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Collection of pamphlets of Jesuit interest in the 16th century

  1. De persecutione Anglicana Robert Persons SJ, Rome, 1582. Ex libris Josephi Mariani and inscription in Italian;
  2. Rationes decem quibus Edmund Campion SJ, Rome, 1582;
  3. Historia del William Allen, 1583;
  4. Alcune lettere della cose del Giappone, 1584;
  5. Relations della felice morte, by Alessandro Valignano SJ, 1584.

Disputatio theologica

Disputatio theologica de poenitentia: quam in Catholica et celebri Academia Dilingana iii. Nonas Decembres, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1613), 20pp;
Disputatio theologica de incarnatione Filii Dei : quam in Catholica et celebri Academia Dilingana anno 1614 die 1. Iulij, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae [i.e. Dillingen], [1614], 28pp;
Disputatio theologica de sacramento baptismi, et confirmationis, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1614), 20pp;
Disputatio theologica de Augustissimo Eucharistiae Sacramento, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1615), 38pp;
Disputatio Theologica. De Religiosorum Ecclesiae Christianae Ordinum Status Natura, Dignitate, obligationibus, effectis, commodis, proprietatibus, aliis, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1619), 69pp;
Positiones theologicae de Deo uno et trino, Apud Udalricum Rem., Dilingae (1622), 32pp.

White, Stephen, 1575-1647, Jesuit priest

Theologia Tripartita (Editio Quinta)

Tomus Secundus: Resolutiones Polemicae, Speculativae, Practicae, Controversiarum, et Quaestionum, etiam recentissimarum, quae in Schola, et Praxi per omnia usum praecipuum habent. Missionariis, et aliis animarum Curatoribus, et Theol. studiosis solerter accomodatae. Cum novo Apparatu Ad quamlibet Doctrinam Sacram in Concione, et Catechesi, Et ad quaelibet Sacerdotis erga Proximum Ministieria copiose ac erudite tractanda.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae Complectens Materiam, & Formam pro quavis Dictione, & Catechesi facile ac copiose paranda, & proponenda. Cum Praxi solida & expedita Assistendi per omnia Aegris, ac Sanis in quolibet statu, & quovis Sacerdotis Ministerio publico, aut privato. Pro Missionariis, & Curatoribus animarum potissimum elaborata

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

Theologia Tripartita (Editio Nona)

Tomus Secundus: Theologia Universa primo Speculativa postea Practica, Nova, Brevi, et facili Methodo comprehensa, Et ad Normam totius Cursus Theologici commodissime redacta, juxta Praef. sequentem. Cum recentibus Decretis, modernis Quaestionibus, multiplici Praxi, et Idea aliarum Scientiarum in omni genere Materiae.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae, Complectens Materiam et Formam expeditam, pro quavis Dictione, Concione, & tota Catechesi per exquisitam Expositionem, & selectissima Exempla: Cum Praxi solida assistendi per omnia aegris, & sanis: Ac Documentis particularibus pro quolibet hominum statu: Pro ipsius Sacerdotis Vita & Conservatione: Pro Ritibus singulorum Sacramentorum: Et pro quacunque functione Missionarii Apostolici, ac Curatoris animarum

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti

Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti. Tomus primus

Contiene, segun consta en port.: Tomus primus : Controversiae heterodoxae ac scolasticae ..., con port., pag. y sign. propias ; Tomus secundus. Pars I. : Theologia speculativa brevi methodo integre comprehensa ..., con port. pag. y sign. propias. ; Tomi II. Pars II. : Theologia practica universa ... ; Tomus tertius : Apparatus practicus pro omni prorsus functione viri ecclesiastici ..., con port., pag. y sig. propias

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

Lease for house and premises in New Row, City of Dublin

Michael Kavanagh, Merchant, New Row, City of Dublin and William Dwyer, Gentleman, Usher's Quay, Dublin.

House and premises in New Row, city of Dublin.

Terms & Conditions:
For a term of 46 years, yearly rent of £100 to be paid in two even instalments on 25 November and 25 May.

Copies of a letter from Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ to Fr Mozzi at the Gesú in Rome

Two copies of a letter from Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ to Fr Mozzi at the Gesú in Rome. A note explains that ‘it being judged hazardous to direct it to Rome it was sent to Rotterdam in the autumn of 1808’ to be forwarded to the Fr General in St Petersburg. The subject is property belonging to the Society in Dublin (In Latin with small summary in English).

Stone, Marmaduke, 1748-1834, Jesuit priest

Assignment for lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin

Anne Archbold, Elizabeth Archbold, Mary Archbold, Spinsters, City of Dublin of the first part, Sarah Kavanagh, Widow of the second part and Gerald Archbold and Michael Hanrahan of the third part.

Lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin.

Terms & Conditions:
To secure a payment of £1,600.

Signed and sealed.

Photocopies of documents held in Stonyhurst College, England concerning Irish Jesuits trained in Palermo, Italy

Photocopies of letters and documents held in Stonyhurst College, England, concerning Irish Jesuits trained in Palermo, Italy (Corsini MSS).

  1. From Marmaduke Stone SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (2pp);
  2. From Marmaduke Stone SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (3pp);
  3. From Charles Plowden SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (2pp);
  4. From Peter Kenney SJ (4pp);
  5. From Peter Kenney SJ in Milan, Italy (4pp);
  6. From Marmaduke Stone SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (2pp);
  7. From or regarding Paul Ferley SJ (6pp).

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Mission by Fr Fidelis Grivel SJ

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Mission by Fr Fidelis Grivel SJ in 18[17]. Includes:

  • ‘Monita P. Grivel Visitatoris’ (18[17], 18pp);
  • letters from Fr Grivel to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ (whom Fr Grivel appoints as Superior of the Mission), with note on letter of 1[4] March 1820, ‘Chief letters of F. Grivel as Visitor’ (in Italian) (12 October 1817 - 28 March 1820, 9 items);
  • letters from Fr Grivel to Fr Aylmer, with note on top letter ‘Less important letters Fr. F. Grivel, Visitor’ (in Italian) (9 October 1817 - 19 June 1820, 8 items);
  • translated letters to Fr Grivel from various Jesuit Fathers, including Frs Charles Aylmer, Peter Kenney, Bartholomew Esmonde, Patrick Moran, James Butler, and Charles Fraser, originally in the Archives of the French Province. (In Italian) (4 August 1817 - 20 March 1820, 25 items). Includes copy of prospectus in English on Tullabeg – ‘Tullybeg ’‘Elementary School’ ‘Revd. Robert St Leger, Principal’ (August 1818, 2pp).

Letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

  • IE IJA J/470/2
  • File
  • 29 October 1814 - 18 April 1821
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ (novice master at Stonyhurst) concerning Society matters to to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. Many of the letters relate to the Irish novices studying in Stonyhurst and English novices studying in Ireland and general Society matters.

  • Includes a letter concerning the appointment of Fr Lavizzario as the agent of the Society in Rome (11 February 1818, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning an official letter received from the Bishop re-affirming that the Society of Jesus had not been restored. Remarks that their property in London is under threat '…Dr Poynter has employed a lawyer to claim our property in London. He has means of succeeding and his success will complete our ruin. We are in fact in a very dangerous crisis.' (23 July 1818, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning three scholastics from the English Province he proposes to send to Ireland for their studies. Describes the three (1 September 1818, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to a refusal to ordain students from Stonyhurst 'who do not renounce their religious state.' Continues 'very probably a requisition to us all to make such renunciation will soon arrive and this will bring the matter to an issue. Our refusal will be followed by censures, suspension…' ( 10 September 1818, 1p).
  • Includes a letter remarking that the Society of Jesus in England has no way of obtaining Holy Orders except by going to Clongowes. Remarks 'The candidates must be adopted there as students of your college in order to be presented by you.' (29 September 1818, 2pp, incomplete).
  • Includes an account of money owed to Stonyhurst College for the upkeep of Irish scholastics studying there (18 February 1819, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to Fr Kenney's voyage to America (15 July 1819, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to lay brothers and the observance of the various customs in the colleges where he (Fr Plowden) studied (19 September 1819, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning Fr General's displeasure at having received no communication from Fr Aylmer. Includes details about Fr Kenney's visit to America and the state of affairs in America (22 November 1819, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning orders from Fr General to Fr Kenney to remain as visitor to America. Remarks that he heard that Fr Kenney had already set sail for Liverpool (30 July 1820, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter remarking on his ill health (30 July 1820, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter written from Rome concerning Society matters and directions from Fr General. Refers to Spain, remarks 'In Spain all seems to be lost for the Society excepting their religious spirit. Their letters and petitions for directions how to act show that they retain the full spirit of their vocation…on the other hand God sends comfort from Vienna, where the Austrian Emperor openly protects the Society and settles it in Gallicia and with generous allowances for subsistence and many privileges and exemptions.' Refers to Fr Kenney's return from America (23 September 1820, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to the sudden introduction of the Catholic Bill. Remarks '…the Catholic Bill fills my head, heart and time…In this crisis we must have an agent here…there must be somebody to speak in our cause. The General must decide this point before Easter, and he go with me to the Pope...' (7 April 1821, 3pp).

Plowden, Charles, 1743-1821, Jesuit priest, teacher and writer

Notebook ‘Irish Jesuits of the Penal Days’

Notebook ‘Irish Jesuits of the Penal Days’ compiled by an unknown Jesuit. Includes a table of contents on a loose page and a calendar of events in the Irish Society 1542-1822. Separate typewritten page lists 'Jesuit writers of Penal Days'.

Letter from William and James Duff, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ

Letter and copy of a letter from William and James Duff, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Hardwicke Street Chapel, Dublin expressing their satisfaction that Fr Gahan is to live and administer in the Isle of Man. Remarks 'we feel that in regard to pecuniary matters you will be a sufferer to a considerable extent by the change. But if the satisfaction of having done an important service to religion as well as to its followers, can be any compensation for this sacrifice you must certainly have an ample recompense.'

Duff, James

Letter from Charles Russell, Maynooth College, County Kildare to his sister, Anne Russell

Letter from Charles Russell, Maynooth College, County Kildare to his sister Anne Russell. Remarks that there was an eclipse of the sun 'I observed it very accurately. When I saw it first a very small segment was obscured but in a short time more than one third was covered. I never had a perfect idea of an eclipse until today. Describes what it is like to be studying in Maynooth. Remarks that he has a bad place in the study hall as the people around him talk. Refers to his room 'I am beginning already to feel the cold at night. I suppose it is because my curtains are so bad if they may be called curtains which are all full of holes and as thin as wafer.' Includes a xerox copy of the letter.

Deeds of submission to arbitration the taking of the accounts of the rents received by Mr O'Reilly out of the estates of the co-heiresses of Edward O'Callaghan

Copy draft deeds of submission to arbitration the taking of the accounts of the rents received by Mr O'Reilly out of the estates of the co-heiresses of Edward O'Callaghan and of the application thereof in the matter James John Bagot and Ellen Maria Bagot (nee O'Callaghan), his wife (plaintiffs) and Thomas O'Reilly and Bridget O'Reilly (nee O'Callaghan), his wife, The Honorable Thomas Browne and Catherine Browne (nee O'Callaghan), his wife and others (defendants).

Fr Patrick Moran SJ

Fragments copies of letters and notes in Spanish by Fr Patrick Moran SJ. Also includes a letter from Edward Chambers to Fr Moran, informing the latter of the passing of the Catholic Relief Bill (1 July 1829; 1p).

Moran, Patrick, 1785-1830, Jesuit priest

Statement by Fr Matthew Gahan SJ on his decision to go to the Isle of Man

Statement and a copy of a statement by Fr Matthew Gahan SJ describing the events surrounding his decision to go to the Isle of Man to administer to the Catholic population on the island and his work on the island. Lists names of people who supported him financially and the amounts paid.

Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest

Will of Mr Denis Kehoe

A file relating to the will of Mr Denis Kehoe. Includes a copy of the will (13 November 1831, 7pp). Includes a letter from Thomas Leland, [Solicitor], Fitzwilliam Square to Fr Esmonde concerning the appointment by Mr Denis Kehoe of Fr Esmonde SJ and Fr John O'Connor SJ as guardians of his son and daughter (24 February 1832, 3pp).

Letters from Richard Thompson, Vicar General to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

Letters from Richard Thompson, Vicar General to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning Fr Aylmer's offer to give temporary assistance to the Catholic community on the Isle of Man due to Fr Gahan's illness. Includes a postscript remarking that the Bishop has appointed Dr Yovens to visit the Isle of Man on his behalf.

Thompson, Richard, priest

Letters from Bishop John Briggs to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, concerning the chapel property in Douglas

A file of letters from Bishop John Briggs to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Catholic Chapel House, Douglas, Isle of Man concerning the chapel property in Douglas and the wish of the Bishop, Dr Penswick, that the property should be '…vested in Trustees of whom the Bishop should name one.' (22 December 1835, 3pp). Remarks that Fr Gahan is not correct in stating that the Bishop agreed that the chapel would be put in Fr Gahan's name alone. Remarks '…I believe Mr. Gahan is mistaken. For I was present when Dr Penswick refused his assent to this proposal made personally by Mr. Gahan.' (22 December 1835, 3pp).

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letters from John Duff, Castletown, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ

Letters from John Duff, Castletown, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ.[Douglas, Isle of Man]. The first letter thanks Fr Gahan for officiating at his marriage. The second letter refers to a debt of money due to Fr Gahan. Remarks that he is not pleased with the tone of Fr Gahan's letter in which he requests repayment. Remarks that he is not liable for the debt and advises Fr Gahan to contact Robert Duff of the late firm owned by Robert and John Duff for repayment of the debt.

Duff, John, resident of Isle of Man

Letters from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ on the Isle of Man mission

A file of letters from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ (Vice-Provincial) to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the administration of the Isle of Man mission following the illness and death of Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Includes a letter referring to the death of Fr Gahan. Refers to an article in a newspaper concerning his death. Remarks '…it is stated that Fr Gahan had died from the effects of the religious persecution which he suffered. This will be understood as persecution on the part of the Bishop and will I fear make a bad impression on the English and Irish clergy, for many will attribute the article directly or indirectly to us.' Asks Fr Aylmer to send a detailed statement of Fr Gahan's debts and rents and a valuation of the property on the Isle of Man (9 March 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to Fr General's instructions to give up the property to Bishop Briggs on the Isle of Man. Remarks 'I have no doubt that he will award us some compensation; but the amount will depend on his own generosity…what the Society has in property I trust she will gain in reputation, at least in the eyes of the inhabitants of the island.' (18 March 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to the problems with Fr Gahan's will (10 July 1837, 4pp).

Bracken, Patrick, 1795-1867, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ concerning Fr Gahan's death

A file of letters from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ (Vice-Provincial) concerning Fr Gahan's death. Includes a letter discussing the value of the two chapels and the residence and school in Douglas and an inventory of the objects in the chapels (24 March 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter concerning Dr Youens proposed visit to the island '…for the purpose of making an arrangement respecting the affairs of this mission.' Asks for Fr Bracken's instructions telling him how he should discuss matters with Dr Youens. (14 April 1837, 3pp). Includes a letter informing Fr Bracken that Dr Youens arrival has been delayed. Remarks 'The disappointment of his not being able to come this week is a great annoyance to me as I promised the creditors and the tenants of the old chapel house and here in Douglas that matters would be settled with them.' (25 April 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter describing his discussions with Dr Youens. Remarks that the Bishop did not empower him to make any final decisions. Remarks 'After all our conferences Doctor Yovens has awarded to the Society as compensation the sum of eight hundred pounds to be paid to you by Dr Briggs - and considers this sum less than the Society is entitled to…He means to prove to the Bishop…that a considerable sacrifice has been made of property to his Lordship and to this mission by the Society…' (12 May 1837, 3pp). Includes a letter concerning the appointment of Fr McGrath to the Isle of Man. Remarks that he has only recently been ordained '…and is more like a boy from school… not perhaps quite calculated for such a place as this…' (19 June 1837, 3pp).

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ on chapel build progress

A file of letters from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the progress of establishing a chapel for the Catholic community on the Isle of Man. Two of the letters are written to Fr Aylmer while Fr Gahan was travelling [to raise funds] and Fr Aylmer was supplying for him on the island.

Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest

Granting of faculties to Peter McGrath for work on the Isle of Man

Letter from Dr Briggs, Glasgow to Dr Youens regarding the granting of faculties to Peter McGrath to administer to the Catholic population on the Isle of Man. Includes a letter from Dr Yovens to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the communication.

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from William Thomas Rogers to Charles Kernan concerning the property on the Isle of Man

Letter from William Thomas Rogers, 47 Lower Dominick Street to Charles Kernan concerning the property on the Isle of Man and the Jesuit Fathers. Remarks 'I am spoken to daily about the matter and feel ashamed of not being able to give any decisive answer on the subject.'

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letters from Fr Peter Kenny SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the Isle of Man mission

A file of letters from Fr Peter Kenny SJ (Vice-Provincial April 1834-May 1836) to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the Isle of Man mission and the difficulties that arose in its administration following the illness and death of Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Includes a letter informing Fr Aylmer that he may go ahead with the opening of the new chapel at Douglas. Expresses his opinion that this should be done without delay. Discusses the finances of the mission (12 November 1835, 8pp). Includes a letter referring to the opposition amongst some residents of the Isle of Man to the opening of the chapel. Remarks 'I hesitated…before I resolved to show your letter to Mr Gahan… I feared that the ingratitude and treachery of his people might annoy him.' (13 December 1835, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to a delay in opening the new chapel. Remarks 'Of course we cannot comply with the conditions proposed and therefore you must let the chapel stay as it is…I should not as yet be inclined to say what we might propose; but from the Bishop making the opening of the chapel dependent on these conditions he seems determined to drive us out of the island…' (20 December 1835, 3pp). Includes a letter asking to be kept fully informed of any communication with the Bishop. Remarks 'It is necessary that we know what is said or proposed by you or Mr Gahan or we may fall into many mistakes…' (29 December 1835, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to Fr. Gahan's headstone and the difficulty in sending it to the Isle of Man. Remarks that it is '…a very commendable piece of work…' (7 May 1837, 3pp).

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Letters from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ to Fr Peter Kenney SJ concerning the Isle of Man mission

A file of letters from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Peter Kenney SJ concerning the Isle of Man mission. Includes a letter discussing the finances of the mission and how much money is required to run the mission (24 November 1835, 3pp). Includes a letter concerning some opposition to the opening of the chapel in Douglas. Remarks that if Dr Youens visits the island he will explain the full matter to him and if he does not visit the island he will visit the Bishop himself. Remarks '…it comes exactly to this: that we either succeed or give up the whole and throw the responsibility on the Bishop and the English. Since last Sunday I have received for the new chapel subscriptions and donations…and except Captain Haggeston, not one of the rich have given one shilling - the Duffs and some others amongst whom I am sorry to name John Kelly…have combined and written against the new chapel thro' dislike to poor Fr Gahan and because they cannot do everything as they please - these withhold their subscriptions in the expectation that the opening of the chapel will be prevented by the Bishop.' (7 December 1835, 4pp). Includes a letter remarking that the Bishop (Dr Penswick) has given his permission for the new chapel to be opened as long as three conditions are complied with. Lists the three conditions (18 December 1835, 2pp). Includes a letter referring to the three conditions laid down by Dr Penswick. Refers to the ownership of the chapel property. Remarks '…Mr. Gahan has actually paid £295 (for converting and fitting out the chapel buildings) - one penny of which he never got from any person in the Isle of Man - and consequently he fairly claims that sum as his property.' Continues 'The delay in opening the new chapel is I feel very unpleasant and causes great feeling and disappointment even amongst liberal Protestants and gives a kind of triumph to the bigoted party and to the few Catholics who are adverse to Fr Gahan and wish to have power.' (26 January 1836, 4pp). Includes a letter concerning Fr Gahan's will and medical and funeral expenses. Refers to Fr Gahan's debts. Remarks '…are we to take all this responsibility on ourselves, to discharge all these debts and then to be dismissed at Doctor Briggs' pleasure. If he is to have the whole without any remuneration to the Society or to its benefactors let him take it and become responsible for it with all its encumbrances…' (3 March 1837, 3pp).

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

  • IE IJA J/470/1
  • File
  • 5 April 1811 - 23 July 1838
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. A brief précis to the letters is included in the file, and list of Irish Jesuits (1831).

Documents related to retreats given by Jesuits which include sermons and novenas

File of documents related to retreats given by Jesuits which includes: ‘A short catechism for the instruction for those who are preparing to make their first Communion’- Addressed to Parents’ (12 January 1767); ‘A sermon on the duties of parents to their children (1803); ‘Analysis or General Notion of Discourse in various religious subjects’ (1806); ‘A discourse on the 2nd Precept of Charity’ (1 July 1809); ‘novena in preparation for the festival of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – chiefly taken from the Italian of Father Charles Borge’; scholars’ retreat (1839); ‘A sermon on the Love of God’.

Letters from Dr Thomas Youens to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the mission on the Isle of Man

A file of letters from Dr Thomas Youens to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the mission on the Isle of Man. Dr Yovens was appointed by Dr Briggs to visit the Isle of Man and assess matters following the death of Fr Gahan and to arrange the opening of the new chapel in Douglas. Includes a letter informing Fr Aylmer that he has full permission from the Bishop (Dr Briggs) to bless the new chapel in Douglas and perform divine service in it (28 February 1837, 1p). Includes a letter expressing the Bishop's wish that the mission of the Isle of Man pass into his own hands. Remarks that he does not know who the Bishop has in mind to take over the mission (27 April 1837, 3pp). Includes a letter relating to the sum of money paid by Dr Briggs to the Society of Jesus in respect of the Isle of Man. (16 May 1840, 1p).

Youens, Thomas, priest

Volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street...'

Specially bound volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street For their Library. In grateful memory of much kindness received from them for nearly forty years’ from ‘W.L.' '. Includes colour poster of Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847) and O'Connell's name and address (written in his own hand) attached to the frontispiece. Contains two letters:

4 April 1833
Letter from Daniel O'Connell, London to Richard Barrett, editor of the 'Pilot' newspaper, Suffolk Street, Dublin, to be published as an open letter to the people of Ireland. ‘This is the first of a series of Letters which I intend to publish on the present state and future prospects of our Country including the best suggestions I can give for regulating your conduct in the manner most calculated to mitigate the evils of the one and to insure the amelioration of the other.’ (Letter is divided into five envelopes, each containing nine pages. Franked 6 April 1833.) 45pp

Richard Barrett, editor of the Pilot was prosecuted by the government for having published on 8 April 1833, the last letter. He was tried and found guilty, imprisoned for six months and fined £100. During his imprisonment, O'Connell paid Barrett a total of £656, consisting of his £100 fine, £150 in American subscriptions and weekly sums amounting to £406.

18 February 1840
Private letter from Daniel O'Connell, 16 Pall Mall, London, to David R. Pigot, Solicitor General, concerning the Municipal Reform Bill. Letter published in full in Maurice R. O'Connell’s (ed.) 'The Correspondence of Daniel O'Connell, Vol. VI, 1837-1840' (Blackwater Dublin for the Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1977) p.308/9 (2687a), where the source is given as ‘Jesuit Fathers, Gardiner Street, Dublin.’

Latin verses by F.S. O'Mahony

Latin verses by F.S. O'Mahony. Includes Hymn to St Francis Xavier (2pp) and ‘Ode sur la convalescence de Msr. Archeveque de Bordeaux’ (2pp)

Mahony, Francis Sylvester, 1804-1866, former Jesuit priest, priest and humorist

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Vice-Province by Fr Charles Brooke SJ

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Vice-Province by Fr Charles Brooke SJ in 1842. Includes [copy] letter containing Fr Visitor’s views on the proposal to establish a Novitiate at Tullabeg (22 Sep. 1842, 2pp) and [copy] letter from Fr Brooke to the Vice-Provincial, Fr Robert St Leger SJ concerning Tullabeg’s large debts and the proposal to establish a Novitiate at the College, with the Novices undertaking to ‘take some part of the teaching of the scholars’ (1 Oct. 1842, 3pp).

Deed between John Marquis of Ely, John Henry Loftus and John Hare

John Marquis of Ely of the first part, The Honorable John Henry Loftus (Lord Viscount Loftus) of the second part and John Hare, esquire, Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin of the third part.

Rathfarnham House, Parish of Rathfarnham, Barony of Newcastle, County Dublin.

Terms and Conditions:
For the life of John Marquis of Ely.

Signed and sealed by Ely and Loftus.

Letters between Anne Russell and Charles Russell

A file relating to Anne Russell sister of Charles Russell. Includes a letter from Anne Russell to Charles Russell written on the back of another letter from Thomas Russell to 'Mo'. The other three letters are from Charles Russell to Anne Russell. Includes a letter describing his studies at Maynooth (22 March 1827, 3pp).

Letters from Robert Tennant to Lord Thomas O'Hagan

A file of letters from Robert Tennant to Lord Thomas O'Hagan. Includes a letter discussing Charles Gavan Duffy's libel suit (he was defended by Lord O'Hagan) (25 June 1842, 7pp). Includes a letter referring to Daniel O'Connell. Remarks 'In every way therefore it would give me high gratification to go up with the address to O'Connell. That he should think it worth his while to wish it is an additional motive.' (17 June 1844, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to recent proceedings. Remarks 'I think I see through your generalities that you are disheartened and - may I say - disgruntled?...So am I. Upon the education question - in the cause of mixed and free education I can stand no compromise or hesitation. It is the hope of our country - the only make us a country in place of a den of wild sects. Repeal is but a triviality compared to this...I pray God to see the time when she will be a nation...either with or without repeal. (31 May 1945, 4pp).

Tennent, Robert James, 1803-1880, Irish Whig politician

Copy letter from Frederick Lucas to Daniel O'Connell concerning a letter written by O'Connell to Lucas

Copy letter from Frederick Lucas, 25 Pembroke square, Kensington, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning a letter written by O'Connell to Lucas and the split between O'Connell and the Young Irelanders. Remarks that the letter gave him '...very great pain...' Remarks '...I feel most deeply mortified that any words I can have used in the 'Tablet' or elsewhere should have received from you...the hateful interpretation which is implied.' Apologises for any hurt or upset caused. Continues by commenting on O'Connell's letter and defends his position and opinion with regard to the Young Irelanders and other political matters. Remarks 'It is and it will be more than ever, my task in the 'Tablet' to urge upon them the unsoundness of their views in many points'. Refers to a letter he (Lucas) received from Rev. Dr. R. J. Whitty commenting on the Young Irelanders. Includes a copy of the letter in question (29 August [ ], 2pp). Expresses his dismay at O'Connell's accusations that he (Lucas) has '...joined against...'O'Connell. Remarks the this is 'unfounded'.

Lucas, Frederick, 1812-1855, journalist and politician

Release of Rathfarnham House - Lord George William Loftus, Chester Square, London of the first part

Lord George William Loftus, Chester Square, London of the first part, Rev. Lord Adam Robert Charles Loftus, Ardess, County Fermanagh of the second part, Lord Agustus William Frederick Spencer Loftus of the third part, Lord Henry Yorke Astley Loftus, Chester Square, London of the fourth part, William Tatton Egerton, esquire, Wilton Terrace, London and Lady Charlotte Egerton nee Loftus of the fifth part, Lady Anna Maria Helen Loftus, spinster, Chester Square, London of the sixth part and the Most Noble John Henry Loftus, Marquis of Ely, Ely Lodge, County Fermanagh of the seventh part.

Rathfarnham House, Parish of Rathfarnham, Barony of Newcastle, County Dublin.

Terms and Conditions:
Release of a charge of £10,000.

Signed and sealed by the parties.

Release of Rathfarnham House - Most Noble Anna Maria Dowager Marchioness of Ely, Chester Square, London

Most Noble Anna Maria Dowager Marchioness of Ely, Chester Square, London and Most Noble John Henry Loftus Marquis of Ely, Ely Lodge, County Fermanagh.

Rathfarnham House, Parish of Rathfarnham, Barony of Newcastle, County Dublin.

Terms and Conditions:
Release of two annuities of £1,000 on the property.

Release of Rathfarnham House - Rev. Richard Haggitt, Rector of Fornham all saints cum Westley, County of Suffolk

Rev. Richard Haggitt, Rector of Fornham all saints cum Westley, County of Suffolk and Samuel Jay, Barrister, Lincoln's Inn, County of Middlesex and John Henry, Marquis of Ely.

Rathfarnham House, Parish of Rathfarnham, Barony of Newcastle, County Dublin.

Terms and Conditions:
Release from two mortgages of £3,000 and £1,000 and interest on same.

Signed and sealed by the parties.

Conveyance - Most Noble John Henry Loftus of Ely, Ely Lodge, County Fermanagh

Most Noble John Henry Loftus of Ely, Ely Lodge, County Fermanagh and The Right Honorable Francis Blackburne, Lord Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench of Ireland, Roebuck Hall, County Dublin.

Rathfarnham House, Parish of Rathfarnham, Barony of Newcastle, County Dublin.

Terms and Conditions:
For and during the lives and life of the three lives named in the deed and the lives of other persons added to the lease.

Signed and sealed by the parties

Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ

Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ (Vice-Provincial), Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning Fr Gahan's will. Remarks that he has only found a copy of the will and remarks 'I look upon the case a quite a hopeless one.' Continues 'The original will and whatever title deeds were in existence, I conclude from these letters, went into the possession of Father Aylmer - what became of them since there is nothing to inform us.' Concludes 'Should you think it necessary to write to this gentleman now in the Isle of Man to Dr Briggs or to any other of the inheritors, I take the liberty of telling you not to do so, till you previously allow me to wait on you…'

O'Shaughnessy, James

Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ missionary work in Malta

  • IE IJA J/471/10
  • File
  • 1842 - 22 April 1850
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ missionary work in Malta. Includes documents relating to religious instruction of Catholics, descriptions of clerical controversy, disputes with Protestants, conversions of Protestants to Catholicism, preaching, Catholic education, addresses presented to the Governor of Malta, Fr Esmonde's Journal describing his time in Malta, correspondence. Letters are addressed to Fr Esmonde at San Calcedonia, outside Valletta. This house belonged to the Sicilian Province and Malta had a close connection with the Sicilian Province. Note: at least 50% of the documents are written in Italian.

Letter from Jane Mitchel to John O'Hagan

Letter from Jane Mitchel, Mill Cottage, Omeath, County Louth to John O'Hagan. Includes a note commenting on the letter by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist).

Mitchel, Jane, c.1820-1899, nationalist

Letter from Margaret Russell, Newry to Rev. Charles O'Hare concerning news of her family.

Letter from Margaret Russell, Newry to [Rev. Charles O'Hare] concerning news of her family. Refers also to vestments. Refers to her son Charles (later Lord Russell of Killowen) who won a prize for his essay and that he is to read the essay aloud in the Assembly Rooms, Newry. Remarks '...I think it was scarcely kind or judicious to ask so young a lad to come before the public as a lecturer, it is too trying an ordeal and may expose him to the charge of presumption which thank God he does not deserve...' Includes a note on the letter by Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist).

Russell, Margaret

Fee Farm Grant - Rathfarnham House

William Thomas, Earl of Clancarty, Garbally, County Galway, John Earl of Strafford, Hardmonsworth, County of Middlesex, Thomas Conolly, Castletown, County Kildare, Elizabeth Pakenham and Helen Pakenham, Spinster, Coolure, County Westmeath of the one part and Francis Blackburne, Lord Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench in Ireland, Merrion Square, Dublin.

Rathfarnham House, Parish of Rathfarnham, Barony of Newcastle, County Dublin.

Terms and Conditions:
Yearly rent of £123.6.6 in two equal payments on 25 March and 29 September.

Signed and sealed by the parties.

Letters from Fr John Etheridge SJ to a Jesuit concerning a legal opinion he obtained on property belonging to the Society of Jesus in England

Letters from Fr John Etheridge SJ, London & Liverpool to Fr [ ] SJ concerning a legal opinion he obtained on property belonging to the Society of Jesus in England. Remarks that counsel stated that the Society would become liable to the investigation of the Commissioners for Charitable Trusts. Continues '…I shall keep as quiet as I can and instruct our people that our properties belong to those individuals who are named in the deeds and can be disposed of by them as they see best, without any obligation of trust.'

Etheridge, John, 1811-1882, Jesuit priest

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