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[Copy of] letter from Col. M. O'Grady to Hugh Doyle, father of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

[Copy of] letter from Col. M. O'Grady, Assistant Military Secretary at the War Office in Whitehall, London to Hugh Doyle, father of Fr Willie Doyle SJ. Informs him that Fr Doyle was mentioned in Despatches from General Sir Douglas Haig, which were published in the London Gazette.

O'Grady, M, Colonel in the British Army

Booklet entitled “Fr. Willie”

Booklet entitled “Fr. Willie”; part of the Irish Messenger series. Subtitled ‘His world-wide appeal and favours attributed to his intercession’. Contains a short reflection on his life and a list of reports from around the world of how Fr Doyle’s intercession, when invoked, benefited those who sought it.

Irish Messenger Office, 1888-

Curl of hair of Willie Doyle

Locket with a curl from the hair of Willie Doyle, at the age of three. With box.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Chasuble with maniple belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Chasuble with maniple belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ according to Sergeant Thomas Brady. Explanatory note gives background to provenance.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Various photographs and telegram announcing Fr Willie Doyle’s death

Photograph of aid post with Fr John Gwynn SJ (c.1914) faded photograph of Fr Willie Doyle SJ; Jesuits at Portnoo (1910); telegram announcing Fr Willie Doyle’s death; letter between Rev. Mother, Sister Benedict of the Convent of Locre, Belgium and Fr William F. Browne C.C. (21-31 August 1917), Fr Frank Browne’s brother.

Spiritual diaries belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ

  • IE IJA J/2/85
  • File
  • 31 March 1895 - 25 July 1917
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Diaries in notebook and copybook form, belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ which documents his spiritual thoughts, confessions, resolutions and retreats notes, list of mortifications. Some are contemporaneous with his time as a chaplain in WWI, which he alludes to. Inserts comprise loose documents in the form of notes, prayers and letters (July 1908; 5 November 1911 - 16 April 1916) addressed to ‘My dear Child; My dearest Child’.

J2/85 (16) - notebook for conscreation of the Sacred Heart, signed in Fr Doyle's blood.

Copies of photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Copies of photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, collected by his brother Fr Charles Doyle SJ. Includes image of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, taken in Aberdeen, 1908 by MacMahon, portrait photographer.

MacMahon, Vincent, photographer

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”

  • IE IJA J/2/99
  • File
  • [1949-1970]; 11 July 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series” published by the Irish Messenger Office. Includes a note from Diarmuid [ ], Fitzpatrick’s Book Shop, 12 Cathedral Street, Upper O’ Connell Street, Dublin to Fr Fergal [McGrath] SJ in which he refers to a reprint of an insert letter by T. Cain, 22 Limetree Crescent, Cockermouth, Cumberland which corrects Fr Doyle’s date of death.

Irish Messenger Office, 1888-

Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows

A file of letters relating to Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows. Includes a letter from Sr Teresa Dympna, Prioress, Carmelite Monastery of the Incarnation, Hampton, Drumcondra, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial seeking permission for Fr Bodkin to be present at the ceremony.

Bodkin, Matthias, 1896-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Irish Jesuits

  • IE IJA J
  • Fonds
  • 1540-2024

Irish Vice-Province of the Society of Jesus, 1830-

Fr Michael McGrath SJ

Irish manuscripts
Material relating to the lives of saints and scholars
Material relating to the Life of St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Lecture notes and articles
Miscellaneous prose

McGrath, Michael P, 1872-1946, Jesuit priest and Irish language scholar

Material relating to Fr McGrath’s intended book on St Aloysius Gonzaga

Material on St. Aloysius Gonzaga. Includes:
– chronology of his life (n.d., 2pp);
– hand drawn map of northern Italy (no scale given) (n.d., 1p.);
– printer’s estimate for producing the book (4 October 1943, 1p.) and
– copies of a trial two pages (from chapter one) from the printers (Cahill & Co., Ltd.) (4 October 1943, 2 items).

McGrath, Michael P, 1872-1946, Jesuit priest and Irish language scholar

‘An Duilleog Ghlegeal’

Short story entitled ‘An Duilleog Ghlegeal’.

McGrath, Michael P, 1872-1946, Jesuit priest and Irish language scholar

Various Irish poetry

Various Irish poetry.

McGrath, Michael P, 1872-1946, Jesuit priest and Irish language scholar

Servant of God Willie Doyle SJ

William Joseph Gabriel Doyle was born (1873) at Melrose, Dalkey Avenue, Dalkey, county Dublin. Known as Willie, Billie or Sloper (a comic book hero of the time), he was the youngest of seven children of Hugh Doyle, registrar of the insolvency court, and Christine Doyle (née Byrne). Growing up, Willie was devout, caring and cheerful. Educated at Ratcliffe College, Leicestershire, in 1891 Willie followed his older brother Charles into the Jesuits. After two years as a novice, he taught at Clongowes Wood College, where he produced The Mikado and founded the school magazine, The Clongownian. His Jesuit formation included periods in Belgium and England, and further teaching at Clongowes and Belvedere Colleges. After ordination at Milltown Park on 28th July 1907, Willie began work as an urban missionary and retreat giver in Ireland. His positive attitude made him a great success, and he travelled all around the British Isles. He was also the author of best-selling pamphlets on retreats and vocations.

Volunteering as a military chaplain in First World War, Fr Doyle was sent to France with the Royal Irish Fusiliers in early 1916. Within days of his arrival at the Front, he showed himself outstanding in the work of a chaplain. Lt Col HR Stirke noted that Fr Doyle was ‘one of the finest fellows that I ever met, utterly fearless, always with a cheery word on his lips and ever ready to go out and attend the wounded and the dying under the heaviest fire’. Present at the battles of the Somme and Messines, Fr Doyle was killed during the third battle of Ypres on 16th August 1917, while going to the aid of a wounded man near Frezenberg. He is commemorated on the Tyne Cot memorial, Belgium. Fr Doyle was awarded the Military Cross, and he was put forward for the Victoria Cross posthumously but did not receive it. Writing to Willie’s father, Hugh, in December 1917, Major General WB Hickie remarks that: ‘I could not say too much about your son. He was loved and reverenced by us all. His gallantry, self sacrifice and devotion to duty were all so well known and recognized. I think that his was the most wonderful character that I have ever known.’

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Biographical information on Fr Doyle

Biographical information on Fr Doyle including a copy of his birth certificate and memorial card.

Irish Vice-Province of the Society of Jesus, 1830-

Sketches of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Various pictures and sketches of Fr Willie Doyle SJ.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Irish College, Lisbon

The Irish Jesuit College at Lisbon was established in 1590.
Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).

Extracts from the booklet 'The Irish College Rome'

Photocopies of extracts from the booklet 'The Irish College Rome' (The Irish Heritage Series: 64, 1989) showing a map of the college's various locations and a list of Rectors (1628 to the present day). Note: The college was under the control of the Society of Jesus from 1635 - 1773.

Hanly, John J., -2016, priest and historian

Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ

Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, (former Irish Province Archivist) referring to a letter he received from Miss Mary Purcell, 32 Gardiner Place, Dublin 1 (whose letter is also contained in this file). Fr McGrath traces the use of Killiney Castle by the Society of Jesus (nd, 1p). Includes a letter from Mary Purcell to Fr McGrath concerning the sale of Killiney Castle to the St John of God Brothers, France. Another property is also referred to by Miss Purcell who discovered this reference in a minute of a council meeting of the Brothers of St John of God but it is unclear if this other property also belonged to the Society of Jesus. The St John of God Brothers did not continue negotiations with the Society (18 August 1977, 2pp).

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

Documents, comprising encyclicals and open letters to all prelates issued by Pope Pius IX

Documents, comprising encyclicals and open letters to all prelates, including those in Ireland, issued by Pope Pius IX. Includes an encyclical on the political upheavals in the Italian states, an appeal for support in defence of the Papal states (18 June 1859, 15pp), and a ‘Decretum’ re. the rights of religious orders, a copy of a decree regarding the receiving of novices, and the admittance to professions in the Society (28 January 1850; 2pp).

Pius IX, Pope, 1792-1878, Head of the Catholic Church

Irish Jesuit chaplains

  • Fonds
  • 1895-2020

Irish Vice-Province of the Society of Jesus, 1830-

Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Willie Doyle SJ written during his time as a chaplain attached to the 8th Brigade Irish Fusiliers, 49th Brigade, and the 8th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, B.E.F., France. Missing original letter 31 December 1915, but have photocopy.

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ following Fr Willie Doyle's death

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ following Fr Willie Doyle's death in action on 17 August 1917, from Fr Kerr McClement, Archbishop’s House, Westminster, Fr William Feran SJ, English Province, Farm Street, London and Fr M. O'Connell, Senior Chaplain (R.C.), H.Q., 16th Division, B.E.F..

Feran, William D, 1869-1942, Jesuit priest

Documents relating to Fr John FitzGibbon SJ during his time serving as a chaplain

Documents relating to Fr John FitzGibbon SJ during his time serving as a chaplain attached to 23rd and 16th Field Ambulance, B.E.F., France. Includes letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr FitzGibbon (14 March 1916 – [April 1918], 19 items) and documents relating to Fr FitzGibbon’s death in action on 18 September 1918, including official letters from General Headquarters, British Armies in France, solicitors’ letters and official certificate of death (20 September 1918 – 25 May 1919, 16 items).

FitzGibbon, John J, 1882-1918, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Second draft of unpublished manuscript by Fr Henry Gill SJ recording his time as a chaplain

Unpublished manuscript by Fr Henry Gill SJ recording his time as a chaplain, entitled ‘1914 – 1918 As seen by a Chaplain with the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles’. Completed in 1933. Includes newspaper and journal articles and fifteen pages of original photographs. Manuscript appears to be an amended version of CHP1/27.

Gill, Henry V, 1872-1945, Jesuit priest, scientist and chaplain

Photocopies of obituary of Fr John Gwynn SJ

Photocopies of obituary from the Sunday Freeman of Fr John Gwynn SJ and a photograph of him as published in a supplement given away with the Weekly Freeman. Includes photographs of Fr Gwynn’s Memorial Tablet and a transcript of the inscription and document relating to his death (obituaries and appreciation by Lord Desmond Fitzgerald).

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Stanislaus MacLoughlin SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Stanislaus McLoughlin SJ written while serving as a chaplain attached 12th (2nd Reserve) Battalion and the 58th T.R. Battalion, The Welsh Regiment, Rhyl and 53rd S.W.B., Rhyl.

MacLoughlin, Stanislaus, 1863-1956, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Francis M Shaw SJ while serving as chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Francis M Shaw SJ written while serving as chaplain in France, India and Mesopotamia (3rd General Hospital, B.E.F., France; No. 37 and No. 17 Casualty Clearing Station, B.E.F., France; 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment, B.E.F., France; 11th Field Ambulance, B.E.F., France; No. 16 Casualty Clearing Station, Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force).

Shaw, Frank M, 1881-1924, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Patrick Tighe SJ while serving as chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Patrick Tighe SJ written while serving as chaplain with the 15th Battalion, A.I.F., B.E.F. and on his way to Australia. Named places have been cut out of a letter (24 January 1917).

Tighe, Patrick, 1866-1920, Jesuit, priest, chaplain and missionary

Pamphlets issued by the War Office

Pamphlets issued by the War Office on ‘The Abolition of flies in camps, billets and hospital. Circular Memorandum No.8.’, 24 June 1916, (7pp) and ‘Roman Catholic Chaplains. Information and Hints. British Armies in France. January 1917’, (21pp), possibly in the possession of Fr Henry Gill SJ. A section of ‘Roman Catholic Chaplains’ is underlined, where the chaplain should live, p.11, ‘with the Transport when the Battalion is in the trenches, unless by arrangement with the Senior Chaplain, it is decided that he shall be in the trenches’. Material hand in by Margaret Doyle, Archivist, Clongowes Wood College, 9 January 2017.

History of the College of Technology, Bolton Street from the 1950s until 1968

‘An Historical Critique’. History of the College of Technology, Bolton Street from the 1950s up to the writing of the document, in relation to its development, education, student numbers and facilities. The writer, in an attempt to encourage the directors of the College to extend the facilities to cope with the changing needs of the students, warns of imminent revolt.

Documents relating to ‘The Archbishop’s Planning Commission for Third Level Colleges under the City of Dublin Vocational Education Authority’

Documents relating to ‘The Archbishop’s Planning Commission for Third Level Colleges under the City of Dublin Vocational Education Authority’, which was established to investigate the ‘religious, educational, emotional and intellectual needs of the students’ and to ‘determine the policy to be pursued and the measures to be taken for the adequate religious education of Catholic students attending Third Level Courses in the Colleges of the City of Dublin Vocational Education Group’. Includes a report of the Commission (4 May 1971, 11 pages).

English translation of a letter by Archbishop Oliver Plunkett to Fr Oliva, General of the Society of Jesus

English translation of a letter written on 30 January 1673 by Archbishop Oliver Plunkett to Fr Giovanni Oliva SJ, General of the Society of Jesus, informing him of his appointment of Father Stephen Rice (1625-1699), a Jesuit, ‘a person of profound religion…(and)…great prudence – unwearied in suffering, most assiduous in working in the vineyard of the Lord’ to work in ‘the pulpit & Schools of Armagh.’ (Fr Rice was made Superior of the Mission in 1672). Also discusses the state of the Society in Ireland, ‘I see that it is in a most desperate condition here, I see to my great sorrow that it will not last long in Ireland if there is not a better way to train and receive novices and to punish the wild & disobedient…If you, Rev. Father, who are so full of zeal to preserve & propagate the Faith in heretic countries & for the great love you always had for this unfortunate nation, will not lend a hand to Save the S.J. in Ireland I fear it will not have the Success that I wish it.’ (The original version forms part of MSS B 33)

Plunkett, Oliver, 1625-1681, Saint and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh

Letter from Eugene O'Curry to William Forbes Skene, Edinburgh, Scotland referring to extracts that Skene collected from O'Curry

Letter from Eugene O'Curry, 5 Portland Street, Dublin to William Forbes Skene, Edinburgh, Scotland referring to extracts that Skene collected from O’Curry. Remarks that he (O'Curry) did not send them to Skene ‘...lest they may not be exactly what you would want...’. Refers to pedigrees of the kings of Scotland contained in the extracts and remarks ‘You seem to think lightly of (them)...’. Continues ‘...I think them very valuable as the Ms. is one of the close of the eleventh or beginning of the twelfth century and appears to have been got up with very great care and attention...’. Refers to a note written by Skene in which he indicates that the pedigrees can be found in a more authentic source. O'Curry expresses his interest in this information. Remarks that Irish historical scholars are ‘...neither mercenary nor jealous, but seek to establish truth...’. Concludes ‘...I wish to say that there is not now any acceptable Irish Ms. in Dublin that I have not carefully read and the value of which as a historical document, I do not clearly understand...’.

O'Curry, Eugene, 1794-1862, Irish scholar

Letter from Rev James Henthorn Todd, secretary of the Irish Archaeological Society to Eugene O'Curry informing him of his election as life member of the Society

Letter from Rev James Henthorn Todd, secretary of the Irish Archaeological Society to Eugene O'Curry informing him of his election as life member of the Society “ ‘ an acknowledgement of the valuable services he has rendered to the Society...’ ”.

Todd, James Henthorn, 1805-1869, librarian and scholar

Results 1 to 100 of 9623