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An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. Whereunto is added a sermon Preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same Author

An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. Whereunto is added a sermon Preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same Author

Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar

The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England

The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England

French, Nicolas, c1604-1678, Bishop of Ferns

Print of John Phillpott Curran

Portrait print of John Philpot Curran, bust directed to right, head turned and looking up to left, in private dress. John Philpot Curran, Master of the Rolls in Ireland, published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London.

Engraving attributed to James Heath, (1757-1834) after an original painting by John Comerford, (ca.1770-1835), in possession of Sir J. Barrington.

Print of Rev. Dr. Marlay, L.L.D

Portrait print of Rev. Dr. Marlay, L.L.D., Bishop of Waterford, bust directed to left, head turned and looking straight, in religious dress. Published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London.

Engraved by James Heath from an original painting by Hamilton in possession of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan.

Print of John Egan Esq. K.C.

Portrait print of John Egan Esq. K.C., Chariman of Kilmainham published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London. Engraving attributed to James Heath after an original drawing by John Comerford in possession of Sir Jonah Barrington.

Letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

  • IE IJA J/470/2
  • File
  • 29 October 1814 - 18 April 1821
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Fr Charles Plowden SJ (novice master at Stonyhurst) concerning Society matters to to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. Many of the letters relate to the Irish novices studying in Stonyhurst and English novices studying in Ireland and general Society matters.

  • Includes a letter concerning the appointment of Fr Lavizzario as the agent of the Society in Rome (11 February 1818, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning an official letter received from the Bishop re-affirming that the Society of Jesus had not been restored. Remarks that their property in London is under threat '…Dr Poynter has employed a lawyer to claim our property in London. He has means of succeeding and his success will complete our ruin. We are in fact in a very dangerous crisis.' (23 July 1818, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning three scholastics from the English Province he proposes to send to Ireland for their studies. Describes the three (1 September 1818, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to a refusal to ordain students from Stonyhurst 'who do not renounce their religious state.' Continues 'very probably a requisition to us all to make such renunciation will soon arrive and this will bring the matter to an issue. Our refusal will be followed by censures, suspension…' ( 10 September 1818, 1p).
  • Includes a letter remarking that the Society of Jesus in England has no way of obtaining Holy Orders except by going to Clongowes. Remarks 'The candidates must be adopted there as students of your college in order to be presented by you.' (29 September 1818, 2pp, incomplete).
  • Includes an account of money owed to Stonyhurst College for the upkeep of Irish scholastics studying there (18 February 1819, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to Fr Kenney's voyage to America (15 July 1819, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to lay brothers and the observance of the various customs in the colleges where he (Fr Plowden) studied (19 September 1819, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning Fr General's displeasure at having received no communication from Fr Aylmer. Includes details about Fr Kenney's visit to America and the state of affairs in America (22 November 1819, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter concerning orders from Fr General to Fr Kenney to remain as visitor to America. Remarks that he heard that Fr Kenney had already set sail for Liverpool (30 July 1820, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter remarking on his ill health (30 July 1820, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter written from Rome concerning Society matters and directions from Fr General. Refers to Spain, remarks 'In Spain all seems to be lost for the Society excepting their religious spirit. Their letters and petitions for directions how to act show that they retain the full spirit of their vocation…on the other hand God sends comfort from Vienna, where the Austrian Emperor openly protects the Society and settles it in Gallicia and with generous allowances for subsistence and many privileges and exemptions.' Refers to Fr Kenney's return from America (23 September 1820, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to the sudden introduction of the Catholic Bill. Remarks '…the Catholic Bill fills my head, heart and time…In this crisis we must have an agent here…there must be somebody to speak in our cause. The General must decide this point before Easter, and he go with me to the Pope...' (7 April 1821, 3pp).

Plowden, Charles, 1743-1821, Jesuit priest, teacher and writer

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, to an unnamed Irish Jesuit father

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, to an unnamed Irish Jesuit father. Reminds the latter of debts to be paid, and informs him of his activities in relation to the accounts, including the payment to Fr Jennesseaux of an amount of money. Begs to relinquish his role as agent. Encloses his correspondent’s account with the Rector of F[ ]bough (not included).

Scott, Edward, 1776-1836, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, regarding finance

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, to an unnamed Jesuit father. Refers to two enclosed letters (not included). States that Mr Glover ‘still lingers at Rome’, and reports that luminous crosses have been visible for months over summits of the Masques of the Turks in a city in Bulgaria. Refers to the failure of St. Francis’ Bill, and to ‘Orange Bigots’. Gives a brief statement of accounts.

Scott, Edward, 1776-1836, Jesuit priest

Notices delivered by Jesuits and members of other Religious Orders to Clerks of the Peace or their Deputies in Great Britain and Ireland

Notices delivered by Jesuits and members of other Religious Orders to Clerks of the Peace or their Deputies in Great Britain and Ireland. The notices divided into counties consist of the date of registry, the name of the party, age, place of birth, name of the religious community, usual residence and name of immediate superior.

Article containing references to ‘Fr Prout’ by ‘Oliver Yorke’

Article (containing references to ‘Fr. Prout’) by ‘Oliver Yorke’ sent to ‘James Frazer publisher, 215 Regent St.’ London with note on first page ‘Send this to printers. I will be in town Monday evening.’ Includes note by ‘Francis Mahony’ stating ‘I will be in London on Monday in time to finish this – Send it to the printers. I sent a proof yesterday…I leave Paris this evening with Wright.’

Mahony, Francis Sylvester, 1804-1866, former Jesuit priest, priest and humorist

Letter from Charles Dolman, 61 Bond Street, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from Charles Dolman, 61 Bond Street, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning the 'Dublin Review'. Remarks that he has not received an answer to a previous letter to Daniel O'Connell and that he can no longer delay the publication of the next issue of the 'Dublin Review'. Proposes to bring out the next issue himself '...I therefore beg to request you to inform me whether you make any objection to my doing so...In making this proposal you will understand that I do not intend to consider you liable in respect of that No. either for pecuniary loss or literary responsibility...' Concludes 'You will no doubt recollect that our agreement contains an undertaking on your part to use your best exertions to relieve Mr Richards and myself from such loss as we might sustain in this business...'

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Letter from Charles Dolman to Daniel O'Connell concerning an article on Orators for the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from Charles Dolman, 61 Bond Street, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning an article on Orators for the 'Dublin Review'. Remarks that before No. XI can be published a decision about the future of the publication should be reached. Remarks that himself and Mr. Richards '...cannot individually run any further risk (having both already lost too much to justify us in so doing) unless the proposed plan or one similar be adopted...' Expresses the hope that O'Connell will transfer his share and interest in the stock and property of the 'Review' to him (Charles Dolman).

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street...'

Specially bound volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street For their Library. In grateful memory of much kindness received from them for nearly forty years’ from ‘W.L.' '. Includes colour poster of Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847) and O'Connell's name and address (written in his own hand) attached to the frontispiece. Contains two letters:

4 April 1833
Letter from Daniel O'Connell, London to Richard Barrett, editor of the 'Pilot' newspaper, Suffolk Street, Dublin, to be published as an open letter to the people of Ireland. ‘This is the first of a series of Letters which I intend to publish on the present state and future prospects of our Country including the best suggestions I can give for regulating your conduct in the manner most calculated to mitigate the evils of the one and to insure the amelioration of the other.’ (Letter is divided into five envelopes, each containing nine pages. Franked 6 April 1833.) 45pp

Richard Barrett, editor of the Pilot was prosecuted by the government for having published on 8 April 1833, the last letter. He was tried and found guilty, imprisoned for six months and fined £100. During his imprisonment, O'Connell paid Barrett a total of £656, consisting of his £100 fine, £150 in American subscriptions and weekly sums amounting to £406.

18 February 1840
Private letter from Daniel O'Connell, 16 Pall Mall, London, to David R. Pigot, Solicitor General, concerning the Municipal Reform Bill. Letter published in full in Maurice R. O'Connell’s (ed.) 'The Correspondence of Daniel O'Connell, Vol. VI, 1837-1840' (Blackwater Dublin for the Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1977) p.308/9 (2687a), where the source is given as ‘Jesuit Fathers, Gardiner Street, Dublin.’

Lithograph of George Buchanan

Lithograph of George Buchanan from a picture by Francis Pourbus Senior in the possession of the Royal Society. Engraved by Edward Scriven. Published by Charles Knight, Pall Mall East, London.

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell thanking him for his subscription

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell thanking him for his subscription. Expresses thanks for the support O'Connell is giving to the 'Dublin Review'. In particular he thanks O'Connell for recommending it to the clergy. Remarks 'For years past the principal reason of the circulation not being more extended is owing to the little support received from the Irish Clergy. Remarks that he will continue to promote and support the 'Dublin Review'.

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning O'Connell's subscription to the Guarantee Fund of the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning O'Connell's subscription to the Guarantee Fund of the 'Dublin Review' due for the years 1841 and 1842. Refers to heavy losses he has suffered as a result of the publication and that a different plan for the 'Dublin Review' has been arranged by Dr Wiseman whereby the authors of articles will receive '...the proceeds of the sales after paying the printing expenses - for their remuneration.'

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Copy letter from Frederick Lucas to Daniel O'Connell concerning a letter written by O'Connell to Lucas

Copy letter from Frederick Lucas, 25 Pembroke square, Kensington, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning a letter written by O'Connell to Lucas and the split between O'Connell and the Young Irelanders. Remarks that the letter gave him '...very great pain...' Remarks '...I feel most deeply mortified that any words I can have used in the 'Tablet' or elsewhere should have received from you...the hateful interpretation which is implied.' Apologises for any hurt or upset caused. Continues by commenting on O'Connell's letter and defends his position and opinion with regard to the Young Irelanders and other political matters. Remarks 'It is and it will be more than ever, my task in the 'Tablet' to urge upon them the unsoundness of their views in many points'. Refers to a letter he (Lucas) received from Rev. Dr. R. J. Whitty commenting on the Young Irelanders. Includes a copy of the letter in question (29 August [ ], 2pp). Expresses his dismay at O'Connell's accusations that he (Lucas) has '...joined against...'O'Connell. Remarks the this is 'unfounded'.

Lucas, Frederick, 1812-1855, journalist and politician

Letter from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to [ ] recommending various sources for Catholic members of the House of Commons for their argument against the supremacy of the Crown

Letter from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to [ ]. Recommends various sources for J[ohn] O’Connell and other Catholic members of the House of Commons for their argument against the supremacy of the Crown. Suggests that they identify themselves, in this matter, ‘with all the Presbyterians of Ireland & Scotland as well as with the other Dissenters in denouncing & repudiating the Royal Supremacy’, and in doing so, gain support. Also refers to the Catholic episcopacy and the Reformation.

Letters from Fr John Etheridge SJ to a Jesuit concerning a legal opinion he obtained on property belonging to the Society of Jesus in England

Letters from Fr John Etheridge SJ, London & Liverpool to Fr [ ] SJ concerning a legal opinion he obtained on property belonging to the Society of Jesus in England. Remarks that counsel stated that the Society would become liable to the investigation of the Commissioners for Charitable Trusts. Continues '…I shall keep as quiet as I can and instruct our people that our properties belong to those individuals who are named in the deeds and can be disposed of by them as they see best, without any obligation of trust.'

Etheridge, John, 1811-1882, Jesuit priest

Letters from Henry Reeve to Dr Charles Russell concerning publications and articles written by Russell

A file of letters from Henry Reeve to Dr Charles Russell concerning publications and articles written by Russell and mutual areas of interest and research. Praises Russell's work and discusses the publication of his work in the Review (the Dublin Review) (15 December 1858, 4pp).

Reeve, Henry, 1813-1895, journalist

Letter from Henry Bagshawe to Dr Charles Russell

Letter from Henry Bagshawe to Dr Charles Russell concerning an [article] he has written. Remarks that even though the extracts are too long he does not wish to cut them out. Includes a biographical note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist).

Bagshawe, Henry Ridgard, 1799-1870, barrister and judge

Letters from Fr Nicholas Wiseman to Dr Charles Russell on the 'Dublin Review'

A file of letters from Fr Nicholas Wiseman (later Cardinal) to Dr Charles Russell. Includes a letter remarking that due to ill health he cannot edit the next issue of the Dublin Review. Remarks that he has been in contact with Thomas Richardson regarding the impending ownership of the Dublin Review 'Let us get over this one crisis more and please God the Review will be safe. Richardson is determined to push it, it will succeed.' ([ ]1844, 7pp). Includes a letter remarking 'Richardson takes the 'Review' upon our terms...I feel confident...that in his hands the 'Review' will be pushed forward very differently from the past.' Remarks that he hopes Dr. Russell '...may be able to get your friends to write for us.' Concludes 'If the [secret] history of the D.R. were known to the public how strange it would appear - so often in the pains of sinking yet always rescued.' ([ ] 1844, 6pp). Discusses potential articles for the Dublin Review (27 April 1846, 4pp). Refers to the quality of articles appearing in the Review and remarks 'The Review is not deep. It wants some more reasoning and original articles...As for my own article...I ran off the rails and could not bring out what I wanted. Let us get something good for next time.' (2 October 1952, 2pp). Refers again to the type of articles published by the Review. Remarks 'Do you think we are getting into too few hands? Ward, De Morgan, Christie, Newman, Allies etc. have written for us...surely the convert element ought to be more cultivated and I must own I believe the fault lies in our having a mere business editor and no recognised literary one who enjoys the confidence of our learned men. I see the growing narrowness of our work and deplore it. Never a paper on Physics, Astronomical discoveries, Chemistry, Electricity, Steam, Railroads, Physiology, Medicine, Geology, Botany, Law Reform nor even on Politics in the wider sense. Never any article on foreign countries except the bleak north - I mean an original paper. W. B. cannot possibly attend to getting people to write and he has no influence. We shall never do as we ought till something is done to widen our range of topics and writers (18 February 1853, 8pp). Refers to a letter he has written to Dr Newman concerning the Dublin Review and '...begging of him not to enter into any plans for a new Review as we might get all we wanted out of our present one.' (3 January 1857, 3pp). Discusses the unsatisfactory situation regarding the publisher of the Dublin Review. Remarks 'I am satisfied that our only chance of success is a new publisher. If this is not feasible the 'Review' must drop for we cannot possibly go on in the present unsatisfactory manner.' Refers to a 'coalition' with the Rambler and remarks this is impossible. (11 April 1862, 4pp).

Wiseman, Nicholas, 1802-1865, Cardinal and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster

Suggestion to write to Irish Fr Provincial for permission for Fr Costa to return from Malta to act as chaplain to Lady Margaret Frances Domville

Letter from [ ], writing from 9 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London, to Dr Anderson. Suggests that the latter should apply to the Irish Fr Provincial for permission for Fr Costa to return from Malta to act as chaplain to Lady Margaret Frances Domville of Santry House. A word or phrase has been cut out of this letter.

Letters from William E. Gladstone to Dr Charles Russell concerning research on British history

A file of letters from William E. Gladstone to Dr Charles Russell concerning research on British history that both men are involved in. Includes a letter referring to correspondence held in the Vatican Archives that would be of interest (20 August 1864, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to Maynooth College and repairs that need to be carried out (16 November 1864, 4pp).

Gladstone, William Ewart, 1809-1898, prime minister and author

Letters from William George Ward to Dr Charles Russell

A file of letters from William George Ward to Dr Charles Russell concerning his writing and Dr Russell's criticism of same. Refers to Dr Newman's Apologia and to the Dublin Review (7 January 1865, 8pp, 10 January 1865, 3pp and 21 January 1865, 8pp).

Ward, William George, 1812-1882, theologian and mathematician

Letter from Sir Charles Gavan Duffy to Dr Charles Russell

Letter from Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, Grosvenor Hotel [London] to Dr. Charles Russell. Refers to a journey he undertook to Ireland to visit old friends and remarks that he read Dr Newman's Apologia on the voyage home.

Duffy, Sir, Charles Gavan, 1816-1903, politician and journalist

Letter from John Cashel Hoey to Dr Charles Russell concerning articles on Ireland becoming more prominent in the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from John Cashel Hoey, 18 [Denleigh] Street, London, England to Dr Charles Russell concerning articles on Ireland becoming more prominent in the Dublin Review. Refers to an obituary he and Dr Manning are writing for 'the Cardinal' and asks for information '...he (Dr Manning) suggested that you and Mr Bagshawe are probably best acquainted with the facts of the Cardinal's connexion with the foundation and early conduct of the Review.'

Hoey, John Cashel, 1828-1892, author, editor of the Nation, and administrator

Letters to Dr Charles Russell concerning his book on the Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti

A file of letters to Dr Charles Russell concerning his book on the Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti, 'The life of Cardinal Mezzofanti; with an introductory memoir of eminent linguists, ancient and modern', Longman, Brown, and Co, London, 1858

The letters offer praise and compliments to Dr Russell and suggestions for a second edition of the book. The following is a list of the people who wrote to Dr Russell concerning his book on Cardinal Mezzofanti:

25 March 1859; George [ ]

7 June 1858; P. J. [Aerts]

17 April - 7 May 1855; Edward Badely

23 August 1866; L'Abbe Blanchot

19 January 1859; [ J. B. Borrcho]

4 February 1863; F. C. Brooke

25 August - 3 November 1858; Lord Broughman

11 July 1860; A. Bruni SJ

16 October 1858; [ ] Bunsen

6 May 1858; L. Major Cavagnari

13 April - 26 August [ ]; John Dalberg Acton (Lord Acton)

3 [ ] 1858; Luigi Da Via

22 December 1859; Joseph Barnard Davis

n.d.; Auguste Donnet

19 May [ ]; James E. Doyle

11 February 1859; [Fernando]

21 April 1958; Goodwin Son & [ ]

5 May 1858; Thomas Grant

5 October - 1 December 1858; Imperial Austrian Legation

19 - 28 April 1860; Evan Jones

4 July 1858; Pierre Le Croix

23 April 1858 - 9 March 1860; Longman Brown and Company

6 May 1858; E. C. Lewis

[1858]; Henry E. Manning (later Cardinal)

17 June 1858; Patrick F. Moran (later Cardinal)

25 May 1858; John Morris

[ ] 1858; A. Pezzanat

5 - 10 May [1858]; E. H. Reeves

19 April 1852; James Roche

2 March 1858; James Hope Scott

12 May 1858; [ ] Shilman

15 June 1858; W. H. Smyth

[1858]-[1859]; James Spencer Northcote

5 May 1858; A. P. Stanley

15 [ ] 1856; Franco Venditti

9 May 1858; Dr. [Wals]

19 April 1855; Charles Ward[ ]th

29 March 1858 - 12 February 1863; Thomas Watts

[1857]; Vladimir Petcherine

Letters to Fr Robert Haly SJ

  • IE IJA J/473/5
  • File
  • 26 April 1810 - 8 December 1869
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters written by various people to Fr Robert Haly SJ:

  • Includes a letter from Fr Murphy SJ referring to the polka. Remarks '…I do not consider it, absolutely speaking, a proximate occasion of sin, as I have the assurance of some reliable young persons of both sexes that they never found any harm in it (nd, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Drinan SJ, Sant' Andrea, Rome describing his life as a novice in the Society of Jesus. Describes his fellow novices (21 March 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Hardwicke Street, Dublin referring to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Remarks that he has returned from the Isle of Man. Continues '…(he has) done much good amongst those poor neglected Catholics. But now they are without a priest and of course will fall back again into the old way.' (28 August 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Francis Mahony (Prout) concerning his ordination to Deaconship ([ ] 1828, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr St Leger SJ. Refers to the woods at Clongowes. Remarks that new trees have been planted and hundreds of old trees have been cut down. Refers to Daniel O'Connell 'Mr O'Connell hopes to enter Parliament by a clause in the Act of Union which only requires the oath of abjuration, which was abolished…C. Butler of London has published his opinion that Mr O'Connell's admittance to Parliament cannot be refused according to law…' Includes a note from Fr Peter Kenney SJ at the end of the letter concerning the death of Fr Haly's uncle, Robert in Calcutta on 27 July 1826 (30 September, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from [ ], Clongowes Wood College concerning Christmas celebrations in Clongowes. Refers to the church services and remarks that the Parisian Cope made its first appearance and 'dazzled the natives'. Remarks that the number of scholars in the college is small and many vacancies exist. Refers to Fr Aylmer and Fr St Leger and their plans to erect a new chapel in Dublin. Refers to Fr Moran's departure for Buenos Ayres. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell's determination to go to Parliament (5 January 1829, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from George Oliver, St Nicholas' Priory, Exeter containing queries about members of the Society in Ireland for a publication he is preparing (17 July 1838, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning his stay in Rome. Describes dining with Fr General on St Stanislaus Day (23 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Sheehan SJ, Roman College concerning news from Rome and general Society matters. Reports that Fr General is pleased with all the Provinces under his direction and has expressed a wish to open a Japanese Mission (30 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bartholomew Esmonde SJ, Al Gesu, Rome enclosing a sketch of his design for the altar at St Francis Xavier's Church, Gardiner Street, Dublin (9 February 1842, 3pp).
  • Includes a transcription of the same letter, 9 February 1842, by Fr Francis Finegan SJ [1975].
  • Includes a letter from Fr Bartholomew Esmonde, SJ, San Calcedonio, Malta concerning the suspension of Fr Rillo by the Bishop. Remarks that the business has become public due to the intervention of Lord Clifford (25 July 1842, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Cunningham SJ, Rome. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell. Refers to Fr Rillo and remarks that he is no longer in Malta. Remarks '…after his justification had been fully established he removed to Palermo. Mr Esmonde is authorised to select whom he pleases to succeed the former.' (25 November 1843, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Esmonde concerning his missionary work in Malta. Remarks 'I have a curious time of it here, strange folks as if all the odd fish of the Mediterranean had climbed up on this rock.' Refers to a new church opened by the Protestants on the island. Refers to the power of the government a governor of the island who control everything (15 November 1844, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Lynch, SJ, Church of St Joseph, Willings Alley, Philadelphia, PA describing his surroundings (1 February 1840, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Gaffney concerning the Archbishop's (Dr Cullen) decision to prohibit the dancing of the polka. Discusses the implications of this decision and expresses the opinion that the Society should not pursue a different course of action to the clergy of Dublin and rural areas (20 January 1858, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bishop George Browne of Elphin concerning a retreat to be conducted by Fr Robert Haly SJ. Refers to the parishioners eagerness for a mission (19 April 1858, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from the Bishop of Clonfert, John Derry agreeing to consecrate the Society's church in Galway (11 May 186[ ]), 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ granting Fr Haly privileges with regard to his mission work (26 September 1867, 3pp).
    Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ advising Fr Haly on how to deal with confessors who declare they are members of the Fenians (8 December 1869, 4p

Letter from John Cashel Hoey to Dr Charles Russell concerning Professors at Maynooth College

Letter from John Cashel Hoey, 17 Campden Hill Road, Kensington, London, England to Dr. Russell concerning Professors [at Maynooth College]. Remarks '...I cannot understand Mr. Gladstone's action in the matter...the letters which I sent Mr. Crolley are evidence that he knew the Professors were not satisfied and was at least willing to consider how they could be satisfied. Continues 'I do not at all despair of getting the proviso inserted in the Lords.'

Hoey, John Cashel, 1828-1892, author, editor of the Nation, and administrator

The book of almanacs

The book of almanacs with an index of reference, by which the almanac may be found for every year, whether in old style or new, from any epoch, ancient or modern, up to A.D. 2000. With means of finding the day of any new or full moon from B.C. 2000 to A.D. 2000.
Author:Augustus De Morgan
Edition:2d ed View all formats and editions
Publisher: J. Walton, London, 1871

Letter from Richard Clarke SJ, Manresa House, Roehampton, England in relation to the progress of Brother Brady

Letter from Richard Clarke SJ to the Father Rector of [ ]. Writes from Manresa in relation to the progress of Brother Brady, who, he believes, would benefit from the Belgian system of education, as he requires supervision in order to improve.

Clarke, Richard, 1839-1900, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Peter Gallwey SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ

Letter from Fr Peter Gallwey SJ, writing from Manresa, to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ. Reports that he did not allow Br Brady to take his vows; that Br Flynn is working very well, and that Fottrell is ‘a very holy young man.’ Discusses the novitiate in general, and claims that St. Ignatius never intended a novitiate so contemplative.

Gallwey, Peter, 1820-1906, Jesuit priest

Letters from Charles Russell to the Bishop of Dromore concerning a remark by the Bishop on an opinion expressed by Charles Russell

A file of letters from Charles Russell, 74 Harley Street, London to Rev. John Pius Leahy O.P., Bishop of Dromore concerning a remark by the Bishop on an opinion expressed by Charles Russell about [education]. With inscription, printed in Irish Monthly, November 1908.

Russell, Charles, 1832-1900, Baron Russell of Killowen, lord chief justice of England and Wales

Letter from Fr Edward Purbrick SJ, Stonyhurst College, to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ

Letter from Fr Edward Purbrick SJ, Stonyhurst College, to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ. Announces that some [brothers/ scholastics] are to form a class at Manresa that year ‘to prepare that matter of the 1st B.A. Examination in the University of London.’ Discusses the first and second B.A. examinations. Suggests that Fr John O'Carroll SJ should be capable of teaching Matriculation subjects.

Purbrick, Edward I, 1830-1914, Jesuit priest

Letters from Francis Knollys, to Dr Charles Russell

A file of letters from Francis Knollys, [Private Secretary to the Prince of Wales] to Dr Charles Russell. Includes a letter thanking Dr. Russell for a publication sent to the Prince of Wales (1 May 1868, 2pp).

Knollys, Francis, 1837-1924, 1st Viscount Knollys and courtier

Letter from Fr Alfred Weld SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ reporting that he has relics, and the health of some Irish Jesuits

Letter from Fr Alfred Weld SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ. Reports that he has come into possession of ‘some good relics’, and undertakes to send some to Ireland. Refers to Fr Carbery's health, and asserts that a new rector for Clongowes should be appointed as soon as possible. Also refers to Fr Ronan, and the decorations in his church, and to [W] Lynch. Comments on the fact that ‘someone in England has written strongly against the London University’.

Weld, Alfred, 1823-1890, Jesuit priest

Letter from publishers to Fr Joseph O'Malley SJ, concerning his manuscript entitled 'The Complete Theory of Music'

Letter from Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, English and American Publishers, Colonial and Continental Booksellers, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, London to Fr Joseph O'Malley SJ, St Aloysius College, Waikari, Dunedin, New Zealand concerning his manuscript entitled 'The Complete Theory of Music' and the details of its publication.

O'Malley, Joseph, 1832-1910, Jesuit priest

Letters from Lord Carlingford to John O'Hagan

A file of letters from Lord Carlingford to John O'Hagan concerning a '...short memorandum on the Evidence...' Includes a letter remarking that he will raise the issue with the Cabinet (21 June 1883 , 4pp).

Parkinson-Fortescue, Chichester, 1823-1898, 2nd Baron Clermont and 1st Baron Carlingford

Copy correspondence between James Campbell and Messrs. Blount, Lynch and Petre concerning the charges on Garrisker and the rate

  • IE IJA J/38/5
  • Item
  • 31 March - 6 April 1886
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Copy correspondence between James Campbell, 10 Inns Quay, Dublin and Messrs. Blount, Lynch and Petre, Fitzalan House, Arundel Street, Strand, London concerning the charges on Garrisker and the rate of six per cent. Remarks that Mr. A. D. Nicolls is anxious for a settlement (31 March 1886).

Blount, Lynch and Petre, solicitors

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province. A note states 'Possibly all are in Memorials Ir. Prov.' Some notes in other hand, post-date Grene.

Browne, Thomas
Burke, William
Butler, James

Cunningham, John
Curtis, John

Ferguson, Charles

Gannon, Nicholas

Halpin, Thomas
Haly, Robert
Hayes, James Mark
Hearne, John

Kavanagh, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kernan, Edward

Lentaigne, Joseph
Lynch, Henry
Lynch, John

McDonnell, James

O'Callaghan, Sylvester
O'Connor, John
O'Farrell, Michael
O'Reilly, Edmund

Rorke, Henry
Ryder, Alexander

Seaver, Matthew
Sheehan, Patrick
Stackowski, Francis Xavier

Letter from Fr John Morris SJ to Fr Nicholas Walsh SJ in relation to the process of canonisation for the two Dominican martyrs

Letter from Fr John Morris SJ in London to Fr Nicholas Walsh SJ. Writes in relation to the process for the canonisation of two Dominican martyrs, about whom Fr Walsh wrote to him, and explains that the Archbishop’s Court [in London] is closed, and the Process has been sent to Rome. States that although they died in England, they do not necessarily have to go through the English Process, and suggests that he avails of the Court of the Archbishop of Dublin.

Morris, John, 1826-1893, Jesuit priest

Letter from Ellen Russell, London, England to her mother concerning Charles Russell's speech in court

Letter from Ellen (nee Mulholland) Russell, 86 Harley Street, London, England to her mother concerning Charles Russell's (her husband) speech in court. Remarks 'I have just returned from the court after hearing the end of "the speech" and my head is so full I can hardly speak or write...I feel I can never thank God enough that I have lived to see this day. My Darling has had a fearful task to accomplish and he has done it well...' Continues '...I believe he has raised the Irish cause to a position which it never before held in the eyes of the people of England.' Describes the packed court room and the congratulations she received after the speech 'Dear old Mrs Gladstone caught my hand in both of hers and said "it was inspiration; I believe it has all been done by prayers" - just as a Catholic might say.'

Russell, Ellen, 1836-1918

Letters from Thomas W. Allies to Fr Matthew Russell SJ

  • IE IJA J/27/5
  • File
  • 16 May 1887 - 1 April 1897
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Thomas W. Allies, 82 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, England, Inishbofin, County Galway, Ireland and 3 Lodge Place, St Hohn's Wood, London, England to Fr Matthew Russell SJ.

Allies, Thomas William, 1813-1903, English historical writer

The estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation

A file relating to the estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation between Raphael Ambrose Biale, Plaintiff and Frs Timothy Kenny, Alfred Murphy and Christina Hodgens, Alice Chamberlain, Anne Healy, Mary Lentaigne, Emily O'Brien, Mary Anne Cleary and Jane Denehey.

Letters from English Fr Provincial Reginald Colley SJ to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ concerning the special commission on Higher Studies

Letters from English Fr Provincial Reginald Colley SJ, 31 Farm Street, London to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ concerning the special commission on Higher Studies. The commission was established to investigate how to adapt the courses offered to Scholastics to modern needs and difficulties.

Colley, Reginald, 1848-1904, Jesuit priest

Letters from Hilaire Belloc to Fr Matthew Russell SJ

  • IE IJA J/27/15
  • File
  • 28 October 1888 - 13 January 1911
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Hilaire Belloc to Fr Matthew Russell SJ. Includes a reference to the French elections. ‘Are you not delighted at the result of the French elections? I am. I do not like Kings...’. (30 October [ ], 3pp). Refers to articles he wishes to contribute to the Irish Monthly. (nd, 4pp). Discusses his future career ‘I have for the last week been visiting various people of importance with a view to choosing a profession, I want to be earning soon; I believe that my mathematics...will help me in Engineering - but I never live except when I am on the water.’ Refers also to his writing and describes it as ‘...the work of a boy, it is like those nasty little plums that come on the young wild plumtrees in the forest of Marly.’ Continues ‘But if you ask me why I write as I do, I will tell you this much: that in the circle of newspapers of criticism of perfectly turned verses, of madly-hunted ideas, I am all at sea. I would have it that no man should write who was not a zealot for something and when I desire, I desire the hills and the sea. I desire the faces of men and women not some unjust imitations. And I desire above all that free and happy forbearance and that perfection of charity which this country is absolutely unable to give.’ (5 February 1889, 4pp). Refers to writing and editing and remarks ‘If I ever become an editor I shall accept everything that touches me - irrespective of merit and shall refuse all well known names. There is a club in Paris called “La Decadence” into which no one cannot (sic) be admitted whose work has not been refused three times!’ (20 April 1889, 4pp). Refers to the Great War and remarks that he is looking forward to it ‘It will sweep Europe like a broom, it will make Kings jump like coffee beans on the roaster...’. Asks Fr. Russell to choose a composition from a ‘batch’. (30 June 1889, 4pp). Enquires why some of his verses have not appeared in the Irish Monthly. Remarks ‘I didn’t love it (The Irish Monthly) half as much as I should have done if my “poor thing but mine own” had been in it.’ (nd, 2pp). Refers to a visit he made to Ireland. Observes that ‘The Country is getting richer and it is high time. The Irish have too much political sense to boast of any success: they insist rather on what they need than on what they have, which is the right way to go about politics; but very soon people over here will wake up to find Ireland transformed.’ (1 January 1910, 2pp). Remarks that suggestions have been made to him to write a Catholic essay on the history of England ‘...but the only thing I can afford to write is a Catholic School history...’ (13 January 1911, 1p).

Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953, British-French writer and historian

Letters from R.W. May, 1 Gresham Road, Brixton, S.W., London

  • IE IJA J/7/96
  • File
  • 20 April 1912-1 January 1913
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from R.W. May, 1 Gresham Road, Brixton, S.W., London, (Mrs Lily Odell is his sister) enquiring after fellow passengers, requesting copies and promising to share photographs, and thanks for sending on a copy of The Belvederian, which contains Browne’s article on the Titanic.

May, R. W.

Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file relating to the Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ:

  • "Programme of Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May, 1 June, 2 June and 4 June 1914 (5 copies, 4pp each);
  • "Luncheon Card" for Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - May 31st;
  • invitation Card for dinner at Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May 1914. It included travel arrangements to and from Kingsbridge Station, Dublin (2 copies);
  • programme for "Cricket Match, Band Performance" Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 4 June 1914. Included is the programme of music for the day, performed by HM 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment (4pp);
  • "Centenary Dinner" Menu, 31 May 1914. Includes the programme of music performed by The Band of the Queen's Own Hussars (2pp);
  • accounts sheet showing a list of donors to the "Clongowes Wood College SJ Centenary Fund" (7pp);
  • list which is prepared by students for students "The Clongowes Centenary" on how to prepare for this event (14 February 1914, 1p);
  • Clongowes Wood College "School Song". Music by WH Grattan-Flood, Mus D, KSG. Woods by JEC (2 copies, 2p each);
  • letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan outlining discussion and decisions to the Centenary planning committee, and inviting response. (16 February 1914, 2pp);
  • letter from Michael F O'Dwyer, Government House, Lahore, Pakistan, a past pupil of St Stanislaus College SJ, Tullabeg, sending a donation to the Centenary Fund, and wising the committee well (24 Match 1914, 1p);
  • formal invitation card from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Community of Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ to the Centenary Celebrations 31 May 1914, beginning with Pontifical High Mass;
  • photocopy an article in 'The Freeman's Journal' giving a full account of the Centenary celebrations, including the sermon of Fr Robert Kane SJ, and the other speeches of the day, including an address to and reply from Mr John E Redmond. It also includes a page of photographs from the event (1 June 1914, 3pp);
  • original copy of a follow up article on the Centenary in the "Freeman's Journal" (6 June 2014, 4pp);
  • copy of letter from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ to Mr John Redmond MP, inviting him to form a fundraising Committee for Clongowes Wood College SJ among other past pupils in London and throughout England and Scotland (19 June 2014, 2pp).

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

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