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“ ‘vineam’ D. Oliverii Plunkette!’ ” from ‘Arch. Coll. Hib. Rom. VI f.131’
“ ‘vineam’ D. Oliverii Plunkette!’ ” from ‘Arch. Coll. Hib. Rom. VI f.131’
'“ Snatched from the Brink” A True Story of Fr. William Doyle, S.J.’
'“ Snatched from the Brink” A True Story of Fr. William Doyle, S.J.’
“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”
“Mission Sunday”
“Mission Sunday”
‘A Bill to amend the Law regarding Roman Catholic Charities’
‘A Bill to amend the Law regarding Roman Catholic Charities’
‘A Rondeau for Father Doyle’
‘A Rondeau for Father Doyle’
‘A story of the Veldt’
‘A story of the Veldt’
‘Account of the preservation & actual state of the Society of Jesus in the Russian dominion’
‘Account of the preservation & actual state of the Society of Jesus in the Russian dominion’
‘Agallamh an Óstóra agus a bhean-chócaire (Sliocht aistrighthe as “Kleider machen Leute”)’
‘Agallamh an Óstóra agus a bhean-chócaire (Sliocht aistrighthe as “Kleider machen Leute”)’
‘Ailbreicht Ueinsteal Eosaoib Uallanstaghn, Diúic Fhríolainn’
‘Ailbreicht Ueinsteal Eosaoib Uallanstaghn, Diúic Fhríolainn’
‘Alasandar Manstóiní (1785-1873)’
‘Alasandar Manstóiní (1785-1873)’
‘Amhráin Eoin “An Mhéirín” Mic Charthaigh…Nótaí breise’
‘Amhráin Eoin “An Mhéirín” Mic Charthaigh…Nótaí breise’
‘Amhráin Eoin an Mhéirín’
‘Amhráin Eoin an Mhéirín’
‘An Duilleog Ghlegeal’
‘An Duilleog Ghlegeal’
‘An Lánamha Luaidhte’
‘An Lánamha Luaidhte’
‘Atomic bomb on Hiroshima: eyewitness account of P. I. Siemes SJ’
‘Atomic bomb on Hiroshima: eyewitness account of P. I. Siemes SJ’
‘Beatha (Alfoins) Daudeth (1840-1897)’
‘Beatha (Alfoins) Daudeth (1840-1897)’
‘Beatha Chárthaigh Naomhtha, dá ngorrthear fós Mochuda Leasa Mhórr (550?- 632?)’
‘Beatha Chárthaigh Naomhtha, dá ngorrthear fós Mochuda Leasa Mhórr (550?- 632?)’
‘Beatha Íde [480? – 569?]’
‘Beatha Íde [480? – 569?]’
‘Berehaven…the beautiful’
‘Berehaven…the beautiful’
‘Catalogue of Early Irish Jesuits with dates of deaths’
‘Catalogue of Early Irish Jesuits with dates of deaths’
‘Catalogus Chronoligicus Ibernorum Societatis Jesu. Patrum ac Fratrum’ from 1550 to 1811
‘Catalogus Chronoligicus Ibernorum Societatis Jesu. Patrum ac Fratrum’ from 1550 to 1811
‘Caves of Ice: Diaries 1946 - 1947: James Lees-Milne’
‘Caves of Ice: Diaries 1946 - 1947: James Lees-Milne’
‘Chapter VI’ holograph draft by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
‘Chapter VI’ holograph draft by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
‘Chief Baptiste George and gran daughter beside some rock paintings’ and ‘Indian boys sketching paintings'
‘Chief Baptiste George and gran daughter beside some rock paintings’ and ‘Indian boys sketching paintings'
‘Comhghall Naomhtha 517-602’
‘Comhghall Naomhtha 517-602’
‘Conclusiones ex Universa Theologia Depromtae quas Publice Defendendas Suscipit P. Franciscus Oliveri e Societate Jesu facta cuilibet post tertium arguendi potestate'
‘Conclusiones ex Universa Theologia Depromtae quas Publice Defendendas Suscipit P. Franciscus Oliveri e Societate Jesu facta cuilibet post tertium arguendi potestate'
‘Copy of an original MS’ from 1610 in a Jesuit archive in London, and sent to the Fr General
‘Copy of an original MS’ from 1610 in a Jesuit archive in London, and sent to the Fr General
‘Cumann Drámaideacta na Scol’
‘Cumann Drámaideacta na Scol’
‘De Mhaodhóg Fearna’
‘De Mhaodhóg Fearna’
‘Dian-anaith Críost’
‘Dian-anaith Críost’
‘Directing Boys and Students’ written by Fr Ernest Mackey SJ
‘Directing Boys and Students’ written by Fr Ernest Mackey SJ
‘Discipline in the Irish Church in the Twelfth Century’
‘Discipline in the Irish Church in the Twelfth Century’
‘Do Eadbhard Ua Duibhling: Nodlaig 1935’
‘Do Eadbhard Ua Duibhling: Nodlaig 1935’
‘Duanín na Nodlag’, ‘An tAistear go Beithil’ and ‘Sa Choill d[am]’
‘Duanín na Nodlag’, ‘An tAistear go Beithil’ and ‘Sa Choill d[am]’
‘Dublin, and Proud of It!’
‘Dublin, and Proud of It!’
‘Éanna (Éanda) Naomhtha'
‘Éanna (Éanda) Naomhtha'
‘Eich na Féinne’ and ‘Arann (na hAlban)’
‘Eich na Féinne’ and ‘Arann (na hAlban)’
‘Extract from the Catalogue of Indulgences specially granted to the religious of the Society of Jesus.’
‘Extract from the Catalogue of Indulgences specially granted to the religious of the Society of Jesus.’
‘Extract from the Register of Matthew MacCathasaigh, Bishop of Clogher, 1287 - 1316’
‘Extract from the Register of Matthew MacCathasaigh, Bishop of Clogher, 1287 - 1316’
‘Famous Seats of Learning in Spain’
‘Famous Seats of Learning in Spain’
‘Feardorcha Borroiméo, Cairdionál agus Áirdeasbog Mhioláin'
‘Feardorcha Borroiméo, Cairdionál agus Áirdeasbog Mhioláin'
‘Fifty Meditations on the Passion’ by Archbishop Goodier SJ
‘Fifty Meditations on the Passion’ by Archbishop Goodier SJ
‘Finnian Fionn Cluana Ioraird'
‘Finnian Fionn Cluana Ioraird'
‘First Impressions of Zambia’
‘First Impressions of Zambia’
‘Footsteps of St. Patrick Near the River Liffey’
‘Footsteps of St. Patrick Near the River Liffey’
‘Fr. Browne's Jesuit Ireland’
‘Fr. Browne's Jesuit Ireland’
‘Fr Browne's unique pictures of Titanic at sea’ by Ralph Riegel
‘Fr Browne's unique pictures of Titanic at sea’ by Ralph Riegel
‘Fr Kent (snapped ‘unbeknowns’ and Fr Kenefick enjoying ye jolie’
‘Fr Kent (snapped ‘unbeknowns’ and Fr Kenefick enjoying ye jolie’
‘Fursa Naomhtha (580?-652-3 (16adh Eanair)'
‘Fursa Naomhtha (580?-652-3 (16adh Eanair)'
‘Historia S.J. in Hibernia’ by Fr Denis Murphy SJ
‘Historia S.J. in Hibernia’ by Fr Denis Murphy SJ
‘Hunting for Runaway White Servants’ with extracts from the ‘Old Records of the Island’ (Barbados)
‘Hunting for Runaway White Servants’ with extracts from the ‘Old Records of the Island’ (Barbados)
‘Instructions received from Fr General regarding the members of the V. Prov. who receive pensions or possess a right to property'.
‘Instructions received from Fr General regarding the members of the V. Prov. who receive pensions or possess a right to property'.
‘Ireland of the Welcomes’
‘Ireland of the Welcomes’
‘Irish Missionary Priests in the West Indies’ by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
‘Irish Missionary Priests in the West Indies’ by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
‘Irish Travel: Official organ of the Irish Tourist Association’
‘Irish Travel: Official organ of the Irish Tourist Association’
‘List of the dead’ for St Ignatius, Galway
‘List of the dead’ for St Ignatius, Galway
‘Map of St. Patrick’s Chapel’, Galway
‘Map of St. Patrick’s Chapel’, Galway
‘Mass Intention Book’ for St Ignatius, Galway
‘Mass Intention Book’ for St Ignatius, Galway
‘Memoire Contenant un abregé de la vie de Monseigneur Olivier Plunkett...'
‘Memoire Contenant un abregé de la vie de Monseigneur Olivier Plunkett...'
‘Memorandum of the Irish Medical Guild of St. Luke, S.S. Cosmas & Damien'
‘Memorandum of the Irish Medical Guild of St. Luke, S.S. Cosmas & Damien'
‘Miracles: An Address’
‘Miracles: An Address’
‘Mother and Child: What the new service means to every family’
‘Mother and Child: What the new service means to every family’
‘Muintir na Tíre official handbook; parish guilds and councils’
‘Muintir na Tíre official handbook; parish guilds and councils’
‘Mussolíní ag trácht ar Thíreagar nó ar Fheirmeorreacht’
‘Mussolíní ag trácht ar Thíreagar nó ar Fheirmeorreacht’
‘Na Subháilcí’
‘Na Subháilcí’
‘New Testament’
‘New Testament’
‘Obituary Letters’ of individual Jesuits [who died in Spain], transcribed by Fr John MacErlean SJ, arranged chronologically 1705-1790
‘Obituary Letters’ of individual Jesuits [who died in Spain], transcribed by Fr John MacErlean SJ, arranged chronologically 1705-1790
‘Ode To Rev. H.V. Gill, at a celebration in his honour’ by Fr Michael F. Egan SJ
‘Ode To Rev. H.V. Gill, at a celebration in his honour’ by Fr Michael F. Egan SJ
‘P. Nicolaus Netterville’s dealings with Internuntio Jacobus Rospigliosi, in connection with the Taafe affair 1666 - 1669’
‘P. Nicolaus Netterville’s dealings with Internuntio Jacobus Rospigliosi, in connection with the Taafe affair 1666 - 1669’
‘Photographer Extraordinary: The Life and Work of Father Browne’
‘Photographer Extraordinary: The Life and Work of Father Browne’
‘Pioneer Pin’ belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ
‘Pioneer Pin’ belonging to Fr Willie Doyle SJ
‘Popularizing Spanish literature in 1930's Ireland; Aodh de Blacam and the Irish Monthly’
‘Popularizing Spanish literature in 1930's Ireland; Aodh de Blacam and the Irish Monthly’
‘Prayer to Guardian Angel & Certificate of Membership’ card from the Sodality of the “Holy Angels”, St Ignatius College, SJ, Galway
‘Prayer to Guardian Angel & Certificate of Membership’ card from the Sodality of the “Holy Angels”, St Ignatius College, SJ, Galway
‘Preliminary notes’ on the Corpus Missal and article by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ entitled ‘A Fifteenth Century Irish Missal: B.M., Egerton 2677’
‘Preliminary notes’ on the Corpus Missal and article by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ entitled ‘A Fifteenth Century Irish Missal: B.M., Egerton 2677’
‘Record of 25 years of Weekly Offices etc…and some accounts’ at St Ignatius, Galway
‘Record of 25 years of Weekly Offices etc…and some accounts’ at St Ignatius, Galway
‘Regulations concerning the Provincial's prizes in the Irish Colleges, S.J.’
‘Regulations concerning the Provincial's prizes in the Irish Colleges, S.J.’
‘Resolutions of the Committee of Catholic Masters’ adopted at Maynooth
‘Resolutions of the Committee of Catholic Masters’ adopted at Maynooth
‘Responsum ad litteras illustrissimi comitis thun, ministri vultus et publicae instructonis imperii austriaci’
‘Responsum ad litteras illustrissimi comitis thun, ministri vultus et publicae instructonis imperii austriaci’
‘Sacre Liturgia Praxis juxta Ritum Romanum…’
‘Sacre Liturgia Praxis juxta Ritum Romanum…’
‘Saints and Shrines of Lough Corrib’
‘Saints and Shrines of Lough Corrib’
‘Some stray Titanic photographs by Fr Frank Browne SJ’
‘Some stray Titanic photographs by Fr Frank Browne SJ’
‘Status Temporalis Coll. S. Ignatii Galviensis’
‘Status Temporalis Coll. S. Ignatii Galviensis’
‘Status Temporalis’ for the Irish Jesuit Province
‘Status Temporalis’ for the Irish Jesuit Province
‘Teach Trealmhach le Leigint’ (A Louer Meublé)
‘Teach Trealmhach le Leigint’ (A Louer Meublé)
‘Thar fhairrge i gcéin (le linn na hOl-togha 1918)’
‘Thar fhairrge i gcéin (le linn na hOl-togha 1918)’
‘The Aughrim Groups’, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
‘The Aughrim Groups’, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin
‘The Career of Matthew O'Hartegan, SJ ( – 1665). Irish Envoy to the Court of France 1641 – 1646’
‘The Career of Matthew O'Hartegan, SJ ( – 1665). Irish Envoy to the Court of France 1641 – 1646’
‘The Catholic Penny Magazine’
‘The Catholic Penny Magazine’
‘The Consecration of Right Reverend Monsignor James Corboy, S.J.’
‘The Consecration of Right Reverend Monsignor James Corboy, S.J.’
‘The Daily Mail Bird’s Eye Map of the British Front – Section 1’
‘The Daily Mail Bird’s Eye Map of the British Front – Section 1’
‘The Din of Battle- The Story of Father William Doyle, S.J. for Boys’
‘The Din of Battle- The Story of Father William Doyle, S.J. for Boys’
‘The Irish Digest’
‘The Irish Digest’
‘The Irish student diaspora and the early years of the Irish college at Salamanca’
‘The Irish student diaspora and the early years of the Irish college at Salamanca’
‘The Manuscripts of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ
‘The Manuscripts of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ
‘The Poetry of an Exile, William Smith O'Brien 1849 - 1956’
‘The Poetry of an Exile, William Smith O'Brien 1849 - 1956’
‘The Society of Jesus in Ireland before the Suppression (1540-1773)’ by Fr John MacErlean SJ
‘The Society of Jesus in Ireland before the Suppression (1540-1773)’ by Fr John MacErlean SJ
‘The Suppression of the Carrigan Report: A historical perspective on child abuse’
‘The Suppression of the Carrigan Report: A historical perspective on child abuse’
‘Vindication of Stonyhurst by Fr Plowden in 1819’
‘Vindication of Stonyhurst by Fr Plowden in 1819’
‘Visitations 1859 - 1961’’ to St Ignatius, Galway
‘Visitations 1859 - 1961’’ to St Ignatius, Galway
Results 1 to 100 of 9507