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The Jesuit Irish mission: a calendar of correspondence, 1566-1752
The Jesuit Irish mission: a calendar of correspondence, 1566-1752
Archivum Hibernicum
Archivum Hibernicum
Photocopy of the foundation document of the Irish College in Rome
Photocopy of the foundation document of the Irish College in Rome
La Civilita' Catholica
La Civilita' Catholica
A guide to Jesuit Archives
A guide to Jesuit Archives
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu (III) 1986-2000
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu (III) 1986-2000
Monumenta Anglia III
Monumenta Anglia III
The pastoral function of church archives
The pastoral function of church archives
Obituary of Fr Edward O'Connor SJ
Obituary of Fr Edward O'Connor SJ
Extracts from the booklet 'The Irish College Rome'
Extracts from the booklet 'The Irish College Rome'
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu (II) 1970-1985
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu (II) 1970-1985
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu (II) 1970-1985
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu (II) 1970-1985
Lexicon nominum locorum: Supplementum referens nomina Latina-vulgaria
Lexicon nominum locorum: Supplementum referens nomina Latina-vulgaria
Letter of congratulation from the Jesuit Curia in Rome
Letter of congratulation from the Jesuit Curia in Rome
Obituary of Fr Daniel Joseph O'Connell SJ
Obituary of Fr Daniel Joseph O'Connell SJ
The Letters of Saint 1625-1681
The Letters of Saint 1625-1681
Letter from Fr Daniel O'Connell SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his trip to Ireland
Letter from Fr Daniel O'Connell SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his trip to Ireland
Research by Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ on Fr Peter Kenney SJ
Research by Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ on Fr Peter Kenney SJ
Lexicon nominum locorum
Lexicon nominum locorum
Extract describing Irish Jesuit scholastics at Palermo in 1810
Extract describing Irish Jesuit scholastics at Palermo in 1810
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu ab a.1814 ad a.1970
Catalogus Defunctorum in renata societate lesu ab a.1814 ad a.1970
Letter from Father General Pedro Arrupe congratulating Fr John McAvoy SJ on his Golden Jubilee
Letter from Father General Pedro Arrupe congratulating Fr John McAvoy SJ on his Golden Jubilee
Letters from Prof. Geoffrey Hand to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
Letters from Prof. Geoffrey Hand to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
Letters relating to Fr Daniel O'Connell's diamond jubilee
Letters relating to Fr Daniel O'Connell's diamond jubilee
Catalogus defunctorum in renata Societate Iesu ab a. 1814 ad a. 1970
Catalogus defunctorum in renata Societate Iesu ab a. 1814 ad a. 1970
Mission material relating to Fr Gerald Lawlor SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Gerald Lawlor SJ
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from various academics relating to aspects of the life of Honorius Augustodunensis
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from various academics relating to aspects of the life of Honorius Augustodunensis
Photocopy of a postcard from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rome, Italy to his niece Sr Marie Hilary
Photocopy of a postcard from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rome, Italy to his niece Sr Marie Hilary
Material relating to Fr Michael Fitzgerald SJ compiled by Fr Hugh Fenning, O.P.
Material relating to Fr Michael Fitzgerald SJ compiled by Fr Hugh Fenning, O.P.
'Sources for the History of the Irish College, Rome'
'Sources for the History of the Irish College, Rome'
Material relating to Fr Francis O'Farrell SJ
Material relating to Fr Francis O'Farrell SJ
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr General outlining the reasons why he feels the novitiate transferred from Formosa to Hong Kong
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr General outlining the reasons why he feels the novitiate transferred from Formosa to Hong Kong
Photographs of Pope's visit to the Vatican Observatory
Photographs of Pope's visit to the Vatican Observatory
File of material relating to Fr Thomas Byrne SJ, taken from the Mission Office
File of material relating to Fr Thomas Byrne SJ, taken from the Mission Office
Photograph taken at Castel Gondolfo of the 30th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Photograph taken at Castel Gondolfo of the 30th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Correspondence concerning Madame Regina Łukasiewicz’s accusations of the theft of her late husband’s papers
Correspondence concerning Madame Regina Łukasiewicz’s accusations of the theft of her late husband’s papers
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to pictures of St Ignatius Loyola in a book by Mary Purcell
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial relating to pictures of St Ignatius Loyola in a book by Mary Purcell
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Michael O'Grady SJ and Vice-Provincial Fr John Coyne SJ from Fr General John Baptist Janssens SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Michael O'Grady SJ and Vice-Provincial Fr John Coyne SJ from Fr General John Baptist Janssens SJ
Mission material relating to Br Patrick Sherry SJ
Mission material relating to Br Patrick Sherry SJ
Correspondence between Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin, and Irish Provincials Thomas Byrne and Michael O'Grady
Correspondence between Dr John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin, and Irish Provincials Thomas Byrne and Michael O'Grady
Photographic slides of sites of Jesuit interest in Barcelona, Rome, Manresa and Spain
Photographic slides of sites of Jesuit interest in Barcelona, Rome, Manresa and Spain
Fr Joseph Hurley's wish to write some of the Messenger of the Sacred Heart in Irish
Fr Joseph Hurley's wish to write some of the Messenger of the Sacred Heart in Irish
Newspaper cutting reporting on Fr Daniel O'Connell’s appointment as Director of the Vatican Observatory
Newspaper cutting reporting on Fr Daniel O'Connell’s appointment as Director of the Vatican Observatory
Letters from Gerard (brother in law) to Fr William White SJ
Letters from Gerard (brother in law) to Fr William White SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick O'Brien SJ
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick O'Brien SJ
Visit of Mondragone party
Visit of Mondragone party
Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
Visit of Mondragone party which stayed at Manresa
Visit of Mondragone party which stayed at Manresa
Copies of Superiors letters of Manresa House to Rome
Copies of Superiors letters of Manresa House to Rome
Letters concerning Fr Thomas Byrne SJ
Letters concerning Fr Thomas Byrne SJ
Article from 'Archivium Historicum Societatis Jesu' entitled 'Le P. François Bray (1584 -1624)...'
Article from 'Archivium Historicum Societatis Jesu' entitled 'Le P. François Bray (1584 -1624)...'
Pamphlet regarding the Gregorian University in Rome
Pamphlet regarding the Gregorian University in Rome
Sudden death of Fr John Hannon SJ
Sudden death of Fr John Hannon SJ
Photographs of Fr John Hannon SJ
Photographs of Fr John Hannon SJ
Manuscript by Fr Joseph E. Canavan SJ describing how the Jesuits elect their General
Manuscript by Fr Joseph E. Canavan SJ describing how the Jesuits elect their General
Document concerning new regulations on the type of apostolate work being carried out in China
Document concerning new regulations on the type of apostolate work being carried out in China
Letter from Fr John Hannon SJ to Fr General seeking permission for Fr Patrick Joy SJ to sell property in Hong Kong
Letter from Fr John Hannon SJ to Fr General seeking permission for Fr Patrick Joy SJ to sell property in Hong Kong
Report by Fr Patrick Joy SJ on interviews he had in Rome with concerning the future of the Hong Kong mission
Report by Fr Patrick Joy SJ on interviews he had in Rome with concerning the future of the Hong Kong mission
Cutting from an Italian newspaper reporting the appointment of Fr Jean B Janssens SJ as the new General
Cutting from an Italian newspaper reporting the appointment of Fr Jean B Janssens SJ as the new General
Text of the speech delivered by the Pope at Castel Gondolfo on the occasion of the 29th General Congregation
Text of the speech delivered by the Pope at Castel Gondolfo on the occasion of the 29th General Congregation
Booklet containing the names of the Fathers who attended the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Booklet containing the names of the Fathers who attended the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Letter from Fr John Hannon SJ, Rome containing the signatures of all the Fathers in the Curia Generalizia
Letter from Fr John Hannon SJ, Rome containing the signatures of all the Fathers in the Curia Generalizia
Correspondence between Fr Timothy Doody SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Timothy Doody SJ and his Irish Provincials
Photographs of the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Photographs of the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Manuscript concerning the influence of the Church on cinema, radio and television distributed to the Fathers attending the 29th General Congregation
Manuscript concerning the influence of the Church on cinema, radio and television distributed to the Fathers attending the 29th General Congregation
List of the names of the Fathers who attended the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
List of the names of the Fathers who attended the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Letter from Fr John Hannon SJ (English Assistant), Rome to Fr Patrick Joy SJ concerning the Hong Kong mission
Letter from Fr John Hannon SJ (English Assistant), Rome to Fr Patrick Joy SJ concerning the Hong Kong mission
Diary kept by Fr Joseph Canavan SJ, detailing his time in Rome during the 1946 General Congregation
Diary kept by Fr Joseph Canavan SJ, detailing his time in Rome during the 1946 General Congregation
Cutting from the 'Irish Independent' of the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Cutting from the 'Irish Independent' of the 29th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus
Typed diary by Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ
Typed diary by Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ
Material relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St Mark
Material relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St Mark
Documents relating to Fr Michael Pelly's time as a chaplain.
Documents relating to Fr Michael Pelly's time as a chaplain.
Article published in the Irish Ecclesiastical Record
Article published in the Irish Ecclesiastical Record
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael Pelly SJ written while serving as a chaplain
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Michael Pelly SJ written while serving as a chaplain
Article published in 'The Standard' entitled 'Scots, Spanish, Irish.'
Article published in 'The Standard' entitled 'Scots, Spanish, Irish.'
Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Conal Murphy SJ written while serving as chaplain
Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Conal Murphy SJ written while serving as chaplain
Certificate awarding Doctor in Philosophy to Fr Patrick Joy SJ
Certificate awarding Doctor in Philosophy to Fr Patrick Joy SJ
Photographs of retreatants at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photographs of retreatants at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Fr Desmond Collins SJ
Fr Desmond Collins SJ
Fr Franz Schrenk SJ
Fr Franz Schrenk SJ
Article by Fr Arthur Little SJ rejected by the censors
Article by Fr Arthur Little SJ rejected by the censors
Photographs of Hong Kong missionaries
Photographs of Hong Kong missionaries
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial on proposals to establish an amateur Irish Jesuit news agency to supply information to Radio Vaticana
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial on proposals to establish an amateur Irish Jesuit news agency to supply information to Radio Vaticana
Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
Statement to Religious Orders concerning the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and University Studies
Statement to Religious Orders concerning the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and University Studies
Admission of Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Admission of Fr Herbert J Dargan SJ to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Letter from Br Philip G Sullivan SJ, Borgo S. Spirito, Rome to Irish Fr Provincial concerning Mgr. Gee Piu's visit to Rome and Ireland
Letter from Br Philip G Sullivan SJ, Borgo S. Spirito, Rome to Irish Fr Provincial concerning Mgr. Gee Piu's visit to Rome and Ireland
Robert Thompson's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Robert Thompson's admission papers and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials
Postcard from Fr Daniel Finn SJ, Venice, Italy to Rev. Gerard Casey SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin
Postcard from Fr Daniel Finn SJ, Venice, Italy to Rev. Gerard Casey SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin
Correspondence between Fr Edward O’Connor SJ and his Irish Provincials
Correspondence between Fr Edward O’Connor SJ and his Irish Provincials
Letters relating to visitors to the Chinese/Hong Kong mission
Letters relating to visitors to the Chinese/Hong Kong mission
Notes compiled by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on the SS Trinit´Scottorum, Rome
Notes compiled by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on the SS Trinit´Scottorum, Rome
Fr John C Kelly SJ
Fr John C Kelly SJ
Correspondence of bequests made to Father Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions
Correspondence of bequests made to Father Provincial regarding the Hong Kong and China missions
Fr Francis Joy SJ
Fr Francis Joy SJ
Kevin Quinn's admission papers to the Society and correspondence
Kevin Quinn's admission papers to the Society and correspondence
Documents relating to the 1933 Provincial Congregation
Documents relating to the 1933 Provincial Congregation
Copies of Irish ‘Informationes’ transcribed from the ‘Codex Novitiorum’ and ‘Informationes Novitiorum’
Copies of Irish ‘Informationes’ transcribed from the ‘Codex Novitiorum’ and ‘Informationes Novitiorum’
Francis O'Farrell's admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials
Francis O'Farrell's admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials
Material related to the admission and taking of vows of Fr Patrick Simpson SJ
Material related to the admission and taking of vows of Fr Patrick Simpson SJ
Results 1 to 100 of 421