Dangos 2641 canlyniad

Disgrifiad archifol
County Dublin
Rhagolwg argraffu Hierarchy Gweld:
General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny
General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny
Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Milltown Park, Dublin
Milltown Park, Dublin
Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin
Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin
Loyola House, Eglinton Road and Loyola House, Milltown Park, Dublin
Loyola House, Eglinton Road and Loyola House, Milltown Park, Dublin
Leinster Road, Dublin City
Leinster Road, Dublin City
St Ignatius House of Writers, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin
St Ignatius House of Writers, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin
Killiney Castle, Dublin
Killiney Castle, Dublin
Charles Kennedy, 151 Capel Street and 17 Mountjoy Square, Dublin
Charles Kennedy, 151 Capel Street and 17 Mountjoy Square, Dublin
Jesuit Refugee Service, Ireland
Jesuit Refugee Service, Ireland
Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Gonzaga College SJ
Gonzaga College SJ
Property on Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin
Property on Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin
St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin
St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin
Jesuit Chaplains in the Vocational Educational Committee Colleges, Dublin
Jesuit Chaplains in the Vocational Educational Committee Colleges, Dublin
Cherry Orchard community
Cherry Orchard community
Cherryfield Lodge, Milltown, Dublin City
Cherryfield Lodge, Milltown, Dublin City
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
John Austin House, North Circular Road, Dublin
John Austin House, North Circular Road, Dublin
“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
Letters from publishers Browne Nolan Ltd. agreeing to publish his book 'The Reform of the Medieval Irish Church'
Letters from publishers Browne Nolan Ltd. agreeing to publish his book 'The Reform of the Medieval Irish Church'
Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Letters written to Irish Fr Provincial expressing dissatisfaction at Fr Tom Cooney's return to China
Letters written to Irish Fr Provincial expressing dissatisfaction at Fr Tom Cooney's return to China
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento
Letter from E. R. Blackburne Farrer to Fr Patrick Kenny SJ, Rector, Rathfarnham Castle remarking that he would like to pay a visit
Letter from E. R. Blackburne Farrer to Fr Patrick Kenny SJ, Rector, Rathfarnham Castle remarking that he would like to pay a visit
The Irish Jesuits Vol.2
The Irish Jesuits Vol.2
List of annual Lenten lectures delivered at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street, from 1896-1957
List of annual Lenten lectures delivered at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street, from 1896-1957
Memoriale for Fr Rector after visitation at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Memoriale for Fr Rector after visitation at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Letter from Hugh Kelly SJ, Rathfarnham Castle to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon concerning the expenditure
Letter from Hugh Kelly SJ, Rathfarnham Castle to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon concerning the expenditure
The Irish Jesuits Vol.1
The Irish Jesuits Vol.1
Notebook containing Lists of Preachers of Novena to the Sacred Heart (1899-1957) and Sodality Day (1940-1954)
Notebook containing Lists of Preachers of Novena to the Sacred Heart (1899-1957) and Sodality Day (1940-1954)
Notebook with lists of preachers of the Seven Words of Good Friday and the Novena of Grace from 1842-1957
Notebook with lists of preachers of the Seven Words of Good Friday and the Novena of Grace from 1842-1957
Wages paid to staff at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin and the amount paid
Wages paid to staff at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin and the amount paid
Blessed John Sullivan: a man sent by God
Blessed John Sullivan: a man sent by God
Will and grant of Teresa Doran
Will and grant of Teresa Doran
Will of Elizabeth Cahill
Will of Elizabeth Cahill
Text of the inaugural address delivered by Fr John J O'Carroll SJ to the Clongowes Wood College SJ Historical and Debating Society 1874-1875
Text of the inaugural address delivered by Fr John J O'Carroll SJ to the Clongowes Wood College SJ Historical and Debating Society 1874-1875
A page of Irish history: story of University College, Dublin, 1883-1909
A page of Irish history: story of University College, Dublin, 1883-1909
Letter from Archbishop Troy to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ, and refers to ‘Mr Callaghan’
Letter from Archbishop Troy to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ, and refers to ‘Mr Callaghan’
Bound volume containing a list of benefactors to Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Bound volume containing a list of benefactors to Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Annual Lenten Calendars for St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
Annual Lenten Calendars for St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
Financing of the Chikuni mission
Financing of the Chikuni mission
Annual Lenten Calendars and Souvenirs of Novenas of Grace at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
Annual Lenten Calendars and Souvenirs of Novenas of Grace at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
Will of Joseph Ryan
Will of Joseph Ryan
Material relating to the Irish Jesuit Mission Office (The Ricci Mission Unit) based in Ireland
Material relating to the Irish Jesuit Mission Office (The Ricci Mission Unit) based in Ireland
Leaflet of Newman in Dublin
Leaflet of Newman in Dublin
Fr Patrick Coffey SJ
Fr Patrick Coffey SJ
Letter from Dr John Thomas Troy, Archbishop of Dublin to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ, English Provincial. Refers to collections for the rebuilding of ‘more than one hundred Chapels in different parts of the Kingdom’,
Letter from Dr John Thomas Troy, Archbishop of Dublin to Fr Marmaduke Stone SJ, English Provincial. Refers to collections for the rebuilding of ‘more than one hundred Chapels in different parts of the Kingdom’,
Insurance policies held by the Jesuit Fathers, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Insurance policies held by the Jesuit Fathers, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Valuation of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Valuation of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
Catholic yearbook and calendar of St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
Catholic yearbook and calendar of St Francis Xavier’s Church, Upper Gardiner Street
University Hall Record
University Hall Record
Appreciations of Fr Willie Doyle SJ
Appreciations of Fr Willie Doyle SJ
Will of Mr Arthur McCann
Will of Mr Arthur McCann
Calendar for St Francis Xavier’s Church for June and July 1904
Calendar for St Francis Xavier’s Church for June and July 1904
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from H. George Fletcher, Director of Fordham University Press
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from H. George Fletcher, Director of Fordham University Press
Letters from Graham Urch, George Brown & Son Ltd, Pharmacists, Dublin to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Letters from Graham Urch, George Brown & Son Ltd, Pharmacists, Dublin to Fr Frank Browne SJ
Scrapbook with calendars of St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street for Lent and Novena of the Sacred Heart
Scrapbook with calendars of St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street for Lent and Novena of the Sacred Heart
Fr James T Casey SJ
Fr James T Casey SJ
Will of Ellen Colgan
Will of Ellen Colgan
Historical and biographical sketch of Reverend Thomas Kelly SJ
Historical and biographical sketch of Reverend Thomas Kelly SJ
Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows
Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows
Report by Charles Geoghegan regarding the formation of thoroughfares through the Killiney Castle Estate
Report by Charles Geoghegan regarding the formation of thoroughfares through the Killiney Castle Estate
Wording of Fr John MacErlean's death notice published in the 'Irish Independent'
Wording of Fr John MacErlean's death notice published in the 'Irish Independent'
Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England
Correspondence mainly between Irish Fr Provincial, Fr Leonard Sheil SJ and the English Provincial, relating to Fr Sheil’s Mission work in England
Letter from Thomas Furlong, Bishop of Ferns to Fr Robert Kelly SJ in relation to arrangements for Fr Kelly's delivery of a sermon
Letter from Thomas Furlong, Bishop of Ferns to Fr Robert Kelly SJ in relation to arrangements for Fr Kelly's delivery of a sermon
Cutting from the 'Irish Times' of an article entitled 'Red Threat To The Faith'
Cutting from the 'Irish Times' of an article entitled 'Red Threat To The Faith'
Revised proposed alterations to Yard Buildings, Gonzaga College
Revised proposed alterations to Yard Buildings, Gonzaga College
Letter from Fr John Grene SJ, Clongowes, to l’Abbé McDonald, Louvain
Letter from Fr John Grene SJ, Clongowes, to l’Abbé McDonald, Louvain
Letter of sympathy from Mary Purcell following the death of Fr john Coyne SJ
Letter of sympathy from Mary Purcell following the death of Fr john Coyne SJ
Letters to Edward Boyd Barrett from publishers concerning publication and distribution, and reviews of 'Strength of Will'
Letters to Edward Boyd Barrett from publishers concerning publication and distribution, and reviews of 'Strength of Will'
Statement of rental derived through the will of Rev. Joseph Christopher McCann
Statement of rental derived through the will of Rev. Joseph Christopher McCann
Letter from P. McDonnell OCC to Fr Murphy concerning his wish to join the Society
Letter from P. McDonnell OCC to Fr Murphy concerning his wish to join the Society
Congregazioni Particolari Vol. XI
Congregazioni Particolari Vol. XI
Copy of a letter from Fr James Butler SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the status of the Irish Mission
Copy of a letter from Fr James Butler SJ to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ concerning the status of the Irish Mission
Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933
Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933
Departure file for Colm A Barry
Departure file for Colm A Barry
Counsel's (D. F. Browne) opinion regarding 34 Sackville Street
Counsel's (D. F. Browne) opinion regarding 34 Sackville Street
Account book of the Hibernian Bank Limited, College Green, Dublin belonging to Fr Joseph Darlington SJ
Account book of the Hibernian Bank Limited, College Green, Dublin belonging to Fr Joseph Darlington SJ
Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s St Thecla
Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ concerning the holograph manuscript of Hopkins’s St Thecla
Photocopy of a postcard from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rome, Italy to his niece Sr Marie Hilary
Photocopy of a postcard from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, Rome, Italy to his niece Sr Marie Hilary
Letter from Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ to Mr & Miss Dennis, 5 Hardwicke Place, Dublin concerning a death
Letter from Fr Bartholomew Esmonde SJ to Mr & Miss Dennis, 5 Hardwicke Place, Dublin concerning a death
Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Palermo, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, 14 Clarendon Street, Dublin
Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Palermo, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, 14 Clarendon Street, Dublin
Letter from James Hardiman to Eugene O'Curry giving details of the Moore family of Bries, County Mayo
Letter from James Hardiman to Eugene O'Curry giving details of the Moore family of Bries, County Mayo
Certificate of Habitation that new dwellinghouse(s) at Gilford Road are fit for human habitation issued by Dublin Corporation
Certificate of Habitation that new dwellinghouse(s) at Gilford Road are fit for human habitation issued by Dublin Corporation
Newspaper extract entitled ‘As tribute to late Fr Scully’
Newspaper extract entitled ‘As tribute to late Fr Scully’
Document containing 'Observations of Fr General on Order of Studies' and 'Responses Regarding Each Stage of Studies'
Document containing 'Observations of Fr General on Order of Studies' and 'Responses Regarding Each Stage of Studies'
Letter to Arthur Cox from Charles Dawson on the history of the Literary and Historical Society
Letter to Arthur Cox from Charles Dawson on the history of the Literary and Historical Society
Irish Jesuit Mission bequest from Nora Hubbard, Dromatimore, Coachford, County Cork
Irish Jesuit Mission bequest from Nora Hubbard, Dromatimore, Coachford, County Cork
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Status Temporalis for the Irish Province
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ to Fr Joseph Canavan SJ concerning a poem written by Fr Canavan
Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ to Fr Joseph Canavan SJ concerning a poem written by Fr Canavan
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
Certificate issued by Fr General appointing Fr Robert Haly SJ, Rector of Dublin college
Certificate issued by Fr General appointing Fr Robert Haly SJ, Rector of Dublin college
File relating to a bequest for £883-11
File relating to a bequest for £883-11
Stable yard, north side, Manresa, Dollymount
Stable yard, north side, Manresa, Dollymount
Letter from Fr Matthew Russell SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial regarding the first volume of 'The Irish Monthly'
Letter from Fr Matthew Russell SJ to the Irish Fr Provincial regarding the first volume of 'The Irish Monthly'
Lodgement receipts from The National Bank Limited in Fr Finlay’s account
Lodgement receipts from The National Bank Limited in Fr Finlay’s account
Letters from Jane Barlow, The Cottage, Raheny, County Dublin to Fr Matthew Russell SJ
Letters from Jane Barlow, The Cottage, Raheny, County Dublin to Fr Matthew Russell SJ
Letter from Fr Henry King SJ to ‘Fr. Seán’ asking him to help him with spiritual work
Letter from Fr Henry King SJ to ‘Fr. Seán’ asking him to help him with spiritual work
Deed of Assignment for land between the Sea Road and Shell Lane in Galway adjacent to Ely Place
Deed of Assignment for land between the Sea Road and Shell Lane in Galway adjacent to Ely Place
Canlyniadau 1 i 100 o 2641