Booklet entitled ‘Liam Ó hAodáin S.J. (1839-1919) agus A Mhuintir’
Booklet entitled ‘Liam Ó hAodáin S.J. (1839-1919) agus A Mhuintir’
Baptismal certificate for Fr James Walshe SJ
Baptismal certificate for Fr James Walshe SJ
File relating to Fr Peter M Troddyn SJ
File relating to Fr Peter M Troddyn SJ
Manuscript outlining the origins of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly which refers to Fr Robert St Leger SJ
Manuscript outlining the origins of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly which refers to Fr Robert St Leger SJ
Letter re. the Limerick Jesuit Centenary Record
Letter re. the Limerick Jesuit Centenary Record
Irish Jesuits 1598-1773, dictionary
Irish Jesuits 1598-1773, dictionary
Notes on concerning the history of Galway and the Jesuits in Galway by Fr Francis Finegan SJ
Notes on concerning the history of Galway and the Jesuits in Galway by Fr Francis Finegan SJ
Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius...'
Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius...'
Article by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on the history of the Irish Jesuit Province
Article by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on the history of the Irish Jesuit Province
Letter from Gerard Mitchell in response to Fr Francis Finegan SJ, about Jesuit scholastics ordinations in the early years of Clongowes Wood College SJ
Letter from Gerard Mitchell in response to Fr Francis Finegan SJ, about Jesuit scholastics ordinations in the early years of Clongowes Wood College SJ
Limerick Jesuit centenary record 1859-1959
Limerick Jesuit centenary record 1859-1959
Liam Ó hAodáin S.J. (1839-1919) agus A Mhuintir
Liam Ó hAodáin S.J. (1839-1919) agus A Mhuintir
Donncha Ó Murchú S.J. 1833-1896: agus Cuis ár Mairtíreach
Donncha Ó Murchú S.J. 1833-1896: agus Cuis ár Mairtíreach
Micheál Ó Máirtín S.J. 1846 - 1915
Micheál Ó Máirtín S.J. 1846 - 1915
‘Catalogue of Early Irish Jesuits with dates of deaths’
‘Catalogue of Early Irish Jesuits with dates of deaths’
Centenary of the St Ignatius Church and College, Galway
Centenary of the St Ignatius Church and College, Galway
Notes compiled by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on the SS Trinit´Scottorum, Rome
Notes compiled by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on the SS Trinit´Scottorum, Rome
Documents containing accounts of Jesuit involvement in contemporary religious, political and social affairs, with reference to Limerick
Documents containing accounts of Jesuit involvement in contemporary religious, political and social affairs, with reference to Limerick
Irish Jesuits 1598-1773
Irish Jesuits 1598-1773
'The Jesuit Community of Mungret College 1882-1974'
'The Jesuit Community of Mungret College 1882-1974'
Biographical sketch of Fr John Austin SJ
Biographical sketch of Fr John Austin SJ
Correspondence concerning Fr Francis Finegan’s organisation of the erection of a plaque on Fr John Austin’s grave in St Kevin’s Cemetery, Dublin
Correspondence concerning Fr Francis Finegan’s organisation of the erection of a plaque on Fr John Austin’s grave in St Kevin’s Cemetery, Dublin
Irish missionaries in Bengal, 1834-59
Irish missionaries in Bengal, 1834-59
The Jesuits in Dublin (1660-1760)
The Jesuits in Dublin (1660-1760)
Fr Nicolas Tuite de MacCarthy SJ
Fr Nicolas Tuite de MacCarthy SJ
Proposal for reviving school magazine
Proposal for reviving school magazine
Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ
Biographical notes on Fr Thomas Betagh SJ
Letter from Fr General Anderledy SJ to Fr Eugene Browne SJ, Rector, Milltown Park, Dublin in which he express satisfaction in the running of Milltown
Letter from Fr General Anderledy SJ to Fr Eugene Browne SJ, Rector, Milltown Park, Dublin in which he express satisfaction in the running of Milltown
Volumes relating to the Irish College in Lisbon
Volumes relating to the Irish College in Lisbon
Donations made to the Irish College in Poitiers
Donations made to the Irish College in Poitiers
Biographical material on Blessed Dominic Collins SJ
Biographical material on Blessed Dominic Collins SJ
The Jesuit Missons to Ireland in the Sixteenth Century
The Jesuit Missons to Ireland in the Sixteenth Century
Material relating to Fr Michael Fitzgerald SJ compiled by Fr Hugh Fenning, O.P.
Material relating to Fr Michael Fitzgerald SJ compiled by Fr Hugh Fenning, O.P.
Martyrologium Romanum agus Siol na nGael
Martyrologium Romanum agus Siol na nGael
Notes on Stephen Gellous SJ
Notes on Stephen Gellous SJ
Notes on Dominic Kirwan SJ
Notes on Dominic Kirwan SJ
Analysis by Fr Francis Finegan SJ of documents relating to the Irish College in Lisbon
Analysis by Fr Francis Finegan SJ of documents relating to the Irish College in Lisbon
Notes on Fr Peter Norton SJ by Fr Francis Finegan SJ
Notes on Fr Peter Norton SJ by Fr Francis Finegan SJ
Fr William Wallace SJ
Fr William Wallace SJ
'Conor O'Mahony SJ 1594 – 1656, Separatist' by Francis Finegan SJ
'Conor O'Mahony SJ 1594 – 1656, Separatist' by Francis Finegan SJ
Beginnings of the Jesuits in Galway
Beginnings of the Jesuits in Galway
Typescript comprising reports compiled from the Catalogues on the Irish Mission, 1817-1822 and 1826
Typescript comprising reports compiled from the Catalogues on the Irish Mission, 1817-1822 and 1826
Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus
Document concerning retreat, sodality groups and An Cór
Document concerning retreat, sodality groups and An Cór
Accounts of the history of the Crescent Church and College
Accounts of the history of the Crescent Church and College
Letter from Fr Proinsias Ó Fionnagáin SJ to Br John Maguire SJ, replying to a query on Fr Daniel Finn SJ
Letter from Fr Proinsias Ó Fionnagáin SJ to Br John Maguire SJ, replying to a query on Fr Daniel Finn SJ
Photograph of the top table at the Coláiste Iognáid dinner
Photograph of the top table at the Coláiste Iognáid dinner
Fr Brendan Barry SJ
Fr Brendan Barry SJ
Jesuit past pupils: news from and about ex-students of the Crescent
Jesuit past pupils: news from and about ex-students of the Crescent
Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin
Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin
Nineteenth century Irish Jesuit Photographic Album
Nineteenth century Irish Jesuit Photographic Album
Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Letter from Professor Rev. F. X. Martin OSA to Fr Francis Finegan SJ
Letter from Professor Rev. F. X. Martin OSA to Fr Francis Finegan SJ
Enquiry from Miss Zena M. Carns to concerning Fr Matthew Gahan SJ
Enquiry from Miss Zena M. Carns to concerning Fr Matthew Gahan SJ
Fr James Brodrick SJ
Fr James Brodrick SJ
Fr Francis J Finegan SJ
Fr Francis J Finegan SJ
Notes on the Jesuits in Kilkenny in the seventeenth century
Notes on the Jesuits in Kilkenny in the seventeenth century
Material relating to the Jesuits in Limerick in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
Material relating to the Jesuits in Limerick in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
Notes on the Jesuits in Cashel, County Tipperary in the seventeenth century
Notes on the Jesuits in Cashel, County Tipperary in the seventeenth century
Material relating to the Jesuits in Clonmel, County Tipperary in the seventeenth century
Material relating to the Jesuits in Clonmel, County Tipperary in the seventeenth century
Material concerning the Jesuits in Waterford in the seventeenth century
Material concerning the Jesuits in Waterford in the seventeenth century
Material relating to Jesuits in Athlone, County Westmeath in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Material relating to Jesuits in Athlone, County Westmeath in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Academic successes of individual pupils for the Sacred Heart College, Limerick
Academic successes of individual pupils for the Sacred Heart College, Limerick
Transcripts from, and translations of letters to Irish Jesuits from Generals
Transcripts from, and translations of letters to Irish Jesuits from Generals
List of Jesuits ordained in the archdiocese of Malines and Jesuit preachers and confessor in the archdiocese of Malines, 1607-1794
List of Jesuits ordained in the archdiocese of Malines and Jesuit preachers and confessor in the archdiocese of Malines, 1607-1794
Biographical information on Fr Robert St Leger SJ
Biographical information on Fr Robert St Leger SJ
Copy of a letter from Fr James Butler SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the status of the Irish Mission
Copy of a letter from Fr James Butler SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the status of the Irish Mission
The Irish Jesuits Vol.1
The Irish Jesuits Vol.1
The First Jesuit Mission and Second Jesuit Mission in Ireland
The First Jesuit Mission and Second Jesuit Mission in Ireland
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Irish College, Poitiers
Irish College, Poitiers
Irish College, Rome
Irish College, Rome
Irish College, Salamanca
Irish College, Salamanca
Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Irish College, Santiago de Compostela
Irish College, Seville
Irish College, Seville