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Administration of the Irish Jesuits
Administration of the Irish Jesuits
Publications in Irish Jesuit Archives office
Publications in Irish Jesuit Archives office
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
Irish Jesuit chaplains
Irish Jesuit chaplains
Irish Jesuit community houses
Irish Jesuit community houses
Father William Delany SJ Fund
Father William Delany SJ Fund
Irish Jesuit houses of formation
Irish Jesuit houses of formation
Property on Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin
Property on Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe
Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Irish Jesuits
Irish Jesuits
Jesuit Refugee Service, Ireland
Jesuit Refugee Service, Ireland
Charles Kennedy, 151 Capel Street and 17 Mountjoy Square, Dublin
Charles Kennedy, 151 Capel Street and 17 Mountjoy Square, Dublin
Irish Jesuit Manuscript A
Irish Jesuit Manuscript A
Irish Jesuit Manuscript B
Irish Jesuit Manuscript B
Irish Jesuit Missions
Irish Jesuit Missions
Non-Irish Jesuit material
Non-Irish Jesuit material
Jesuits in Ireland pre-1773
Jesuits in Ireland pre-1773
Irish Jesuit Photographs and Prints
Irish Jesuit Photographs and Prints
Restored Society of Jesus in Ireland
Restored Society of Jesus in Ireland
Irish Jesuit Special Collections
Irish Jesuit Special Collections
Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Irish Jesuit Social Apostolate
Irish Jesuit Social Apostolate
Sodality of Our Lady and Christian Life Communities
Sodality of Our Lady and Christian Life Communities
General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny
General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny
Catholic University of Ireland and University College, Dublin
Catholic University of Ireland and University College, Dublin