“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
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“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
Letters from publishers Browne Nolan Ltd. agreeing to publish his book 'The Reform of the Medieval Irish Church'
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Letters from publishers Browne Nolan Ltd. agreeing to publish his book 'The Reform of the Medieval Irish Church'
Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ
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Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Letters written to Irish Fr Provincial expressing dissatisfaction at Fr Tom Cooney's return to China
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Letters written to Irish Fr Provincial expressing dissatisfaction at Fr Tom Cooney's return to China
Will of Elizabeth Cahill
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Will of Elizabeth Cahill
Annual Lenten Calendars for St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
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Annual Lenten Calendars for St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
Annual Lenten Calendars and Souvenirs of Novenas of Grace at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
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Annual Lenten Calendars and Souvenirs of Novenas of Grace at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
Will of Joseph Ryan
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Will of Joseph Ryan
Material relating to the Irish Jesuit Mission Office (The Ricci Mission Unit) based in Ireland
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Material relating to the Irish Jesuit Mission Office (The Ricci Mission Unit) based in Ireland
Fr Patrick Coffey SJ
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Fr Patrick Coffey SJ
Insurance policies held by the Jesuit Fathers, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
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Insurance policies held by the Jesuit Fathers, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Appreciations of Fr Willie Doyle SJ
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Appreciations of Fr Willie Doyle SJ
Will of Mr Arthur McCann
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Will of Mr Arthur McCann
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from H. George Fletcher, Director of Fordham University Press
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Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from H. George Fletcher, Director of Fordham University Press
Letters from Graham Urch, George Brown & Son Ltd, Pharmacists, Dublin to Fr Frank Browne SJ
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Letters from Graham Urch, George Brown & Son Ltd, Pharmacists, Dublin to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Fr James T Casey SJ
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Fr James T Casey SJ
Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows
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Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows
Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England
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Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England
Cutting from the 'Irish Times' of an article entitled 'Red Threat To The Faith'
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Cutting from the 'Irish Times' of an article entitled 'Red Threat To The Faith'
Letters to Edward Boyd Barrett from publishers concerning publication and distribution, and reviews of 'Strength of Will'
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Letters to Edward Boyd Barrett from publishers concerning publication and distribution, and reviews of 'Strength of Will'
Departure file for Colm A Barry
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Departure file for Colm A Barry
Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933
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Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
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Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Irish Jesuit Mission bequest from Nora Hubbard, Dromatimore, Coachford, County Cork
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Irish Jesuit Mission bequest from Nora Hubbard, Dromatimore, Coachford, County Cork
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
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Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
File relating to a bequest for £883-11
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File relating to a bequest for £883-11
Lodgement receipts from The National Bank Limited in Fr Finlay’s account
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Lodgement receipts from The National Bank Limited in Fr Finlay’s account
Letters from Jane Barlow, The Cottage, Raheny, County Dublin to Fr Matthew Russell SJ
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Letters from Jane Barlow, The Cottage, Raheny, County Dublin to Fr Matthew Russell SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence J. Kieran SJ from Fr Richard L. Guilly SJ regarding proposed trip to Dublin and the chaplains under his care
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Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence J. Kieran SJ from Fr Richard L. Guilly SJ regarding proposed trip to Dublin and the chaplains under his care
The establishment of an Mungret College Apostolic School
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The establishment of an Mungret College Apostolic School
Postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ
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Postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ
Status Temporalis for 'Studies'
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Status Temporalis for 'Studies'
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial and printed pamphlets relating to the First World War
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Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial and printed pamphlets relating to the First World War
Permission note from E. Rooney, Aer Lingus for Fr Frank Browne SJ to be allowed photograph aircraft at Dublin Airport, Collinstown
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Permission note from E. Rooney, Aer Lingus for Fr Frank Browne SJ to be allowed photograph aircraft at Dublin Airport, Collinstown
Will of Philip Francis Little
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Will of Philip Francis Little
Rateable valuation of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
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Rateable valuation of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from James White, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, concerning the acquisition from a Mr Stewart Thomson
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Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from James White, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, concerning the acquisition from a Mr Stewart Thomson
Letters from Sir Robert Peel to to Dr Charles Russell
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Letters from Sir Robert Peel to to Dr Charles Russell
Material relating to the proposed rebuilding of St Francis Xavier's Hall, Upper Sherrard Street
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Material relating to the proposed rebuilding of St Francis Xavier's Hall, Upper Sherrard Street
Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, 1907-1915
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Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, 1907-1915
Invitation card, order of service and hymn sheet for the service of remembrance
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Invitation card, order of service and hymn sheet for the service of remembrance
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr General outlining the reasons why he feels the novitiate transferred from Formosa to Hong Kong
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Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr General outlining the reasons why he feels the novitiate transferred from Formosa to Hong Kong
Letters from Mr Willie Doyle SJ, 1897-1906
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Letters from Mr Willie Doyle SJ, 1897-1906
Correspondence between Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin, and Irish Provincials Thomas Byrne and Michael O'Grady
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Correspondence between Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin, and Irish Provincials Thomas Byrne and Michael O'Grady
Hand bills advertising pantomimes in St Francis Xavier's Pioneer Hall, Upper Sherrard Street
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Hand bills advertising pantomimes in St Francis Xavier's Pioneer Hall, Upper Sherrard Street
Letters from Willie Doyle, 1886-1896
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Letters from Willie Doyle, 1886-1896
Departure file for Thomas Gallagher
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Departure file for Thomas Gallagher
Two articles on ‘The Functions of a Chaplain in a College of Third Level Education’
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Two articles on ‘The Functions of a Chaplain in a College of Third Level Education’
Spiritual bouquet and poem by Fr Diarmuid Ó Laoghaire SJ in honour of Fr John MacErlean's jubilee
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Spiritual bouquet and poem by Fr Diarmuid Ó Laoghaire SJ in honour of Fr John MacErlean's jubilee
Assignment for lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin
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Assignment for lands of Newtown, Castlebancroft and Fazakerlys, County Dublin
Letters from Cardinal Cullen to Fr John Curtis SJ granting permission to Fr Curtis to preach and lead devotions
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Letters from Cardinal Cullen to Fr John Curtis SJ granting permission to Fr Curtis to preach and lead devotions
Appointment of Fr Frank Browne SJ as an Honorary Chaplain to the Forces 3rd Class
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Appointment of Fr Frank Browne SJ as an Honorary Chaplain to the Forces 3rd Class
Aubrey Gwynn asking his father to become a Jesuit
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Aubrey Gwynn asking his father to become a Jesuit
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
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Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
Notebooks containing theological notes belonging to Fr Arthur Little SJ
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Notebooks containing theological notes belonging to Fr Arthur Little SJ
Letters from Mr Richard Ingram SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial asking permission to smoke tobacco
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Letters from Mr Richard Ingram SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial asking permission to smoke tobacco
Letter from Thomas Furlong, Bishop of Ferns to Fr Robert Kelly SJ where he describes his plans for the introduction of the temperance movement in his diocese
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Letter from Thomas Furlong, Bishop of Ferns to Fr Robert Kelly SJ where he describes his plans for the introduction of the temperance movement in his diocese
Copy of Agreement and Deed of Charge between Modern Homes (Dublin) Limited and Dublin Corporation
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Copy of Agreement and Deed of Charge between Modern Homes (Dublin) Limited and Dublin Corporation
Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1950
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Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1950
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial from newly appointed chaplains concerning their arrangements for departure
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Letters to Irish Fr Provincial from newly appointed chaplains concerning their arrangements for departure
Triennial Documents, 1927 - 1930
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Triennial Documents, 1927 - 1930
Research carried out by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on his family tree
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Research carried out by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on his family tree
Account book for Dublin Food Supply Society Ltd
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Account book for Dublin Food Supply Society Ltd
Disputation theses from Milltown Park, Dublin
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Disputation theses from Milltown Park, Dublin
Irish Jesuit Mission bequest from John Harrington
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Irish Jesuit Mission bequest from John Harrington
Letters from Dr E.C. Nelson, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin to Fr Daniel Shields SJ
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Letters from Dr E.C. Nelson, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin to Fr Daniel Shields SJ
Letters to Fr John Conmee SJ written by, and on behalf of, Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin
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Letters to Fr John Conmee SJ written by, and on behalf of, Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin
Proposal for a new edition for Rodriquez’s ‘ “Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection” for use in English-speaking Countries.’
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Proposal for a new edition for Rodriquez’s ‘ “Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection” for use in English-speaking Countries.’
Copy letter from Rev James Tuite SJ, Irish Provincial to Fr James A. Cullen concerning Fr Cullen’s entrance to the noviceship
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Copy letter from Rev James Tuite SJ, Irish Provincial to Fr James A. Cullen concerning Fr Cullen’s entrance to the noviceship
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
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Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Construction of a boundary wall at Killiney Castle
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Construction of a boundary wall at Killiney Castle
Letters from Mary Banim, Greenfield, Dalkey, County Dublin to Fr Matthew Russell SJ
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Letters from Mary Banim, Greenfield, Dalkey, County Dublin to Fr Matthew Russell SJ
Letters from Fr Daniel J Finn SJ to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ concerning his life and work in Hong Kong
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Letters from Fr Daniel J Finn SJ to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ concerning his life and work in Hong Kong
Fr Bernard Page SJ
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Fr Bernard Page SJ
Material relating to the seismograph in Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
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Material relating to the seismograph in Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Will of John C. Mackey
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Will of John C. Mackey
Material relating to the performance of a play entitled 'Matt Talbot, The Holy Dublin Labourer' by Daniel Gibbons performed in St Francis Xavier's Hall
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Material relating to the performance of a play entitled 'Matt Talbot, The Holy Dublin Labourer' by Daniel Gibbons performed in St Francis Xavier's Hall
Circulars from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ relating to Extraordinary Permissions renewed by Fr General
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Circulars from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ relating to Extraordinary Permissions renewed by Fr General
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial relating to a letter from Fr General ‘On the combating of modern Atheism’
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Letter from Irish Fr Provincial relating to a letter from Fr General ‘On the combating of modern Atheism’
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to education, finance and formation
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Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to education, finance and formation
Photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ
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Photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ
Will of Professor John Casey
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Will of Professor John Casey
Departure file for William Flanagan
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Departure file for William Flanagan
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland
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Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland
Letters relating to a small plot of land between Rathfarnham Castle and the golf course and the decision of the golf club to sell the plot of land to a builder
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Letters relating to a small plot of land between Rathfarnham Castle and the golf course and the decision of the golf club to sell the plot of land to a builder
Photographs of First World War scenes
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Photographs of First World War scenes
Letters from Dr Blanche Touhill to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on news, and reviews of her book
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Letters from Dr Blanche Touhill to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on news, and reviews of her book
Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin
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Correspondence with Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin
Fr John Chula SJ
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Fr John Chula SJ
Photograph of the Rathfarnham Castle community on the occasion of Fr Swain's visit
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Photograph of the Rathfarnham Castle community on the occasion of Fr Swain's visit
Family photograph with Fr Willie Doyle SJ
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Family photograph with Fr Willie Doyle SJ
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Brendan O'Brien concerning William Smith O’Brien
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Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Brendan O'Brien concerning William Smith O’Brien
Departure file for Edward FitzMaurice
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Departure file for Edward FitzMaurice
Letters from Henry Reeve to Dr Charles Russell concerning publications and articles written by Russell
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Letters from Henry Reeve to Dr Charles Russell concerning publications and articles written by Russell
Appointment of Spiritual Directors for 'An Ríoghacht' study circles
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Appointment of Spiritual Directors for 'An Ríoghacht' study circles
Notes on, and from the Fenian Papers in the State Paper Office
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Notes on, and from the Fenian Papers in the State Paper Office
Letters from John Edward Pigot to Dr Charles Russell
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Letters from John Edward Pigot to Dr Charles Russell
Postcards of Dun Laoghaire and ‘views of Dalkey’
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Postcards of Dun Laoghaire and ‘views of Dalkey’
Material on the Triduum held in honour of the coming to Dublin of the reliquary containing the right arm of St Francis Xavier
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Material on the Triduum held in honour of the coming to Dublin of the reliquary containing the right arm of St Francis Xavier
Fr Denis Gilmore SJ
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Fr Denis Gilmore SJ