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County Dublin File
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Chronology of the history of the Catholic University from 1854 to 1882
Chronology of the history of the Catholic University from 1854 to 1882
Articles concerning the early days of UCD's Gaelic Society
Articles concerning the early days of UCD's Gaelic Society
Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918'
Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918'
St Stephen's, the magazine of the Catholic University of Ireland and the removal of the medallion from the cover of the magazine
St Stephen's, the magazine of the Catholic University of Ireland and the removal of the medallion from the cover of the magazine
'The Catholic University Gazette'
'The Catholic University Gazette'
Letter from Robert Donovan, Dublin Commission to Rev William Delany SJ requesting a list of Fellows of the Royal University teaching in University College, Dublin
Letter from Robert Donovan, Dublin Commission to Rev William Delany SJ requesting a list of Fellows of the Royal University teaching in University College, Dublin
Memorandum regarding University College and the work done there since it was entrusted to the Jesuit Fathers
Memorandum regarding University College and the work done there since it was entrusted to the Jesuit Fathers
Newsletter of the Directors of Youth Service the Sodality of Our Lady
Newsletter of the Directors of Youth Service the Sodality of Our Lady
Booklets for the Sodality of Our Lady
Booklets for the Sodality of Our Lady
Letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning Mungret College
Letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning Mungret College
Letter from Fr William Delany SJ to Fr William Ronan SJ thanking him for a donation of £500
Letter from Fr William Delany SJ to Fr William Ronan SJ thanking him for a donation of £500
Letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning Mungret
Letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning Mungret
Letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning Mungret
Letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning Mungret
Photographs of Mungret College past pupils involved in sports
Photographs of Mungret College past pupils involved in sports
Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College
Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Francis Joy SJ, asking him for a brief summary of the history of Mungret Apostolic School
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Francis Joy SJ, asking him for a brief summary of the history of Mungret Apostolic School
Proposals over the years to extend and add to the existing buildings at Mungret College
Proposals over the years to extend and add to the existing buildings at Mungret College
Letters from Fr General Peter Beckx SJ concerning the establishment of Mungret College
Letters from Fr General Peter Beckx SJ concerning the establishment of Mungret College
Difficulties between the Apostolic and Lay School, Mungret College
Difficulties between the Apostolic and Lay School, Mungret College
Material relating to Fr James Tomkin SJ and the 'Mungret Question'
Material relating to Fr James Tomkin SJ and the 'Mungret Question'
Controversy surrounding the Apostolic and Lay Schools, Mungret College and the separation of the two schools
Controversy surrounding the Apostolic and Lay Schools, Mungret College and the separation of the two schools
Controversy between Dr Edward Thomas O'Dwyer, Bishop of Limerick and Mungret College concerning the admission of lay boys to the College
Controversy between Dr Edward Thomas O'Dwyer, Bishop of Limerick and Mungret College concerning the admission of lay boys to the College
Preparation of a prospectus to Mungret Apostolic School, Limerick
Preparation of a prospectus to Mungret Apostolic School, Limerick
Letters and legal opinion on the 'Mungret Building Case'
Letters and legal opinion on the 'Mungret Building Case'
Material relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'
Material relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'
Fr William Lockington SJ's fund-raising tour to the United States of America
Fr William Lockington SJ's fund-raising tour to the United States of America
Photographs of Gonzaga College students and teachers
Photographs of Gonzaga College students and teachers
Preliminary Sketch Plans for Gonzaga College
Preliminary Sketch Plans for Gonzaga College
Architects plan for a new assembly hall for Gonzaga College SJ, Dublin
Architects plan for a new assembly hall for Gonzaga College SJ, Dublin
Details of Cycle Racks and Corrugated Asbestos Sheeting, Gonzaga College
Details of Cycle Racks and Corrugated Asbestos Sheeting, Gonzaga College
Central Heating Installation, Gonzaga College
Central Heating Installation, Gonzaga College
Proposed Classroom Extensions, Gonzaga College
Proposed Classroom Extensions, Gonzaga College
Proposed Classroom Extension, Elevation Section, Gonzaga College
Proposed Classroom Extension, Elevation Section, Gonzaga College
Proposed Classroom Extension, Ground Floor Plan, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Proposed Classroom Extension, Ground Floor Plan, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Classroom Extension - Alternative No. 3 (a) and 4, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Classroom Extension - Alternative No. 3 (a) and 4, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Survey of “Sandford Grove”, Ranelagh, Dublin
Survey of “Sandford Grove”, Ranelagh, Dublin
Classroom Extension - Alternative No. 3, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Classroom Extension - Alternative No. 3, Gonzaga College, Milltown
Proposal for increasing area of Stage and Store, Gonzaga College
Proposal for increasing area of Stage and Store, Gonzaga College
Proposed Alterations to “Sandford Grove”, drainpipe plan and ‘Proposed Central Heating Scheme
Proposed Alterations to “Sandford Grove”, drainpipe plan and ‘Proposed Central Heating Scheme
Annual letters for Gonzaga College SJ, Dublin
Annual letters for Gonzaga College SJ, Dublin
The opening of Canisius Preparatory School, Beechwood, Ranelagh
The opening of Canisius Preparatory School, Beechwood, Ranelagh
Photographs of the laying of the foundation stone of the new cathedral in Galway
Photographs of the laying of the foundation stone of the new cathedral in Galway
Correspondence between the Bishop of Galway, Michael Browne and Irish Fr Provincial concerning the attendance of Jesuit Scholastics at University College, Galway
Correspondence between the Bishop of Galway, Michael Browne and Irish Fr Provincial concerning the attendance of Jesuit Scholastics at University College, Galway
Abandonment of a procession that was due to take place to celebrate St Patrick's day in Galway
Abandonment of a procession that was due to take place to celebrate St Patrick's day in Galway
Letter from the Bishop of Galway to Irish Fr Provincial declining an invitation to preach on St. Patrick's Day
Letter from the Bishop of Galway to Irish Fr Provincial declining an invitation to preach on St. Patrick's Day
Original correspondence concerning Jesuit establishment in Galway
Original correspondence concerning Jesuit establishment in Galway
Prize medal for Athletic Sports, St Ignatius College, Galway
Prize medal for Athletic Sports, St Ignatius College, Galway
Petition signed by members of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary urging the Jesuit Fathers not to close St Ignatius College
Petition signed by members of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary urging the Jesuit Fathers not to close St Ignatius College
Correspondence between William S. Fitzgerald and Irish Fr Provincial concerning the closure of St Ignatius College, Galway
Correspondence between William S. Fitzgerald and Irish Fr Provincial concerning the closure of St Ignatius College, Galway
Correspondence between T. N. Redington and Irish Fr Provincial concerning the closure of St Ignatius College, Galway
Correspondence between T. N. Redington and Irish Fr Provincial concerning the closure of St Ignatius College, Galway
Sherwood Fields, Galway
Sherwood Fields, Galway
Copy of indenture concerning Sherwood Fields, Galway
Copy of indenture concerning Sherwood Fields, Galway
Red Cross, Irish Civil War and Eoin Mac Neill
Red Cross, Irish Civil War and Eoin Mac Neill
Notes on the history of the Jesuits in Galway
Notes on the history of the Jesuits in Galway
Letters to Br James Priest SJ from past pupils of the Crescent
Letters to Br James Priest SJ from past pupils of the Crescent
Correspondence with Fr Thomas Hurley SJ from and about ex-pupils, both lay and clerical from the Crescent
Correspondence with Fr Thomas Hurley SJ from and about ex-pupils, both lay and clerical from the Crescent
Jesuit past pupils: news from and about ex-students of the Crescent
Jesuit past pupils: news from and about ex-students of the Crescent
Dublin Branch annual dinners for Crescent Past Pupils's Union
Dublin Branch annual dinners for Crescent Past Pupils's Union
Entertainments duty for the Crescent
Entertainments duty for the Crescent
Theatrical suppliers for the Crescent
Theatrical suppliers for the Crescent
Thomas Moore Centenary concerts
Thomas Moore Centenary concerts
Letters from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Redmond Roche SJ re. Jones's field
Letters from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Redmond Roche SJ re. Jones's field
Correspondence between Fr Redmond Roche SJ and Irish Fr Provincial re. the purchase of a playing field
Correspondence between Fr Redmond Roche SJ and Irish Fr Provincial re. the purchase of a playing field
Proposal re compulsory purchase of the college football field by the Railway Company
Proposal re compulsory purchase of the college football field by the Railway Company
Letters from Fr James Gubbins SJ, Rector of Belvedere, to Fr Redmond Roche SJ re. the use of the college playing field
Letters from Fr James Gubbins SJ, Rector of Belvedere, to Fr Redmond Roche SJ re. the use of the college playing field
Proposal to purchase Doyle's yard
Proposal to purchase Doyle's yard
Documents on Jesuits' property rights in relation to the Crescent House
Documents on Jesuits' property rights in relation to the Crescent House
Fourth centenary of the death of St Ignatius Loyola
Fourth centenary of the death of St Ignatius Loyola
Letters between Irish Fr Provincials and Clongowes Wood College SJ regarding communications with Department of Defence
Letters between Irish Fr Provincials and Clongowes Wood College SJ regarding communications with Department of Defence
Letters from Mr Edward J Boyd Barrett SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial
Letters from Mr Edward J Boyd Barrett SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial
House Consultor letters from Fr James Daly SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial
House Consultor letters from Fr James Daly SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial
Catalogus for Clongowes Wood College 1835 & 1839 and for Irish Vice-Province 1840
Catalogus for Clongowes Wood College 1835 & 1839 and for Irish Vice-Province 1840
Letters relating to Fr James Daly SJ's health
Letters relating to Fr James Daly SJ's health
Booklet of "War List" for Clongowes Wood College SJ
Booklet of "War List" for Clongowes Wood College SJ
Booklet of list of Clongownians in Military and Naval Service
Booklet of list of Clongownians in Military and Naval Service
Volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street...'
Volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street...'
Photographs of Fr John Ryan SJ
Photographs of Fr John Ryan SJ
Photographs of Fr Thomas Wheeler SJ
Photographs of Fr Thomas Wheeler SJ
Album of portraits of members of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus
Album of portraits of members of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus
Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin
Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin
Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ
Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ
Biographical notes compiled on Fr Thomas Tasburgh SJ
Biographical notes compiled on Fr Thomas Tasburgh SJ
Pamphlet entitled 'Bellarmine and Ireland' by Fr John MacErlean SJ
Pamphlet entitled 'Bellarmine and Ireland' by Fr John MacErlean SJ
Correspondence concerning Fr Francis Finegan’s organisation of the erection of a plaque on Fr John Austin’s grave in St Kevin’s Cemetery, Dublin
Correspondence concerning Fr Francis Finegan’s organisation of the erection of a plaque on Fr John Austin’s grave in St Kevin’s Cemetery, Dublin
Biographical sketch of Fr John Austin SJ
Biographical sketch of Fr John Austin SJ
Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius...'
Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius...'
The Jesuit Mission to Ireland 1596-1626
The Jesuit Mission to Ireland 1596-1626
Letters from Rev. Henry Young to his brother Fr Charles Young SJ on litanies and station pictures
Letters from Rev. Henry Young to his brother Fr Charles Young SJ on litanies and station pictures
Letter from Rev. Henry Young to his sisters, Ursuline Convent, Cork concerning the death of their father
Letter from Rev. Henry Young to his sisters, Ursuline Convent, Cork concerning the death of their father
Letter from James Lynch SJ to Fr Matthew Russell SJ concerning the letters of Fr Henry Young
Letter from James Lynch SJ to Fr Matthew Russell SJ concerning the letters of Fr Henry Young
Letters from Sir Robert Peel to to Dr Charles Russell
Letters from Sir Robert Peel to to Dr Charles Russell
Letters from Henry Reeve to Dr Charles Russell concerning publications and articles written by Russell
Letters from Henry Reeve to Dr Charles Russell concerning publications and articles written by Russell
Letters from John Edward Pigot to Dr Charles Russell
Letters from John Edward Pigot to Dr Charles Russell
Letters from John O'Hagan to Dr Charles Russell concerning a trip taken by himself and his wife Fanny to Switzerland
Letters from John O'Hagan to Dr Charles Russell concerning a trip taken by himself and his wife Fanny to Switzerland
Letter from James Murray, 55 Eccles Street concerning 'the Epiphany Paper.'
Letter from James Murray, 55 Eccles Street concerning 'the Epiphany Paper.'
Letters from Lord Mayo to Dr Charles Russell
Letters from Lord Mayo to Dr Charles Russell
Letters from Dr Charles Russell, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, County Kildare to Denis Florence McCarthy
Letters from Dr Charles Russell, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, County Kildare to Denis Florence McCarthy
Letters from Charles Russell to Lord O'Hagan
Letters from Charles Russell to Lord O'Hagan
Results 1 to 100 of 1256