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County Dublin File
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Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Province by Fr Visitor in 1922

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Province by Fr William Power SJ, from 9 July 1921 to the end of September 1922. Includes:

  • memorandum ‘Puncta quaedam ad Instructionem particularem Visitatoris Hiberniae’ (n.d., 4pp);
  • ‘Relatio Visitationis Factae Provinciae Hiberniae a Reverendo Patre Gulielmo Power a die 9 Julii 1921, usque ad finem Septembris 1922’ (19[22], 17pp);
  • ‘Memorial of the Visitation of the Irish Province made by Revd. Wm. Power from July 9th 1921 to the end of September 1922’ (19[22], 11pp) and
    – pamphlet entitled ‘Letter addressed to the Fathers and Brothers of the Irish Province by the Very Rev. William Power, S.J., Visitor’ (17 Sep. 1922, 8pp).

Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province

A file relating to revisions of the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province. Includes a manuscript entitled 'Some hints for Reading' (nd, 2pp). Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial James F Murphy SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Rector concerning the consumption of spirits. Remarks 'Owing to grave representations made to me from many quarters and regrettable facts that have come to my knowledge...I have decided that for the future of the Province the following points should be observed as obligatory customs of the Province.' (12 March 1901, 4pp). Includes a typed supplement to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province entitled 'Customs of Serving Mass and Benediction(13pp, [1935-]); regulations for the Villa menu (1919, 1p); revision of Custom Book by Fr John J Coyne SJ, St Mary's, Emo, County Laois (12 April 1933);

Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province

A file relating to revisions of the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province. Includes a letter informing of the decision taken by Fr General to revise the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province (15 December 1934, 1p). Includes two minutes books of the Custom Book Commission. Details suggested changes. The minute books are in the handwriting of Fr John MacErlean SJ who was the secretary of the Commission (15 December 1934 - 7 June 1935, 51pp; 18 January - 7 June 1935, 43pp). Includes a letter from Fr John MacErlean SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to the Irish Fr Provincial concerning protests against altering the Custom Book. Remarks 'I put in (a notebook) everything that came into my head that might be made use of in building up our protest.' (10 April 1940, 1p). Includes a notebook containing details of protests against changes to the Custom Book (handwriting of Fr John MacErlean SJ).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Mortgage for property at Killiney Castle

Mortgage (& two copy mortgages)

Rev. William Delany, S.J., Rev. Edward Kelly, S.J., Rev. John O'Carroll, S.J. and Rev. Sylvester O'Callaghan, S.J., St Stanislaus College, Tullamore, county Offaly of the one part. Rev. John Power, Roman Catholic Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, David Keogh, Adelphi Hotel, John Slattery, Merchant, William Street, Waterford City of the other part.

Scalp William or Mount Mapas known as Killiney Castle, Barony of Rathdown, County Dublin containing 5 acres, 1 rood and 131/2 perches and containing 32 acres and 24 perches and parts of the lands of Dalkey Commons, Barony of Rathdown, County Dublin containing 1 acre, 3 roods and 17 perches.

Terms & Conditions:
In consideration of a sum of £4,500. Payments at a rate of £4.10 paid equally twice a year on 22 August and 22 February.

Signed and sealed.

Case submitted to the Attorney General for his opinion concerning a mortgage between John O'Brien and Anna Maria Elizabeth O'Brien

Case on behalf of Fr Stephen Farrell, S.J. and Fr Joseph Lentaigne, S.J. submitted to the Attorney General (C. Palles) for his opinion concerning a mortgage between John O'Brien and Anna Maria Elizabeth O'Brien (his wife) of the first part, Patrick Oliver Plunkett and Columbus M. O'Flanagan of the second part and Anna Maria Matilda Dennis, Spinster of the third part.

Bequests made in the will of Eliza MacDonnell

A file relating to a deed approving the application of funds between Francis Edward Joseph MacDonnell, Esquire, Dunfearth and the Lodge, Rathangan, County Kildare and Rev. Philip Dominick Kehoe, Church of St. Francis, Merchant Quay, Dublin and Rev. John Curtis, S.J., Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin following bequests made in the will of Eliza MacDonnell.

Deed Poll in consideration of a sum from the lands bequeathed in the will of Anna Maria Matilda Dennis

Rev. Nicholas Walsh, S.J., Milltown Park, County Dublin, Rev. Stephen Farrell, S.J. and Rev. Joseph & Lentaigne, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Terms & Conditions:
In consideration of a sum of £3,600 from the lands bequeathed in the will of Anna Maria Matilda Dennis to Rev. B. Esmonde, S.J. and an agreement by the Society of Jesus to provide two free missions or courses of spiritual exercises for the conversion of sinners to be given annually in the diocese of Dublin.

Signed and sealed

Sum of money from Edwin Richard Windham Quin, earl of Dunraven to be lodged with the Sisters of Mercy, Stanhope Street, Dublin

A file relating to a sum of money from Edwin Richard Windham Quin, 3rd earl of Dunraven and Mount Earl to be lodged with the Sisters of Mercy, Stanhope Street, Dublin in honour of an agreement between Fr Stephen Farrell SJ, Helen McCarthy and Margaret Sweetman, Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Stanhope Street, Dublin.

Case Daniel Ryan deceased, Kenny versus Ryan

A file relating to a case Daniel Ryan deceased, Kenny versus Ryan. Includes a letter from [ ], Solicitor, Galway to Irish Fr Provincial Patrick Keating SJ concerning '...Delahunt's affair.' Continues 'The parties I got the money from are now pressing for payment.' (22 September 1897, 1p).

Assignment of loan between Jesuit fathers by the will of Rev.d George F. Waters

Rev. Timothy Kenny SJ, Melbourne, Victoria, Rev. John Verdon SJ, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin of the first part (the Grantors). Rev. James Murphy SJ, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and Rev. John Verdon SJ, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and Rev. Thomas V. Nolan SJ, Milltown Park of the other part (the Grantees).

Terms & Conditions:
Sum of £500 by the will of Rev.d George F. Waters Decd.

Signed and sealed

Material relating to 35 Hardwicke Street, Dublin

A file relating to 35 Hardwicke Street, Dublin. Includes deeds relating to this property (25 March 1810-17 June 1854). Includes a letter from Maxwell, Weldon and Company Solicitors, 40 North Great George's Street, Dublin to Fr Thomas Wheeler SJ, The Presbytery, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning the deeds '..for the purpose of enabling us to report on the title of you community to the premises, 35 Hardwicke Street' (5 March 1912, 1p). Includes:

  • lease by Richard Warren, Hardwicke Street, Dublin, Attorney-at-law to Thomas Higgins, Dublin, Attorney-at-law, 25 March 1810;
  • assignment of house on Hardwicke Street, Dublin by Thomas Higgins, Dublin, Attorney-at-law, to Owen Nowlan, Waterstown, County Kildare, 27 April 1815;
  • deed of assignment by Owen Geoughehan Nowlan, Waterstown, County Kildare to Rose Delahoyde, widow, Dublin, 24 August 1815;
  • settlement on the intermarriage of James Lecky [soldier[, Eight regiment of Foot, with Miss Elizabeth O'Grady, Temple Street, Dublin [1810]-[1850];

In 1814, a Jesuit community took over the vacant Poor Clare convent in Hardwicke Street, Dublin. St Francis College was established at Hardwicke Street in 1832 however it proved to be too small for this emerging school. New premises were needed and Belvedere House, Great Denmark Street was bought in 1841.

Will of Jessie Maguire

A file relating to the will of Jessie Maguire. Appoints Fr Thomas V. Nolan SJ and Fr James Fottrell SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin as executors. They are also named amongst the beneficiaries.

Will of Anna Maria Dennis

A file relating to the will of Anna Maria Dennis and a bequest made by her in her will to the Society of Jesus. Includes a file of letters relating to the bequest which was a matter of dispute between the Society of Jesus and the Archbishop of Dublin (27 April 1876 - 24 January 1891, 4 items).

Will of Mr Denis Kehoe

A file relating to the will of Mr Denis Kehoe. Includes a copy of the will (13 November 1831, 7pp). Includes a letter from Thomas Leland, [Solicitor], Fitzwilliam Square to Fr Esmonde concerning the appointment by Mr Denis Kehoe of Fr Esmonde SJ and Fr John O'Connor SJ as guardians of his son and daughter (24 February 1832, 3pp).

Will of John Timothy Donnelly

A file relating to the will of John Timothy Donnelly, Denmark Street, Dublin in which he bequeathed the residue of his estate, amongst others to Rev. Robert Haly SJ and Rev. Henry Joseph Rorke SJ, Clongowes, County Kildare and appoints Rev. Robert Haly SJ, as one of his executors.

Will of Matilda O'Donnell

A file relating to the will of Matilda O'Donnell in which she bequeathed the residue of her property to her trustees and executors, Fr. Thomas V. Nolan SJ and Fr Michael Browne SJ, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. The file contains extensive background material that appears to have little to do with the Society of Jesus and their bequest. However, as Frs. Nolan and Browne were appointed as trustees and executors of the will it may have been necessary to acquaint themselves fully with Miss Matilda O'Donnell's affairs.

Will of Charles Kennedy

File containing extensive documentation concerning the will of Charles Kennedy and his bequest to the Society of Jesus. The Society used the proceeds from this bequest to construct University Hall, Hatch Street. The extent of the file can be explained by the numerous properties owned by Charles Kennedy and the necessary documentation that inevitably accompanies ownership of property, receipts and vouchers from professional companies involved in the construction of University Hall and the fact that the will of Charles Kennedy was contested by his brother Frank Kennedy. His legal action was unsuccessful (29 January 1909 & 30 January 1909 & 30 May 1912, 3 items).

Will of John C. Mackey

A file relating to the will of John C. Mackey, Nenagh, County Tipperary, father of Fr Ernest Mackey SJ in which he names his son as one of his beneficiaries (one fifth of his property).

Will of Philip Francis Little

A file relating to the will of Philip Francis Little. Bequeaths £50 to the Society of Jesus. Includes a copy of the will. Remarks in a postscript 'I do not include my dear brother the Rev. Robert J. Little SJ under any benefit in my will. Professing as he does the holy virtue of poverty, it is useless conferring benefit upon Robert of which he can not avail. (23 September 1916, 3pp). Includes a letter from Patrick J. Little, executor of his brother's will. Enquires '...I would like to know whether a claim would be advanced on behalf of Father Robert to a share on technical grounds.' (27 January 1927, 2pp).

Will of Mr Arthur McCann

A file relating to Mrs Louisa McCann (sister of Fr Laurence Kieran SJ) and the will of her late husband Mr Arthur McCann. The file relates to the financial difficulties experienced by Louisa McCann following the death of her husband, due in part, to the failure of the trustees of her marriage settlement to ensure that £20,000 was put in trust for her widowhood. Her brother Robert Kieran acted as her solicitor. However, it would appear from correspondence between Louisa and her brother Robert and Fr Kieran SJ that Louisa and Robert fell out with each other and she eventually asked Fr Kieran SJ to act as mediator and to look after the legalities of the estate. Includes a letter from Louisa McCann, Teltown, Donaghpatrick, Navan, County Meath to Fr Kieran, S.J. Remarks '...Bob's behaviour has certainly been awful and his letters all trumped up nonsense...he knows my unfortunate position and is taking advantage of it...I could not have believed he would have turned on me as he has done...I have you at any rate - otherwise I am really a very desolate creature now - struggling hard to pull along and trying not to be a burden on anyone.' (15 June 1938, 2pp). Includes a copy letter from Fr Kieran SJ, Clongowes Wood College, county Kildare to his brother Robert Kieran concerning the disagreement that has arisen between Louisa and Robert. Remarks 'I have often asked you to control your temper and your nerves - you have not done so; on the contrary, I regret to say you are getting steadily worse; so much so that I have often asked myself in sorrow where it is all going to end. Are you any the better now do you think for having inflicted this pain upon one who is poor, defenceless and alone in the world, and do you really believe that in doing this act you have given good example to your children?' (19 June 1938, 2pp). Includes a copy letter from Louisa McCann to her brother, Robert Kieran. Remarks 'I appreciate that you have had no end of trouble or worry over the McCann estate...but your recent attitude and behaviour towards me has made it impossible for me to approach you any further - I am sending the documents to Lal (Fr L Kieran SJ)...I have every confidence in him and shall be directed by what he advises...' (n.d., 2pp).

Will of Joseph Ryan

A file relating to the will of Joseph Ryan, 81 Hollybank Road, Drumcondra, Dublin in which he bequeathed £25 to the Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ, St. Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Will of Elizabeth Cahill

A file relating to the will of Elizabeth Cahill, Hill View, Meath Road, Bray, County Wicklow and the estates of both Elizabeth Cahill and James Healy. Elizabeth Cahill bequeathed the residue of her estate to Fr Kirwan SJ, Superior of Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin for the charitable purposes of the Jesuit Fathers.

Sermon, retreat notes, considerations (Catholic University, 1862), Triduum and retreats

File of handwritten sermon, retreat notes, considerations (Catholic University, 1862), Triduum and retreats. Includes long retreats at Cork (1860), Tullabeg (1861 - 1862; 1868 - 1871); Laval (1872 - 1875); Tronchiennes (1875 - 1877); Clongowes Wood College (1877) and meditations, attributed to the following Jesuits: Frs. Peter Kenney (Palmero), Aloysius Sturzo, Daniel Jones, Patrick Hughes, Charles Aylmer, John St. Leger, Robert St. Leger. Michael Kelly, Charles Plowden, John Cunningham, James Mullen, Alexander Kyan (with history of Kyan family), John Shine, Bartholomew Esmonde, Thomas Betagh, Patrick Bracken, P. O'Reilly, Stephen Farrell, Charles McKenna, Edmund O'Reilly, Pubrick.

Proposed articles for the commemorative issue of 'Studies' for the fourth centenary of the foundation of the Society of Jesus

Proposed articles for the commemorative issue of 'Studies' for the fourth centenary of the foundation of the Society of Jesus. Includes a letter from Aubrey Gwynn SJ, 35 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ concerning the commemorative issue.

Gwynn, Aubrey, 1892-1983, Jesuit priest and academic

Exception taken by the ecclesiastical authorities of the Archdiocese of Dublin to two sentences in a review of a book in the September issue of 'Studies'

A file relating to the exception taken by the ecclesiastical authorities of the Archdiocese of Dublin to two sentences in a review of an American book entitled Religious Instruction and Education in the September issue of Studies (1942). Includes letters from Archbishop John Charles McQuaid to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ concerning the issue.

MacMahon, John R, 1893-1989, Jesuit priest

Correspondence relating to an article by Séamus O'Neill on Irish Maritime History submitted for publication in 'Studies'

A file of correspondence relating to an article by Séamus O'Neill on Irish Maritime History submitted for publication in 'Studies'. Includes letters from the author enquiring why there was a delay in communicating a decision concerning the publication of his article.

Foundation Fund established for Studies

A file relating to the Foundation Fund established for Studies. Includes memoranda explaining the origins of the Foundation Fund. Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Brendan Barry SJ, 85 Eglinton Road, Dublin 4 to Fr Séan Ó Catháin SJ (Fr. Superior), 35 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin concerning shares in the Educational Company of Ireland that were settled on Fr Connolly in 1914 (then the Editor of Studies) as a foundation for Studies. Asks that this foundation be kept separate from the assets of 35 Lower Leeson Street (3 July 1968, 1p).

Index to 'Studies'

Two indexes to 'Studies' which detail authors and articles (1912 - 1946 minus 1915 & 1916) and index for Volumes 1 - 20, compiled by E. M. Kerrigan, B.A., The Library, University College Dublin.

Association of Secondary Schools in Ireland and correspondence with the Society of Jesus in relation to the secondary schools under their direction

A file relating to the Association of Secondary Schools in Ireland (ASTI) and correspondence with the Society of Jesus in relation to the secondary schools under their direction. Includes letters relating to the dismissal of lay teachers, the employment of lay teachers in Jesuit schools and the salaries of lay teachers, list of lay teachers at Clongowes Wood College SJ and salary (1941)

Standing committee of Prefects of Studies to offer advice to Superiors in the matter of the education of pupils attending Jesuit schools

A file relating to the 'Consilium Permanens', a standing committee of Prefects of Studies to offer advice to Superiors in the matter of the education of pupils attending Jesuit schools. Includes agendas and minutes of the 'Consilium Permanens', includes a statement issued by Fr Provincial on how the 'Consilium Permanens' should be conducted, its duties and terms of reference (31 December 1939, 3pp).

Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ

Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ, who was Irish Vice Provincial, 11 February 1858-7 December 1860 and the first Provincial of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, 8 December 1860 - [ ] 1863. No index.

Lentaigne, Joseph, 1805-1884, Jesuit priest

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Timothy Kenny SJ, asking Fr James Murphy SJ

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Timothy Kenny SJ, asking Fr Alfred Murphy SJ to make a request to Fr Nicholas Walshe SJ to let Fr Charles Lynch SJ have a room at Milltown, as he is unhappy at Tullabeg. Refers to the death of Fr McElroy. Reports the visit of Fr Carbery and Fr Gallwey. Describes the college as being immense, dark and ‘on the whole very fine’.

Kenny, Timothy J, 1843-1917, Jesuit priest

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ

A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ (term as Fr Provincial 1863 - 19 April 1870). Includes an index/précis to the letters by [ ]. Other letters including undated letters have been added to, but not described, Fr E O'Reilly's list, J455.

Letters from Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin

Letters to the Provincial from Dr William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, on various matters including the Temperance Movement (the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association) (See also ADMN/3/47); the drawing up of a new ‘list of diocesan examiners for ordinations and for faculties’ and diocesan censors (See also ADMN/3/23).

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters, including financial

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning financial matters and;
– a complaint about an individual Jesuit with regard to his behaviour while conducting a retreat for nuns (See also ADMN/3/36);
– a draft deed of trust for the Father Delany Exhibition (See also ADMN/3/13);
– the health and financial affairs of various scholastics;
– the proposal for the establishment of a [school] at Tullabeg by the Society of Pious Missions;
– a conference of Jesuit Fathers in Chicago for the purpose of adopting a Provisional Constitution of the ‘Frequent Communion Guild’;
– requests for money from various individuals;
– the campaign to appoint a Catholic Director to the Board of Directors of the Clogher Valley Railway (the Society are shareholders in the Railway);
– the appointment of Jesuits to various offices;
– a petition to the British government ‘to show mercy to Roger Casement’;
– a proposed portrait of Archbishop Walsh by Sir John Lavery;
– a profit and loss account of the Irish Monthly for year ending 31 August 1914 (See also ADMN/3/20; 66; 67);
– the work of St. Joseph's Young Priests (See also ADMN/3/53);
– lists of locations of Retreats and names of priests giving Retreats for 1912 and 1913 (See also ADMN/3/36; 41);
– suggestions for Retreats given by Jesuits, by Dr Patrick Foley, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin (1896-1926) and memorandum on the scheme to establish a small lending library in Milltown Park for priests (See also ADMN/3/12; 38).

Correspondence in connection with the administration of the ‘Father Delany Exhibition’ Trust

Correspondence between Irish Vice-Provincial Fr John Keane SJ (Fr Provincial is in Rome for six months), J.W. Bacon (Secretary and Bursar of University College, Dublin) and Fr Michael Egan SJ in connection with the administration of the ‘Father Delany Exhibition’ Trust.

Keane, John J, 1867-1954, Jesuit priest

Results 1 to 100 of 1256