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Fr Michael McGrath SJ

Irish manuscripts
Material relating to the lives of saints and scholars
Material relating to the Life of St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Lecture notes and articles
Miscellaneous prose

McGrath, Michael P, 1872-1946, Jesuit priest and Irish language scholar

Biographical information on Fr Doyle

Biographical information on Fr Doyle including a copy of his birth certificate and memorial card.

Irish Vice-Province of the Society of Jesus, 1830-

Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ

Notes on Killiney Castle and Druid Lodge, Killiney, County Dublin by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, (former Irish Province Archivist) referring to a letter he received from Miss Mary Purcell, 32 Gardiner Place, Dublin 1 (whose letter is also contained in this file). Fr McGrath traces the use of Killiney Castle by the Society of Jesus (nd, 1p). Includes a letter from Mary Purcell to Fr McGrath concerning the sale of Killiney Castle to the St John of God Brothers, France. Another property is also referred to by Miss Purcell who discovered this reference in a minute of a council meeting of the Brothers of St John of God but it is unclear if this other property also belonged to the Society of Jesus. The St John of God Brothers did not continue negotiations with the Society (18 August 1977, 2pp).

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

History of the College of Technology, Bolton Street from the 1950s until 1968

‘An Historical Critique’. History of the College of Technology, Bolton Street from the 1950s up to the writing of the document, in relation to its development, education, student numbers and facilities. The writer, in an attempt to encourage the directors of the College to extend the facilities to cope with the changing needs of the students, warns of imminent revolt.

English translation of a letter by Archbishop Oliver Plunkett to Fr Oliva, General of the Society of Jesus

English translation of a letter written on 30 January 1673 by Archbishop Oliver Plunkett to Fr Giovanni Oliva SJ, General of the Society of Jesus, informing him of his appointment of Father Stephen Rice (1625-1699), a Jesuit, ‘a person of profound religion…(and)…great prudence – unwearied in suffering, most assiduous in working in the vineyard of the Lord’ to work in ‘the pulpit & Schools of Armagh.’ (Fr Rice was made Superior of the Mission in 1672). Also discusses the state of the Society in Ireland, ‘I see that it is in a most desperate condition here, I see to my great sorrow that it will not last long in Ireland if there is not a better way to train and receive novices and to punish the wild & disobedient…If you, Rev. Father, who are so full of zeal to preserve & propagate the Faith in heretic countries & for the great love you always had for this unfortunate nation, will not lend a hand to Save the S.J. in Ireland I fear it will not have the Success that I wish it.’ (The original version forms part of MSS B 33)

Plunkett, Oliver, 1625-1681, Saint and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh

Copy letter from John Edward Pigot to John [Mitchel]

Copy letter from John Edward Pigot, Chambers to John [Mitchel]. Refers to MacNevin and the 'shocking' news of his 'insanity'. Remarks ' is to be hoped that his illness may be only temporary...' Discusses political matters, remarks that the Corn Bill ' safe after last night's division.' Continues 'If it be finally settled on Friday, the coercion bill division will take place that night but at any rate on Monday. A small majority against ministers is considered certain, but I find it believed that Peel will stay in though beaten. I need not say how glad we shall be if it be so. Peel would then dissolve and in the new parliament the Whigs, if successful, would be as weak as we could wish them.'

Pigot, John Edward, 1822-1871, Young Irelander, writer, musician, and lawyer

'Foras Feasa: An Leabhar Muimhneach 'Annála Inis Faithleann' '

18ú haois. 13.1" X 8", ach cuid de na duilleoga beagán níos lú ná sin. Lámhscríbhinn mhór í seo a cuireadh le chéile de réir a chéile. Is fusa líon na lch a dhéanamh amach de réir na gcodanna: (a) Bhí 340 + lch anseo ar dtús; dealraíonn sé go ndearnadh dearmad laghd- aithe d’aon san uimhriú ar dhuilleoga atá caillte anois. Tá 10 lch agus Igh eile tar éis 339i. caillte. Tá duilleoga sractha freisin (cf. infra); (b)32 lch, gan ach 1-18 uimhrithe agus stráice caillte ó bhun lgh 1-6; (c) 60 lch, uimhrithe 1-57, agus na trí lgh eile gan uimhriú agus le léamh aniar; (d) 4 lch ceangailte 2-1-4-3, agus 4 dhuilleog; leath d.4 sractha chun siúil; (e) Tá dhá uimhriú ar chuid de na lgh anseo; leantar uimhriú a thosaíonn le 3 (lgh 1-2 caillte); téann seo 3-105, ach tá lgh 3-4 ceangailte ar dtuathal; tá ‘6’ faoi dhó; tá lgh 32-35 caillte; tá lgh 68-9, 102-3 sractha, agus cúpla lch bán (cf. infra), (f) 18 lch, áirithe go haibítreach, ach ceann idir D agus E fágtha gan áireamh.

Micheál Ó Longáin/ Michael Long a scríobh an t-iomlán, ach nithe fánacha thall is abhus (cf. (a) 335m.; (b) 18m.). Tugann sé dáta 8-12- 1759 ag 18m. Is dócha go raibh H. I. 18 (i Leabharlann Choláiste na Tríonóide) mar fhoinse aige do chuid den ábhar. Tá liosta leabhar ag (c) 60-59-58 ó láimh eile, lámh an Easpaig Seán Ó Briain, pátrún an leabhair, is é is dóichí; d’fhágfadh sin gurb é clár a leabharlainne atá anseo. Tá breacaireacht ó lámha difiriúla thall is abhus. Tá dáta‘1781’ le síniú ‘Cornelius O’Brien’ ar (f) Q m. Tá síniú: ‘Cormac O Fithcheallaigh’, úinéir is dócha, ar (a)3i. agus (b) 17i.; tá cuid de na ceartúcháin etc. ina pheannaireacht.

Tá an Is seo ceangailte go slachtmhar i maothleabhar dearg. Comhartha na dTrí gCoinneal a cheangail is clos dom. Tá duilleoga ceangail chun tosaigh agus laistiar. Tá an seanchlúdach leathair a bhí ar an Is greamaithe laistigh den chlúdach nua. Tá armas greanta air sin chun tosaigh, agus nóta le peann luaidhe os a chionn: ‘Original binding. Episcopal arms of John O’Brien Bishop of Cloyne and Ross 1748-67’. Ó nádúr an ábhair, is furas a mheas gur don easpag seo go háirithe a scríobh Micheál Mac Pheadair Uí Longáin an Is seo. Tá ainm an easpaig go tútach ar (f) lch R.

Deed of trust in relation to the ‘Father Delany Exhibition’

Deed of trust in relation to the ‘Father Delany Exhibition’. Sets out the responsibilities of the trustees of the fund set up to finance the exhibition, which was established to commemorate the services to education of the Very Reverend William Delany SJ LLD, President of University College, Dublin, who had, in 1906, celebrated the attainment of his Golden Jubilee in the Society of Jesus. The trustees are given power over the collection of donations for the fund, for the investment of the fund, and for the awarding of the exhibition to a student from a Jesuit school who obtains the highest aggregate of ‘Honor Marks’ at the first university examination held after his matriculation, provided that his attendance and behaviour are satisfactory. Includes amendment dated 15 February 1909 providing for the appointment of Laurence Ambrose Waldron M.P. as trustee in place of the Right Honorable Christopher Palles, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

Booklets for the Sodality of Our Lady

Booklets relating to the Sodality of Our Lady concerning rules, meditations, prayers, explanations and history of the Sodality. Includes 'Meditations for Sodalists', 'Rules of the Sodality of Our Lady', 'Prayers for the Dying', 'How to Establish a Sodality', 'His Mother's Beads', 'No surer way to heaven', 'What is the sodality of Our Lady?', 'The Message', 'Guide to the Sodality of Our Lady', 'The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ireland: A short history' by Fr John MacErlean SJ, 'Sodality of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Joseph: For Invalids', 'Sodality of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Joseph: For Invalids, Daily duties', 'Magnificat Bulletin of the Sodality for the Sick' and 'Favours lost by a person who deliberately neglects to receive one holy communion'.

Biographical information on Fr Peter Finlay SJ (1851-1929)

Biographical information on Fr Peter Finlay SJ including:
– memorial card (2 copies);
– obituary in The Catholic Bulletin, No. 11, Vol. 19, p.961-963 (November 1929, 3pp) and
– draft of article on his life written as a ‘short memoir of the distinguished author’ to prefix the re-issue of his ‘best known book’ The Church of Christ (n.d., 8pp).
See photographs of Fr Finlay in the individual photograph collection.

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ from Bishop Gillooly concerning Brown’s support for the candidature of Fr Hopkins

Letter to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ from Laurence Gillooly, C.M., Bishop of Elphin (a member of the Senate of the Royal University), concerning Fr Brown’s support for the candidature of Fr Hopkins to the Fellowship of Classics. States ‘His Eminence, Card(inal) McCabe, informed me on Wednesday last of the selection of Fellows made on that day by the Senate of the R(oyal) University; and on Friday I learned from him that he had on the previous day resigned his place in the Senate in consequence of the rejection of his proposal relative to the Fellowships. I had hoped…that the communication made to you by Dr Woodlock of the resolution unanimously adopted…by the Episcopal University Committee in reference to the Fellowships would prevent the unfortunate conflict in the Senate; and it was with deep regret I learned that you had, in opposition to the Coetus Episcoporum, represented by the Episcopal Committee, kept on your two Candidate (sic); and thereby rendered the conflict inevitable –…I take the liberty of writing to you now, to tell you how much I deplore the step you have taken and the conflict in which it engages you and to express a hope that you will for the sake of your great undertaking in Stephen’s Green…remedy the mistake you have made by withdrawing the Revd. Fr Hopkins, as you are of course still perfectly free to do. For many years past I have publicly & privately used my best efforts to secure to your Society an eminent position in your University System. If the result is to be, from the very outset, a conflict…I must say I will heartily repent of what I have done and persuaded others to do in this matter.’ (For background to the appointment see T. J. Morrissey’s article ‘Hopkins’s Friends and Colleagues’, J11/46 and article by Norman White in 'The Hopkins Quarterly' entitled 'An Irish Row').

Gillooly, Laurence, 1819-1895, Vincentian priest and Roman Catholic Bishop of Elphin

Biographical information on Br William Glanville SJ

  • IE IJA J/165/1
  • File
  • 2 August 1944 - 6 March 1984
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Biographical information on Br William Glanville SJ and correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials. Includes a photograph of Br William Glanville SJ and Fr Sean Noonan SJ, September 1957, and mortuary card.

Wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ

  • IE IJA J/177/1
  • File
  • 1916; 14 - 21 June 1953
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to the wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ from the war cemetery at Amara, to their own cemetery in the college grounds. Information from the Commonwealth War Grave Commission suggests this never happened. Includes birth certificate for Jeremiah Austin Hartigan.

Material relating to Fr Piaras de Hindeberg SJ

  • IE IJA J/183/1
  • File
  • 4 July 1930 - 23 August 1980
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Piaras de Hindeberg SJ including admission details, catalogue entry, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincial, death certificate and mortuary card,

Material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ

  • IE IJA J/240/1
  • File
  • 11 July 1924 - April 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr John Mallin SJ including short CVs (1942; 1965; 1974), documents regarding entry to the Society (details of baptism and medical reports), medical reports, small number of letters written from Germany by Fr Mallin (1963-66) and Spain (1973-74) and obituary from the 'Irish Province News' (April 1977).

Material relating to Fr Geoffrey C Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/264/1
  • File
  • 18 June 1940 - 1 November 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Geoffrey C Murphy SJ which includes correspondence relating to his life in Malaysia, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/265/1
  • File
  • 11 May 1932 - 23 September 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ which includes correspondence relating to his work in the following areas: HAM (House a Marriage) - a low cost option for young married couples to rent affordable accommodation (helped found this scheme), Bethany support group for bereaved (founded by him in 1983) and the Catholic Social Services. The file reflects other social issues that Fr Murphy became involved in e.g. Guild of St Mary, St Francis Social Service Centre and his work as a chaplain in the training unit of Mountjoy Gaol. Includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Photographs of Benada Abbey, Sligo

Photographs of Benada Abbey, Sligo including:

  • ruins of old Benada Abbey;
  • old bridge of Benada;
  • convent Our Lady of Benada;
  • convent chapel at Benada, 1899;
  • parish church of St Attracta;
  • mission cross erected after the Jesuits gave a mission in the parish church of St Attracta, 1867;
  • west wing of Benada;
  • exterior and interior view of convent chapel at Benada.

Notes compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ entitled 'New Martyrs'

Notes compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ entitled 'New Martyrs'. The reverse of some of the notes used by MacErlean, is the answer sheet, 1st paper Mathematics, Entrance Scholarship for the National University of Ireland by M.J. O'Halloran.

Fr Denis Murphy SJ last work as entitled “Our Martyrs”.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Notes on the will of Fr John Austin contained in 'Directorium ad rite legendas horas canónicas missasque celebrandas'

Notes on the will of Fr John Austin by Fr Thomas Betagh contained in 'Directorium ad rite legendas horas canónicas missasque celebrandas' (Bernard McMahon Press, Dublin, with P. Wogan, & P. Bean, No. 23, Old Bridge, 1783). Includes:

  • Memoranda of my Executorship under Mr Austin's will;
  • accounts to Mary Ann Austin, daughter of Richard Austin deceased, apprentice to Mary Magennis,1784;
  • accounts to Mary Austin, daughter of Joseph Austin, sent to Miss Mullaly's school 1785, travelled to Spain 1786. Returned from Spain without serving her indented time and arrived in Dublin, 15 May 1788;
  • accounts to Francis Austin, son of Richard Austin, apprentice to a Glover, 1787;
  • accounts Jane Austin, daughter of Joseph Austin, apprentice to Catherine Collins, Ribb and weaver, 1787;
  • accounts Teresa Austin, daughter of Joseph Austin, apprentice to a Glover, but discharged for disagreeing with her mistress, 1787;
  • accounts to Mathew Austin, son of Richard Austin, supported by the Patrican Society, dismissed by them as past the age allowed by their rules, under the care of a nurse in Saggart, 1790 ;
  • accounts of sale of Fr Austin's books, 1797;
  • cash expended on Mr Lisward's nurse, 1790;
  • legacies bequeathed by Rev Mr Lisward's and discharged by me, 1791-1792.

Letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ

  • IE IJA J/470/1
  • File
  • 5 April 1811 - 23 July 1838
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ. A brief précis to the letters is included in the file, and list of Irish Jesuits (1831).

Biographical information on Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ

A file containing biographical information on Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ. Includes Fr Thomas Morrissey's entry on Fr Corcoran for the Dictionary of National Biography, article on Fr Corcoran by Dermot F. Gleeson and photograph of Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ.

Letters from Fr Patrick Duffy SJ to Sr Mary Agnes, Carmelite Convent, Firhouse, Tallaght, Dublin

  • IE IJA J/130/1
  • File
  • 10 September 1873 - 9 February 1901
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of letters from Fr Patrick Duffy SJ to Sr Mary Agnes (later Mother Prioress), Carmelite Convent, Firhouse, Tallaght, Dublin concerning his life and work as a priest. The majority of these letters are written from Australia and describe his work in this mission. The letters also discuss news from the convent of Firhouse and Fr Duffy offers constant encouragement in spiritual matters and discusses the numbers of novices in the convent. Many of the letters were written while his sister (Sr Mary Gabriel) was ill and could not write herself. Includes a letter concerning his sister's health. Remarks that he is glad to have been told how serious her attack was. Remarks 'I am anxious about her, of course I am, we are brother and sister and the last remaining two of a family of eleven. No wonder, then, that we should look towards each other - now especially, when we are both coming so near to the end of the journey.' (21 June 1894, 4pp). Includes a letter congratulating Sr. Mary Agnes on becoming Mother Prioress of the Carmelite Convent in Firhouse. Remarks 'And so the burden of authority has been laid upon your shoulders! Well - God's will be done. And that it is God's will that you should be put into your present position.' (25 April 1895, 4pp). Includes a letter enclosing a cutting from The Argus concerning Edward Grennan who took part in the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War. Advises Sr Mary Agnes to read the cutting to the novices. Remarks 'The lesson taught is grand! I would advise the Mistress of Novices to read both (cutting and letter) to her novices and give them a lecture on obedience. The analogy between the two warfares, the warfare of this world and the warfare of the soul is very close.' (22 November 1896, 2 items).

File of material on Fr Peter Dunne SJ

  • IE IJA J/131/1
  • File
  • 21 May 1935- 31 August 1980
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of material relating to Fr Peter Dunne SJ including biographical information and correspondence concerning various duties he attended to as a Jesuit.

Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ

  • IE IJA J/148/1
  • File
  • 6 February 1854 - 31 May 1878; 20 September 1983
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ which includes 'A few particulars relative to the Hon. and Rev. John Ffrench SJ', Dolllard, Printinghouse, Dublin (1887), 'Memoirs of Father Ffrench of the Society of Jesus', Manresa Press, Roehampton (1898) and copy of a letter from Fr Ffrench, St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly to Mother Ursula Querk, Ursuline Convent, St Joseph's, Sligo concerning his nephew's accident and his cure due to the intercession of (6 February 1854, 4pp), with note from Sr. M. St. Dominic, Ursuline Convent, St Joseph's, Sligo (20 September 1983).

Biographical information relating to Fr John Conmee SJ

Biographical information relating to Fr John Conmee SJ. Includes:
– potted biography by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ (Irish Province Archivist, 1986 - 2019 (2pp);
– handwritten note on Fr John Conmee SJ made by an unknown person (probably a fellow-Jesuit) stating “Perhaps the first word that occurs to one when trying to describe Father Conmee is ‘delightful’. He was a delightful man – amiable, bright, entertaining… – his presence, the very thought of him did you good.” (n.d, 1p.);
– obituaries, with one document mentioning Frs John Hughes and Thomas Taaffe SJ (May 1910, 3 items);
– memorial cards (1910, 3 items) and
– copy of the death certificate of Fr Conmee (21 Oct. 1917, 1 item)

Biographical information on Fr Henry Gill SJ

Biographical information on Fr Henry Gill SJ. Includes:
– extract on Fr Gill from the Catalogus personarum primus (1930, 2pp);
– potted biography of Fr Gill by Fr John A Leonard SJ (n.d., 1p.);
– photocopies of newspaper obituaries of Fr Gill (27 Nov. 1945, 1p.);
– photocopies of obituaries from 'The Belvederian' and 'The Clongownian' (1946, 1p. each) and
– photocopy of an obituary printed in the 'Irish Province News', (Jan 1946, 3pp).

Curriculum Vitae of Rev. George O'Neill SJ

Curriculum Vitae of Rev. George O'Neill SJ and handwritten notebook on Stations of the Cross (started 1868 and finished October 1894), with sermon on the Stations (11 March 1895).

File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ

File relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ, including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, photocopies of newspaper cuttings, and photographs.

File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ

  • IE IJA J/411/1
  • File
  • 28 April 1923-1 April 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ, including application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries and memorial card.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Howatson SJ

  • IE IJA J/721/1
  • File
  • 1932 - 25 September 1972
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Howatson SJ. Includes passport; mortuary card; announcement of death; requiem; and correspondence between Fr Howatson and Frs. Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and his sister, Helen Clarke, Tralee, County Kerry and Fr Martin.

Material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ

  • IE IJA J/277/1
  • File
  • 1 June 1930 - 2 February 1946
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record, photograph (1938) and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr Edward Bourke SJ and life on the missions

  • IE IJA J/64/1
  • File
  • 27 October 1924-29 April 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Edward Bourke SJ and life on the missions including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincial on volunteering for the missions, his work travelling back to Ireland, letters from Fr Bourke's family, passport photographs and catalogue entry.

Electrical Installation of “Sandford Hill” Ranelagh, Dublin

Electrical Installation of “Sandford Hill” Ranelagh, Dublin

  1. Basement
  2. Ground Floor
  3. First Floor
  4. Second Floor
    Architects: Robinson, Keefe and Devane, 22 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin
    Engineer: P. J. Ryan, Electrical Contractor, 15 Clontarf Road, Dublin
    Paper: Blue background with yellow, white and red lettering.

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province. A note states 'Possibly all are in Memorials Ir. Prov.' Some notes in other hand, post-date Grene.

Browne, Thomas
Burke, William
Butler, James

Cunningham, John
Curtis, John

Ferguson, Charles

Gannon, Nicholas

Halpin, Thomas
Haly, Robert
Hayes, James Mark
Hearne, John

Kavanagh, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kernan, Edward

Lentaigne, Joseph
Lynch, Henry
Lynch, John

McDonnell, James

O'Callaghan, Sylvester
O'Connor, John
O'Farrell, Michael
O'Reilly, Edmund

Rorke, Henry
Ryder, Alexander

Seaver, Matthew
Sheehan, Patrick
Stackowski, Francis Xavier

Drawing of Fr John Austin SJ

Drawing of Fr John Austin SJ from the picture by Henry Brocas, senior in the National Gallery of Ireland entiled 'Rev. John Austin, (1717-1784), Jesuit Preacher and Teacher' (Line and stipple engraving Object Number: NGI.10262). Biographical note on reverse.

Account ledger of receipts and expenses for St Ignatius, Galway

Account ledger of receipts and expenses for St Ignatius, Galway. Receipts include church collections, intentions, pensions (record of the payment of school fees entered as paid, in instalments). Expenses include travel, food (butter, bread, vegetables, meat, fish, and fowl) stamps, milk, oil, candles, wages, printing and clothing repairs. Also includes handwritten inserts of expenses such as Gas (January 1892).

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Mission by Fr Fidelis Grivel SJ

Documents relating to the Visitation of the Irish Mission by Fr Fidelis Grivel SJ in 18[17]. Includes:

  • ‘Monita P. Grivel Visitatoris’ (18[17], 18pp);
  • letters from Fr Grivel to Fr Charles Aylmer SJ (whom Fr Grivel appoints as Superior of the Mission), with note on letter of 1[4] March 1820, ‘Chief letters of F. Grivel as Visitor’ (in Italian) (12 October 1817 - 28 March 1820, 9 items);
  • letters from Fr Grivel to Fr Aylmer, with note on top letter ‘Less important letters Fr. F. Grivel, Visitor’ (in Italian) (9 October 1817 - 19 June 1820, 8 items);
  • translated letters to Fr Grivel from various Jesuit Fathers, including Frs Charles Aylmer, Peter Kenney, Bartholomew Esmonde, Patrick Moran, James Butler, and Charles Fraser, originally in the Archives of the French Province. (In Italian) (4 August 1817 - 20 March 1820, 25 items). Includes copy of prospectus in English on Tullabeg – ‘Tullybeg ’‘Elementary School’ ‘Revd. Robert St Leger, Principal’ (August 1818, 2pp).

The Jesuit Mission to Ireland 1596-1626

M.A. thesis by James J Corboy SJ, entitled 'The Jesuit Mission to Ireland 1596-1626' at the faculty of Modern History, UCD (2 copies, 248pp each) (1941) with separate bibliography and index (34pp). Also includes letter from Dr R Dudley Edwards, UCD and Fr Jerome Mahony SJ concerning ‘Lord Justice Loftus’ and ‘Carew’ (5pp) (21 June 1954), and letter from Fr Jerome Mahony SJ to Fr Roland Burke Savage SJ that he has completed Menelogy up to 1800 (13 February 1956).

Corboy, James, 1916-2004, Jesuit priest and Roman Catholic Bishop of Monze

Results 1 to 100 of 9625