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Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ

Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ including:

  • Biographical skecth from 'The Irish Magazine, and Monthly Aslyum for neglected biography (March 1811);
  • 'The Life of Revered Pious Predictions of the late Very Rev. Dr Betagh..' compiled by Mr Francis Daniel, printed and sold by C.M. Warren, 8 Tight Street, 1832;

Letter from Charles Dolman, 61 Bond Street, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from Charles Dolman, 61 Bond Street, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning the 'Dublin Review'. Remarks that he has not received an answer to a previous letter to Daniel O'Connell and that he can no longer delay the publication of the next issue of the 'Dublin Review'. Proposes to bring out the next issue himself '...I therefore beg to request you to inform me whether you make any objection to my doing so...In making this proposal you will understand that I do not intend to consider you liable in respect of that No. either for pecuniary loss or literary responsibility...' Concludes 'You will no doubt recollect that our agreement contains an undertaking on your part to use your best exertions to relieve Mr Richards and myself from such loss as we might sustain in this business...'

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Letter from Charles Dolman to Daniel O'Connell concerning an article on Orators for the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from Charles Dolman, 61 Bond Street, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning an article on Orators for the 'Dublin Review'. Remarks that before No. XI can be published a decision about the future of the publication should be reached. Remarks that himself and Mr. Richards '...cannot individually run any further risk (having both already lost too much to justify us in so doing) unless the proposed plan or one similar be adopted...' Expresses the hope that O'Connell will transfer his share and interest in the stock and property of the 'Review' to him (Charles Dolman).

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Letters from Saint John Henry Newman to Dr Charles William Russell

A file of letters from Saint John Henry Newman to Dr Charles William Russell (President of Maynooth).

  • Includes many letters discussing religion and theological issues. Remarks 'I do not look so despairingly at our church as you do. While I think...she is a branch of the Church Catholic I also have lately had my hopes increased as to the prospect of her improvement in doctrinal exactness...' Discusses his tracts and remarks 'I...felt surprised to find persons influenced by them. I had intended them mainly as a protest. I have never courted or anticipated success - yet success came...' (26 April 1841, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to the Dublin Review. Remarks that he has friends '...willing to spend money on the Dublin (Review).' Praises the editorship of the Review. Asks Dr Russell's opinion on the desire of English Catholics to have a Quarterly publication. (23 October 1850, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring again to the Dublin Review. Remarks that he never thought there was any rivalry between it and the Rambler (28 October 1850, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to his resignation as rector of the Catholic University (4 December 1858, 2pp).
  • Includes letter referring to a proposed mission of Oxford. Remarks 'Permission was granted for the oratory to go to Oxford, but, by a secret instruction which was not to be shown to me, if I proposed to reside there, I was to be stopped.' Continues 'The version propaganda gives is that it fears my presence at Oxford will attract young Catholics there.' (24 April 1867, 4pp).
  • Includes a letter thanking Dr Russell for his invitation to Newman to lay the foundation stone for the church at Maynooth. Expresses his congratulations at the prospect and refers to the length of time Maynooth has had to wait for the church (27 September 1875, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter referring to Dr Russell's accident and the cutting short of his career as President of Maynooth as a result (19 September 1879, 3pp).

Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890, Saint, Roman Catholic Cardinal, theologian, and educationist

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell thanking him for his subscription

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell thanking him for his subscription. Expresses thanks for the support O'Connell is giving to the 'Dublin Review'. In particular he thanks O'Connell for recommending it to the clergy. Remarks 'For years past the principal reason of the circulation not being more extended is owing to the little support received from the Irish Clergy. Remarks that he will continue to promote and support the 'Dublin Review'.

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning O'Connell's subscription to the Guarantee Fund of the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from Charles Dolman, London to Daniel O'Connell concerning O'Connell's subscription to the Guarantee Fund of the 'Dublin Review' due for the years 1841 and 1842. Refers to heavy losses he has suffered as a result of the publication and that a different plan for the 'Dublin Review' has been arranged by Dr Wiseman whereby the authors of articles will receive '...the proceeds of the sales after paying the printing expenses - for their remuneration.'

Dolman, Charles, 1807-1863, publisher

Letters from Fr Nicholas Wiseman to Dr Charles Russell on the 'Dublin Review'

A file of letters from Fr Nicholas Wiseman (later Cardinal) to Dr Charles Russell. Includes a letter remarking that due to ill health he cannot edit the next issue of the Dublin Review. Remarks that he has been in contact with Thomas Richardson regarding the impending ownership of the Dublin Review 'Let us get over this one crisis more and please God the Review will be safe. Richardson is determined to push it, it will succeed.' ([ ]1844, 7pp). Includes a letter remarking 'Richardson takes the 'Review' upon our terms...I feel confident...that in his hands the 'Review' will be pushed forward very differently from the past.' Remarks that he hopes Dr. Russell '...may be able to get your friends to write for us.' Concludes 'If the [secret] history of the D.R. were known to the public how strange it would appear - so often in the pains of sinking yet always rescued.' ([ ] 1844, 6pp). Discusses potential articles for the Dublin Review (27 April 1846, 4pp). Refers to the quality of articles appearing in the Review and remarks 'The Review is not deep. It wants some more reasoning and original articles...As for my own article...I ran off the rails and could not bring out what I wanted. Let us get something good for next time.' (2 October 1952, 2pp). Refers again to the type of articles published by the Review. Remarks 'Do you think we are getting into too few hands? Ward, De Morgan, Christie, Newman, Allies etc. have written for us...surely the convert element ought to be more cultivated and I must own I believe the fault lies in our having a mere business editor and no recognised literary one who enjoys the confidence of our learned men. I see the growing narrowness of our work and deplore it. Never a paper on Physics, Astronomical discoveries, Chemistry, Electricity, Steam, Railroads, Physiology, Medicine, Geology, Botany, Law Reform nor even on Politics in the wider sense. Never any article on foreign countries except the bleak north - I mean an original paper. W. B. cannot possibly attend to getting people to write and he has no influence. We shall never do as we ought till something is done to widen our range of topics and writers (18 February 1853, 8pp). Refers to a letter he has written to Dr Newman concerning the Dublin Review and '...begging of him not to enter into any plans for a new Review as we might get all we wanted out of our present one.' (3 January 1857, 3pp). Discusses the unsatisfactory situation regarding the publisher of the Dublin Review. Remarks 'I am satisfied that our only chance of success is a new publisher. If this is not feasible the 'Review' must drop for we cannot possibly go on in the present unsatisfactory manner.' Refers to a 'coalition' with the Rambler and remarks this is impossible. (11 April 1862, 4pp).

Wiseman, Nicholas, 1802-1865, Cardinal and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster

Memorandum of Agreement between Dr Nicholas Wiseman and Thomas Richardson and Son, Printers and Publishers concerning the Dublin Review

Memorandum of Agreement between Dr Nicholas Wiseman, St. Mary's College, near Birmingham and Thomas Richardson and Son, Printers and Publishers, Derby concerning the Dublin Review. The Agreement sets out the terms and conditions for Thomas Richardson and son to become the sole and exclusive proprietors and publishers of the Dublin Review from the 34th issue. Eight conditions are listed in the Agreement.

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin. Includes:

  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ, on Dublin Jesuits and their activities from 1592 to 1800 [1910]-[1950] (180pp);
  • typescript extract from the 1766 South Dublin Religious Census (5pp);
  • photocopies of newspaper articles on Jesuits in Dublin (18[ ], 1961, 1962, 3pp);
  • copy of John Speed’s plan of Dublin, 1610, showing Back Lane (Jesuit residence in the 1620s) (1p.);
  • book, 'The Jesuits in Dublin, or Brief Biographical Sketches of those Deceased Members of the Society of Jesus, who were Born or who Laboured in the Irish Metropolis; with an Account of the Parish of St Michan, their Ancient Residence' by William J Battersby (John Fowler, 3 Crow Street, Dame Street, Dublin, 1854) (124pp);
  • pamphlet 'The Parish of St Michan' by Very Rev. Myles Ronan, (Dollard, Printinghouse Ltd., Dublin, 19[48]). Presented to Fr Charles Scantlebury SJ by the author. (c.30pp);
  • booklet 'The History of the Roman Catholic Church and Parish of St Michan, Dublin' (Office of ‘The Irish Builder’, Dublin, 1892). Includes references to Jesuits, p.19 - 23 and p.27 - 29 (34pp);
  • reprint from 'Archivium Hibernicum', Vol. XXIV, 1970, entitled 'Letters from a Jesuit in Dublin on the Confraternity of the Holy Name, 1747 - 1748 (Documents from the archives of the Irish College, Rome)', edited by Hugh Fenning, O.P., p.133 - 154 (22pp);
  • extract from 'Reportorium Novum' entitled 'The Jesuits in Dublin (1660 - 1760)' by Fr Francis Finegan SJ, p.43 – 100 (58pp);
  • extracts from 'Interfuse', No. 18, Christmas 1981 and No. 19, February 1982, entitled 'Old Dublin S.J.' and 'Jesuit Dublin' by Eddie O'Donnell, on the various Old Society Jesuit residences in Dublin (2 items, both 11pp) and
  • pamphlet 'Roman Catholic Chapels in Dublin AD 1749' with an introduction by Most Rev. N. Donnelly, Bishop of Canea, (Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, Dublin, 1907) (40pp).

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province. A note states 'Possibly all are in Memorials Ir. Prov.' Some notes in other hand, post-date Grene.

Browne, Thomas
Burke, William
Butler, James

Cunningham, John
Curtis, John

Ferguson, Charles

Gannon, Nicholas

Halpin, Thomas
Haly, Robert
Hayes, James Mark
Hearne, John

Kavanagh, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kernan, Edward

Lentaigne, Joseph
Lynch, Henry
Lynch, John

McDonnell, James

O'Callaghan, Sylvester
O'Connor, John
O'Farrell, Michael
O'Reilly, Edmund

Rorke, Henry
Ryder, Alexander

Seaver, Matthew
Sheehan, Patrick
Stackowski, Francis Xavier

Articles on the history of the Jesuit mission to Australia, includes articles on Ireland

Series of articles bound into book format concerning the history of the Jesuit mission to Australia:

  • 'The Woodstock Letters'. Vol. XXXVII. No. 3 'The Society of Jesus in Australia' pp303-318; Vol. XXXVIII. No. 1 pp1-9; Vol. XXXVIII. No. 2 pp161-176; Vol. XXXVIII. ? pp341-349; Vol. XXXIX. No. 2 pp145-160; Vol. XXXIX. No. 3 pp304-318; Vol. XL. No. 1 pp1-16; Vol. XL. No. 2 pp145-160; Vol. XL. No. 3 pp274-288; Vol. XLI. No. 1 pp1-6;

  • catalogue of the Adelaide residence of the Australian Mission (1862; 1869-1870; 1874; 1877; 1880; 1886; 1889) and the Australian Mission (1887; 1893; 1902; 1912);

  • contemporary newspaper clippings of Jesuit houses in Australia;

  • copy of 'Edmund Campion’s History of Ireland' by the Rev. John Hungerford Pollen SJ with an inscription to Fr John Conmee SJ by J. H. Pollen SJ reprinted from ‘The Month’, December, 1905, and February, 1906.

  • articles by Fr Matthew Devitt SJ on 'Summerhill, County Meath and its neighbourhood', published in Kildare Archaeological Society;

  • 'Irish University Education: A plea for Fair Play' by Fr William Delany SJ (1904);

  • 'Brief memoir of Fr Patrick Duffy SJ' (1904);

  • 'The Annual Report of the Apostolic School of Ireland' (Society of Jesus) 1884-1885, 1886, 1895;

  • extracts from the diary of Mungret College (1884-1885);

  • copy letters from Rev. F. Ronan to the Fathers and Students of Mungret College during the journey through the United States (September 1884- Christmas 1885).

Letter from John Cashel Hoey to Dr Charles Russell concerning articles on Ireland becoming more prominent in the 'Dublin Review'

Letter from John Cashel Hoey, 18 [Denleigh] Street, London, England to Dr Charles Russell concerning articles on Ireland becoming more prominent in the Dublin Review. Refers to an obituary he and Dr Manning are writing for 'the Cardinal' and asks for information '...he (Dr Manning) suggested that you and Mr Bagshawe are probably best acquainted with the facts of the Cardinal's connexion with the foundation and early conduct of the Review.'

Hoey, John Cashel, 1828-1892, author, editor of the Nation, and administrator

Letters from William Henry Bliss to Dr Charles Russell

A file relating to William Henry Bliss. Includes letters from William Bliss to Dr Charles Russell and copies of Dr. Russell's letters to William Bliss. Includes 4 letters from William Bliss to Fr Matthew Russell SJ concerning the publication of the correspondence in the Irish Monthly (22 March 1880 - 24 September 1893, 4 items).

Bliss, William Henry, 1835-1909, scholar

Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family

A file relating to Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family. Includes an offprint of an article by William Hogan entitled 'Rev. Edmund Hogan, S.J. An Eminent Great Island Scholar' published in the Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society (vol. LXX, 1965).

Letter from Fr Matthew Russell SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial regarding the first volume of 'The Irish Monthly'

Letter from Fr Matthew Russell SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial. Refers to the publication of the first volume of 'The Irish Monthly' as regards finances. Suggests that Fr Clery be appointed as financial manager, and discusses advertising in the publication. Also discusses the layout and encloses a trade-mark design (included).

Russell, Matthew, 1834 -1912, Jesuit priest and editor

Letter from Dr Charles Russell to his nephew, Fr Matthew Russell SJ

A file of letters from Dr Charles William Russell (note: two of the letters may in fact be from Charles Russell, Lord Russell of Killowen and brother of Fr Matthew Russell SJ) to his nephew Fr Matthew Russell SJ. Includes a letter discussing the title of 'The Irish Monthly' (founded by Fr Matthew Russell) (n.d., 4pp).

'The Irish Monthly'

Fr Matthew Russell SJ (1834-1912) intended to found a devotional magazine with the name Catholic Ireland in 1873, but it emerged as a literary journal named 'The Irish Monthly'. Russell, who edited the magazine until his death, had a great talent for friendship, so people of many different backgrounds and beliefs wrote for him. He treated authors as members of a family circle and encouraged many women to write. He published W.B. Yeats, Oscar Wilde, Hillaire Belloc, Katherine Tynan and Dora Sigerson Shorter, amongst many others. The success of the Irish Monthly was remarkable at a time when the average Irish magazine had a five-year life span.

Fr Lambert McKenna SJ (1870-1956) was the next Editor. He had a great interest in the Irish language, so the journal published many unpublished Irish bardic poems. He changed the emphasis from a literary journal to concentrate on Catholic social and educational thought.

By 1933, the Monthly was in financial trouble, but efforts were made to revive it. With a circulation of about 600, it was in competition with Studies, the quarterly review published by Irish Jesuits since 1912. Given Ireland's small size and, therefore, small subscription base, in 1954 the Irish Monthly ceased.

1873- 1912 Matthew Russell (1834-1912)
Based at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin, 1913-1933
1913 - Thomas Wheeler (1848-1913)
1914 - 1916 John F.X. O'Brien (1873-1920)
1917 - Lambert McKenna (1870-1956)
1918 - Lambert McKenna (1870-1956)
1919 - John F.X. O'Brien (1873-1920)
1920 - John F.X. O'Brien (1873-1920)
1921 - Joseph Darlington (1850-1939)
1922 - Joseph Darlington (1850-1939)
1923 - 1930 Lambert McKenna (1870-1956)
1931 - 1933 John Joy (1884-1950)
1934 - 1947 Timothy Mulcahy (1898-1962) (Belvedere College)
1948 - 1950 Roland Burke Savage (1912-1998) (35 Lower Leeson Street)
1951 - Edmund Keane (1916-2000) (35 Lower Leeson Street)
1952 - Michael Moloney (1913-1984) (35 Lower Leeson Street)
1953 - Michael Moloney (35 Lower Leeson Street)

Album to celebrate the centenary of the St Ignatius Church and College

Photographic album mainly related to the events organised in 1963 to celebrate the centenary of the St Ignatius Church and College in Galway. Includes photographs of: Jesuit residences; the President of Ireland, Eamon de Valera with members of the Jesuit community; photocopies of photograph of the Hurling team and Irish Speakers in 1904 taken from ‘The Ignatian’; Fr Patrick O'Kelly SJ; pasted inserts of receipts from 1879 to 1895 for cleaning, stained glass windows of 2 lights and tracery and missal stand; group photograph of the St Ignatius Gaelic Football team of 1935-1936.

Connacht Tribune, newspaper

Copy of 'The Irish Monthly’

Copy of ‘The Irish Monthly’, No. 174, Vol. XV,December 1887 published by M.H Gill & Son, with insert pp716-717 - letter from R M Levey, Violet Hill, Vico Road, Dalkey, Dublin to Dr Francis Cruise refering to Cruise's book on 'Thomas A Kempis' (14 May 1895), reviewed in said issue of ‘The Irish Monthly’. Dr Cruise name wriiten on front of ‘The Irish Monthly’.

Letters from Hilaire Belloc to Fr Matthew Russell SJ

  • IE IJA J/27/15
  • File
  • 28 October 1888 - 13 January 1911
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Hilaire Belloc to Fr Matthew Russell SJ. Includes a reference to the French elections. ‘Are you not delighted at the result of the French elections? I am. I do not like Kings...’. (30 October [ ], 3pp). Refers to articles he wishes to contribute to the Irish Monthly. (nd, 4pp). Discusses his future career ‘I have for the last week been visiting various people of importance with a view to choosing a profession, I want to be earning soon; I believe that my mathematics...will help me in Engineering - but I never live except when I am on the water.’ Refers also to his writing and describes it as ‘...the work of a boy, it is like those nasty little plums that come on the young wild plumtrees in the forest of Marly.’ Continues ‘But if you ask me why I write as I do, I will tell you this much: that in the circle of newspapers of criticism of perfectly turned verses, of madly-hunted ideas, I am all at sea. I would have it that no man should write who was not a zealot for something and when I desire, I desire the hills and the sea. I desire the faces of men and women not some unjust imitations. And I desire above all that free and happy forbearance and that perfection of charity which this country is absolutely unable to give.’ (5 February 1889, 4pp). Refers to writing and editing and remarks ‘If I ever become an editor I shall accept everything that touches me - irrespective of merit and shall refuse all well known names. There is a club in Paris called “La Decadence” into which no one cannot (sic) be admitted whose work has not been refused three times!’ (20 April 1889, 4pp). Refers to the Great War and remarks that he is looking forward to it ‘It will sweep Europe like a broom, it will make Kings jump like coffee beans on the roaster...’. Asks Fr. Russell to choose a composition from a ‘batch’. (30 June 1889, 4pp). Enquires why some of his verses have not appeared in the Irish Monthly. Remarks ‘I didn’t love it (The Irish Monthly) half as much as I should have done if my “poor thing but mine own” had been in it.’ (nd, 2pp). Refers to a visit he made to Ireland. Observes that ‘The Country is getting richer and it is high time. The Irish have too much political sense to boast of any success: they insist rather on what they need than on what they have, which is the right way to go about politics; but very soon people over here will wake up to find Ireland transformed.’ (1 January 1910, 2pp). Remarks that suggestions have been made to him to write a Catholic essay on the history of England ‘...but the only thing I can afford to write is a Catholic School history...’ (13 January 1911, 1p).

Belloc, Hilaire, 1870-1953, British-French writer and historian

Memoirs written by John Bithrey of his time as a school boy in Mungret College, Limerick

Memoirs written by John Bithrey of his time as a school boy in Mungret College, Limerick. A file relating to memoirs written by John Bithrey of his time as a school boy in Mungret College, Limerick. Includes a typed and handwritten manuscript entitled Memories of Mungret (1889 - 1893). The article was published in the Mungret Annual, 1966.

Books taken from the Cruise Library, St Francis Xavier Community, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

Books taken from the Cruise Library, St Francis Xavier Community, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin entitled 'Manuale Parvulorum' (1884), 'The Imitation of Christ' (1897) by Thomas A Kempis translated by Richard Challoner, D.D. and 'The Imitation of Christ' (1905) by Sir Francis R. Cruise. Some annotation by Cruise. Includes entry for Sir Francis R. Cruise in the Dictionary of Irish Biography and obituary from 'The Belvederian', 1912.

Memorials of the Irish Province

Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898 – Centenary year, Part II 1814 – 1914
(For circulation among Ours Only)
Contains Obituaries
Handwritten index biographical notices in the Memorials of the Irish Province and general index. Compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

  1. Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898
    ‘A Short History of the Irish Province Part I, From its foundation under St. Ignatius down to the year 1626’;
    ‘Memoir of Father Peter Kenney, S.J.’;
    ‘Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in Clongowes up to 1826’;
    University College Results;
    Catalogus Hib A.. 1752 in Missione Hibernica’.

  2. Vol. 1, No.II June 1899
    ‘Biographical Sketch of the Rev. T. Betagh’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in: Clongowes, from 1826 to 1869 Tullabeg, previous to the year 1874;
    Notes on the lives of early Irish Jesuits written in 1877 by Fr John Curtis SJ;
    ‘Voyage to Palermo and Back’ by Fr Charles Aylmer SJ;
    ‘Fr Edmund J O’Reilly’ by Fr Matthew Russell SJ;
    ‘An Old MSS Catalogue of Clongowes, 1820-1821’;
    Chronological list of Jesuits connected with the Irish Mission from 1550-1779;

  3. Vol. 1, No.III June 1900
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: the Residence, Gardiner Street from 1845 to 1895. Belvedere College from 1855 to 1892;
    ‘Some manuscript catalogues of Clongowes, 1823, 1824, 1825 - 1834, 1837 and 1839’;

  4. Vol. 1, No.IV June 1901
    ‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland, Part II’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
    ‘Vale Novitiorum’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: University College, Dublin, from 1889-1893.

  5. Vol. 1, No. V June 1902
    ‘Short History of the Australian Mission’;
    ‘Some Irish Worthies S.J.’ by Edmund Hogan SJ;
    Memoirs of Fathers who Died at Milltown Park, from 1865 to 1887;
    ‘Further Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘Two letters, 1813, 1814’ written by Fr Charles Aylmer.

  6. Vol. 1, No. VI January 1903
    ‘Memoirs of Fr Alfred Murphy SJ’;
    ‘Some Early Irish Jesuits’;
    ‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
    ‘A Short History of Irish Province Pt.1’(Fr Grene).

  7. Vol. 1, No. VII June 1903
    ‘A Short History of Some Early Irish Jesuits (continued)’ by Rev. J. McDonnell SJ;
    ‘A contribution towards a History of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, from its Revival soon after the year 1800. Part II’ by Fr John Grene SJ.
    ‘Some Letters in Jesuit Archives in Ireland’;
    Memoir of Father P.E. Duffy, S.J. Part I.

  8. Short Memoirs of the Early Irish Jesuits down to the year 1840
    by Fr Joseph McDonnell SJ, 1903

  9. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part I
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Rathfarnham Castle and some of its Former Owners’;
    ‘First Dublin residence, George's Hill, 1812’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, 1829-1914’;
    Necrologia: 1900 to December 1913.

  10. Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part II
    ‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
    ‘Milltown Park and and some of its Owners’;
    ‘Brief Chronological Notes, Milltown Park, 1858-1914’;
    ‘Irish Province, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’;
    ‘Gardiner Street, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’.

Fr Thomas Kelly SJ

Obituaries for Fr Thomas Kelly SJ.

Kelly, Thomas, 1829-1898, Jesuit priest

Sketches compiled by Fr Joseph Dalton SJ on deceased members of the Society

Sketches compiled by Fr Joseph Dalton SJ on deceased members of the Society in Australia for 'Memorials of the Irish Province' including Frs John Cunningham SJ (1817-1858), and the pilgrimage to St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly before the Irish famine on the 'first Sundays' (Bona Mors) and Br Philip Reilly SJ (1784-1868).

Dalton, Joseph, 1817-1905, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr John Conmee SJ to Fr Matthew Russell SJ

Letter from Fr John Conmee SJ, University College, Dublin to Fr Matthew Russell SJ (Editor of 'The Irish Monthly'), thanking him for the ‘kind and encouraging things’ Fr Russell said of Fr Conmee’s ‘little paper’ i.e. 'Old Times in the Barony', which was published as a booklet in 1900. “Anything I may write on the Barony is already promised to the New Ireland. If I can send you any thing worth printing…I will – but I only write on compulsion and compose – as the Scotch joke– wi’ deefeculty’ ”.

Posters presented with the Pears Annual

Entitled: ‘Making Friends’ from the original painting by Yeend King in the possession of Andrew Pears Esq. (Size: 24 ½ x 19 ½ inches; 62 x 50 cms), ‘Beware’ from the original painting by the late J. B. Burgress R.A. in the possession of Thomas J. Barratt Esq. with the inscription "She has two eyes, so soft and brown, Take care! She gives a side-glance and looks down Beware! Beware! Trust her not, She is fooling thee", Longfellow, (Size: 24 ½ x 19 ½ inches; 62 x 50 cms) and ‘The British Lion’ from the original painting by Vastagh
Gezah in the possession of Thomas J. Barratt Esq. (Size: 21 x 29 inches; 53 x 74 cms).

Photograph of Hockey Match 'Clongowes v Mr Mahony's Team'

Copy of black and white photograph of Hockey Match "Clongowes v Mr Mahony's Team". It is taking place at Clongowes on the playing fields. Cut from 'The Clongownian' - there is a section of an article about Charles Dickens on the back. Handwritten underneath the photo caption is "In black trousers G B Barrett".

The Ignatian

A school journal edited by the students of St Ignatius College SJ, Galway. Two copies for for Xmas 1903. Vol. 1, No. 1; Four copies for Easter, 1904. Vol. 1, No. ii. Contains news from the College, including sporting achievements, theatrical productions, academic prizes, debates, outings etc. Also includes a tongue in cheek ‘Letters to the Editor’, from students at St Ignatius College. Includes photographs of theatrical groups and sporting activities.

Coláiste Iognáid SJ, 1862-

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters, including financial

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning financial matters and;
– a complaint about an individual Jesuit with regard to his behaviour while conducting a retreat for nuns (See also ADMN/3/36);
– a draft deed of trust for the Father Delany Exhibition (See also ADMN/3/13);
– the health and financial affairs of various scholastics;
– the proposal for the establishment of a [school] at Tullabeg by the Society of Pious Missions;
– a conference of Jesuit Fathers in Chicago for the purpose of adopting a Provisional Constitution of the ‘Frequent Communion Guild’;
– requests for money from various individuals;
– the campaign to appoint a Catholic Director to the Board of Directors of the Clogher Valley Railway (the Society are shareholders in the Railway);
– the appointment of Jesuits to various offices;
– a petition to the British government ‘to show mercy to Roger Casement’;
– a proposed portrait of Archbishop Walsh by Sir John Lavery;
– a profit and loss account of the Irish Monthly for year ending 31 August 1914 (See also ADMN/3/20; 66; 67);
– the work of St. Joseph's Young Priests (See also ADMN/3/53);
– lists of locations of Retreats and names of priests giving Retreats for 1912 and 1913 (See also ADMN/3/36; 41);
– suggestions for Retreats given by Jesuits, by Dr Patrick Foley, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin (1896-1926) and memorandum on the scheme to establish a small lending library in Milltown Park for priests (See also ADMN/3/12; 38).

Material relating to Elizabeth, Countess of Kildare's association with the Jesuits

Material relating to Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Countess of Kildare’s association with the Jesuits, her lease to the Society, of Kilkea Castle, County Kildare in 1634 and the chalice presented to the Jesuits in the same year by the Countess. Includes: photocopy of a newspaper article, ‘Unexplained Mystery of Kilkea castle’s Chalice’ by Dr George A Little (n.d., 2pp) and extract from the 'Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society', Vol. 5, 1906 - 08, p. 61- 62, on the chalice (3pp).

Fr Henry Croasdaile SJ

Information of the novices entry (1907-1914) and obituary from the 'Irish Province News' for Fr Henry Croasdaile SJ.

Croasdaile, Henry, 1888-1966, Jesuit priest

Mr Thomas Egan SJ

Information of the novices entry (1907-1914), obituaries from' The Clongownian' (1916), ‘material for Memorials of Irish Province S.J. Collected by Fr Henry Lynch S.J.’ and Chronological Catalogue (1900-1929) and article by Mihalea Repina, Assistant Archivist, Jesuits in Britain entitled One Hundred Years Ago Today, regarding Mr Thomas Egan SJ.

Egan, Thomas, 1889-1915, Jesuit scholastic

Notes on the Jesuits in Kilkenny in the seventeenth century

Notes on the Jesuits in Kilkenny in the seventeenth century. Includes:

  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ (3pp);
  • material relating to the Jesuits’ printing press in the city in the seventeenth century, in 'The First Printers in Waterford, Cork and Kilkenny Pre-1700' by William K. Sessions, (The Ebor Press, York, England, 1990) (310pp);
  • letter from Margaret Phelan, Kilkenny Archaeological and Society to Fr James B Stephenson SJ (2 May 1962);
  • short account of the Jesuits in Kilkenny by Fr Stephen Redmond SJ (January 1991);
  • article by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on 'Jesuits in Kilkenny', 'Jesuit Year Book', (1970, pp9-23);
  • twelve colour photographs by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ of various sites in Kilkenny relating to the Jesuits - St John's Priory, Irishtown (June 2001).

Letter from Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ to Fr John Hannon SJ concerning the assertion in 'The Month' that there is no chair of theology in the National University

  • IE IJA J/176/2
  • File
  • 3 December 1912; 10 November 1929
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letter from Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ, Department of Education, University College Dublin to Fr John Hannon SJ, Professor of Catholic Theology in the National University of Ireland, concerning the assertion in 'The Month', November 1929, that there is no chair of theology in the National University, and that the late Fr Peter Finlay SJ, could not have occupied such a position. Includes clippings on the legalities of the Professorship of Theology at the National University of Ireland (1908-1912) and counterpart deed of endowment of the Professorship of Catholic Theology in the National University of Ireland.93 December 1912).

Corcoran, Timothy, 1872-1943, Jesuit priest

Pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett

Published pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett. Includes:

  • reprint entitled ‘ The Education of the Will’ from 'The Irish Ecclesiastical Record' (May 1929, 13pp);
  • pamphlets entitled 'Effects of Strikes' (Office of the Irish Messenger, Dublin). One edition is inscribed “To the ‘Loveliest and Best’ of Mothers from her most affec(tionate) Son. E.B.B., S.J.” (1914, 1926, 24pp each);
  • pamphlet entitled 'Our Schools and Social Work' (Office of the Irish Messenger, Dublin) (1922, 24pp);
  • copy of 'The American Mercury' containing an article by Boyd Barrett entitled ‘The Catholic Church Faces America’ (Vol. XVI, No. 61, pp. 1 - 10) (Jan. 1929, 10pp).

Boyd Barrett, Edward J, 1883-1966, former Jesuit priest

Safe travel pass issued for Kevin Richard Stanislaus Nolan, by the German military authorities to travel from Bad Orb, through Holland to England

Safe travel pass issued for Kevin Richard Stanislaus Nolan, by the German military authorities to travel from Bad Orb, through Holland to England. Kevin Nolan was a brother of Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ, and had been a solicitor in London. On the eve of the First World War, he travelled to Bad Nauheim, Germany to undergo treatment for a heart condition. He was arrested as a spy, imprisoned however later released. He died in November 1918. See 'The Clongownian', 1919, p.308. Material hand in by Margaret Doyle, Archivist, Clongowes Wood College, 9 January 2017.

Letters from Fr Gerald Corr SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning articles for 'The Clongowanian' and his own posting as a Chaplain

Letters from Fr Gerald Corr SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ concerning articles for the 'Clongowanian' and his own posting as a Chaplain. Fr Corr was editor of the "Clongownian"

  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan informing him that Mr John J Horgan has agreed to write an article on Clongownians in Politics for the centenary edition of 'The Clongownian'. he cites The O'Gorman, Thomas F Meagher, John Redmond, Thomas Kettle (21 January 1914, 2pp);
  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan indicating "Service List" - those who served in WWI (5 November 1915, 1p);
  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan noting additions to the "Service List" (10 November 1915);
  • letter from Fr Corr to Fr Nolan indicating that he had been appointed as Chaplain at BEF in France (23 February 1917, 2pp).

Corr, Gerald F, 1875-1941, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ

A file relating to the Centenary celebration of Clongowes Wood College SJ:

  • "Programme of Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May, 1 June, 2 June and 4 June 1914 (5 copies, 4pp each);
  • "Luncheon Card" for Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - May 31st;
  • invitation Card for dinner at Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 31 May 1914. It included travel arrangements to and from Kingsbridge Station, Dublin (2 copies);
  • programme for "Cricket Match, Band Performance" Centenary Celebrations, Clongowes Wood College SJ - 4 June 1914. Included is the programme of music for the day, performed by HM 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment (4pp);
  • "Centenary Dinner" Menu, 31 May 1914. Includes the programme of music performed by The Band of the Queen's Own Hussars (2pp);
  • accounts sheet showing a list of donors to the "Clongowes Wood College SJ Centenary Fund" (7pp);
  • list which is prepared by students for students "The Clongowes Centenary" on how to prepare for this event (14 February 1914, 1p);
  • Clongowes Wood College "School Song". Music by WH Grattan-Flood, Mus D, KSG. Woods by JEC (2 copies, 2p each);
  • letter from Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan outlining discussion and decisions to the Centenary planning committee, and inviting response. (16 February 1914, 2pp);
  • letter from Michael F O'Dwyer, Government House, Lahore, Pakistan, a past pupil of St Stanislaus College SJ, Tullabeg, sending a donation to the Centenary Fund, and wising the committee well (24 Match 1914, 1p);
  • formal invitation card from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector, Community of Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ to the Centenary Celebrations 31 May 1914, beginning with Pontifical High Mass;
  • photocopy an article in 'The Freeman's Journal' giving a full account of the Centenary celebrations, including the sermon of Fr Robert Kane SJ, and the other speeches of the day, including an address to and reply from Mr John E Redmond. It also includes a page of photographs from the event (1 June 1914, 3pp);
  • original copy of a follow up article on the Centenary in the "Freeman's Journal" (6 June 2014, 4pp);
  • copy of letter from Fr Rector Nicholas J Tomkin SJ to Mr John Redmond MP, inviting him to form a fundraising Committee for Clongowes Wood College SJ among other past pupils in London and throughout England and Scotland (19 June 2014, 2pp).

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Letter from Joseph Quirke, Birmingham to Fr Gerald Corr SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ, reminiscing on his days at Tullabeg and Clongowes

Letter from Joseph Quirke, Endwood Court, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham to Fr Gerald Corr SJ reminiscing positively on his days at Tullabeg and Clongowes. Fr Corr was a teacher and editor of 'The Clongownian' at this time. He is writing on the occasion of the 100 year anniversary of Clongowes.

Quirke, Joseph, 1846-1920, doctor

Letter from Fr John Francis Hogan to Fr John F.X. O'Brien SJ concerning permission for students to subscribe to 'The Irish Monthly' and 'Studies'.

Letter from Fr John Francis Hogan, President, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, County Kildare to Fr John F.X. O'Brien SJ concerning permission for students to subscribe to 'The Irish Monthly' and 'Studies'. Remarks 'In view of the stringent regulations there laid down they could not see their way to accede to your request.'

Hogan, John Francis, 1858-1918, priest, author, and president of St Patrick's College, Maynooth

Extracts from 'The Clongownian', concerning the building of the new "boys" chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Extracts (cut outs) from 'The Clongownian' of [1915], concerning the building of the new "Boys" Chapel at Clongowes Wood College SJ (8pp). Of interest, on the front cover is a note from October 1813 about the sale of Castle Brown to the Jesuits, written in a London newspaper, and quoting "The Dublin Journal". On the front cover is an article indicating those who have contributed as benefactors to the building of the Chapel, and particularly highlighting Fr Daniel E O'Brien SJ - Superior at the Norwood Parish in Adelaide, Australia - and Fr George Redington Roche SJ - Senior Prefect at Clongowes - who before taking Final Vows in the Society of Jesus, contributed inherited money for the Chapel. Fr O'Brien died in Adelaide in 1915.

Letters from Fr John FX O'Brien SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the community at Rathfarnham and the 'Irish Monthly'

A file of letters from Fr John FX O'Brien SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes a letter concerning the community at Rathfarnham and the 'Irish Monthly'. Remarks that the publication should be 'pushed' by using posters to draw attention to it (17 December 1915, 4pp). Includes a letter suggesting Fr Kelly as business manager for the 'Irish Monthly' (17 August 1918, 4pp). Includes a letter revising his suggestion about Fr Kelly. Remarks '...I seem to have been much astray. The trouble is chiefly this: he is not a "man of action"; instead of doing, he thinks and talks about doing them.' (11 November 1918, 4pp).

O'Brien, John FX, 1873-1920, Jesuit priest

Fr Thomas Shuley SJ

Obituary for Fr Thomas Shuley SJ from the 'Irish Province News' (July 1965) and small photographic album belonging to Fr Shuley with thirteen images of the west of Ireland while on villa [1916-1930].

Shuley, Thomas, 1884-1965, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Lambert McKenna SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, to Irish Fr Provincial, on the mix up over his entry into the University

A file of letters from Fr Lambert McKenna SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes a letter concerning the mix up over his entry into the University. Remarks that he is trying to sort the problem out (nd, 2pp). Includes a letter referring to the Irish Dictionary he compiled (8 December [ ], 2pp). Includes a letter referring to the accounts of the 'Irish Monthly' (21 November 1916, 3pp).

McKenna, Lambert, 1870-1956, Jesuit priest, Irish language scholar and Catholic social thinker

Letters from Fr Stephen J Brown SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ

A file of letters from Fr Stephen J Brown SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ. Many are undated, but must date from 1917 when Fr Brown went to work in Clongowes. He was made a House Consultor and editor of 'The Clongownian' in 1918, so undated letters which refer to 'The Clongownian' or are sent as a biannual required House Consultor, though undated, must date from 1918. Some of these letters concern Fr Brown's writing as a House Consultor. A number refer to his editorship of 'The Clongownian', and in particular raising the question of how much or little prominence should be given to the "past" WWI dead, given the political sensitivities of the time. One letter refers specifically to the publication of a book entitled "Ireland in Fiction", which was subsequently published by Maunsell, Dublin, 1916.

Brown, Stephen JM, 1881-1962, Jesuit priest

Notes regarding the three Tontine buildings, Limerick

Handwritten notes, and one typewritten, regarding the three Tontine buildings (nos. 12, 13 & 14 Richmond Place). Includes information re. the establishment and running of the Tontine Society; descriptions of various deeds executed in relation to the property; information on how the Jesuits came into possession of the buildings. Refers to those connected with the property, including the Earl of Limerick, members of the Maunsell family, the Marquise de Fontanelle.

Letters from Fr Joseph Darlington SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial concerning matters in the community, the Jesuit Juniors and 'The Irish Monthly'

A file of letters from Fr Joseph Darlington SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning matters in the community and the spiritual direction/instruction of the Juniors and 'The Irish Monthly'. Includes a letter expressing his pleasure on taking over the editorship of 'The Irish Monthly'. Remarks that he has been missing something since he resigned as a professor in University College and feels this will fill the gap. (20 January 1920, 4pp) Includes a rough financial statement of 'The Irish Monthly' and a letter expressing his concern over the finances of the publication. (2 April 1920, 2pp & 17 August 1920, 2pp).

Darlington, Joseph, 1850-1939, Jesuit priest

'The Social Teachings of James Connolly' by Fr Lambert McKenna SJ

A file relating to 'The Social Teachings of James Connolly' by Fr Lambert McKenna SJ. Includes an edited with commentary and introduction by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ. Includes an article by Fr McKenna entitled 'The Social Teachings of James Connolly' published by the 'Catholic Truth Society of Ireland' ([ ] 1920, 25pp). Includes an article by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ entitled 'The Paradox of James Connolly, Irish Marxist Socialist (1868 - 1916) and the 'Papal Encyclicals (1891 - 1991)' published in Milltown Studies, 28 (1991, pp. 24 - 40).

McKenna, Lambert, 1870-1956, Jesuit priest, Irish language scholar and Catholic social thinker

Letter to Fr William A Sutton SJ from his brother, Sir Abraham Sutton

Letter to Fr William A Sutton SJ from his brother, Sir Abraham Sutton following the publication of 'The Clongownian' in June 1921, containing a photograph of him (Sir Abraham), following his election as President of the Clongowes Union, for 1920 – 1921, and an appreciation (p.120 – 121). States in his letter ‘Dont fail to read 'The Clongownian'. You will be amazed to read about your younger brother as indeed he was to read about himself.…I suspect who wrote it but I am not quite certain. It is artistically done but much over laudatory. You cried when I returned to the world but Providence decreed otherwise for there were many family matters that required my special attention. Just think I entered my 73rd year on last Monday. Oh how short they appear now!’

Biographical material on Fr Richard Conway SJ

Biographical material on Fr Richard Conway SJ. Includes 'P. Richard Conway SJ (1573 – 1626)' by Fr John MacErlean SJ, in 13 parts, being extracts from 'The Irish Monthly', February 1923 to February 1924, bound together in one hardcover volume (74pp) and bound extract from the 'Irish Jesuit Directory', 'Fr Richard Conway SJ 1573 – 1626. Abbreviated from the account published by Fr John MacErlean, S.J. in the Irish Monthly, 1923 – 24. (n.d., 17pp).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Fr Patrick Power SJ

  • IE IJA J/551
  • File
  • 23 April 1923 - 8 March 1996
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing Fr Patrick Power’s admission papers and correspondence relating to his illness and death.

Power, Patrick, 1907-1995, Jesuit priest

Material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ

  • IE IJA J/240/1
  • File
  • 11 July 1924 - April 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ including short CVs (1942; 1965; 1974), documents regarding entry to the Society (details of baptism and medical reports), medical reports, small number of letters written from Germany by Fr Mallin (1963-66) and Spain (1973-74) and obituary from the 'Irish Province News' (April 1977).

Results 1 to 100 of 285