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Milltown Park, Dublin
Milltown Park, Dublin
Irish Jesuit houses of formation
Irish Jesuit houses of formation
'Alphabetum divini amoris'
'Alphabetum divini amoris'
Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Pauline commentaries
Pauline commentaries
Irish Jesuits
Irish Jesuits
Jesuits in Ireland pre-1773
Jesuits in Ireland pre-1773
Votes by Simon Rodriguez and Claude Lejay for the first General of the Society
Votes by Simon Rodriguez and Claude Lejay for the first General of the Society
Homiliarum doctissimi viri Ioannis Eckii, aduersus Lutherum et caeteros haereticos
Homiliarum doctissimi viri Ioannis Eckii, aduersus Lutherum et caeteros haereticos
D. Aurelii Augustini Hiponensis Episcopi Enarrationes
D. Aurelii Augustini Hiponensis Episcopi Enarrationes
Homiliarum doctissimi viri Ioannis Eckii adverus quoscunque
Homiliarum doctissimi viri Ioannis Eckii adverus quoscunque
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium
Non-Irish Jesuit material
Non-Irish Jesuit material
Publications in Irish Jesuit Archives office
Publications in Irish Jesuit Archives office
Irish Jesuit Special Collections
Irish Jesuit Special Collections
Irish Jesuit Manuscript B
Irish Jesuit Manuscript B
James FitzMaurice, St Malo to Fr General Everard Mercurian SJ
James FitzMaurice, St Malo to Fr General Everard Mercurian SJ
Bishop Edmund Tanner, Cork to Fr General Everard Mercurian SJ
Bishop Edmund Tanner, Cork to Fr General Everard Mercurian SJ
Irish Jesuit Manuscript A
Irish Jesuit Manuscript A
Considerationes de frequentanda Communione, aliaque documents etpracepta
Considerationes de frequentanda Communione, aliaque documents etpracepta
Copied excerpt from the Public Record Office Papers with list of accusations made against Sir Richard Shee
Copied excerpt from the Public Record Office Papers with list of accusations made against Sir Richard Shee
Commentaria in Psalmos Davidicos
Commentaria in Psalmos Davidicos
Collection of pamphlets of Jesuit interest in the 16th century
Collection of pamphlets of Jesuit interest in the 16th century
Chronicorum opus, in tres partes diuisum
Chronicorum opus, in tres partes diuisum
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Irish College, Lisbon
Irish College, Lisbon
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Volumes relating to the Irish College in Lisbon
Volumes relating to the Irish College in Lisbon
Irish College, Salamanca
Irish College, Salamanca
Aristotelis Stagiritae perpateticorum principis organum
Aristotelis Stagiritae perpateticorum principis organum
Adversus omnes haereses
Adversus omnes haereses
On Old and New Testaments
On Old and New Testaments
Commentary on Old Testament
Commentary on Old Testament
Transcript of an account of the voyage from Coruna to Ireland
Transcript of an account of the voyage from Coruna to Ireland
Moralitates Bibliorum Petri Berthorii
Moralitates Bibliorum Petri Berthorii
‘Copy of an original MS’ from 1610 in a Jesuit archive in London, and sent to the Fr General
‘Copy of an original MS’ from 1610 in a Jesuit archive in London, and sent to the Fr General
A Dominica prima Aduentus, & deinceps per totam quadragesimam, in singulas ferias vsque ad Pascha. Pars Hyemalis
A Dominica prima Aduentus, & deinceps per totam quadragesimam, in singulas ferias vsque ad Pascha. Pars Hyemalis
Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas
Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas
Disputatio theologica
Disputatio theologica
Britannomachia ministrorum,in plerisque et fidei fundamentis,et fidei articulis dissidentium
Britannomachia ministrorum,in plerisque et fidei fundamentis,et fidei articulis dissidentium
Parnassus poeticus
Parnassus poeticus
Manuscript entitled 'A short rule of a good life'
Manuscript entitled 'A short rule of a good life'
Tragoediæ sacræ
Tragoediæ sacræ
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. Whereunto is added a sermon Preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same Author
An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. Whereunto is added a sermon Preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same Author
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Description of diploma from Fr General Vitelleschi SJ regarding Sodality of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Dublin
Description of diploma from Fr General Vitelleschi SJ regarding Sodality of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Dublin
A reply to Mr. James Ussher his answere. Wherein it is discovered how Answerlesse the said Mr. Ussher returneth. The uniforme consent also of Antiquity is declared to stande for the Roman Religion: And the Answerer is convinced of vanity in challenging the Patronage of the Doctors of the Primative Church for his Protestancy
A reply to Mr. James Ussher his answere. Wherein it is discovered how Answerlesse the said Mr. Ussher returneth. The uniforme consent also of Antiquity is declared to stande for the Roman Religion: And the Answerer is convinced of vanity in challenging the Patronage of the Doctors of the Primative Church for his Protestancy
Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Clongowes Wood College SJ
Clongowes Wood College SJ
Irish College, Rome
Irish College, Rome
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Key dates in the history of the Irish College in Rome
Key dates in the history of the Irish College in Rome
Anteloquia in Salomonis Canticorum Canticum, ethica pariter et historica
Anteloquia in Salomonis Canticorum Canticum, ethica pariter et historica
Two histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity
Two histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity
List of students in the Irish College, Rome
List of students in the Irish College, Rome
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis libri duo
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis libri duo
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo Abrahamo, et Iosue figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus tertius
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo Abrahamo, et Iosue figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus tertius
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers
Theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque partitum
Theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque partitum
Tractatus de contractibus in genere et in specie
Tractatus de contractibus in genere et in specie
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus
Universa philosophia scholastica
Universa philosophia scholastica
Sancti Patris nostri Claudiani ecdicii Mamerti De statu animae libri III
Sancti Patris nostri Claudiani ecdicii Mamerti De statu animae libri III
Aphthonii progymnasmata á Rodolpho Agricola partim, partim á Iohannae M. Cataneo Latinitate donata
Aphthonii progymnasmata á Rodolpho Agricola partim, partim á Iohannae M. Cataneo Latinitate donata
Operum tomus primus
Operum tomus primus
Departure file for Peter Talbot
Departure file for Peter Talbot
Erastus Senior. Scholastically Demonstrating this Conclusion, that (admitting their Lambeth Records for true) those called Bishops here in England, are no Bishops, either in Order, or Jurisdiction, or so much as legal. [...] With an Appendix, containing Extracts out of ancient Rituals, Greek and Latine, for the Form of Ordaining Bishops: And Copies of the Acts of Parliament, quoted in the third Part
Erastus Senior. Scholastically Demonstrating this Conclusion, that (admitting their Lambeth Records for true) those called Bishops here in England, are no Bishops, either in Order, or Jurisdiction, or so much as legal. [...] With an Appendix, containing Extracts out of ancient Rituals, Greek and Latine, for the Form of Ordaining Bishops: And Copies of the Acts of Parliament, quoted in the third Part
Roman-Catholick doctrines no novelties, or, An answer to Dr. Pierce's court-sermon, miscall'd The primitive rule of Reformation
Roman-Catholick doctrines no novelties, or, An answer to Dr. Pierce's court-sermon, miscall'd The primitive rule of Reformation
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Tractatus adventualis, seu expectatio incarnati verbi divini, complectens conciones
Tractatus adventualis, seu expectatio incarnati verbi divini, complectens conciones
Documents issued by the Holy See to Irish Jesuits
Documents issued by the Holy See to Irish Jesuits
Administration of the Irish Jesuits
Administration of the Irish Jesuits
Decree issued by Pope Clement X in relation to the rights of religious orders
Decree issued by Pope Clement X in relation to the rights of religious orders
English translation of a letter by Archbishop Oliver Plunkett to Fr Oliva, General of the Society of Jesus
English translation of a letter by Archbishop Oliver Plunkett to Fr Oliva, General of the Society of Jesus
St Oliver Plunkett
St Oliver Plunkett
Irish College, Poitiers
Irish College, Poitiers
Departure file for Andrew Fitzjohn Sall
Departure file for Andrew Fitzjohn Sall
A sermon preached at Christ-Chvrch in Dublin before the Lord Lieutenant & Council, the fifth day of July 1674 : with a declaration made in St. John's Church in Cashel before the archbishop of the province : and a preface shewing the reasons for deserting the communion of the Roman Church, and embracing that of the Church of England
A sermon preached at Christ-Chvrch in Dublin before the Lord Lieutenant & Council, the fifth day of July 1674 : with a declaration made in St. John's Church in Cashel before the archbishop of the province : and a preface shewing the reasons for deserting the communion of the Roman Church, and embracing that of the Church of England
Heliotropium, sive conciones tum des festis quam de Dominicis quae in solani totius anni circulo occurrunt
Heliotropium, sive conciones tum des festis quam de Dominicis quae in solani totius anni circulo occurrunt
The unerring and unerrable church or An answer to a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Sall, formerly a Jesuit, and now a Minister of the Protestant Church. Written by I.S. and dedicated to his Excellency The most honorable Arthur Earl of Essex Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
The unerring and unerrable church or An answer to a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Sall, formerly a Jesuit, and now a Minister of the Protestant Church. Written by I.S. and dedicated to his Excellency The most honorable Arthur Earl of Essex Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
True Catholic and Apostolic Faith maintain'd in the Church of England. Being A Reply to several Books published under the names of J. E. N. N. and J. S. against his Declaration for the Church of England, and against the motives for his Separation from the Roman Church, declared in a Printed Sermon which he Preached in Dublin
True Catholic and Apostolic Faith maintain'd in the Church of England. Being A Reply to several Books published under the names of J. E. N. N. and J. S. against his Declaration for the Church of England, and against the motives for his Separation from the Roman Church, declared in a Printed Sermon which he Preached in Dublin
Clypeus septemplex
Clypeus septemplex
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Quinta)
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Quinta)
An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand
An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand
An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand
An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Nona)
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Nona)
Discours moraux en forme de prones
Discours moraux en forme de prones
Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti
Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti
Theologia Tripartita Universa Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Novissima)
Theologia Tripartita Universa Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Novissima)
Theologia Tripartita Universa, Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Posthuma)
Theologia Tripartita Universa, Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Posthuma)
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte
'Foras Feasa: An Leabhar Muimhneach 'Annála Inis Faithleann' '
'Foras Feasa: An Leabhar Muimhneach 'Annála Inis Faithleann' '
The Jesuits in Galway
The Jesuits in Galway
The Elements of Euclid Explain’d
The Elements of Euclid Explain’d
Books at St Ignatius, Galway
Books at St Ignatius, Galway
Results 1 to 100 of 9507