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County Clare
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Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ

  • IE IJA J/199/1
  • File
  • 9 May 1928 - 28 October 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ containing admission details, his work within the Society (chaplain in the Second World War, communications and media work in Zambia and Lesotho, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials. Includes biographical information.

Material relating to Fr Joseph B Conway SJ

  • IE IJA J/100/1
  • File
  • 1 July 1943 - 20 October 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Joseph B Conway SJ including details of entry to the Society of Jesus, catalogue entry, photograph and correspondence.

Material relating to Fr Dermot J Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/262/1
  • File
  • 9 June 1934 - 10 December 1979
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Dermot J Murphy SJ which includes correspondence concerning his work in Zambia and his health. Includes black and white passport size photographs, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Deeds of submission to arbitration the taking of the accounts of the rents received by Mr O'Reilly out of the estates of the co-heiresses of Edward O'Callaghan

Copy draft deeds of submission to arbitration the taking of the accounts of the rents received by Mr O'Reilly out of the estates of the co-heiresses of Edward O'Callaghan and of the application thereof in the matter James John Bagot and Ellen Maria Bagot (nee O'Callaghan), his wife (plaintiffs) and Thomas O'Reilly and Bridget O'Reilly (nee O'Callaghan), his wife, The Honorable Thomas Browne and Catherine Browne (nee O'Callaghan), his wife and others (defendants).

Nine photographic albums belonging to Fr Frank Browne SJ containing positives (his own)

Nine photographic albums belonging to Fr Frank Browne SJ containing positives (his own). Fr Browne has captioned some of the albums:

  1. Crosses of Ireland: 94 photographs.
  2. English churches: 197 photographs.
  3. “People I have seen in many lands”: Scotland, Australia, Africa, Egypt, Tipperary, Ireland, Australia, Ceylon, South Africa. 95 photographs, captioned.
  4. Rock of Cashel, Moyne Abbey, Murrisk Abbey, Buttevant Abbey, Kells, Urlaur, Ardmore. 95 photographs, captioned.
  5. Ardfert Cathedral, Athassel Priory, Ballysadare, Boyle Abbey, Cashel, Claregalway Friary, Crevalea Friary, Kilconell Friary. 1925-29, 96 photographs, captioned.
  6. Religious sites in Clare: Clare Abbey, Ennis, Killaloe, Killone, Quin St Flannan and St Molua. 15-16 August 1930, 96 photographs, captioned.
  7. Prehistoric antiquities around Ireland (ringforts, standing stones, ogham stones, dolmens, Grianán Ailigh). 96 photographs.
  8. Cistercian Abbeys of Ireland: Volume 1. Mellifont, Boyle, Jerpoint, Holy Cross, Dunbrody, Graiguenamanagh, Tracton, Hore. 1929-1930, 179 photographs, captioned.
  9. Cistercian Abbeys of Ireland: Volume 2. Bective, Assaroe, Inniscourey, Tintern, Knockmoy, Kilcooley, Mount St Joseph Roscrea. 1930-1931, 132 photographs, captioned.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Photographs of Fr Timothy Corcoran's family

Photographs of Fr Timothy Corcoran's family, mainly of the carte de visite type

  • Fr Rody Kennedy [1870]-[1900];
  • Fr J Meagher [Meelary] by Millard & Robinson, 39 Sackville Street Lower, Dublin, [1864]-[1887];
  • Unidentified woman by W.B Samuel, Samuel's Studio, 30 Westmoreland Street, Dublin, [1875]-[1888];
  • Mary Dwan, Lisnagonoge, Holycross, Thurles, County Tipperary by J. Pender, 5 & 6, Little George Street, Waterford, 10 August 1866;
  • Alice Mac[Namara] (Alice Dwan), Westgate, Thurles, County Tipperary, c.[1870]-[1887];
  • Unidentified woman by H. Hunter, 61 South Mall and 102 Patrick Street, Cork, c.[1860]-[1869];
  • Winifred Corcoran, aged 17-18 when photo taken on 19 September 1867. She died 1 September 1870 at Honeymount, County Tipperary. By James Simonton, 70 Grafton Street, Dublin;
  • [Honeymount House], County Tipperary c.[1870]-[1900];
  • Mary A [Tempance] by Mrs Slator Photographic Artist, [13 Harbour Row, Queenstown, Cork, c.1871];
  • Unidentified woman [Egan], by G. Elliott, Photographer, Sopwell, Shinrone, [County Offaly], c.[1870]-[1900];
  • Unidentified woman by E. & J. Lauder photographic studio, 22 Westmoreland Street, Dublin, c.[1870]-[1900];
  • Miss C. E. Evans, by Peter Collins, artist and photographer, Kilkee and Clonmel, c.[1870]-[1900];
  • cabinet card of unidentified woman [Corcoran, Dwan or Ryan] by Studio of A. L. Lehnkering, 208 East Main Street, Rochester, New York, [1880-1909].

Copy of 'Meditations and devotions, part three, Meditations of Christian Doctrine'

Copy of ‘Meditations and devotions, part three, Meditations of Christian Doctrine’ by John Henry Cardinal Newman belonging to Fr John Naughton SJ. The copy is annotated by Fr Naughton with his prayers and notes with inserts. Includes reference to retreats he gave, Kilkee 30th August 1910.

Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890, Saint, Roman Catholic Cardinal, theologian, and educationist

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'

Correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial and successive editors of the 'Irish Monthly'. Includes: letters, memoranda and notes relating to deliberations on the future of the magazine in November 1932, discussions on the terms upon which the management of the 'Irish Monthly' could be changed and letters concerning the controversy caused by an article entitled ‘The Papal Encyclicals and the Banking Commission’ by Fr Edward Coyne SJ in which Fr Coyne was said by Mr Peter O'Loghlen, T.D. to have made ‘gravely misleading and damaging’ comments with reference to Mr O'Loghlen’s Report as a member of the Banking Commission.

Letter from Sir Thomas Larcom, Director of the Irish Ordnance Survey to Eugene O’Curry regarding a map of county Clare

Letter from Sir Thomas Larcom, Director of the Irish Ordnance Survey to [Eugene O'Curry] regarding a map of county Clare. Remarks that he has once more written to Captain [ ] ‘ say the map cannot be too good...’. Continues ‘ a principle it is very necessary that in Dublin you should all work in one place...’.

Larcom, Sir Thomas Aiskew, 1801-1879, surveyor, administrator, and under-secretary for Ireland

Photographic album by Fr Stephen Bates SJ

Photographic album by Fr Stephen Bates SJ. The photographs depict Jesuits and outdoor scenes such as on villa at:

  • Ballytrent, Wicklow (1929 and 1930);
  • Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin (1928);
  • Gormanstown (1928);
  • Clydagh, County Galway (1926, 1927);
  • the play 'Pinafore', Mungret College, Limerick (1931);
  • Lough Bray, Wicklow (1928);
  • Aloysus Dando, Donald Roset and John Moran, Jersey (17 March 1929);
  • Milltown (1928);
  • Cliffs of Moher (1933);
  • Ballydavid, Kerry (1935);
  • Kilkee, Clare (1933);
  • Killarney, Kerry (1932 and 1945);
  • Waterville, Kerry (1931 and 1932);
  • Caragh Lake, Kerry (1932);
  • Clongowes Wood College, Kildare (1932);
  • Clane, Kildare;
  • Prosperous, Kildare;
  • Maynooth, Kildare;
  • Mount Brandon, Kerry;
  • Killaloe, Clare (1943 and 1945);
  • Keeper Hill, Tipperary (1944 and 1945);
  • Quin Abbey, Clare (1944);
  • Lough Derg;
  • Sacred Heart Church, Limerick;
  • Long Avenue, Limerick;
  • Manister Abbey, Limerick;
  • Junior Rugby Team, Crescent, Limerick (1944 and 1945);
  • Dromore Lake, Limerick (1945);
  • aeroplanes at Rineanna, Clare (1946);
  • Tramore, Waterford (1946);
  • new College extension at Crescent (January 1946);
  • Crescent rugby City Cup winners (1946) and match at Mardyke, Cork (1947);

Fr Paul P O'Dea SJ

Material relating to Fr Paul P O'Dea SJ, including his mother's (Mrs Bridget O'Dea) will.

O'Dea, Paul P, 1894-1972, Jesuit priest

Fr William Richard Prendergast SJ

A file relating to Fr William R Prendergast SJ, including application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, memorial card and an album of black and white photographs (Jesuit life, villa, school and family photographs (1916-1950).

Prendergast, William Richard, 1906-1971, Jesuit priest

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ

A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ (term as Fr Provincial 1863 - 19 April 1870). Includes an index/précis to the letters by [ ]. Other letters including undated letters have been added to, but not described, Fr E O'Reilly's list, J455.

Survey map of the Barony of Tulla, County Clare

Survey map of Lackile and several other denominations, Barony of Tulla, parish of Clounlea, County Clare being the estate of the co- heiresses of the late Edmond O'Callaghan. Includes a map of Coolnahely, Barony of Tulla, Parish of Killurin being the estate of the co-heiresses of the late Edmond O'Callaghan. Includes a table of tenants on the land and a description of their holdings.

Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ

A file of letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes a letter remarking 'May the Lord reward you for getting us this place; it is like a paradise to come back to after the bustle and rush of the missions' (13 January [1914], 1p). Includes letters volunteering to serve as a war chaplain (4 - 26 November 1914, 3 items).

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Address of the Catholic Parishioners of Kilrush to the Jesuit fathers

  • address of the Catholic Parishioners of Kilrush to the Jesuit fathers on the conclusion of the mission (27 May 1854);
  • a list of subscribers for the Jesuit mission (28 May 1854);
  • copy of pamphlets entitled ‘Blasphemy! Blasphemy! BLASPHEMY!! by ‘A Trinity Student’ on the moves ‘by the PARSON of Carrigaholt, and SECONDED by the “Ennis Freeman”…
  • notice ‘To Joseph F. Robbins, Vicar of Kilrush’ (23 May 1854).
  • details of missions given by Jesuits in Wexford and Killaloe, 1856 - 1858 taken from The Tablet;
  • missions in 1864 (a list by F. Haly);
  • missions of the Fathers of the Society of Jesus in Ireland in the year 1866 - 1868 by Fr Robert Haly SJ.

Letters from John Kenny, Ennis, County Clare to Dr Charles Russell concerning information on the Siege of Limerick, the 1798 Rebellion and John MacNamara

Two letters from John Kenny (born 1784), Ennis, County Clare to Dr Charles Russell concerning information on the Siege of Limerick and the 1798 Rebellion. Remarks 'In reply to your enquiry regarding John MacNamara, I was in his house when he died. This must have been before March 1799...I...have no further recollection of his having stated that he was at the Siege of Limerick than that I well remember his contrasting the mildness of the executions during the Rebellion of 1798 with the wholesale slaughter he himself witnessed in the same place.' (1 April 1863, 4pp). Gives names and ages of those he know whose age exceeded 100.

The O'Callaghan estate in County Clare

  • IE IJA J/455/6
  • File
  • 1813-1 November 1816; 1 May 1850 - 1 November 1860
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to the O'Callaghan estate in County Clare. Fr Edmund O'Reilly's mother Bridget O'Callaghan was a co-heiress of her father's estate in Clare. Includes rental accounts for the estate, with names.

Letters from Fr Willie Doyle SJ, 1907-1915

  • IE IJA J/2/82
  • File
  • 28 July 1907 - 6 November 1915
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of holograph letters and typewritten letters by Fr Willie Doyle SJ concerning his ordination at Milltown Park (28 July 1907); tertianship at L’ Ancienne Abbaye, Tronchiennes, Belgium to his mother and father, his sister Mai and brother Charles (October 1907 - 21 July 1908); attending a mission in Great Yarmouth (20 April 1908); work as a minister at Belvedere College to his sister Mai (April - July 1909); at the Convent of St John of God, Wexford to his sister Mai (2 August 1910); at Enghien, Belgium to his father (2 - 14 October 1912); while giving missions in Clare, Cork, Limerick and Dublin and working at Rathfarnham Castle, to his father and sister Mai (20 March 1914 - 6 November 1915).

Holograph letter from Michael Fogarty, bishop of Killaloe to Fr Frank Browne SJ

Holograph letter from Michael Fogarty, bishop of Killaloe to Fr Frank Browne SJ regarding the notes of Robert Browne, bishop of Cloyne with sermon note with headed paper, Bishop’s House, Cobh. Includes pamphlet entitled ‘Panegyric on Most Rev. Dr. Browne, Bishop of Cloyne, delivered at the Month’s Mind, in the Cathedral, Cobh, on the 2nd May 1935, by Most Rev. Dr, Fogarty, Bishop of Killaloe’. 12pp.

Fogarty, Michael, 1859-1955, Roman Catholic Bishop of Killaloe

Will of Ruby M. B. Lynch

A file relating to the will of Ruby M. B. Lynch, Walton Lodge, Ballysheen, Sixmilebridge, County Clare and her bequest to the Society of Jesus of her property to be used to educate members of the order or as a place of retreat.

General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny

  • Fonds
  • 1809-2013
  • History of General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny collection;
  • Lithographs & Posters;
  • Military;
  • Scottish Widows’ Fund and Life Assurance Society, Finance and Ireland;
  • Correspondence;
  • Boer War;
  • 1906 Travels.

Kelly-Kenny, Sir Thomas, 1840-1914, General