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County Dublin
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Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ

Letter from James O'Shaughnessy to Fr Robert St Leger SJ (Vice-Provincial), Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning Fr Gahan's will. Remarks that he has only found a copy of the will and remarks 'I look upon the case a quite a hopeless one.' Continues 'The original will and whatever title deeds were in existence, I conclude from these letters, went into the possession of Father Aylmer - what became of them since there is nothing to inform us.' Concludes 'Should you think it necessary to write to this gentleman now in the Isle of Man to Dr Briggs or to any other of the inheritors, I take the liberty of telling you not to do so, till you previously allow me to wait on you…'

O'Shaughnessy, James

Letter from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Irish Fr Provincial William Delany SJ

Letter from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Irish Fr Provincial William Delany SJ informing him of his proposal for a ‘House of Retreats for Workingmen’. Includes ‘Report on the proposed House of Retreats for Workingmen’ and brochures for retreats at Rathfarnham Castle, printed in 1922.

Photographs of First World War scenes

File of photographs of First World War scenes (Military convoy, 30 July 1916 and the Menin Road), Rathfarnham Castle and Dalkey. Includes copies of images of St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly and Kemmel Hill and Zonnebeke, Belgium and small handwritten sketch maps of Ypres (11 February 1935).

Family photograph with Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Family photograph with Fr Willie Doyle SJ at an formal occasion, perhaps the wedding anniversary of his parents, outside the family home in Dalkey, county Dublin.

Letters from Mr Willie Doyle SJ, 1897-1906

  • IE IJA J/2/81
  • File
  • 6 April 1897 - Easter 1906
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Holograph letters and typewritten letters by Mr Willie Doyle SJ while: at Clongowes Wood College to his mother and father, and sister Lena (6 April 1897 - 1898); undertaking philosophy at Enghien, Belgium to his mother and father (2 October 1898 - 3 June 1899); at St. Mary’s Hall, Stonyhurst College, England to his mother and father (14 October 1900 - 31 March 1901); at Clongowes Wood College to his mother and father, and sister Mai (18 December 1901 - 5 August 1903); undertaking theology at Milltown Park (23 December 1904 - Easter 1906).

Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, 1907-1915

  • IE IJA J/2/82
  • File
  • 28 July 1907 - 6 November 1915
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of holograph letters and typewritten letters by Fr Willie Doyle SJ concerning his ordination at Milltown Park (28 July 1907); tertianship at L’ Ancienne Abbaye, Tronchiennes, Belgium to his mother and father, his sister Mai and brother Charles (October 1907 - 21 July 1908); attending a mission in Great Yarmouth (20 April 1908); work as a minister at Belvedere College to his sister Mai (April - July 1909); at the Convent of St John of God, Wexford to his sister Mai (2 August 1910); at Enghien, Belgium to his father (2 - 14 October 1912); while giving missions in Clare, Cork, Limerick and Dublin and working at Rathfarnham Castle, to his father and sister Mai (20 March 1914 - 6 November 1915).

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series”

  • IE IJA J/2/99
  • File
  • [1949-1970]; 11 July 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

“Father Willie” (Father Willie Doyle, SJ) as part of the “Irish Messenger Series” published by the Irish Messenger Office. Includes a note from Diarmuid [ ], Fitzpatrick’s Book Shop, 12 Cathedral Street, Upper O’ Connell Street, Dublin to Fr Fergal [McGrath] SJ in which he refers to a reprint of an insert letter by T. Cain, 22 Limetree Crescent, Cockermouth, Cumberland which corrects Fr Doyle’s date of death.

Irish Messenger Office, 1888-

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ

Copy letter from Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Mr Joseph Hurley SJ concerning faults he must correct before progressing to Theology.

Kieran, Laurence J, 1881-1945, Jesuit priest

Letter requesting Fr Joseph Hurley SJ cease working on the organisation of local branches of the Gaelic League

  • IE IJA J/3/36
  • File
  • 4 October 1946; 8 October 1946
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Copy letter from [Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ], St. Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Joseph Hurley SJ instructing him to cease working on the organisation of local branches of the Gaelic League. Remarks '...I think that it would be better if you did not even write on this subject...' Includes a reply from Fr Hurley, St. Stanislaus College, Tullamore, County Offaly.

Hurley, Joseph, 1905-1984, Jesuit priest and Irish language editor

Letter from Fr Joseph Hurley SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning a crisis in the administration of Cullacht Mhuire

Letter from Fr Joseph Hurley SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Cecil McGarry SJ concerning a crisis in the administration of Cullacht Mhuire with a knock on effect in the administration of FÁS and An Timire. Seeks an appointment with Fr Provincial to discuss the situation. Refers also to his health and expresses his concern for the survival of An Timire under the circumstances.

Hurley, Joseph, 1905-1984, Jesuit priest and Irish language editor

Letter from Fr Joseph Hurley SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his wish to pass on the editorship of An Timire to somebody else

Letter from Fr Joseph Hurley SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Cecil McGarry SJ concerning his health and his wish to pass on the editorship of An Timire to somebody else. Suggests Fr Sean Ó Duibhir SJ. Includes a copy reply from Fr Provincial.

Hurley, Joseph, 1905-1984, Jesuit priest and Irish language editor

Financing of the Chikuni mission

File relating to the financing of the Chikuni mission. Contains a letter to Dr Adam Kozlowiecki SJ, Archbishop of Lusaka, from Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ and resume of payments made to the Chikuni mission from 1964-1969.

Martin, Thomas James, 1907-1978, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows

A file of letters relating to Fr Matthias Bodkin's sister (Rosie Bodkin), Sr Teresa Magdalen's final vows. Includes a letter from Sr Teresa Dympna, Prioress, Carmelite Monastery of the Incarnation, Hampton, Drumcondra, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial seeking permission for Fr Bodkin to be present at the ceremony.

Bodkin, Matthias, 1896-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Visit of Mondragone party

Visit of Mondragone party which included three priests, two scholastics and sixteen pupils of the Collegio Nobile of Mondragone, Frascati, Italy and Jesuits including Frs Sean McCarron (Superior of Manresa), Denis P. Kennedy (Rector of Belvedere College), Peader McSeaumais (Belvedere College) and Laurence Kearns(Minster of Manresa), on pier in Dublin Bay, 7 August 1950;

Visit of Mondragone party which stayed at Manresa

Visit of Mondragone party which stayed at Manresa - included three priests, two scholastics and sixteen pupils of the Collegio Nobile of Mondragone, Frascati, Italy and Jesuits( including front row, l-r: Mr Delmirari J, Sigior Bellegamba (Italian Legation), Fr. Alberico Grass SJ. Fr Denis P. Kennedy SJ (Rector of Belvedere College), Mr Waldron (Dept. of External Affairs), Fr Chile DJ, Fr Bondani SJ, Fr Laurence Kearns SJ (Minister Manresa). Back row: Mr Phelan, Mr Mooney, Fr Sean McCarron SJ (Superior Manresa), Fr Charles Byrne SJ (Belvedere College), [ ], Fr Peader McSeaumais SJ (Belvedere College) and [ ], at Manresa, Dollymount 9 August 1950;

Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ

Letter from Leslie Reade, 100 Ivor Court, Gloucester Place, London to Fr Frank Browne SJ thanking him for letting him see your menu and the Cabin Plan. Included is a carbon copy of letter from Leslie Reade to R Deegan, 62 Priory Avenue, Stillorgan, County Dublin, regarding one of Fr Browne’s Titanic photographs and copyright fee.

Reade, Leslie

Various photographs of Frank Browne

Various photographs of Frank Browne:

  • as a teenager, posing with a bike [1894-1898] with caption on the reverse ‘The long expected photo from Col. J. !!!!’;
  • portrait photograph of Fr Frank Browne SJ by C. and L. Walsh, 55 Lower Mount Street, Dublin [1925-1945];
  • Fr Frank Browne SJ taken by Bertie, 1936;
  • Fr Frank Browne SJ atop a rock in County Wicklow, with caption, not by Fr Browne on reverse ([1930-1950]);
  • Frank Browne SJ by Richard Brenan SJ;
  • negatives of self- portrait of Fr Browne.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Jesuits ordained at Milltown Park

Jesuits ordained at Milltown Park, including Fr Frank Browne and his uncle, Robert Browne, bishop of Cloyne, on mounted card.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Robert Joseph Francis Martin (Bertie) at various locations

Robert Joseph Francis Martin (Bertie) at various locations including:

  1. With friends in Kenmare, Kerry;
  2. Panorama of the Glengarriffe Road, Cork;
  3. Kenmare River, Kerry;
  4. Swimming;
  5. Reading outdoors;
  6. Portrait near a ruin;
  7. Smoking a pipe; method of photograph on reverse;
  8. At Dublin airport;
  9. 'The way thro the woods', Igls, Austria;
  10. ‘Having a breather’ - Igls, Austria.

Martin, Robert Joseph Francis, 1898-1989

Gardiner Street ‘excursion’ to Lough Tay

Gardiner Street ‘excursion’ to Lough Tay. L-r: Fr Frank Browne SJ, P McGlade, N J Tomkin, Charles Farley, John Fahy, Matthew Devitt, J Keane and M Phelan taken at Mrs McGurk’s cottage, Lough Bray, Wicklow.

Photographs taken by Fr Richard Brenan SJ of Fr Frank Browne SJ

Negatives taken by Fr Richard Brenan SJ of:

  1. Fr Frank Browne SJ at desk;
  2. Mr Maurice Leahy SJ, Fr William White SJ and Fr Frank Browne SJ at breakfast at Gonzaga College;
  3. students playing rugby at Gonzaga College.

Positive photograph of Mr Maurice Leahy SJ, Fr William White SJ and Fr Frank Browne SJ at breakfast.

Brenan, Richard Henry, 1918-1995, Jesuit priest

‘The Irish Digest’

  • IE IJA J/7/183
  • File
  • December 1954-January 1955
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

‘The Irish Digest’, with condensed articles which Fr Frank Browne SJ has marked, Howth, p.69 and Glaslough, p.34.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Sherwood Fields, Galway

Copy of draft deed related to lands in Sherwood Fields, Rahoon, Galway deposited with the Sisters of Mercy, 'This Indenture made the 23 day of May 1864 Between Joseph Lentaigne of Upper Gardiner Street in the City of Dublin and Fr Stephen A Farrell SJ of the Town of Galway...John William Whaley of Hardwick Street'. Written on a copy of the register of persons entitled to vote for the election of MP's of the Barony of Kilconnell, County Galway, 30 November 1861 - 1 December 1862.

Lentaigne, Joseph, 1805-1884, Jesuit priest

Fr Gahan's wish to administer to the Catholic population on the Isle of Man

Letter from James Duff, Liverpool to Rev. Matthew J. Gahan SJ, Hardwicke Street Chapel, Dublin seeking confirmation of Fr Gahan's wish to administer to the Catholic population on the Isle of Man. Remarks that he has been in contact with the Bishop who agreed to appoint Fr Gahan to the post as long as his own Bishop agrees.

Duff, James

Letter from William and James Duff, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ

Letter and copy of a letter from William and James Duff, Douglas, Isle of Man to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Hardwicke Street Chapel, Dublin expressing their satisfaction that Fr Gahan is to live and administer in the Isle of Man. Remarks 'we feel that in regard to pecuniary matters you will be a sufferer to a considerable extent by the change. But if the satisfaction of having done an important service to religion as well as to its followers, can be any compensation for this sacrifice you must certainly have an ample recompense.'

Duff, James

Letter from Bishop Penswick to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ on a potential visit to the Isle of Man

Letter from Bishop Penswick, Liverpool to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, Isle of Man concerning a visit he had intended to make to the island. Remarks that because the habeas corpus act has not been sanctioned by the legislators he is going to postpone his visit. Remarks 'I have often thought of you and even expected to be in a situation to relieve your wants; whenever my hopes are realised I will not overlook you.'

Penswick, Thomas, 1772-1836, Roman Catholic Bishop

Letter from Fr Charles Aylmer SJ, Palermo, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, 14 Clarendon Street, Dublin

Letter from Mr Charles Aylmer SJ, Palermo, Italy to Fr Matthew Gahan SJ, 14 Clarendon Street, Dublin describing life amongst the community in Palermo and his work. Refers to Fr Gahan's work in Ireland. Remarks 'You cannot but be well persuaded of the interest we must all take in history of the commencement and progress of our little Irish Province. We have received no information whatever on this subject, and only know that three of you are actually in Dublin'. Remarks that both himself and Fr St. Leger have been ordained. Concludes 'Give me some account of your situation, employment etc. - but remember I do not mean to gratify curiosity; I only wish as much as may satisfy my affection and regard for you all and my zeal for the cause in which you have been the first to embark. Storms may assail you, but you know they are a distinctive mark of every good undertaking.'

Aylmer, Charles, 1786-1849, Jesuit priest

Letters from Willie Doyle, 1886-1896

  • IE IJA J/2/80
  • File
  • 30 May 1886 - 23 August 1896
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Holograph letters and one typewritten letter by Willie Doyle: as a schoolboy in Ratcliffe College, Leicestershire, England to his brother Bob and mother (30 May 1886 - 9 April 1887); as a Jesuit novice at St Stanislaus, Tullabeg, County Offaly to his mother and father, and sisters Mai and Lena (8 August 1891 - 9 July 1892); as a scholastic at Milltown Park, Dublin to his father and brother Bob (31 May - Christmas 1893) and to Brother Cahill on finishing his noviceship (8 June 1893) and at Clongowes Wood College, County Kildare to his mother and father, and brothers Bob and Charles (3 September 1894 - 23 August 1896).

'Actus Generalis ex Universa Theologia'

Actus Generalis ex Universa Theologia, die 30 Junii 1893, (defendet P. Josephus Jouanen). Defence by Josephus Jouanen of his theological studies. at the Aula Maxima, University College. Includes letters to Fr Peter Finlay SJ concerning his organisation of the ‘Grand Act’ (a theological debate) which took place in the Aula Maxima of University College, Stephen’s Green on 30 June 1893 (4 May-16 July 1893, 9 items) and newspaper extracts concerning ‘The Grand Act’ (29 June-1 July 1893, 3 items).

Jouanen, Joseph, 1860-1952, Jesuit priest

Copybooks containing cuttings from The Irish Catholic reporting on a series of theological lectures

Copybooks containing cuttings from The Irish Catholic reporting on a series of theological lectures given by Fr Finlay as Professor of Catholic Theology in the National University of Ireland. One titled ‘Father Peter Finlay’s Univ [ersity] Lectures 1920-21. The Commandments’ (20 November 1920-28 May 1921); the other containing lectures on ‘The Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Man’; ‘The Sacrament of Marriage’; ‘The Sacrament of Holy Orders in the New Testament’; ‘Confirmation and Extreme Unction’ (7 December 1918-14 June 1919) and lectures on Divine Faith (8 May-18 December 1915).

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

Settlement from Miss Evelyn Egan to Fr Peter Finlay SJ

Evelyn Egan, Sion Hill Convent, Blackrock, County Dublin, Spinster: 1st part.
Rev. Peter Finlay SJ, Milltown Park, Milltown, County Dublin;
Daniel Purcell, 45 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin, Solicitor: 2nd part.

Miss Egan appoints Daniel Purcell and Fr Finlay as trustees and transfers £436 4% debenture stock of the Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland Company to the trustees, to be held by them, subject to the following conditions: they shall pay one-fifth of the annual income of the trust fund to the parish priest of Tullamore, county Offaly and one fifth to the Superioress of the Tullamore Convent of Mercy, for the furnishing and upkeep of the parish church ‘now being erected in the town of Tullamore’; one-fifth annually to the St. Vincent de Paul Society; one-fifth to the ‘Police Aided Childrens’ Clothing Society in the City of Dublin for its general purposes’ and one-fifth to the Homestead District Nursing Association of No.22 Lincoln Place. If Miss Egan withdraws at any time from the Dominican Order she shall be at liberty to revoke all or any of the trusts, and the trustees shall transfer the trust fund to her.

'Is One Religion As Good As Another?'

Pamphlet 'Is One Religion As Good As Another?' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Series, Dublin. ‘10th Edition – 80th Thousand’.

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

'The Church and her marriage laws'

Pamphlet ''The Church and her marriage laws'' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Series, Dublin.

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

'The Church and Anti-Clericalism'

Pamphlet entitled 'The Church and Anti-Clericalism' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Social Action Series No. 16, Dublin. Two editions: 1st edition (n.d., 16pp) and 2nd edition (1919, 16pp).

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

Documents relating to Fr Joseph Flinn’s during his time serving as a chaplain

Documents relating to Fr Joseph Flinn’s time as a chaplain attached to VI Corps Rest Station North, 10th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, the Munster Fusiliers, the 60th and 88th Brigade, R.G.A., B.E.F., France. Includes: certificate appointing Fr Flinn Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class, Land Forces (Temporary) (22 March 1917, 1p.);
– letters to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ from Fr Flinn written from the Front (31 January 1917 – 10 October 1918, 21 items).

Flinn, Daniel Joseph, 1877-1943, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Correspondence between Thomas V. Nolan SJ, the War Office and T. Stratton, Staff Officer to Principal Chaplain

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ, the War Office and T. Stratton, Staff Officer to Principal Chaplain (R.C.), concerning the demobilisation of various Irish Jesuits and the need for chaplains for transport ships to Australia.

Nolan, Thomas V, 1867-1941, Jesuit priest

'The Church and secular education'

Pamphlet 'The Church and secular education' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Series, Dublin.

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

Letters to Fr Thomas Finlay SJ from various individuals

  • IE IJA J/9/3
  • File
  • 14 November 1900 – 13 September 1935
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Finlay from various individuals. Includes:
– letter from Lord Cadogan, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, asking Fr Thomas Finlay SJ to become a member of the Board of Intermediate Education (14 November 1900, 1p.);
– letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ regarding finance, University Hall, Rathfarnham Castle and Kennedy case (7 July 1913, 2 items);
– letters from Augustine Birrell, Chief-Secretary of Ireland, concerning grants for the National Library (21 February, 5 March 1915, 2 items);
– letter of congratulation from Timothy Healy, Glenaulin, Chapelizod, County Dublin [following Fr Finlay’s retirement from University College?] (19 December 1930, 2pp);
– letter from John Stafford Johnson, Carrickmines House, Carrickmines, County Dublin informing Fr Finlay that Dr Lea Wilson requested that (John Stafford Johnson) call on you with updates regarding the hospital situation, and childrens hospitals (19 January 1935, 2pp);
– letters from Fr Edward Dillon SJ regarding the progress of Rory O'Connor (payment of his fees) at Mungret College, and Mungret College results of public examinations 1934 and 1935 (4 March, 12- 13 September 1935, 5 items).

Birrell, Augustine, 1850-1933, chief secretary for Ireland

Conveyance and Assignment in Trust for benefit of Poor Purchasers

Conveyance and Assignment in Trust for benefit of Poor Purchasers

Rev. Thomas Finlay, 35 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin (the Settlor): 1st party.
Rev. George Redington Roche, Mungret College Limerick;
Thomas A. Finlay, Longford, County Longford, District Justice and Noel M. Purcell, 45 Lower Leeson Street, solicitor (the Trustees): 2nd part.

Fr. Finlay assigns three plots of ground unto the trustees, along with the premises currently occupied by the Dublin Food Supply Company Ltd., to hold for various terms as given in the three indentures to which the plots are subject to, subject to a number of conditions, including one that the Dublin Food Supply Company shall ‘carry on business solely for the purpose of supplying to the poor, all or any manner of household supplies at such a price and no greater over and above the wholesale price as will cover rents and other costs of distribution.’

The plot of ground in Gloucester Place Upper, parish of St. Thomas, city of Dublin, subject of an indenture of 19 December 1918 between Josephine Hodgens, spinster and Fr. Finlay; plot situated at the rere of the premises in Middle Gardiner Street, Dublin, subject of an indenture of 11 October 1910 between Margaret Alexandrina Brabazon and Fr. Finlay; No. 1 Pimlico, parish of St. Catherine, city of Dublin and ground adjoining it which are subject of an indenture of 28 April 1924 between Michael Joseph Dillon and Fr. Finlay.

Account book for Dublin Food Supply Society Ltd

Account book for Dublin Food Supply Society (DFSS), a society with which Fr Thomas Finlay SJ was associated and whose object was the supply of cheap food to the poor of Dublin in difficulties due to either the Great War or the ‘local Irish situation’.

Dublin Food Supply Society, 1916-1926

Letters of condolence following Fr Thomas Finlay’s death to Fr Provincial Laurence C. Kieran SJ

  • IE IJA J/9/2
  • File
  • 12 January –15 February 1940
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters of condolence following Fr Thomas Finlay’s death to Fr Provincial Laurence C. Kieran SJ, from various organisations with which Fr Finlay was associated. Includes letters from the Senate of the National University of Ireland, the Trustees of the National Library, the Irish Agricultural Wholesale Society, the Central Savings Committee, the Council of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Cavan Urban District Council, the Irish Technical Education Association, the Templecrone Co-operative Agricultural Society and University College Dublin.

Finlay, Thomas A, 1848-1940, Jesuit priest and economist

Covering letter from Noel Purcell to Fr Thomas A. Finlay SJ

Covering letter from Noel Purcell to Fr Finlay (30 December 1930, 1p.) and costs of solicitor Daniel Purcell & Son in account with Rev. Thomas A. Finlay in the matter of the conveyance settlement and appointment of trustees (29 December 1930, 1p.).

Purcell, Noel, solicitor

Results 1 to 100 of 2642