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Letter from Fr Robert Haly SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

Letter from Fr Robert Haly SJ, Clongowes Wood, Kildare to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning Fr Gahan's will. Remarks that as one of the legatees named in the will he agrees to assign any property he is entitled to, to Dr. Briggs.

Haly, Robert, 1796-1882, Jesuit priest

Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ

Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ (Vice-Provincial), Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning Fr Gahan's will. Remarks that he has only found a copy of the will and remarks 'I look upon the case a quite a hopeless one.' Continues 'The original will and whatever title deeds were in existence, I conclude from these letters, went into the possession of Father Aylmer - what became of them since there is nothing to inform us.' Concludes 'Should you think it necessary to write to this gentleman now in the Isle of Man to Dr Briggs or to any other of the inheritors, I take the liberty of telling you not to do so, till you previously allow me to wait on you…'

O'Shaughnessy, James

Letter from Thomas Penswick, Bishop of Liverpool to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ

Letter from Thomas Penswick, Bishop of Liverpool to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Catholic Chapel, Douglas, Isle of Man concerning rent money due to General Goldie for the chapel and garden occupied by Fr Matthew Gahan. Remarks that General Goldie is anxious to have the amount paid.

Penswick, Thomas, 1772-1836, Roman Catholic Bishop

Lease for property known as the old Club Room, Athol Street

Rev. Matthew Joseph Gahan SJ and Thomas Redfern.

Stables, yard and dwelling house known as the old Club Room, Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man.

Terms & Conditions
For a term of 5 years at a yearly rent of £15 to be paid on 12 November and 12 May.

Lease for Club room, Athol Street, Isle of Man

Thomas Crelly, Painter, Douglas, Isle of Man and his wife Margaret Crelly and Fr Matthew Gahan SJ.

Large house known as the Club Room, yard, stables, offices and buildings, Athol Street, Douglas.

Terms & Conditions:
In consideration of a sum of £600.

Letting of stables under the Club Room, Athol Street, Douglas

Document signed by William Quiggin and Robert Quiggin concerning the letting of stables under the Club Room, Athol Street, Douglas and an adjustment in the amount of rent due. Refers to the rent on the room used by Fr Gahan as a kitchen.

Quiggin and Co. Ltd, rope makers and timber merchants, 1821

Letters from Richard Thompson, Vicar General to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

Letters from Richard Thompson, Vicar General to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning Fr Aylmer's offer to give temporary assistance to the Catholic community on the Isle of Man due to Fr Gahan's illness. Includes a postscript remarking that the Bishop has appointed Dr Yovens to visit the Isle of Man on his behalf.

Thompson, Richard, priest

Letters from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ on chapel build progress

A file of letters from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the progress of establishing a chapel for the Catholic community on the Isle of Man. Two of the letters are written to Fr Aylmer while Fr Gahan was travelling [to raise funds] and Fr Aylmer was supplying for him on the island.

Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest

Letters from Bishop John Briggs to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, concerning the chapel property in Douglas

A file of letters from Bishop John Briggs to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Catholic Chapel House, Douglas, Isle of Man concerning the chapel property in Douglas and the wish of the Bishop, Dr Penswick, that the property should be '…vested in Trustees of whom the Bishop should name one.' (22 December 1835, 3pp). Remarks that Fr Gahan is not correct in stating that the Bishop agreed that the chapel would be put in Fr Gahan's name alone. Remarks '…I believe Mr. Gahan is mistaken. For I was present when Dr Penswick refused his assent to this proposal made personally by Mr. Gahan.' (22 December 1835, 3pp).

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letters from Fr Peter Kenny SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the Isle of Man mission

A file of letters from Fr Peter Kenny SJ (Vice-Provincial April 1834-May 1836) to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the Isle of Man mission and the difficulties that arose in its administration following the illness and death of Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Includes a letter informing Fr Aylmer that he may go ahead with the opening of the new chapel at Douglas. Expresses his opinion that this should be done without delay. Discusses the finances of the mission (12 November 1835, 8pp). Includes a letter referring to the opposition amongst some residents of the Isle of Man to the opening of the chapel. Remarks 'I hesitated…before I resolved to show your letter to Mr Gahan… I feared that the ingratitude and treachery of his people might annoy him.' (13 December 1835, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to a delay in opening the new chapel. Remarks 'Of course we cannot comply with the conditions proposed and therefore you must let the chapel stay as it is…I should not as yet be inclined to say what we might propose; but from the Bishop making the opening of the chapel dependent on these conditions he seems determined to drive us out of the island…' (20 December 1835, 3pp). Includes a letter asking to be kept fully informed of any communication with the Bishop. Remarks 'It is necessary that we know what is said or proposed by you or Mr Gahan or we may fall into many mistakes…' (29 December 1835, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to Fr. Gahan's headstone and the difficulty in sending it to the Isle of Man. Remarks that it is '…a very commendable piece of work…' (7 May 1837, 3pp).

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Letters from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ on the Isle of Man mission

A file of letters from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ (Vice-Provincial) to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the administration of the Isle of Man mission following the illness and death of Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Includes a letter referring to the death of Fr Gahan. Refers to an article in a newspaper concerning his death. Remarks '…it is stated that Fr Gahan had died from the effects of the religious persecution which he suffered. This will be understood as persecution on the part of the Bishop and will I fear make a bad impression on the English and Irish clergy, for many will attribute the article directly or indirectly to us.' Asks Fr Aylmer to send a detailed statement of Fr Gahan's debts and rents and a valuation of the property on the Isle of Man (9 March 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to Fr General's instructions to give up the property to Bishop Briggs on the Isle of Man. Remarks 'I have no doubt that he will award us some compensation; but the amount will depend on his own generosity…what the Society has in property I trust she will gain in reputation, at least in the eyes of the inhabitants of the island.' (18 March 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to the problems with Fr Gahan's will (10 July 1837, 4pp).

Bracken, Patrick, 1795-1867, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ concerning Fr Gahan's death

A file of letters from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ (Vice-Provincial) concerning Fr Gahan's death. Includes a letter discussing the value of the two chapels and the residence and school in Douglas and an inventory of the objects in the chapels (24 March 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter concerning Dr Youens proposed visit to the island '…for the purpose of making an arrangement respecting the affairs of this mission.' Asks for Fr Bracken's instructions telling him how he should discuss matters with Dr Youens. (14 April 1837, 3pp). Includes a letter informing Fr Bracken that Dr Youens arrival has been delayed. Remarks 'The disappointment of his not being able to come this week is a great annoyance to me as I promised the creditors and the tenants of the old chapel house and here in Douglas that matters would be settled with them.' (25 April 1837, 4pp). Includes a letter describing his discussions with Dr Youens. Remarks that the Bishop did not empower him to make any final decisions. Remarks 'After all our conferences Doctor Yovens has awarded to the Society as compensation the sum of eight hundred pounds to be paid to you by Dr Briggs - and considers this sum less than the Society is entitled to…He means to prove to the Bishop…that a considerable sacrifice has been made of property to his Lordship and to this mission by the Society…' (12 May 1837, 3pp). Includes a letter concerning the appointment of Fr McGrath to the Isle of Man. Remarks that he has only recently been ordained '…and is more like a boy from school… not perhaps quite calculated for such a place as this…' (19 June 1837, 3pp).

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Enquiry from Miss Zena M. Carns to concerning Fr Matthew Gahan SJ

A file relating to an enquiry from Miss Zena M. Carns, Stonyhurst Preparatory School, Hodder Place, Stonyhurst, Lancashire to Irish Fr Provincial Brendan Barry SJ concerning the re-establishment of the Catholic Church in the Isle of Man and Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Includes a letter from Fr Francis Finegan SJ to Fr Barry answering the query and including copies of letters relating to Fr Gahan and the Isle of Man (24 July 1829 - 10 December 1838, 46pp).

Carns, Zena M, teacher

Granting of faculties to Peter McGrath for work on the Isle of Man

Letter from Dr Briggs, Glasgow to Dr Youens regarding the granting of faculties to Peter McGrath to administer to the Catholic population on the Isle of Man. Includes a letter from Dr Yovens to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the communication.

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from William Thomas Rogers to Charles Kernan concerning the property on the Isle of Man

Letter from William Thomas Rogers, 47 Lower Dominick Street to Charles Kernan concerning the property on the Isle of Man and the Jesuit Fathers. Remarks 'I am spoken to daily about the matter and feel ashamed of not being able to give any decisive answer on the subject.'

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from Peter McGrath to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

Letter from Peter McGrath, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning a law that has been passed by the legislature of the island regulating marriage. Remarks that it requires a proprietor or trustee of a building used as a Catholic church to seek a licence from the Governor to celebrate a marriage. Asks Fr Aylmer to organise this for him with the proprietor/trustee of the chapel on the Isle of Man.

McGrath, Peter, priest

Letter from Bishop Briggs to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, 24 March 1836

Letter from Bishop Briggs, writing from Ushaw College, Durham to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ in the Isle of Man. Writes in relation to the admission to the Sacraments of members of various societies, and advises Gahan in relation to those to exclude (e.g., members of the Knights of St. Patrick), and those not to exclude (e.g., members of the Freemasons).

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from Bishop Briggs to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 27 February 1837

From Bishop Briggs in York to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Thanks him for informing him that the new chapel at Douglas had been used for Mass. Refers to Fr Aylmer’s presence on the island, and undertakes to relieve him as soon as possible. Asks Fr Bracken to forward him a statement in relation to property due to the Society.

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to Bishop Briggs, 12 March 1837

[Copy of letter] from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to Bishop Briggs, in reply to the latter’s letter of 27 February 1837. Refers to the issue of the opening of the new Chapel, and agrees with the Bishop that it was probably ‘an error of judgment’. Refers to the death of Fr Gahan, and refers to his ill-health and the circumstances which led up to this demise. Praises the dedication and hard work of Fr Gahan, and his service to the Catholic population of the island. Informs the Bishop that it has been decided to place whatever property Fr Gahan possessed at his disposal. Refers to the debts owed now, and the value of the property, and also to Fr Gahan’s last will, which he suggests should be proved, and a legal transfer made. Encloses a copy of a written statement by Fr Gahan in relation to the property (not included).

Bracken, Patrick, 1795-1867, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Peter Kenney SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 10 December 1835

From Fr Peter Kenney SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Announces that he will not be able to go to Tullabeg that year. Reports on the situation in Clongowes, and on the various Jesuits residents there. Reports also on the Jesuit mission in the Isle of Man, where Fr Aylmer stopped for a time to assess the situation. Refers to the debate on the question of whether the mission there should be retained by the Irish Jesuits, and also to the opening of a new chapel in Douglas.

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Letter from Fr Peter Kenney SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 7 January 1836

Letter from Fr Peter Kenney SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Discusses the situation regarding the Isle of Man mission. Reports that Fr Aylmer believes that it should be retained, and a trustee appointed. Outlines Aylmer’s suggestions on the matter.

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Letter from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 27 January 1837

From Fr Matthew Gahan SJ in the Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ in Tullabeg. Declares that he would not think he should cross the Channel (back to Ireland) in his current state of health, and furthermore that he would only leave if the person who was to supply for him had been there for a time. Refers to the debts owed by him to various people. States that he would rather ‘die in a ditch’ before yielding to ‘a Judas like trick on the part of Dr Briggs [Bishop of the Northern District]’.

Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest

Letter from Bishop John Briggs, 13 December 1835

From Bishop Briggs to [ ]. Thanks the latter for his letter detailing his visit to the Isle of Man, and gives permission for the new chapel at Douglas to be used for divine service, on certain conditions. Wishes also to have a written assurance from ‘Dr. Kenny’ to the effect that the conditions would be complied with.

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from Bishop Briggs to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 28 April 1837

From Bishop Briggs in York to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Refers to the latter’s two previous letters, of 14 April and 12 March. Reports that Fr Aylmer and Dr Youens have corresponded on the subject of the property and debts of the Mission. Also reports that he has been attempting to secure someone to relieve Fr Aylmer on the island.

Briggs, John, 1788-1861, Roman Catholic Bishop of Beverley

Letter from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 2 January 1837

From Fr Matthew Gahan SJ in the Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ in Tullabeg, County Offaly. Complains that the latter’s request that ‘the place in Castletown’ not be sold was untimely, and announces that he is to rent it out. Believes that the mission should be given up, but does not think it possible. Refers to his bad health, and asserts that he believes that he is ‘very soon to meet death’. Also refers to the bad state of the chapel. Asserts that he would rather be dismissed from the Society, which, he believes, has been betrayed, than ‘be made the foot ball of any Vicar Apostolic’.

Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 5 June 1837

From Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, writing from Douglas, Isle of Man, to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Refers to books being shipped to and from the island. Reports that he has settled all accounts, including money owed to Mrs Wilson and Dr Youens, and has prepared the way for the new incumbent. Refers to taking out administration to the will and the transfer of the Society’s property, on which two points he awaits instructions. Mentions the Catholics on the island, and their attendance at Mass. Adds that there are rumours that the privileges of the Isle of Man are to be withdrawn, and that it will be united to one of the English Northern Counties.

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, 28 February 1837

From Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, in Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Refers to the death of Fr Gahan, and to his estate and debts. Suggests that since the Bishop is to have the whole mission resigned into his hands, he should be responsible for its administration. Refers to the value of the property, including the house and chapel. Asserts that the complete handover of the mission to the Bishop, and the loss to the Society as ‘an injustice’. Reports that he has written to the Bishop about the death of Fr Gahan, and also to explain why it was necessary to open the new chapel. States that some people on the island intend to erect a monument to Fr Gahan’s memory in the chapel.

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Letters from Dr Thomas Youens to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the mission on the Isle of Man

A file of letters from Dr Thomas Youens to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the mission on the Isle of Man. Dr Yovens was appointed by Dr Briggs to visit the Isle of Man and assess matters following the death of Fr Gahan and to arrange the opening of the new chapel in Douglas. Includes a letter informing Fr Aylmer that he has full permission from the Bishop (Dr Briggs) to bless the new chapel in Douglas and perform divine service in it (28 February 1837, 1p). Includes a letter expressing the Bishop's wish that the mission of the Isle of Man pass into his own hands. Remarks that he does not know who the Bishop has in mind to take over the mission (27 April 1837, 3pp). Includes a letter relating to the sum of money paid by Dr Briggs to the Society of Jesus in respect of the Isle of Man. (16 May 1840, 1p).

Youens, Thomas, priest

Letter from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ

From Fr Matthew Gahan SJ in the Isle of Man to Fr Parick Bracken SJ. Discusses the situation of the Jesuit mission on the island, the retention of the chapel and school-house, and the difficult relations that existed between the Society and the Bishop. Refers to his own ill-health. Expresses his desire to have a person to assist him on the mission, but fears that such a move is not financially possible. Announces that he is to sell the chapel in Castletown. Adds that he will not be able to move into the new house in Athol Street the following week as planned. Refers to the departure of his house-keeper and his misfortune in acquiring a new servant who is both Manx and a Methodist.

Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Patrick Bracken SJ to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man

From Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, writing from Tullabeg, County Offaly to Fr Gahan in the Isle of Man. Reports on some members of the community in Tullabeg, including Fr Robert Haly and Fr Aylmer, and adds that Fr Esmonde is on his way to Rome. Refers to Fr Gahan’s problems in the Isle of Man in relation to the provision of Mass for Catholics in Douglas, and the question of whether the Bishop would permit this. Asks him to defer the sale of the chapel in Castletown until he (Fr. Bracken) receives a reply from the Fr. General.

Bracken, Patrick, 1795-1867, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ

From Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ in Tullabeg, County Offaly. States that he regrets that the latter did not inform him earlier of his desire that the sale of the chapel at Castletown be deferred. Reports that he has recently moved to the ‘new house’, and complains about the walk he has to make every Sunday to say Mass, given his present ill-health. Asks for some money to be sent over to him, as he is ‘tormented with one little debt or other’.

Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest

Sketches of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Various pictures and sketches of Fr Willie Doyle SJ.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letter from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Fr Charles Farley SJ

Letter from Fr William Doyle SJ, writing from Stonyhurst College, to Fr Charles Farley SJ. Reports on his search in the archives of the English Province for documents relating to the Irish Province. Undertakes to copy some early nineteenth century letters for Fr Farley.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Certificate given to Fr Doyle on his first leave of absence from the Front

Handwritten copy of a parchment certificate given to Fr Doyle on his first leave of absence from the Front in 1916. Issued by Major General W.B. Hickie, Commander of the 16th Irish Division, commending his ‘gallant conduct and devotion to duty in the field on April 27th & 29th’.

Hickie, Sir, William Bernard, 1865-1950, Major General in the British Army

Curl of hair of Willie Doyle

Locket with a curl from the hair of Willie Doyle, at the age of three. With box.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Stole belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ

  • IE IJA J/2/49
  • File
  • February 1916-5 March 1917
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Stole belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ who had it with him at the front from February 1916-March 1917 (his last home leave) with the inscription ‘Forgot not the kindness of thy surety for he hath given his life for thee’ written by Fr Doyle SJ (05 March 1917). With box.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Box with altar requisites used by Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Box with altar requisites which includes missal stand, missal, altar linen, stole (instead of maniple) burse, kneeler and Á Kempis used by Fr Willie Doyle SJ at the front. With box.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Pen and Ink-Bottle belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Pen and Ink-Bottle belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ - ‘The Red Dwarf No. 2. Stylograph’ and ‘Swan fountfiller for travellers’. With box.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letter from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Irish Fr Provincial William Delany SJ

Letter from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Irish Fr Provincial William Delany SJ informing him of his proposal for a ‘House of Retreats for Workingmen’. Includes ‘Report on the proposed House of Retreats for Workingmen’ and brochures for retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, printed in 1922.

Photographs of First World War scenes

File of photographs of First World War scenes (Military convoy, 30 July 1916 and the Menin Road), Rathfarnham Castle and Dalkey. Includes copies of images of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly and Kemmel Hill and Zonnebeke, Belgium and small handwritten sketch maps of Ypres (11 February 1935).

Family photograph with Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Family photograph with Fr Willie Doyle SJ at an formal occasion, perhaps the wedding anniversary of his parents, outside the family home in Dalkey, county Dublin.

Various photographs and telegram announcing Fr Willie Doyle’s death

Photograph of aid post with Fr John Gwynn SJ (c.1914) faded photograph of Fr Willie Doyle SJ; Jesuits at Portnoo (1910); telegram announcing Fr Willie Doyle’s death; letter between Rev. Mother, Sister Benedict of the Convent of Locre, Belgium and Fr William F. Browne C.C. (21-31 August 1917), Fr Frank Browne’s brother.

Journal articles on the life of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Journal articles on the life of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, collected by his brother Fr Charles Doyle SJ. Includes ‘Hosanna’, ‘The Ratcliffian’, ‘Revue D’ Ascetique et De Mystique’, ‘La Vie Spirituelle’, ‘The Messenger of the Sacred Heart’ and ‘The Catholic Fireside’.

Chasuble with maniple belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Chasuble with maniple belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ according to Sergeant Thomas Brady. Explanatory note gives background to provenance.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letter from Fr John Mulderry

Letter from Fr John Mulderry, Chaplain, 61st General Hospital, Salonica referring to a letter received from [Father Provincial] ‘as
regards your queries I must candidly confess that my evidence (and I told them so in Clonliffe) rests solely an accounts given me by other Chaplains which accounts, rested on rumour...I should have thought the Society would have probed the matter to the bottom’.

Mulderry, John, Roman Catholic priest and chaplain

Letters from Mr Willie Doyle SJ, 1897-1906

  • IE IJA J/2/81
  • File
  • 6 April 1897 - Easter 1906
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Holograph letters and typewritten letters by Mr Willie Doyle SJ while: at Clongowes Wood College to his mother and father, and sister Lena (6 April 1897 - 1898); undertaking philosophy at Enghien, Belgium to his mother and father (2 October 1898 - 3 June 1899); at St. Mary’s Hall, Stonyhurst College, England to his mother and father (14 October 1900 - 31 March 1901); at Clongowes Wood College to his mother and father, and sister Mai (18 December 1901 - 5 August 1903); undertaking theology at Milltown Park (23 December 1904 - Easter 1906).

Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, 1907-1915

  • IE IJA J/2/82
  • File
  • 28 July 1907 - 6 November 1915
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of holograph letters and typewritten letters by Fr Willie Doyle SJ concerning his ordination at Milltown Park (28 July 1907); tertianship at L’ Ancienne Abbaye, Tronchiennes, Belgium to his mother and father, his sister Mai and brother Charles (October 1907 - 21 July 1908); attending a mission in Great Yarmouth (20 April 1908); work as a minister at Belvedere College to his sister Mai (April - July 1909); at the Convent of St John of God, Wexford to his sister Mai (2 August 1910); at Enghien, Belgium to his father (2 - 14 October 1912); while giving missions in Clare, Cork, Limerick and Dublin and working at Rathfarnham Castle, to his father and sister Mai (20 March 1914 - 6 November 1915).

Newspaper articles and leaflets on the life of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

File of newspaper articles and leaflets on the life of Fr Willie Doyle SJ collected by his brother Fr Charles Doyle SJ. Includes references in ‘Le Pays Wallon’, ‘The Catholic Gazette’, ‘The Grail’, ‘The Commonweal’, ‘Le Rappel’, ‘The Irish Catholic’; some letters to Fr Charles Doyle SJ interspersed with these articles relating to Fr Willie.

Doyle, Charles, 1870-1949, Jesuit priest

Copies of photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Copies of photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, collected by his brother Fr Charles Doyle SJ. Includes image of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, taken in Aberdeen, 1908 by MacMahon, portrait photographer.

MacMahon, Vincent, photographer

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”

  • IE IJA J/2/99
  • File
  • [1949-1970]; 11 July 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series” published by the Irish Messenger Office. Includes a note from Diarmuid [ ], Fitzpatrick’s Book Shop, 12 Cathedral Street, Upper O’ Connell Street, Dublin to Fr Fergal [McGrath] SJ in which he refers to a reprint of an insert letter by T. Cain, 22 Limetree Crescent, Cockermouth, Cumberland which corrects Fr Doyle’s date of death.

Irish Messenger Office, 1888-

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