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Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest
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Letters from Fr John MacErlean SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letters from Fr John MacErlean SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letter from the Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial asking him to help him in finding a promoter for the cause of the canonisation of the Irish Martyrs
Letter from the Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial asking him to help him in finding a promoter for the cause of the canonisation of the Irish Martyrs
Letter from the Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial requesting permission to have Jesuit priests on the reconstituted list of censors of books
Letter from the Archbishop of Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial requesting permission to have Jesuit priests on the reconstituted list of censors of books
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ
Correspondence relating to the shipment of a painting of ‘The First/Irish/Jesuit College Dublin’
Correspondence relating to the shipment of a painting of ‘The First/Irish/Jesuit College Dublin’
Decree issued by Pope Clement X in relation to the rights of religious orders
Decree issued by Pope Clement X in relation to the rights of religious orders
Ibernia ignatiana, seu, Ibernorum Societatis Iesu patrum monumenta
Ibernia ignatiana, seu, Ibernorum Societatis Iesu patrum monumenta
The description of Ireland: and the state thereof as it is at this present in anno 1598
The description of Ireland: and the state thereof as it is at this present in anno 1598
Documenta de S. Patricio, hibernorum
Documenta de S. Patricio, hibernorum
The Irish Nennius from L. Na Huidre and homilies and legends from L. Brecc
The Irish Nennius from L. Na Huidre and homilies and legends from L. Brecc
Chronological outline of Irish History
Chronological outline of Irish History
The Irish Ecclesiastical Record
The Irish Ecclesiastical Record
Memorials of the Irish Province
Memorials of the Irish Province
Collections towards illustrating the Biography of the Scotch, English and Irisch Members of the Society of Jesus
Collections towards illustrating the Biography of the Scotch, English and Irisch Members of the Society of Jesus
Words of comfort to persecuted Catholics : written in exile, anno 1607
Words of comfort to persecuted Catholics : written in exile, anno 1607
The First Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus
The First Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus
Distinguished Irishmen of the sixteenth century
Distinguished Irishmen of the sixteenth century
Britannomachia ministrorum,in plerisque et fidei fundamentis,et fidei articulis dissidentium
Britannomachia ministrorum,in plerisque et fidei fundamentis,et fidei articulis dissidentium
Catalogue for the Jesuit residence at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1838 - 1840
Catalogue for the Jesuit residence at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1838 - 1840
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
List of titles of documents, Irish College, Lisbon
List of titles of documents, Irish College, Lisbon
Notes complied by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Notes complied by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Rectors of the Irish College in Rome
Rectors of the Irish College in Rome
Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome
Cardinal Marefoschi's visitation of the Irish College in Rome
List of documents relating to the Irish College in Rome
List of documents relating to the Irish College in Rome
Notes by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College in Salamanca
Notes by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College in Salamanca
Note by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Note by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ on the Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Notes on the Irish College by P. Edm. Hogan S.J.
Notes on the Irish College by P. Edm. Hogan S.J.
Short obituaries of various members of the Society of Jesus by Fr David Gallery SJ
Short obituaries of various members of the Society of Jesus by Fr David Gallery SJ
Notes on 'The Woods in Ireland' which appeared in newspaper 'The United Irishman'
Notes on 'The Woods in Ireland' which appeared in newspaper 'The United Irishman'
Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Biographical note on Fr Edmund Hogan SJ by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ
Biographical note on Fr Edmund Hogan SJ by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ
Review of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ books
Review of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ books
Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family
Fr Edmund Hogan SJ research on his family
Note written by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ concerning books he bought out of his book fund
Note written by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ concerning books he bought out of his book fund
Extract from a Liturgical Calendar
Extract from a Liturgical Calendar
Memorial cards for Rev. Canon Hogan PP
Memorial cards for Rev. Canon Hogan PP
Reader's tickets/call slips in Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Reader's tickets/call slips in Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Memorandum from the librarian of the Royal Irish Academy to Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Memorandum from the librarian of the Royal Irish Academy to Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Obituary notices of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Obituary notices of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
Biographical information on Fr Peter Kenney SJ
Biographical information on Fr Peter Kenney SJ
Biographical information on Fr Patrick Bracken SJ
Biographical information on Fr Patrick Bracken SJ
Pamphlet entitled 'Freedom of Education under the French Republic'
Pamphlet entitled 'Freedom of Education under the French Republic'
Article entitled ‘Liberty of Thought: An Address’
Article entitled ‘Liberty of Thought: An Address’
Bishop Edmund Tanner, Cork to Fr General Everard Mercurian SJ
Bishop Edmund Tanner, Cork to Fr General Everard Mercurian SJ
Notes by by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ entitled ‘Primate Oliver Plunkett’
Notes by by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ entitled ‘Primate Oliver Plunkett’
Books of Old Irish Mission
Books of Old Irish Mission
Notes compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ on the history of the Society of Jesus in Ireland
Notes compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ on the history of the Society of Jesus in Ireland
Typescript biographical notes on Fr James Archer SJ
Typescript biographical notes on Fr James Archer SJ
'Life of Father Stephen White, S.J., Theologian and Polyhistor'
'Life of Father Stephen White, S.J., Theologian and Polyhistor'
Biographical notes on Fr John Young SJ
Biographical notes on Fr John Young SJ
Extracts from, and commentary on, baptism registers in [Wexford and] Waterford, from 1745 to 1783
Extracts from, and commentary on, baptism registers in [Wexford and] Waterford, from 1745 to 1783
Photograph of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Photograph of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Photograph of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Photograph of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ
Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ
Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ
Copy of ‘Memoirs of the Suppression & Restoration of the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Patrick Bracken SJ
Copy of ‘Memoirs of the Suppression & Restoration of the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Patrick Bracken SJ
Transcription of a book entitled 'Alithinologia sive Verdica Responsio...'
Transcription of a book entitled 'Alithinologia sive Verdica Responsio...'
Archbishop Christopher Butler manuscript book entitled ‘Instructions on Catechizing , & preaching also on The Sacraments of Marriage & Penance’
Archbishop Christopher Butler manuscript book entitled ‘Instructions on Catechizing , & preaching also on The Sacraments of Marriage & Penance’
Pamphlet by Fr Francis Murphy SJ entitled 'Geometry'
Pamphlet by Fr Francis Murphy SJ entitled 'Geometry'
Pamphlet by Fr Thomas Halpin SJ entitled "Principles of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry"
Pamphlet by Fr Thomas Halpin SJ entitled "Principles of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry"