Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ
- File
- 2 September 1849
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ (Vice-Provincial), Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning Fr Gahan's will. Remarks that he has only found a copy of the will and remarks 'I look upon the case a quite a hopeless one.' Continues 'The original will and whatever title deeds were in existence, I conclude from these letters, went into the possession of Father Aylmer - what became of them since there is nothing to inform us.' Concludes 'Should you think it necessary to write to this gentleman now in the Isle of Man to Dr Briggs or to any other of the inheritors, I take the liberty of telling you not to do so, till you previously allow me to wait on you…'
O'Shaughnessy, James