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Collection of pamphlets of Jesuit interest in the 16th century

  1. De persecutione Anglicana Robert Persons SJ, Rome, 1582. Ex libris Josephi Mariani and inscription in Italian;
  2. Rationes decem quibus Edmund Campion SJ, Rome, 1582;
  3. Historia del William Allen, 1583;
  4. Alcune lettere della cose del Giappone, 1584;
  5. Relations della felice morte, by Alessandro Valignano SJ, 1584.

Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe

  • Fonds
  • 1590-2009

The Irish Colleges were established chronologically as follows: Lisbon 1590, Salamanca 1592, Santiago de Compostela 1605, Seville 1608 or 1612, Rome 1628 and Poitiers 1674. Irish Jesuits were involved in the establishment or running of the colleges at Lisbon, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela and Seville. The colleges were established with the aim of educating and training students for the priesthood and acted as service and social centres for Irish religious communities all over Europe. Fr Thomas White SJ (1558-1622) founded Salamanca. For diplomatic reasons the title of Rector was held by a Spanish Jesuit successively at Santiago (1612) and Seville (1619). Fr John Howling SJ (1543-1599) founded Lisbon.

The material comprises of notes on the Irish Colleges at Lisbon, Poitiers, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Rome by Frs Edmund Hogan (1831-1917), John MacErlean (1870-1950) and Fergal McGrath (1895-1988). Includes lists of rectors and students of the Colleges.

Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).

Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus, 1542-1773

Volumes relating to the Irish College in Lisbon

Two volumes, one bound, relating to the Irish College in Lisbon. The volumes contain various papers bound together. The first volume relates to the foundation of the college (485ff). The second volume consists of six sections: Accounts of the college; Ordinances from Rome; Custom book of college life; Statutes and customs; Mass and Orders book; The narration of the imprisonment and expulsion of Fr Dionysius Charti. Note by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on provenance of volumes - that Fr Manuel Gonçalves da Costa SJ visited Milltown Park in 1948, consulted volumes which in custody of Fr John MacErlean SJ (1981), and translation by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ (5 February 1987).

Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome

Marefoschi, Mario Compagnoni, and Clement. 1772. Relazione della visita apostolica del Collegio Ibernese. Roma: Nella stamperia di Marco Pagliarini.

Publication concerning Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome presented to Pope Clement XIV. Includes a Papal document of 20 September 1773 placing the college in new hands (the Society had been suppressed the month before). Includes two short MSS bound into the text. The book is annotated in pencil by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ, with inserts by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

Marefoschi, Mario, 1714-1780, Roman Catholic Cardinal

Copy of letter from Cardinal di Pietro to Archbishop Troy stating that no surviving Irish ex-Jesuits are at liberty to dispose of their property

Copy of letter from Cardinal di Pietro to Archbishop Troy. States that neither Fr Callaghan nor any of the other surviving Irish ex-Jesuits are at liberty to dispose of their property in any other way but in favour of the Irish bishops. Refers to the claim that a Papal rescript exists, which re-establishes the Society of Jesus in the Kingdom of Ireland, in which case the property of ex-Jesuits would belong to the Society. Letter appears on the same document as a letter from Fr Thomas Betagh to Fr Stone.

Di Pietro, Michele, 1747-1821, Roman Catholic Cardinal

Letter from Archbishop Troy to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ which details queries sent to the Holy See in relation to the suppressed Society

Letter from Archbishop Troy to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ. Communicates to Stone the queries sent to the Holy See by the prelates of ‘this Kingdom’ in relation to the suppressed Society and to the administration of the property of the deceased members of the Society, specifically that of the late Fr Callaghan SJ. Includes transcription of replies received.

Troy, John Thomas, 1739-1823, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Copy of excerpt from Fr Marmaduke Stone’s reply to Archbishop Troy’s letter of 31 March 1808

Copy of excerpt from Fr Marmaduke Stone’s reply to Archbishop Troy’s letter of 31 March 1808. Expresses surprise and dismay at the latter’s actions and emphasises that his (Stone’s) letter to Troy was written in confidence. Claims that he knows of no ex-Jesuits who maintain that their Society is canonically re-established in the British Dominions. Refers to a ‘severe letter’ received by him from Cardinal Borgia in relation to the matter. This document also contains copies of correspondence between Cardinal di Pietro and Fr Stone, which are described separately.

Stone, Marmaduke, 1748-1834, Jesuit priest

Copies of a letter from Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ to Fr Mozzi at the Gesú in Rome

Two copies of a letter from Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ to Fr Mozzi at the Gesú in Rome. A note explains that ‘it being judged hazardous to direct it to Rome it was sent to Rotterdam in the autumn of 1808’ to be forwarded to the Fr General in St Petersburg. The subject is property belonging to the Society in Dublin (In Latin with small summary in English).

Stone, Marmaduke, 1748-1834, Jesuit priest

[Copy of] letter [to] Fr Charles Plowden SJ, The writer refers to ‘our friends in Palermo’

[Copy of] letter [to] Fr Charles Plowden SJ, The writer refers to ‘our friends in Palermo’, and states that ‘relying on F. Genl’s Gruber’s assurance’ he has educated ‘many Eng & Irish to form a future British [province]’. Refers to Archbishop Troy’s interference some years before, which resulted in an order from Cardinal Michele di Pietro that Fr Callaghan was bound to leave to Troy all the property of the extinct Society.

Copy of letter from Fr Peter Kenney SJ to Fr Charles Plowden SJ dealing with the misunderstanding surrounding the Pope’s supposed assent to the aggregation of Jesuits to Russia

Copy of letter from Fr Peter Kenney SJ to Fr Charles Plowden SJ. Deals with the issue of the misunderstanding surrounding the Pope’s supposed assent to the aggregation of Jesuits to Russia. Refers to the involvement of Fr Thomas Glover SJ, Fr Gaetano Angiolini SJ, Cardinal Gonsalvi, Fr Gabriel Grüber, the Emperor of Russia, and others. States that Fr Angiolini advises that some Irish novices should be sent over to Palermo to make their vows, and then sent back to Ireland, in order to ensure that the property of the Irish ex-Jesuits remained with the Society.

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Copy of letter from Fr Gaetano Angiolini SJ to Fr Charles Plowden SJ and expresses his delight at the arrival in Palermo of the six novices sent by Plowden

Copy of letter from Fr Gaetano Angiolini SJ to Fr Charles Plowden SJ. Expresses his delight at the arrival in Palermo of the six novices sent by Plowden. Reports that Frs Glover and Kenney did very well in their theology exams, and claims that they are the two strongest students in that field. (In Italian).

Angiolini, Gaetano, 1748-1816, Jesuit priest

Copies of three letters from Fr Gaetano Angiolini SJ to Fr Charles Plowden SJ and discusses the six young Irish novices sent to Palermo, Italy

Copies of three letters from Fr Gaetano Angiolini SJ to Fr Charles Plowden SJ. Discusses the six young Irish novices sent to Palermo, and singles out Fr Peter Kenney SJ for special praise, as well as Fr Thomas Glover SJ. (In Italian and Latin).

Angiolini, Gaetano, 1748-1816, Jesuit priest

Photocopies of documents held in Stonyhurst College, England concerning Irish Jesuits trained in Palermo, Italy

Photocopies of letters and documents held in Stonyhurst College, England, concerning Irish Jesuits trained in Palermo, Italy (Corsini MSS).

  1. From Marmaduke Stone SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (2pp);
  2. From Marmaduke Stone SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (3pp);
  3. From Charles Plowden SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (2pp);
  4. From Peter Kenney SJ (4pp);
  5. From Peter Kenney SJ in Milan, Italy (4pp);
  6. From Marmaduke Stone SJ at Stonyhurst College, England (2pp);
  7. From or regarding Paul Ferley SJ (6pp).

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Copies of letters from Rome to English Province re: funds for Irish Jesuits

Copies of letters from Rome to English Province re. funds for Irish Jesuits. Includes letters from Frs. Angiolini, Tadeusz Brzozowski, de Zuñiga, and to Frs Marmaduke Stone, William Strickland. Also includes a copy of a letter from Patrick Aloysius Drinan in the Roman College, to Fr Kenn[e]y, on, amongst other subjects, Irish Jesuits in Rome. (In Latin, French and English)

Copy of letter from Cardinal di Pietro to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ

Copy of letter from Cardinal di Pietro to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ. Refers to the appeal made by the prelates of Ireland to Rome in relation to the will of the late Fr Richard Callaghan. Claims that the latter, according to an oath sworn on 23 August 1793, should have left his property to Fr Betagh, and not to Stone. Demands that Stone transmit to Rome an authentic copy of the Pope’s alleged rescript, by which Callaghan believed himself to legitimately free to dispose of the funds of the ex-Jesuits in favour of Stone (In Italian). Letter appears on same document as a copy of the reply to it from Fr Stone, and a copy of an excerpt of a letter from Fr Stone to Archbishop Troy.

Di Pietro, Michele, 1747-1821, Roman Catholic Cardinal

Letters to Fr Robert Haly SJ

  • IE IJA J/473/5
  • File
  • 26 April 1810 - 8 December 1869
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters written by various people to Fr Robert Haly SJ:

  • Includes a letter from Fr Murphy SJ referring to the polka. Remarks '…I do not consider it, absolutely speaking, a proximate occasion of sin, as I have the assurance of some reliable young persons of both sexes that they never found any harm in it (nd, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Drinan SJ, Sant' Andrea, Rome describing his life as a novice in the Society of Jesus. Describes his fellow novices (21 March 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Hardwicke Street, Dublin referring to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ. Remarks that he has returned from the Isle of Man. Continues '…(he has) done much good amongst those poor neglected Catholics. But now they are without a priest and of course will fall back again into the old way.' (28 August 1825, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Francis Mahony (Prout) concerning his ordination to Deaconship ([ ] 1828, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr St Leger SJ. Refers to the woods at Clongowes. Remarks that new trees have been planted and hundreds of old trees have been cut down. Refers to Daniel O'Connell 'Mr O'Connell hopes to enter Parliament by a clause in the Act of Union which only requires the oath of abjuration, which was abolished…C. Butler of London has published his opinion that Mr O'Connell's admittance to Parliament cannot be refused according to law…' Includes a note from Fr Peter Kenney SJ at the end of the letter concerning the death of Fr Haly's uncle, Robert in Calcutta on 27 July 1826 (30 September, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from [ ], Clongowes Wood College concerning Christmas celebrations in Clongowes. Refers to the church services and remarks that the Parisian Cope made its first appearance and 'dazzled the natives'. Remarks that the number of scholars in the college is small and many vacancies exist. Refers to Fr Aylmer and Fr St Leger and their plans to erect a new chapel in Dublin. Refers to Fr Moran's departure for Buenos Ayres. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell's determination to go to Parliament (5 January 1829, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from George Oliver, St Nicholas' Priory, Exeter containing queries about members of the Society in Ireland for a publication he is preparing (17 July 1838, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning his stay in Rome. Describes dining with Fr General on St Stanislaus Day (23 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Patrick Sheehan SJ, Roman College concerning news from Rome and general Society matters. Reports that Fr General is pleased with all the Provinces under his direction and has expressed a wish to open a Japanese Mission (30 November 1838, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bartholomew Esmonde SJ, Al Gesu, Rome enclosing a sketch of his design for the altar at St Francis Xavier's Church, Gardiner Street, Dublin (9 February 1842, 3pp).
  • Includes a transcription of the same letter, 9 February 1842, by Fr Francis Finegan SJ [1975].
  • Includes a letter from Fr Bartholomew Esmonde, SJ, San Calcedonio, Malta concerning the suspension of Fr Rillo by the Bishop. Remarks that the business has become public due to the intervention of Lord Clifford (25 July 1842, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Cunningham SJ, Rome. Refers to the political situation in Ireland and Daniel O'Connell. Refers to Fr Rillo and remarks that he is no longer in Malta. Remarks '…after his justification had been fully established he removed to Palermo. Mr Esmonde is authorised to select whom he pleases to succeed the former.' (25 November 1843, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Esmonde concerning his missionary work in Malta. Remarks 'I have a curious time of it here, strange folks as if all the odd fish of the Mediterranean had climbed up on this rock.' Refers to a new church opened by the Protestants on the island. Refers to the power of the government a governor of the island who control everything (15 November 1844, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Lynch, SJ, Church of St Joseph, Willings Alley, Philadelphia, PA describing his surroundings (1 February 1840, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from John Gaffney concerning the Archbishop's (Dr Cullen) decision to prohibit the dancing of the polka. Discusses the implications of this decision and expresses the opinion that the Society should not pursue a different course of action to the clergy of Dublin and rural areas (20 January 1858, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Bishop George Browne of Elphin concerning a retreat to be conducted by Fr Robert Haly SJ. Refers to the parishioners eagerness for a mission (19 April 1858, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from the Bishop of Clonfert, John Derry agreeing to consecrate the Society's church in Galway (11 May 186[ ]), 4pp).
  • Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ granting Fr Haly privileges with regard to his mission work (26 September 1867, 3pp).
    Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Edmund O'Reilly SJ advising Fr Haly on how to deal with confessors who declare they are members of the Fenians (8 December 1869, 4p

Copy of letter from Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ to Cardinal di Pietro – reply to the latter’s letter of 7 October 1809

Copy of letter from Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ to Cardinal di Pietro - reply to the latter’s letter of 7 October 1809. Refers to Archbishop Troy’s appeal to Rome in relation to the will of Fr Richard Callaghan, and reminds the Cardinal of the oath sworn by all English priests to renounce all pretensions of the Holy See to interfere in civil affairs within Great Britain. Also alludes to the dangers of such interference especially when the Holy See is subject to the rule of Napoleon Buonaparte. Discusses the will of Fr Callaghan in relation to the agreement made by Irish ex-Jesuits in 1793, and asserts that no promise was ever made to leave Jesuit property to the Irish prelates. (In Italian). Letter appears on same document as a copy of the one to which it replies, and a copy of an excerpt of a letter from Fr Stone to Archbishop Troy.

Stone, Marmaduke, 1748-1834, Jesuit priest

Copy of letter from Fr Peter Kenney SJ in Palermo to Fr Thomas Glover SJ and expresses delight that the latter returned safely to Stonyhurst

Copy of letter from Fr Peter Kenney SJ in Palermo to Fr Thomas Glover SJ. Expresses delight that the latter returned safely to Stonyhurst. Reports the death of Cogan on 15 October. Reminds him to send a book for the Prince of Butera. Refers to the landing of French troops, the defence effort by the Sicilians, and the subsequent surrender of some French, and the flight of others back to Naples, upon the arrival of the British troops. States that Paccanari ‘has taken a wife & walks the streets of Rome with her with shameless effrontery.’ Expresses the fear that the Irish have complained of him (Kenney) ‘for having led F. Stone astray’.

Kenney, Peter J, 1779-1841, Jesuit priest and educator

Letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

  • IE IJA J/470/1
  • File
  • 5 April 1811 - 23 July 1838
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. A brief précis to the letters is included in the file, and list of Irish Jesuits (1831).

Copy of letter from Fr Gaetano Angiolini SJ to [ ] in which he refers to Lord George Cholmondely

Copy of letter from Fr Gaetano Angiolini SJ to [ ]. Refers to Lord George Cholmondely, Viscount Malpas, son of Count Cholmondely, who was sent to Palermo by his father the previous summer for medical reasons. Refers to Fr St Leger SJ and Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. (In Italian).

Angiolini, Gaetano, 1748-1816, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Palermo, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, 14 Clarendon Street, Dublin

Letter from Mr Charles Aylmer SJ, Palermo, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, 14 Clarendon Street, Dublin describing life amongst the community in Palermo and his work. Refers to Fr Gahan's work in Ireland. Remarks 'You cannot but be well persuaded of the interest we must all take in history of the commencement and progress of our little Irish Province. We have received no information whatever on this subject, and only know that three of you are actually in Dublin'. Remarks that both himself and Fr St. Leger have been ordained. Concludes 'Give me some account of your situation, employment etc. - but remember I do not mean to gratify curiosity; I only wish as much as may satisfy my affection and regard for you all and my zeal for the cause in which you have been the first to embark. Storms may assail you, but you know they are a distinctive mark of every good undertaking.'

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Document signed by Emmanuel de Zuñiga SJ granting permission for saying Mass

Document signed by Emmanuel de Zuñiga SJ of the Society of Jesus in the Kingdom of Sicily granting permission to Frs Horatio Mont[ ], Robert St Leger, Bartholomew Esmonde, Paul Ferley and James Butler to celebrate Mass, hear confessions etc [in Sicily]. (In Latin; with seal attached).

de Zuñiga, Emmanuel, 1743-1820, Jesuit priest

Photocopy of a letter from Fr Joseph Dunn SJ, Preston, England to Fr Gaetana Angiolini SJ, Gesu, Italy

Photocopy of a letter from Fr Joseph Dunn SJ, Preston, England to Fr Gaetana Angiolini SJ, Gesu, Italy concerning the Restoration of the Society, and with references to Irish Jesuits in Palermo. In Italian; original document in the Bibliotheca Corsini, Rome (15 July 1815, 3pp) and translation of same made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist until 1986) (5pp).

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Rome to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Clongowes Wood, Naas

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Rome, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Clongowes Wood, Naas, Kildare concerning domestic issues in Rome. Refers to a group of Polish fathers who are destined for Clongowes but remarks that he does not know when they will commence their journey. Refers to the General Congregation and the naming of the new Fr. General. Remarks 'You have no idea of all the imbroglios which I have witnessed here; men are men everywhere. I have so little that could edify you on the subject that I judge it more prudent not to enter upon it.' Asks to be remembered to members of the community in Clongowes Wood.

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Letter from Patrick Drinan SJ to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ, Hardwicke Street Chapel, Dublin

Letter from Patrick Drinan SJ to Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ, Hardwicke Street Chapel, Dublin concerning his life in the noviceship in Rome. Another letter is written by James Patrick McDonnell on the reverse concerning St. Andrea. It would seem (the letter is almost indecipherable) that this second letter also concerns the noviceship in Rome.

Drinan, Patrick Aloysius, 1804-1832, Jesuit scholastic

Letters between Anne Russell and Charles Russell

A file relating to Anne Russell sister of Charles Russell. Includes a letter from Anne Russell to Charles Russell written on the back of another letter from Thomas Russell to 'Mo'. The other three letters are from Charles Russell to Anne Russell. Includes a letter describing his studies at Maynooth (22 March 1827, 3pp).

Handwritten history of the residence at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

Handwritten history of the residence at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. Includes holograph letters from Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ, Rome to Frs Aylmer and Meagher, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street relating to the proposed altar, with illustrations of altar; history of St Francis Xavier's by Fr Kenney SJ; annual letters by Fr Curtis SJ (1841 - 47); Historia Domus of St Francis Xavier College (Belvedere) and residence by Fr Kavanagh SJ, notice of valuation of house at Upper Gardiner Street (1 March 1832); history of Upper Gardiner Street residence (1865 - 68); an oration made in aid of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street (1833); annual letters by Fr O'Farrell SJ (1840);

Notes and letters by Fr John Ffrench SJ

  • IE IJA J/148/2
  • File
  • 18 October 1834 - 1873
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Notes and letters by Fr John Ffrench SJ, including reports on 12 boys at St Stanisalus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly and what he has taught to them (18 October 1834), letters while acting as Substitute English Assistant to Fr General and English Assistant to Fr General, Rome to Fr O'Reilly SJ and Fr Browne SJ (21 December 1865 & 16 February 1867) and note on the wood used for Tullabeg. Includes letters from Fr George Lambert SJ, Fr General Peter Beckx SJ, Curia Generalizia Compagnia di Gesù, Rome, Italy on the death of Fr John Ffrench SJ (1873).

Copy of a general resolution of the Society of Jesus, issued by Fr General Roothaan

Copy of a general resolution of the Society of Jesus, issued by Fr General Roothaan. Addressed to Camille de Dominicis, Superioress of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin St. Ursula in Rome, and to all the religious of that monastery and of ‘the other monasteries of the same valuable order in the Catholic world.’ Grants a share in the prayers, sacrifices and other pious works performed by members of the Society.

Roothaan, Jan Philipp,1785-1853, Jesuit priest and Father General

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