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List of students and their progress

List of students and their progress in their studies and Holy Orders,11 June 1615-21 March 1682; 24 September 1736, by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Correspondence between the Irish Province and the Provincial of the Portuguese Province over the Jesuit institutions in the Macao

A file relating to correspondence between the Irish Province and the Provincial of the Portuguese Province. The file relates to the Portuguese Mission in Macao and the Portuguese Provincial's wish that the Irish Province take over the Jesuit institutions in the Macao Diocese and to accept the mission territory at present cared for by the Portuguese Province.

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial mostly from various Jesuit Superiors/Rectors seeking Irish Jesuits to fill posts left vacant following and during the War

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial mostly from various Jesuit Superiors/Rectors seeking Irish Jesuits to fill teaching and other posts left vacant following and during the War. Includes requests from Bombay, Madeira, Calcutta, Ceylon and Malta.

Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ

Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ. Includes

  • typescript on his life, by Fr James Stephenson SJ (n.d., 13pp);
  • correspondence collected by Fr Stephenson in the course of research for the article (19 February - 26 October 1953, 4 items) - letter from Mary, Hartfiled, Santo Amaro, Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal, Margaret Woulfe, Kerry and Joseph Ranson, Salamanca;
  • notes and letter compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ on Fr Woulfe (1929, 4pp);
  • reprint 'The Last Years of a Confessor of the Faith, Father David Wolf' from 'Archivium Historicum Societatis Jesu', vol. XV, 1946 (15pp);
  • journal of notes made by Richard Woulfe, Dromlought, Lisselton, County Kerry, intended to comprise a ‘short and incomplete family history’;
  • biographical notes on Fr Woulfe, copies of correspondence, letters contributed to various newspapers by Maurice Woulfe (5 Bolton Street, Clonmel) on Woulfe family history (1904 – 1928) and copies of letters of Dr T. Woulfe of Bruff, County Kerry (1923-1924) (25 November 1935, c76pp);
  • draft typescript entitled ‘Unpublished Letter of Father David Wolf’ by Fr Manuel da Costa SJ (Portuguese Jesuit and historian). Foreword in English (3pp); letter (October 1568) in Latin to the Bishop of Killala, Redmond O'Gallaghair, written when Fr Woulfe was in jail in Dublin Castle, describing the events of 1566 – ‘68 (n.d., 24pp);
  • article on David Wolfe SJ and
  • article by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ, 'The Career and Problem of David Wolfe, 1528-1579? Jesuit, and Papal Commissary to Ireland', NMAJ, vol. 47, 2007, pp21-37.

Draft typescript of an unpublished book by Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning his travels in Spain

Draft typescript of an unpublished book by Fr Leonard Sheil SJ concerning his travels in Spain, with an emphasis on Catholics murdered in the Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939). States in the preface ‘This is an account of motorcycling 12000 miles through Spain, with special reference to spots where priests and nuns suffered for their faith in 1936 and 1937.’ Includes holograph preface and footnotes (4pp); ‘Index of Tales with Sources for Persons mentioned in order of their mentioning’ (3pp); map of Spain and Portugal with Fr Sheil’s routes marked in pen (10cm x 9cm) and draft typescript (first three pages are missing) (originally 192pp).

Volumes relating to the Irish College in Lisbon

Two volumes, one bound, relating to the Irish College in Lisbon. The volumes contain various papers bound together. The first volume relates to the foundation of the college (485ff). The second volume consists of six sections: Accounts of the college; Ordinances from Rome; Custom book of college life; Statutes and customs; Mass and Orders book; The narration of the imprisonment and expulsion of Fr Dionysius Charti. Note by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on provenance of volumes - that Fr Manuel Gonçalves da Costa SJ visited Milltown Park in 1948, consulted volumes which in custody of Fr John MacErlean SJ (1981), and translation by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ (5 February 1987).

Analysis by Fr Francis Finegan SJ of documents relating to the Irish College in Lisbon

Analysis by [perhaps Fr Frank Finegan SJ, however named on p3] of documents transcribed or listed re the Irish College of St Patrick in Lisbon, [1590-1754]. Refers to Gonçalves da Costa, Manuel (ed.), ‘Fontes inéditas portuguesas para a história de Irlanda’ Braga, (1981). and Collectanea Hibernica (1989). Includes documents (transcripts) examined by Fr Frank Finegan SJ.

Finegan, Francis J, 1909-2011, Jesuit priest

Irish College, Lisbon

The Irish Jesuit College at Lisbon was established in 1590.
Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).

Irish Jesuit Colleges in Europe

  • Fonds
  • 1590-2009

The Irish Colleges were established chronologically as follows: Lisbon 1590, Salamanca 1592, Santiago de Compostela 1605, Seville 1608 or 1612, Rome 1628 and Poitiers 1674. Irish Jesuits were involved in the establishment or running of the colleges at Lisbon, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela and Seville. The colleges were established with the aim of educating and training students for the priesthood and acted as service and social centres for Irish religious communities all over Europe. Fr Thomas White SJ (1558-1622) founded Salamanca. For diplomatic reasons the title of Rector was held by a Spanish Jesuit successively at Santiago (1612) and Seville (1619). Fr John Howling SJ (1543-1599) founded Lisbon.

The material comprises of notes on the Irish Colleges at Lisbon, Poitiers, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Rome by Frs Edmund Hogan (1831-1917), John MacErlean (1870-1950) and Fergal McGrath (1895-1988). Includes lists of rectors and students of the Colleges.

Two bound volumes relating to the Irish College, Lisbon concern the foundation of the college, accounts, custom book and statutes. Analysis of the documents relating to the Irish College, Lisbon by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (1909-2011).

Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus, 1542-1773