin and list of 'Relics of the Old Society in Ireland' by Fr John MacErlean SJ, from notes by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ (4pp).

Notes compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ on the history of the Society of Jesus in Ireland

Notes compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ (Custodian of the Province Archives, 1924 - 1930), on the history of the Society of Jesus in Ireland. Some inserts in the hand of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ. Includes lists of:
– Superiors of the Irish Mission (7pp);
– residences of the Old Society in Ireland (1p);
– ‘Summary of Work Abroad’ (1p);
– Summary of literary works by Jesuits of the Old Society (5pp);
– schedule of Jesuit writers and professors (5pp and 6pp);
– distinguished preachers (1p);
– those who suffered for the faith (2pp);
– aliases/variants on surnames (2pp);
– ‘Vestiges of the Old Soc(iety)’ (5pp);
– names of writers (arranged alphabetically) and of their works (c60pp) and
– some Jesuit schools of the Old Society (6pp).

Rabbitte, James, 1857-1940, Jesuit priest

Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ

Lists of writers (arranged alphabetically) of the Restored Society and their publications (1832-1925, 38pp, ). Compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ of Gardiner Street, (Custodian of the Irish Province Archives, 1924-1930). Typed list of Irish Jesuit authors and title, 20th century (1900-1939, 6pp).

Rabbitte, James, 1857-1940, Jesuit priest

Copy of ‘Memoirs of the Suppression & Restoration of the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Patrick Bracken SJ

Copy of an ‘important & precious document’ entitled ‘Memoirs of the Suppression & Restoration of the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Copy made by Fr John Grene SJ (Librarian and custodian of the Irish Province archives [mid nineteenth century to c1880s]) (92pp). Includes ‘Notes to Memoirs’ (18pp). Loosely bound.

Grene, John, 1807-1887, Jesuit priest

Transcription of a book entitled 'Alithinologia sive Verdica Responsio...'

Transcription of a book entitled 'Alithinologia sive Verdica Responsio ad Invectivam mendaciis, fal[l]aciis, calumniis et imposturis foetam in plurimos Antistites, Proceres, & omnis ordinis Hibernos…' (1664) by the Rev. John Lynch, Archdeacon of Tuam. The original book is in Stonyhurst, Lancashire, which is a defence of the Old English since the time of Elizabeth, particularly in the 1640s. Lynch was born in Galway c1600 and died between 1667 and 1673 in San Malo, Brittany. His most famous work is a three volume publication, 'Cambrensis Adversus'.

The first four pages of the transcription are in the handwriting of Fr John MacErlean SJ.; the transcription itself is in a different hand, possibly that of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ.

Archbishop Christopher Butler manuscript book entitled ‘Instructions on Catechizing , & preaching also on The Sacraments of Marriage & Penance’

Manuscript book entitled ‘Instructions on Catechizing , & preaching also on The Sacraments of Marriage & Penance’ by ‘the Right Revd. in God Christopher Lord Arch-Bishop of Cashel & Primate of all Munster’ ‘To the Secular, & Regular Clergy of both his Dioceses, having care of Souls’. With notes in unknown hand on front cover: ‘Found or got by E. Hogan, S.J. circ. 1858’ and ‘15th Aug. 1737 E. Hogan, S.J.’. Also includes note stuck on to back cover ‘Christopher Butler A(rch)B(ishop) of Cashel for 45 y(ea)rs died in 1757 aged 84 y(ea)rs’.

Butler, Christopher, 1673-1757, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cashel

Pamphlet by Fr Thomas Halpin SJ entitled "Principles of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry"

Pamphlet by Fr Thomas Halpin SJ entitled "Principles of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Adapted to the Class of Rhetoric in Clongowes Wood College SJ", published by James McGlashen, 50 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin, 1854 and printed at the University Press, by M. H. Gill. It is not ascribed on the pamphlet itself, but there is a note in pencil by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ ascribing this pamphlet to Fr Thomas Halpin SJ

Halpin, Thomas, 1819-1878, Jesuit priest