Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
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Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
Précis by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ of the letters of Saint John Henry Newman
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Précis by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ of the letters of Saint John Henry Newman
File relating to Blessed John Sullivan SJ
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File relating to Blessed John Sullivan SJ
Biographical notes on Fr John Curtis SJ by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
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Biographical notes on Fr John Curtis SJ by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
'A Diary or Jottings' by Fr James F. Murphy SJ
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'A Diary or Jottings' by Fr James F. Murphy SJ
Obituary of Mercedes Bolger
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Obituary of Mercedes Bolger
Obituary of Fr Daniel Joseph O'Connell SJ
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Obituary of Fr Daniel Joseph O'Connell SJ
Biographical information on Fr Michael Browne SJ
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Biographical information on Fr Michael Browne SJ
Brief biographical details on Fr Robert Whitty SJ
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Brief biographical details on Fr Robert Whitty SJ
Note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ about the papers of Fr Charles Flanagan
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Note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ about the papers of Fr Charles Flanagan
Poem by Seán Turner SJ
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Poem by Seán Turner SJ
Early sermon by Dr Charles Russell entitled 'Lord, lay not this sin to their charge'
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Early sermon by Dr Charles Russell entitled 'Lord, lay not this sin to their charge'
References compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ relating to the history of Clongowes Wood College
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References compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ relating to the history of Clongowes Wood College
Handwritten schedule of the manuscripts in Irish compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
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Handwritten schedule of the manuscripts in Irish compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
Memorial cards and prayer cards belonging to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
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Memorial cards and prayer cards belonging to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
Notes by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on ‘Manuscript of Poems on St. Thecla by Gerard Manley Hopkins’
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Notes by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on ‘Manuscript of Poems on St. Thecla by Gerard Manley Hopkins’
Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ
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Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ
Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ about an article in Archivium Hibernicum
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Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ about an article in Archivium Hibernicum
Pamphlet entitled ‘Certaine observations upon the former Narration’ ‘written anno 1600 by Fr.Persons as it seemeth’
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Pamphlet entitled ‘Certaine observations upon the former Narration’ ‘written anno 1600 by Fr.Persons as it seemeth’
Material on the golden jubilee of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
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Material on the golden jubilee of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Photograph of Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Archbishop John Charles McQuaid, Éamon de Valera and Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on the occasion of Rathfarnham's Jubilee
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Photograph of Fr Charles O'Conor SJ, Archbishop John Charles McQuaid, Éamon de Valera and Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on the occasion of Rathfarnham's Jubilee
Holograph manuscript of Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla'
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Holograph manuscript of Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins’s 'St. Thecla'
Letters from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ
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Letters from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning community matters at Clongowes Wood College SJ
Fr William Dargan SJ
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Fr William Dargan SJ
Material relating to formation, order of time, customs, discipline amongst the Jesuit Juniors at Rathfarnham Castle
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Material relating to formation, order of time, customs, discipline amongst the Jesuit Juniors at Rathfarnham Castle
Teaching and knowledge of Latin might be improved amongst the Juniors in the Irish Province
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Teaching and knowledge of Latin might be improved amongst the Juniors in the Irish Province
Material related to related to the studies of Juniors at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
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Material related to related to the studies of Juniors at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Father John Sullivan, S.J
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Father John Sullivan, S.J
‘Catalogue of Early Irish Jesuits with dates of deaths’
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‘Catalogue of Early Irish Jesuits with dates of deaths’
Note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Killiney Castle and the Jesuit community who resided there
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Note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Killiney Castle and the Jesuit community who resided there
Notes from Hardiman's "Irish Ministry…" (1831) compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
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Notes from Hardiman's "Irish Ministry…" (1831) compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
The Elements of Euclid Explain’d
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The Elements of Euclid Explain’d
Books belonging to Blessed John Sullivan SJ
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Books belonging to Blessed John Sullivan SJ
Obituary of Sir Joseph McGrath
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Obituary of Sir Joseph McGrath
Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family
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Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family
Research carried out by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on the history of Rathfarnham Castle
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Research carried out by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on the history of Rathfarnham Castle
Discovery of a woman's skeleton behind panelling in one of the rooms in Rathfarnham Castle
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Discovery of a woman's skeleton behind panelling in one of the rooms in Rathfarnham Castle
Journal of the Rector of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin
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Journal of the Rector of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin
Material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle
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Material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle
Relic of St Francis Xavier's at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin
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Relic of St Francis Xavier's at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin
Letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, St Ignatius College, Galway to Irish Fr Provincial concerning a school site the Bishop of Galway wishes to obtain from the Corporation
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Letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, St Ignatius College, Galway to Irish Fr Provincial concerning a school site the Bishop of Galway wishes to obtain from the Corporation
Photograph of group of Jesuit brothers at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
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Photograph of group of Jesuit brothers at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
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Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
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Documents relating to the 1938 Provincial Congregation
Correspondence between Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and jewellers regarding monstrance
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Correspondence between Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rector, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and jewellers regarding monstrance
Letters on the declining circulation of 'An Timire'
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Letters on the declining circulation of 'An Timire'
Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books
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Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books
Card index compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ of books associated with Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
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Card index compiled by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ of books associated with Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ
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Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ
Memorial card in honour of Margaret McGrath and Pierce McGrath
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Memorial card in honour of Margaret McGrath and Pierce McGrath
Copies of correspondence from Irish Fr Provincial to Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ on finance and studies
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Copies of correspondence from Irish Fr Provincial to Rector, Clongowes Wood College SJ on finance and studies
Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books
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Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books
Letter from Henry Bagshawe to Dr Charles Russell
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Letter from Henry Bagshawe to Dr Charles Russell
Material on the promotion of 'Catholic Action’
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Material on the promotion of 'Catholic Action’
List of days on which talk is permitted, for the Clongowes community, at breakfast
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List of days on which talk is permitted, for the Clongowes community, at breakfast
Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ after Fr McGrath sent him the card index of books
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Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ after Fr McGrath sent him the card index of books
Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on Fr Joseph Darlington SJ for Hopkins material
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Note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on Fr Joseph Darlington SJ for Hopkins material
Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature'
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Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature'
Material related to Fr Albert Power SJ
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Material related to Fr Albert Power SJ
Notes on Dominic Kirwan SJ
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Notes on Dominic Kirwan SJ
Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents
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Letter from Sr Marie Hilary, The Sisters of Charity, Mount St Anne's, Milltown, Dublin 6 to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ concerning a letter to Fergal McGrath from his grandparents
Series of lectures for the students of Clongowes Wood College, arranged by Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ
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Series of lectures for the students of Clongowes Wood College, arranged by Fr Matthias Bodkin SJ
Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ
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Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ
Letter from Margaret Russell, Newry to Rev. Charles O'Hare concerning news of her family.
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Letter from Margaret Russell, Newry to Rev. Charles O'Hare concerning news of her family.
Précis of Saint John Henry Newman's letters to Thomas Scratton, Secretary of the Catholic University
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Précis of Saint John Henry Newman's letters to Thomas Scratton, Secretary of the Catholic University
Fr Nicholas James Tomkin SJ
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Fr Nicholas James Tomkin SJ
Fr James Tomkin SJ
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Fr James Tomkin SJ
Letter from Richard Doyle to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note
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Letter from Richard Doyle to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note
Letters from Fr Austin Kelly SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ
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Letters from Fr Austin Kelly SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ
Fr Fergal P McGrath SJ
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Fr Fergal P McGrath SJ
Letters concerning the relationship between the Society of Jesus and the Legion of Mary
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Letters concerning the relationship between the Society of Jesus and the Legion of Mary
Letter from Mr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rathfarnham Castle to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his scholarship from the civil service
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Letter from Mr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rathfarnham Castle to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his scholarship from the civil service
Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas
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Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas
Baptism certificate of Fergal McGrath
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Baptism certificate of Fergal McGrath
Manuscript by Dr Richard Robert Madden comprising a history of the Society of Jesus
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Manuscript by Dr Richard Robert Madden comprising a history of the Society of Jesus
Notes by on transcripts by Fr John MacErlean SJ relating to Fr Thomas Betagh
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Notes by on transcripts by Fr John MacErlean SJ relating to Fr Thomas Betagh
Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
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Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
Letters from Richard Lyons, Arundel Castle, Arundel to Dr Charles Russell concerning information Dr Russell requires from the library in Paris
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Letters from Richard Lyons, Arundel Castle, Arundel to Dr Charles Russell concerning information Dr Russell requires from the library in Paris
Letter from Mr Fergal McGrath SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
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Letter from Mr Fergal McGrath SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Correspondence relating to education issues relating to Jesuit colleges
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Correspondence relating to education issues relating to Jesuit colleges
Extract from 'Interfuse' of an article on Fr Henry Fegan SJ by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
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Extract from 'Interfuse' of an article on Fr Henry Fegan SJ by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ
Note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ commenting on the Pigot letters
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Note written by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ commenting on the Pigot letters
Photocopy of a letter from Fr Joseph Dunn SJ, Preston, England to Fr Gaetana Angiolini SJ, Gesu, Italy
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Photocopy of a letter from Fr Joseph Dunn SJ, Preston, England to Fr Gaetana Angiolini SJ, Gesu, Italy
Invitation to Mr Fergal McGrath SJ to attend the wedding of his sister
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Invitation to Mr Fergal McGrath SJ to attend the wedding of his sister
Material on the water supply to Rathfarnham castle and surrounding businesses
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Material on the water supply to Rathfarnham castle and surrounding businesses
Letters between Irish Fr Provincials and Clongowes Wood College SJ regarding communications with Department of Defence
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Letters between Irish Fr Provincials and Clongowes Wood College SJ regarding communications with Department of Defence
Group photographs of Jesuits at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
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Group photographs of Jesuits at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Letter from Fr Henry Fegan SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Fergal McGrath sympathising over the death of his father
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Letter from Fr Henry Fegan SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Fergal McGrath sympathising over the death of his father
Letter from Jane Mitchel to John O'Hagan
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Letter from Jane Mitchel to John O'Hagan
Extract describing Irish Jesuit scholastics at Palermo in 1810
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Extract describing Irish Jesuit scholastics at Palermo in 1810
St Ignatius' College, Galway, senior students
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St Ignatius' College, Galway, senior students
St Ignatius' College, Galway, junior students
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St Ignatius' College, Galway, junior students
Letters from Goldwin Smith to Dr Charles Russell
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Letters from Goldwin Smith to Dr Charles Russell
Letter from Otho Fitzgerald, Carton, County Kildare to Dr Charles Russell congratulating him on his election as President of Maynooth College
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Letter from Otho Fitzgerald, Carton, County Kildare to Dr Charles Russell congratulating him on his election as President of Maynooth College
Research carried out by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on his family tree
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Research carried out by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ on his family tree
Note on Fr Jean Claude Jautard SJ as Chaplain to George’s Hill Convent, 1814
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Note on Fr Jean Claude Jautard SJ as Chaplain to George’s Hill Convent, 1814
Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s St Thecla
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Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s St Thecla
Photocopy of a postcard from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rome, Italy to his niece Sr Marie Hilary
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Photocopy of a postcard from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rome, Italy to his niece Sr Marie Hilary
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
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Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
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“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”